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Existing perks balance changes[WITH REASONS]

As title says, this topic is about some balance changes to existing perks. This topic will focus only on survivor perks, mainly because killers got decent/good/useful perks since Huntress dlc, while survivors mainly got situational/underwhelming/straight out bad(looking at you boil over) perks.
Of course, there are some killer perks(mainly the old ones) that could use some reworks, but I believe survivor perks are in more need of attention.

With that being said, the point of this changes is to actually make the perks viable/fun, while not making them broken. They should be more inline to what devs did to Urban Evasion and Alert. Both were originally terrible perks, but with the right changes they become interesting, without being overpowered.

Change: each time a generator is powered you gain a 7% movement speed buff for 60 seconds.
Reason: hope is an end game perk, but unlike Adrenaline it doesn't do enough to justify playing with 3 perks the entire game, not even knowing if you are going to make it to the end game.
If you have let's say 10 seconds remaining and another gen is powered now you have 70 seconds(basically the durations stack). I don't feel like an upper stack limit should be added.

Change: make the sound range reduction apply to everyone on that generator, not only yourself. The explosion warning should always be prevented instead of 50% of times, generator regression should still apply.
Reason: Technician is supposed to make you feel more confident in repairing a generator by making it safer, but since the noise reduction is only for yourself it does next to nothing. The rng of the preventing the explosion is a bad mechanic imo and should be replaced.
I know devs touched this perk in the previous patches, but all they did was to alter tier 1/2, without doing anything to address the perks issues: it doesn't fulfill it's role(making repairing a gen safer).

Change: The perk starts disabled. You can enable it at any point by pressing the activate ability button. It's a one time activation, and after being activated it will start working as it does now.
Add a passive to the perk: every time your aura is revealed the perk icon will briefly light up. This passive works even if the perk is not activated and when out of tokens. The activation part only enables tokens to be consumed.
Reason: distortion is an interesting perk, but because you can't gain tokens and with the amount of aura reading perks in the game right now, it's really underwhelming.
Right now tokens will get consumed during the first minutes of the game, when an aura read is not likely to kill you. By allowing people to manually activate the perk one could save it more towards end game, when blocking an aura read could be decisive.

Boil Over:
Change: **remove the struggling effects on the killer, it does nothing. Once the pickup animation is done and the killer can move he has 4 seconds to look around him and find a hook. After 4 seconds all hook auras are hidden.
Hooks withing 10/12/14 meters are never revealed.
Even devs stated in the Clown's livestream that this perks is bad. If the point is to make it harder for killers to bring you to a hook, then it should do just that.
It also has counterplay, because it allows 4 seconds to scout the area and find a hook. The killer then only has to memorize it's location and go there(map knowledge and knowing usual hook spawns also hard counter the perk). During the pickup animation the killer also sees the hooks, so this 4 seconds are actually 7 ?(not sure how long pickup is right now).

Left Behind:
Change: keep the current effect. Add on top of that: while being the last survivor in the trial no detection perk will be able to track you or the generator while on that generator(detection = aura reading perks, whispers etc). So for example if the killer kicks a gen with Surveillance and left behind is active the generator is not going to be highlighted in white while regressing and it's not going to be yellow when you start working on it.
Reason: left behind should slightly even the odds in 1v1 situations, but right now with perks like Surveillance that's impossible. The killer instantly know on which gen you are working and that's way too much information for a 1v1.
However, if the survivor doesn't do gens and just walks around the map, whispers(for example) will still track him, because he's not on a generator.

Change: change the perk effect. Press the activate ability button to remove a status effect instantly. The perk has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
If a survivor is under the effect of multiple timed status effects the one with the longer remaining timer will get removed.
If a survivor is under the effect of a non timed status effect and some timed status effects the non-timed one will be removed.
You can't choose which status effect to remove, it will pick based on above rules.
Vigil will not affect status effects inflicted by killer powers(for example it will ignore Deep Wound from Legion's power, but will affect Deep Wound from Borrowed Time).
Vigil will also not affect Exhaustion status effect inflicted by sprint perks, but will affect Exhaustion inflicted by killer addons. So you can't sprint burst, use vigil and sprint burst again. Optionally, it could remove half of the Exhaustion Cooldown inflicted by sprint perks.

Dark Sense:
Change: each time a generator is completed the killer aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds, not only when you complete the generator.

Devs, please, if you read this I would appreciate a comment. A "we read it" is good enough, but your opinion on this changes would be perfect.


  • Artisks
    Artisks Member Posts: 10

    hope every gen would be pretty much op, for example if you play against huntress or hag, they have pretty much no chance to catch you.

