Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Hillbilly - How to reduce his camping potential, but make him more fun in chases

Member Posts: 496
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Edit: Otzdarva proposed even simplier solution. When Hillbilly hits survivor during unhooking animation the chainsaw instantly overheats so it's impossible to get 2 downs on healthy survivors while camping. Maybe it's better than my ideas?


Intro: Hillbilly nerf was the most underserved and unwelcomed changed in the entire game. Literally noone complained about him and he was at the top of most fun to play and go against killers. He was a perfect killer who was strong the entire game and couldn't be disrespected, but was quite easy to outplay if survivor actually tried (If you get backrubbed it is your fault as survivor - no exceptions to this).

Right now his chainsaw can overheat quite easily if you try to do anything else than chase like m1 killer and do eventual backrub. Missing the chainsaw is already very punishing, there is really no need to punish this killer further. I can't recall any person who plays boths sides that was happy with his nerf. The only thing which was good about his nerf was removing his ability to camp endlessly and without any counter.

Thing that makes the least sense is huge chunk of overheat meter gained when just feathering the chainsaw... the most punishing and stupid mechanic so far.


Changes that will make him more fun for both sides:.

Double the current overheating gains, but Hillbilly only gains heat when within 10m of hooked survivor.

This is very straightforward. You can't camp (I mean, you can, but it's very easy to bait you to overheat this way), but in chases you can use chainsaw as much as you desire. I think this is the easiest to implement and answers all the issues with current chainsaw.


Other, more detailed variant.

Reduce the heat gained by chainsaw to 50% of the current speed and remove feathering gain (initial burst of heat when you click m2) - as a baseline.

When close to the hook, Hillbilly suffers from feathering heat gain and his revving gain is increased to 250% of current number. This gradually get's lower the further away the killer is from the hook up to 15m. (For example, when 10m from hook he gainst heat at 166% of current speed).


PS: Bring back the addon that slightly reduced duration of animation when ending the chainsaw sprint... Please...

Post edited by Ssajbambusa on

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  • Member Posts: 496

    Bumping up, cause Otz proposed something similiar, yet simplier.

    When Hillbilly hits survivor during unhooking animation the chainsaw instantly overheats so it's impossible to get 2 downs on healthy survivors while camping.

    This is literally one additional condition so it's way easier to implement than my ideas.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Agreed man, the overheat is just too much... But I like Otz's suggestion since with this you do not create safe zones around camped survivors... Also Addons buffs would be great as most of his current addons are just useless...

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    hill billy is bad in camp lol

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Not the best camper but I would say at least on the better half... He has an instadown that's more than most killers have ...

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    Hillbilly Nerf Denial is a real conspiracy in this community. You would think it hard for a person to deny other people's experiences and perspectives in two paragraphs. But here we are. To set the record straight, No there were complaints and no it was not fun to go against and YES, people actually tried to go against it and they failed too often, bHVR agreed Billy was too strong. Yikes man, BIG Yikes.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Insta saw was too strong and bad players complained... Since even then good players knew how to deal with a good billy...

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    The point is the people who actually knew how to do curves and stuff almost always used crack billy or even double engravings... And I don't think you reasonably complain about that. Instasaw yeah sure, that's bs and a no brainer many times so sure, give that thing all the hate you want... But not Curve billy...

  • Member Posts: 496
    edited November 2022

    No man, that's BS.

    Bhvr literally stated that Billy is the best designed killer in their eyes in the notes of the patch. His chases are fun and require input from both sides with the better player usually coming on top while being a real threat for the whole trial. His problems were that he was too strong at camping and addons were problematic.

    This is literally what devs wrote in the explanation for the patch notes in the patch of his nerf.

    No heat = indefinitely 99ed in front of the hook - so yeah, strongest camping in game together with Bubba. Addon opinions are debatable, because windows exists... and cooldown or movements speed addons were better anyway, but let's say instasaw op - and noone really advocates for it's comeback anyway.

    While I said nobody was complaining about it, it should be kind of obvious that it can't be 100% true, becuase there is always some rando who will complain about this very specific thing, but facts are: In every ranking based on fun, Billy was always on top spots, both as fun to go against and to play as. Could have phrased it this way, my bad. It still doesn't change the fact that he was the least complained killer by the community and defnitely shouldn't receive nerfs or stupid sound effects while way more pressing matters were still not looked at.

    If you want to correct others, at least be right yourself, because there is nothing that can sink your credibility more than unsubstaintiated self-righteousness. Yikes man, big yikes.

    Edit: Stop making this an issue about insta saw. Good Billy players literally don't care about these addons, because they are busy running engravings. Bad Billy players couldn't even make a good use of them (all a survivor have to do is have a window nearby...) and they already moved on to Bubba or Wesker. Literally noone wants these addons back, so just shush about them.

    This is about making chainsaw less punishing to use while in chases at the price of making it worse at camping - which should be praised by all the survivor mains, but somehow isn't and it blows my mind, because you always cry about camping so much, but when have the chance to back up a concept that makes it worse and harder, suddenly there is none of them around.

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    Well If you agree your statement was hyperbole then really there is no issue. I'm not here to attack you, just setting the message right.

    I tried to locate the post you seem to suggest contradicts my corrections:

    I think you ought to take a Developer post with a grain or a teaspoon of salt, cause it doesn't read like you say, especially when gameplay before that patch is changed with those addons. Remember they do not say why specifically each change is needed, and the post don't mention camping at all and EVEN IF bHVR said that old Hillbilly was fun for both sides. I would not believe it.

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    Uh.. how tf can you get two downs on healthy survivors with billy? Thats literally not possible, billy's chainsaw can only target 1 person..

  • Member Posts: 473

    When Billy got reworked he wasn't even close as fun to play anymore. Skybilly was probably the most fun thing that this game has ever had.

    Also before his rework you had much more power over the survivors. You felt like a threat. Now his basekit is much worse, and his addons are really bad.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Probably when you down one before he can unhook and the second one while he unhooks, so with bad timing/coordination I guess?

  • Member Posts: 496

    @not_requested49 Chainsaw first person as survivors are approaching the hook OR the one starting the unhooking animation... other person has to unhook. By the time your animation ends (during which you can still move a bit) they have maybe two seconds on you. Chase and backrub them. Two downs on healthy survivors. At least two downs when Billy knows what he is doing.

    Do I really have to explain how to play the game? Why do you even respond here if you don't know how the killer works?

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