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Can't Move as killer [CONSOLE]

Every time I get into a game as killer, the game is normal, except I can't move, turn around, interact or use my powers. For some reason, the only thing I can move is the cursor, which shouldn't even be there.
Step 1 : Boot the game
Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match
Step 3 : Can't do anything, can't move, can't teleport.
- Character played - Onryo, Cenobite, Mastermind, Huntress.
- Perks played - All of them.
- Map - All of them.
- Frequency of the issue - Every killer game.
Same issue
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do you play on PS4?
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I have experienced this also when I tried to play a custom game with bots. The game loads in, but the menu cursor is still on the screen.
Play on PS5.
Step 1: Start a custom game as a Killer and add 4 bots. (I tried The Knight and The Shape)
Step 2: Wait for the game to load
Step 3: Watch your chosen killer refuse to obey you by standing completely still while bots pop gens and walk to the gates.
This issue happened again tonight, but I reset the console and it seemed to have fix itself somehow.
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I'm having the same issue on survivor side as well. I'm unable to play and I'm losing everything I bring because of it. I leave the match then I get a penalty. It happens ever other match. Only thing I found that works is to restart the game but it gives me one game to play before it does it again.
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I've experienced this as survivor and killer both. I'm on PS5 as well. Same setup as everyone else, and happens regardless of chosen killer or survivor.
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Still happening!!! this should be fix already.
sick of wasting all my best $h¡t just to spawn in and can't move.