Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The Issue with double add-ons

Their is a huge inbalance with killers power if you combine the same type of a addon. f.e. double speed on blight or double recharge. Personaly I feel like that especially this two combination need huge nerfs - but their is a different issue left:

Killers tend to mostly play the same (strong) addons since the base kit is lacking. They need a rework in addons and a small buff in their base kits, so they don't feel forced to only play with the same two strong addons.

f.e. increase the rush speed of blight by 2%, but delete the green addon and give him something fun instead. The same goes for other killers or for another example Nurse - increase her recharge speed by a small percentage but nerf the addons or combine them into one. But I think it's time to rework addons, buff basekits and delete OP addons.

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  • Member Posts: 496

    Do you really complain about stacking very mediocre addons... instead of Alchemist Ring for example?

    I am sorry man, but I just can't treat this seriously.

    It's like saying that survivors should not be able to put double battery on flashlight or double charge addons on medkits/toolboxes, because they are lasting too long...

    Like... sure, we could do this... but why? Old Tinkerer is gone, there is no such thing as instasaw Billy or rapid fire Huntress anymore... I don't see the point!

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    The problem is that basekit is lacking and many addons just suck compared to the stat-boosters ( see nurse with mostly meme addons and her charge/range addons). But most survivors just mean "nerf the good addons without compensation".

  • Member Posts: 745

    Did you guys even read the thread? Like I said, there is a reason why killer feel forced to always pick the same addons. My point was, that we need to rework addons and buff the basekit of the killers. Since f.e. Blight Mains may feel forced to always feel double speed addons, so they can compete with survivors. That's why we need to buff is rush speed but reduce the impact of addons. Buff the yellow addon, delete the green one and make it to something that can help the killer. I just think, that putting the same type of addon was always a bad design in dbd since it makes it clear that the basekit is lacking.

    My point was not to "Omg this killer is so OP Nerf!!!" - my point was to buff the basekit and make the addons more enjoyable for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 496
    edited November 2022

    Developers said multiple times now that killer powers are meant to be used with addons and going vanilla is giving yourself a disadvantage willingly.

    I don't understand why do you want to have less variety. You want strong addons - use them.

    You don't want strong addons - don't use them.

    Let people have nice things. Just because you don't want to have them doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't have that option.

    Edit: If you care to actually ready my response you will ser that I responsed to the core issue you mentioned - stacking addons - which are not even strongest options...

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    I admit i mightve just skimmed it too quickly. I actually agree on the basekitbuff and addon trimming.

    Personally, I think the devs should test

    • Rework alternate playstyle addons ( mirror myers, 4.4 nurse, speed limiter chainsaws, etc ) into alternate abilities for the abilty/item slot.
    • Rework bad "meme" addons into useable "mini-perks"
    • Remove most stat-boosters ( charge/range/cooldown etc) and turn all/most of the removed potential addon power into basekit ( for example when removing an uncommon and rare addon, incorporate the rare's effect into basekit). Kept stat boosters should be tweaked accordingly and must be universally useable with abilities tweaked in point 1. also make myers addons work in all tiers.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    they run double speed add-on because these add-on give you the most advantage. I think premise behind add-on is that you can customize how your killer becomes stronger. Supposedly, the killer becomes stronger based off how you want it to become stronger. The problem is that many killers have one dimensional play-style where being stronger is one dimensional choice which removes the agency to experiment.

    survivor complain when the killer base-kit is strong, as a result, the having weak base-kit and add-on to improve base-kit to what it should be is the best compromise.

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