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    Hope would essentially always be up and would just make chases way too long. Hope is fine as is. Maybe the same buff for like 3-5 seconds would be better, like a mini-adrenaline.
    Technician would still be useless really even with those buffs. It needs an additional effect, not just number changes.
    The Left Behind effect would honestly be better on Technician. Remove the generator explosion and add this effect instead. It would make more sense since Technician is a stealth perk and Left Behind is not. Left Behind has its own problems and reasons why it's useless, however they are looking to change endgame, so we'll see how it works after those changes. A buff to the numbers and a new effect, such as opening exit gates faster when alone, would be good.
    Vigil should be left alone. It's useless for a reason. If you buff it by adding an effect like this, it just becomes insanely overpowered. The last thing I want is to have to deal with two sprint bursts in a row from the same survivor.
    That's a good change to Dark Sense. I think that's how it should be too, and it wouldn't push it to the point of being overpowered.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623
    edited February 2019

    [quote]Vigil should be left alone. It's useless for a reason. If you buff it by adding an effect like this, it just becomes insanely overpoweredr.
    You can't just design a perk to be bad, that's bad game design. It's like saying legion can't be buffed because he's super annoying and if you buff him he'll be even more annoying(which is true, so you have to rework legions power before buffing him). Same with a perk, if it can't be buffed directly, change the effect into something else.

    You also did not read it fully:
    Vigil will also not affect Exhaustion status effect inflicted by sprint perks,
    It won't be able to remove Exhaustion from any sprint perk, so you can't sprint, vigil and sprint again.

    Technician would still be useless really even with those buffs. It needs an additional effect, not just number changes.
    Agree, but I think devs want Technician to be a more newbie perk, like Windows of Opportunity. So at the very least least make it good at that.

    Honestly, at first I was thinking to add the Left Behind effect to Technician, but I thought that may be considered too strong so I moved it to an endgame perk.
    One of the reasons why Left Behind is useless is because you don't really have time to work on a gen with killer being able to fast patrol them. If you add on top of that aura readings then it becomes an impossible match for the last survivor.
    I don't think we will see a rework to the endgame in the next 2 years, so again, at the very least make Left Behind help the last survivor a bit.

    Hope would essentially always be up and would just make chases way too long. Hope is fine as is. Maybe the same buff for like 3-5 seconds would be better, like a mini-adrenaline.
    I agree this could potentially be too strong, needs play testing(could be 30 seconds for example, not 60). But Hope is far from being fine as it is. There is absolutely no reason to run an endgame perk with a mediocre effect that has a timer on it, when you don't even know you will make it to the endgame.

    It would make sense lore-wise to do something on each powered gen, because this fills survivors with hope.
    5 seconds of +7% movement speed is still really bad. The idea of this changes was to make the perks actually viable, not just change them for the sake of it and call it a day. I don't have another idea for Hope right now, but I'll keep thinking.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Artisks said:
    hope every gen would be pretty much op, for example if you play against huntress or hag, they have pretty much no chance to catch you.

    Not just pretty much, with 3% more movement speed you are actually not able to catch up, considering the hitbox exploit also called looping

  • hahmraro
    hahmraro Member Posts: 96

    You got some good ideas but it's clear that you don't play killer, at least at the same level you probably play survivor. Most of those perks reworks are unrealistic. It all comes down to how that would work from the killer's perspective, and I think you are missing that.

    Hope is beyond insane. 7% for a whole minute? Would be easily the most overpowered perk in the game. But the idea is good: Maybe a small sprint burst everytime the gen you are working on is complete. Not only it would be a more viable perk, but would be probably used a lot.

    Technician: the sound range reduction applying to everyone on that generator is a must, should have been fixed a long time ago. But making it so there is a 100% chance that no explosion occurs is also absurd.

    Distortion: Interesting idea but I don't think it's necessary at all. I don't think the perk needs a rework and it's useful as it is. Obviously if you run a meta build you will never use it, but if you want to change a bit I think it's a viable perk.

    Boil over: I like this idea. Period.

    Left behind: It's a good rework but it would still be an useless perk. At least until they rework the whole ridiculous hatch mechanic.

    Vigil: A strong rework but the activation part bugs me, I think it could be simpler and better. Maybe something on the lines of: Every 60s there is a 25%/50%/75% chance of removing a random negative status effect.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @Artick said:
    As title says, this topic is about some balance changes to existing perks. This topic will focus only on survivor perks, mainly because killers got decent/good/useful perks since Huntress dlc, while survivors mainly got situational/underwhelming/straight out bad(looking at you boil over) perks.
    Of course, there are some killer perks(mainly the old ones) that could use some reworks, but I believe survivor perks are in more need of attention.

    With that being said, the point of this changes is to actually make the perks viable/fun, while not making them broken. They should be more inline to what devs did to Urban Evasion and Alert. Both were originally terrible perks, but with the right changes they become interesting, without being overpowered.

