With Knight's release getting camped and tunneled a lot more

Oiry Member Posts: 218

Hey guys!

Playing solo here. I've noticed that since the Knight's release there is an increased number of camping (face/proxy) and tunneling killers. Many times it's the Knight, but other killers are no exception to this.

I didn't record the exact stats, but as a feeling, I'd say it went from like 30-40% to like 80% of the games. I've also noticed that these killers are many times not good, or not as good as they used to be. They are a lot easier to mind game, and spin. generally, their pathing seems a lot worse. I believe that my MMR dropped significantly in the last weeks because solo just seems kinda hard to win these days.

I've heard theories that when a new killer releases many killer mains come back to try him, but because they are not that good, they feel pressured to just camp to get kills.

It's very sad to see this since exactly these players would benefit from a lot of chases to actually learn to play better, but of course, it's not my job to tell them how to play.

I'm more interested in your opinion as to why this started to happen. I haven't noticed anything like this in previous killer releases. Is this release somehow special? Or is this just my MMR getting lower?


  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    You can't win playing by the survivor rulebook unless the survivors are extremely bad. CoH, maps, and busted items see to that. Killer gets absolutely nothing out of going for unique chases

  • BillsHere101
    BillsHere101 Member Posts: 247

    The problem isn't the player or the knight, it's BHVR trying to turn this game into a competitive scene even though it's impossible. SBMM and SWF are major problems that can't be balanced whatsoever. Asymmetrical games were never supposed to be about competition. It's a asymmetrical game after all. It's either one side is the strongest and the other side is the weakest.

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218

    I'd encourage you to re-read my post (assuming you did read it in the first place). I don't really have a problem with killers using this playstyle (If anything, I blame the game designers for that). I've had pretty much no issues with it in the past, these days it's quite annoying because it's a lot harder to counter this strategy as a solo player.

    I do disagree with you on the "Killer gets absolutely nothing out of going for unique chases". If your comment is referred to the result of the current game, I 100% agree with you, there is not a lot the killer gets, but especially in the lower skill bracket, having more chases will result in you getting more experience per game (or per time invested).

    However, your does not address my actual question in the slightest. Why now?

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218
    edited November 2022

    I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about.

    How does BHVR try to turn the game into a competitive scene? What aspects of SBMM can't be balanced?

    SWF is hard to balance, but in this regard, my sad opinion is that they could at least try. A perk like "Eruption" still exists in its current form for some reason. Or the same for "Knockout", but that one is not talked about, since its a rare encounter.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    It's easy to counter as solo. You have built in BT. Just run Windows and run to one of the 80 million safe pallets on the map

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218

    I'm glad that you are consistent and still unable to actually address my question :D

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited November 2022

    You asked why there's an increase and i told you, so I don't know what more you're expecting. You can't win vs all these sweat teams bringing the most broken stuff every game with an offering playing mr. Nice Killer. A lot of people probably used to play that way and got tired of getting BMed so they just camp and tunnel

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218

    Well, I'm never bringing a map offering. I don't use CoH, because I think it's busted. I also don't bring any item into my matches 80% of the time. This happens regardless of a boon sound, regardless of map offerings.

    Your answer doesn't exactly tell me what has changed with the Knights release specifically.

    I do agree that the medkit meta, the map offering meta, CoH have pushed killers a lot, but its not a valid explanation as to what is happening here. At least not in my eyes. These things started happening way before this update.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Also the maps are janked with many spawning max pallets and fat shame spots causing infinites. Just played against a team abusing a tree that created an infinite at shack. I hard camped the first guy I caught then quit the game for the night

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,917

    Is it just Knights that are doing it?

    If so it’s probably because he is hard to use “the correct way” he was made for and is pretty weak so people just default to camping/tunnelling. Also for some reason his guards can be placed near hooks so it makes it easier for him to camp. Don’t know why his power isn’t disabled near hook like Artist.

    Once people realise the Knight is a terrible killer and stop playing him the camping and tunnelling should hopefully go back to what it was before.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    Just putting it out there, we have nerfed a lot of gen defense stuff and buffed/added a lot of gen speed stuff.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    They can totally be balanced. The devs are already taking steps to lessen MMR hell so that good players aren't held back by bad teammates as much. That's just from team based matchmaking. Then there's the nerfing of OP stuff every time people say it's OP. What exactly makes balancing this game, or attempting to, an impossible task? No other multiplayer game is viewed this way.