The Knight | Discussion Thread

BillsHere101 Member Posts: 247
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

Post here your videos, images, feedback, guides, bugs, anything about the Knight!

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  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Feed back the knights guards need to adjust their pathing when phasing through objects

    they blindly go to the first point of vision and don't change depending on the surivors position

  • killer998
    killer998 Member Posts: 100
    edited November 2022

    There's not much to say about him that's good tbh. He's honestly so bad it's ridiculous. He has to be one of the most survivor friendly killers they've ever released.

    His power is not only awful, it's painful. You can't see the survivors but they can see you making the path, they can hear you making a path. The guards take too long to activate. since they can also hear and see you making a path on top of their activation the survivors are gone by the time you're done setting it up holding forward. They're slow af, they're dumb af. They get stuck all the time. They can see the guards auras as they're patrolling and the Path the guards are patrolling.

    It's harder to do but they can also take the banner and get a speed boost and endurance.

    The power is also clunky af. There's so many points where you're not allowed to use it. It takes a hot second to start channeling it and it feels like the orbs a drop-down than a spawn in with the camera angle. You can get stuck on things when you're trying make a path and on controller at least let me tell you, it can be f'ing hard to get out of being stuck in a wall or object.

    He gets fat shamed at loops at times or in chase he can't fit through things. He's loud af as he stomps around.

    He feels rushed for the Christmas sales and he's just obscenely weak overall. At the higher levels of play where swfs rule and survivors sweat non stop he literally gets nothing but hardcore stomped outside of camping. He's a good camper but that's it and that only goes to show how yet again, bad he is.

    The only place he can be decent is at the lower ranks of play where most of the player base is. That can be the only place he can thrive. Where no one has a clue what's happening and are learning the game.

    He CANNOT contest the top level of play in his current state. You might get the one game here or there if you're really lucky or the survs F up big time. But he genuinely can't compete with them.

  • BillsHere101
    BillsHere101 Member Posts: 247

    Assassin stuck in generator.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Forget top level a noob who dosent understand dbd can beat him because most just hold forward

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 293
    edited November 2022

    I actually had some good results with him by just using the guards to do stuff like kick gens or destroy pallets while im chasing another survivor. They are absolutely useless in chase though and everytime u try to set up something with them u just make it worse since survivors just gain distance.

    The guards are way too slow to ever catch up in a chase and their pathfinding is just horrendous. They get stuck on everything even though I'm not even sure if thats their fault or the collission just being what it is on most maps.

    I generally like the idea of a killer like the knight but he is badly executed and his timing is very bad. We are in the middle of the "hold W" meta so a killer that would have been capable of at least partially shaking this meta up would have been way better imo. That killer wouldn't even have to be super strong but just something holding W wouldn't help against and encourage survivors to actually reconsider their builds and learn how to properly loop and not just hold W and hammer spacebar and try to make it through the match. That would make the matches way more diverse and not the stale survivors with sprint burst on huge map vs nurse type of thing. Maybe even encourage many killers to switch of nurse or blight since the survivor builds did get more diverse but thats just thinking loudly.

    But yeah he is pretty bad and totally can't keep up with most other killers. Just an M1 killer with a useless gimmick.

    If I try to think about how to fix him I really like the idea of the guards actually being able to break stuff on their own. So I would make it that he can look at a gen on the map and then tell his guard to go break it once every 30 seconds or so. Much like the freddy teleport. The guard is super slow and doesnt attack but gives like a cue when he runs into a survivor.

    He could then get another power for chases like leaving a guard where he stands that doesnt attack but just blocks a path. Since most jungle gyms have more than one exit anyways that wouldn't be too broken and if the survivor plays it well they would probably get out anyways.

  • Dramzar_Myers
    Dramzar_Myers Member Posts: 131

    Well...I really like this killer. I am not joking. He is preety fun to play and his power not so useless how it looks on the first sight. Placing guards to patrol some gens, camp hooks or break some pallets it's the simplest use for it, It also usefull for me in chases because it can create lose/lose situations for survivors. I don't want guards to hit survivors for me. I want to corner them with my ghost comrade and chop them into nice and tasty survivor meat salad. And using power like that in my games it works. Not always, because for me it's still new killer. But in 4 cases of 6 I can give hit using it. And in 1 of this 4 - it's instadown because two hits by me and guard almost in the same time)

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    i have played against knight so many times, swf and soloQ since release. And only today in 1 RPD map it wasnt a case where he completely owned us. And it was soloQ.

    Your litteraly speaking my mind about knight, there is so much wrong i dont even feel to make a feedback post about it, especcially since all the things i (and many others btw) suggested in the PTB feedback got straight ignored. He really feels like he needs to cather to survivors and hand everything to them.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658
    edited November 2022

    I’ve been using him since last night. I’ve been winning a lot. His power denies, and forces survivors away from key loops that would make most killers waste valuable time.

    What you want to do is force survivors to break pallets around key areas. Then when their options are limiting throw the henchmen at those. For example, you encourage survivors to break pallets all around killer shed. When survivors run around/in the shed you send henchmen inside to force them out into the open. You basically get a free hit, or down most times.

    Totems are incredibly powerful on Knight since you can potentially break from chase that would otherwise give survivors time to cleanse, and scare survivors off of them with his power. I see many streamers using Lethal Pursuer. Face the Darkness is almost integral to him, and maybe even most killers. You want a constant, consistent idea of where players are as killer when you make progress. Which is you hitting players. If they heal, or get downed the totem will “leave”. Protecting itself. Surprised FtD isn’t considered meta yet. It even counters Distortion.

    Knight isn’t a reflex, snap judgement killer like Nurse, or Blight. He’s more of a “big brain” killer that has to be many steps ahead. Which can be very very difficult in this game. That’s why players have a hard time using him. We’re use to killers that don’t require tact, and killer mains find such killers boring. Survivors especially since being a survivor is almost always about making snap judgement.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    He's great at camping, protecting totems, and locking down 3 gens. If you try to play him as an aggressive chaser, he sucks

  • GlitchyGamer
    GlitchyGamer Member Posts: 39

    Every game I've been in with him(like 20) the knight downs one person and then uses his lackeys to camp. He can literally camp and tunnel at the same time. Behavior got creative with this one. DBD deserves to die at this point. Each update gets worse and worse.