Make it so Knights can't camp hooks with guards.

The moment a guard gets within a range of a hooked survivor the guard should disappear and it should penalize the killer with extra cooldown time. Time to start punishing killers a bit. I'm not giving numbers because I'm not sure what 8 meters etc. is in the game so I could say 12 meters from the hook and it would be too much if that makes any sense. Also no remarkes on my username I only had intentions of bug reporting but I'm kinda sick of dealing with stuff like this in Solo Q.
The guards already go away when the hunted survivor initiates an unhook. Nothing more needs to be done.
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They dissappear when the survivor attempts an unhook, I'm not sure what your point is here
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OP is probably taking about when the Knights camps you need one survivor to pull away the guard and one to distract the knight or force a trade
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I would be fine with that, if they increased the range of the guard detection, make the highlight Radius disappear from the Survivor's point of view, and make guards a actually threat and can catch up to Survivors. And make perks work with the guard, like Brutal Strength on Crucfix. It would definitely be some nice quality of life improvement if I shouldn't be force to play a more camping style gameplay as the new killer.
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They need to give him a cooldown between spawning guards as well...
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Why would u need to do that? Again the hunt is cancelled if you attempt an unhook..
When against a facecamping killer u already need two people or else itll result in a trade.. thats with literally every killer except instadown ones, not sure what knight changes since the guards will cancel hunt if you unhook..
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do gen...
or gate...
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If it spots you BEFORE you start to unhook. If you start the unhook before the guard detects you it will still go after you (or the unhooked person).