    Change: each time a generator is powered you gain a 7% movement speed buff for 60 seconds.
    Reason: hope is an end game perk, but unlike Adrenaline it doesn't do enough to justify playing with 3 perks the entire game, not even knowing if you are going to make it to the end game.
    If you have let's say 10 seconds remaining and another gen is powered now you have 70 seconds(basically the durations stack). I don't feel like an upper stack limit should be added.

    Change: make the sound range reduction apply to everyone on that generator, not only yourself. The explosion warning should always be prevented instead of 50% of times, generator regression should still apply.
    Reason: Technician is supposed to make you feel more confident in repairing a generator by making it safer, but since the noise reduction is only for yourself it does next to nothing. The rng of the preventing the explosion is a bad mechanic imo and should be replaced.
    I know devs touched this perk in the previous patches, but all they did was to alter tier 1/2, without doing anything to address the perks issues: it doesn't fulfill it's role(making repairing a gen safer).

    Change: The perk starts disabled. You can enable it at any point by pressing the activate ability button. It's a one time activation, and after being activated it will start working as it does now.
    Add a passive to the perk: every time your aura is revealed the perk icon will briefly light up. This passive works even if the perk is not activated and when out of tokens. The activation part only enables tokens to be consumed.
    Reason: distortion is an interesting perk, but because you can't gain tokens and with the amount of aura reading perks in the game right now, it's really underwhelming.
    Right now tokens will get consumed during the first minutes of the game, when an aura read is not likely to kill you. By allowing people to manually activate the perk one could save it more towards end game, when blocking an aura read could be decisive.

    Boil Over:
    Change: **remove the struggling effects on the killer, it does nothing. Once the pickup animation is done and the killer can move he has 4 seconds to look around him and find a hook. After 4 seconds all hook auras are hidden.
    Hooks withing 10/12/14 meters are never revealed.
    Even devs stated in the Clown's livestream that this perks is bad. If the point is to make it harder for killers to bring you to a hook, then it should do just that.
    It also has counterplay, because it allows 4 seconds to scout the area and find a hook. The killer then only has to memorize it's location and go there(map knowledge and knowing usual hook spawns also hard counter the perk). During the pickup animation the killer also sees the hooks, so this 4 seconds are actually 7 ?(not sure how long pickup is right now).

    Left Behind:
    Change: keep the current effect. Add on top of that: while being the last survivor in the trial no detection perk will be able to track you or the generator while on that generator(detection = aura reading perks, whispers etc). So for example if the killer kicks a gen with Surveillance and left behind is active the generator is not going to be highlighted in white while regressing and it's not going to be yellow when you start working on it.
    Reason: left behind should slightly even the odds in 1v1 situations, but right now with perks like Surveillance that's impossible. The killer instantly know on which gen you are working and that's way too much information for a 1v1.
    However, if the survivor doesn't do gens and just walks around the map, whispers(for example) will still track him, because he's not on a generator.

    Change: change the perk effect. Press the activate ability button to remove a status effect instantly. The perk has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
    If a survivor is under the effect of multiple timed status effects the one with the longer remaining timer will get removed.
    If a survivor is under the effect of a non timed status effect and some timed status effects the non-timed one will be removed.
    You can't choose which status effect to remove, it will pick based on above rules.
    Vigil will not affect status effects inflicted by killer powers(for example it will ignore Deep Wound from Legion's power, but will affect Deep Wound from Borrowed Time).
    Vigil will also not affect Exhaustion status effect inflicted by sprint perks, but will affect Exhaustion inflicted by killer addons. So you can't sprint burst, use vigil and sprint burst again. Optionally, it could remove half of the Exhaustion Cooldown inflicted by sprint perks.

    Dark Sense:
    Change: each time a generator is completed the killer aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds, not only when you complete the generator.

    Devs, please, if you read this I would appreciate a comment. A "we read it" is good enough, but your opinion on this changes would be perfect.

    Hope will be to much the reason in 3 min you can do 2-4 gens so with your idea one survivor will have between 120 sec and 200 sec and right now loops take way to much time ( with onlt 100% speed)

    Technician, you should have a chance to make noise so you will not just sit there and nothing ( and besits will counter complicity the overcharge )

    Distortion just no, already give too much and you lose nothing so it's should stay as it is.

    Boil Over ok it will be a nice perk.

    Left Behind if the devs change the end game maybe but right now if you are the last one you have to 2 options either go for trap door ( if you have done 2 gens) or be found from the killer by mistake.

    Vigil no the reason you will completely counter perks like the sloppy butcher and third seal.

    Dark Sense so you want to reward bad players and give a free alert

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    That Hope change is incredibly overpowered. If you want it to trigger after a gen is powered, then it can only be like 10 seconds max. I doubt you actually have ever used Hope if you don't understand how large that 7% speed boost is. Try watching Angrypug stream sometime, he runs it. 

    A 7% speed boost almost doubles the amount of time it take a 115% killer to catch up with you, and a 110% killer basically can't catch you.