Eruption could do with a visual indicator

I know there are a lot of threads about "Eruption being OP" and/or "Eruption hurts solo queue".
Whilst I do agree with this sentiment, I do strongly believe a better way of "balancing" Eruption should be to add a visual indicator. Similarly to how Blast Mine has a smoke grenade above the generator it has been applied to:
This way, players that might not have seen the killer kick the generator can instantly tell whether they want to take the chance repairing the generator, or not.
I firmly believe that the developers are doing a great job switching up the meta, but counterplay should be in place too. Let me know your thoughts!
That will not solve anything. Problem with eruption is strong 3-gen (or any situation where you still have a few gens close to each other). Killer will just kick all of them - so you know that they are trapped. But there's nothing for you to do about that one - but eat those penalties.
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But then you still don't know when to let go of the gen to not get Incapacitated.
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The problem is that knowing which gen is trapped does not help you countering it. Many players can see the killers kicking the gen but they get hit anyway because they will lose more time finding another gen.
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Just put an Eruption icon in the bottom left corner of the screen as soon as the killer kicks a single gen, like how Unnerving Presence is shown. Now survivors would have to keep that in mind, any generator will explode at any second.
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3-gen situations can be countered pretty easily. When you spawn, just work on the furthest gen from your spawn, whilst your teammates work on the ones where you spawn. The whole 3-gen situation only really occurs if survivors don't think before they complete gens. I'm sure you can find a guide somewhere if you need help on where generators can spawn, etc.
Once you break the 3 gen, the killer can only really patrol 2 generators with Eruption.
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This is a great suggestion! Again, this thread isn't intended for an immediate rant about how "this perk needs nerfing". Just adding something to add counterplay to a strong perk. Thanks for the great suggestion dude!
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Blast mine doesn't show the grenade on the killer perspective.
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I'm suggesting a change for the survivor perspective, not for the killers? Why would a killer need to know which gen they've applied Eruption to if they already have a yellow aura on the generator...
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But how would this help survivors? They still don't know when to let go of a gen to not get hit by the ridiculous 25 seconds incapacitated effect duration.
That's the actual problem with Eruption. The incapacitated effect needs to be nerfed hard. It would be fine if they also buffed the regression a bit in that case.
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I wont exactly "help" but it would make it more fair
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Exactly, couldn't have said it better!
Can I just say, I'm all for nerfing the incapacitated effect, I agree it can be a pain in several situations. However, I wanted to create this thread, not as one of many "I cannot stand this effect it needs changing" or a bash at the developers (as that's just unhelpful). Instead, I wanted this to be a case of "this small tweak could help solo queued survivors or people that didn't see the killer kick the gen".
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Uh huh. That's my point. You said eruption should have an indicator that it's on gen, just like blast mine. It doesn't. Not for the relevant side.
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Do people not engage in chases with killers lol. Sounds like the ones complaining are the ones hiding and trying to do gens then get seen and downed instantly lol.
I have only had a few matches where that perk has bin a big factor. Most of the time the killer is too busy chasing me or sticks to 1-2 gens
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So... Are you asking for Blast Mine to be reworked so the killer can see the indicator? Sorry, I don't understand your question or the relevance here?...
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My understanding had always been the issue with Eruption is primarily the 30-ish second long Incapacitated status effect. The problem there being that not only is the gen blowing up and regressing, not only are you stuck with no way to do anything about it, but you have know way of knowing when it'll even happen.
That's why my main idea has always been add a tiny delay between down and explosion. Not so much the it's too easily avoidable but enough that an alert survivor has a chance to let go in time.
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Yeah, that's a great idea! I mean, my suggestion was only really something on top of that. Just so it's even more clear to solo queued survivors.
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So are you proposing a rework to Blast Mine? Either way, I don't understand the relevance here...
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They're saying Blast Mine doesn't alert the killer to its presence until they kick a gen the same way Eruption doesn't alert the Survivor to its presence until someone's downed and the gen blows.
So Blast Mine doesn't work as a comparison/solution because the side that could actually use the visual indicator can't actually see the visual indicator.
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But isn't that my suggestion, to add a visual indicator so people are aware of the perk being active?
Above someone quite helpful suggested a perk indicator, similar to how Unnerving Presence (the doctor teachable) is shown when active. Which could be great :D
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I am already doing that. It does not really matter. You don't need to have 3 gens within 15m of each other to be in a 3gen. And if you play against wesker or any other high mobility killer (blight, billi, ...) then the distance can be even that much higher and it will still not make a difference.
Anyway when I play the killer it's around when 6-5 gens are still incomplete (2-3 gens need to be done by survs) that I look for my 3gen for repeated kicking. The game starts to be quite easy from that point, because you no longer need to patrol whole map.
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The solution is don't three gen yourself.
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I can force 3gen with my wesker EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. that I don't get something as large as disturbed ward. It's not hard really
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It's also not hard to prevent a 3-gen, once you know the generator spawns it's pretty easy to know which genorators to prioritize as a survivor.
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That does not matter. I will give them 0 time to work on my 3gen. I will just patrol it from the get go of the game. It works. And I don't even mean 3 closest generators. I don't need to patrol that best 3gen. I can patrol 2nd or 3rd best 3gen without any issue (it's usually done by keeping 1 specific gen in game that connects to multiple possible 3gens). I won myself quite a few games by this already
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No, you can't. No killer can. You can't hold M1 for Survivors. Only Survivors can complete generators. What you mean is "I can camp a three gen I picked out". But THEY have to do the generators.
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I just had a situation like this yesterday. And guess what: my team mindlessly repairs safe gens while I, who wanted to break the 3gen at Torment Creek's main, am harassed by a Legion with full slow down over and over again.....
Sry. But dumb mates exist.
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Ok then. I can force keep having 3 gens close to each other with some other gens still maybe potentially being in game. What does this change?
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I think it just needs a difficult skill check trigger tbh, so if they fail the skill check (or anyone else on the gen) then they get hit with the incapacitated so it's more of a skill thing to avoid it, however the regression still applies but you deny the killer info if your on the gen and may let you work on it longer
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Still doesn't change on how unpredictable it is. If it wasn't for incapacitated, then people might ignore it.