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The Twins Game Breaking Bug

chaley12 Member Posts: 1

Step 1 : Start the game

Step 2 : Play as The Twins in a public match

Step 3 : In-game, release Viktor, and freely transition back to Charlotte

Step 4 : If Viktor is destroyed this bug does not seem to occur

Step 5 : Once you transition to Charlotte you will stop part way breaking your camera to always look downward. You can no longer move the camera up or down, but you can still look left and right and perform regular actions.

Step 6 : Once you have achieved this frozen camera state, vaulting a window, or resummoning viktor will break all movement entirely for the rest of the match. You won't be able to move the camera, move your character, nor attack in this completely frozen state.

  • Character played : The Twins
  • Perks played : Played 2 games with completely different perk loadouts aside from the perk save the best for last.
  • Map : The map with the church, and The Game.
  • Frequency of the issue : Immediately without fail on both games played as The Twins.

This image is after the bug has occurred. You can see that I have filled the bar for summoning Viktor, and I am frozen completely.

8 votes

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  • Pieghetti
    Pieghetti Member Posts: 6

    I experienced this exact bug too (on pc). I won't be playing twins until this gets fixed.

  • SpookyCatto
    SpookyCatto Member Posts: 16

    I have the exact same bug, I could've gotten a down on Father Campbells, I tagged a survivor with Viktor on endgame and they were trying to leave and when I went to hit them I just couldn't, they ended up crushing Viktor and escaping, as Charlotte was looking down all the time, then in another game I downed a survivor with Viktor and went back to Charlotte, vaulted a window into basement (Lerys map) and I couldn't move or look around, I could use steam overlay and press esc and the menu would show but couldn't do anything in-game.

  • KiaTheDead
    KiaTheDead Member Posts: 15

    Experienced the same bug, was unable to move after switching and then vaulting a window. Forced to DC.

  • Ronsone
    Ronsone Member Posts: 216

    Same after the yesterday's patch too. They did not fixed them and still are so broken. 🤦‍♂️

  • KrissPLAY
    KrissPLAY Member Posts: 30

    They are ignoring this bug and closing the posts about it 😭

  • Zmbieznya
    Zmbieznya Member Posts: 1

    Yeah.... Still remains unfixed. Except now if you're lucky, the camera is just further back so you can see Charlotte's hood and some hair. Otherwise, same nonsense. Can't move. Can't do anything.

  • Rookie1111
    Rookie1111 Member Posts: 2

    BHVR are you sure you weren't hallucinating when you "fixed" the twins?

  • Ronsone
    Ronsone Member Posts: 216

    Before of this update, while I was Charlotte bugged and catch up a David next a pallet, I was stunned with him on charlotte shoulder for the entire game until he disconnected, while a few of hours ago same issue, but grabbing a Feng while she out of a locker. 🤦‍♂️ Her teammates blind me and nothing happened. The trial has ended with her death on my shoulder. 🤦‍♂️ In another game I switched from each other cause of the bug while an Elodie kick Victor and I was bugged as Charlotte. This bug is so frustrating...