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Eruption Got A Shadow Buff (Happy SoloQ for all)



  • Member Posts: 422

    I was wondering if this would be mentioned. Its ridiculous that the STRONGEST perk in the game got a 7% min buff. Like why?

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    6sec of Gen time regressing

    9sec instant regression

    25sec of not able to do Gen

    40sec of Gen worth on a single Survivor.

    Thats possible to apply on all 3 survivors that cost 120 Gen on a single down

    Will finally make this perk fair against Prove Thyself that save 6sec per Gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Copied from the perk description: ("... all affected Generators explode and start regressing ...")

    So it wasn't a (shadow) buff, now it just works as intended.

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    Not really the fact its overtuned,its the fact its hard to predict when someone is going down especially in soloq.

    They should make it so when you repair a generator with eruption on it,you see the aura of the killer and survivor when they're in a chase.

    So you can tell exactly when someone is going down.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Ah yes, because then the perk that is supposed to incapacitate people working on the wrong gens now can't do that because the survivors working on the gen get told when they need to let go. Oh, and also where the Killer is, for free extra safe info.

    Like, whatever the problems are with the perk, "Survivors with no other information source can't avoid its effect" is not it. That is, in fact, probably the baseline assumption of perks in general.

  • Member Posts: 21,267
    edited November 2022

    Incapacitated is too strong of an effect for how easy the perk is to proc and use effectively.

    However, if we remove Incapacitated from the perk, it kills it. If we remove the 10% regression, it kills it.

    The perk should be completely redesigned. Maybe you could give it some regression (and a scream) and have it have a Blood Favor effect around the affected generators. Still provides slowdown and it promotes the Killer leaving the hook to chase someone new but it gives essentially zero value if you just camp it out.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Honestly, it's weird there's no 'you just can't work on gens' effect, but either way, the problem with the perk is clearly not that it doesn't tell survivors when it's going to trigger. Perks definitely should not be based around the idea that their effect can be avoided by how they telegraph when it's going to happen to the other team.

    Although, I don't think 'blocking pallets around the generator' would actually leave a particularly usable perk? A DMS effect on kicked gens would make more sense--and it also avoids the whole regression-stacking-whilst-you-can't-work-on-it thing, whilst still having it regress after the time expires if nobody's there.

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    Eruption is OP on the strongest killers (most of all Nurse and Blight of course), and it is OP in 3-gen scenarios. The strongest killers need some rebalancing anyway and the devs should also long have looked at making sure maps can't spawn ridiculously tight gen clusters, as well as provide more effective ways to avoid and combat 3-gen scenarios. Another issue with Eruption is that it furthers the divide between SWF (with voice comms) and solo, since the former can semi-reliably avoid getting the worst of it.

    On M1 killers however the perk is actually required to be as good as it is in order to make the gen kick meta viable. M1 killers regularly can't afford the time investment of going around kicking gens, at best they have to hope the chase is being led to gens they can then kick mid-chase, or that they can consistently and quickly get injures on people such that they can effectively play hit-and-run. In either case, their chases on average last significantly longer as well, meaning they often won't even get their Eurption to proc before a gen is finished, and this is particularly notable for the 3-gen scenario as well, because survivors that take a hit can use that to run as far away from the gen cluster as possible, and as opposed to a killer like Blight, committing to a chase on that survivor can then mean the loss of the 3-gen. Considering all of this, the powerful effect when Eruption does proc is needed for it to have enough of an impact with M1 killers.

    My suggestion for an Eruption adjustment is this: Make it proc only if you down a survivor with a basic attack. Instead of causing the Incapacitated status effect, it blocks all affected gens, no matter whether a survivor had been working on it or not. Increase block duration to 30 seconds. Remove the cooldown.

    With this, it obviously stops being as potent on killers that are already very strong (Nurse's blink hits need to be treated as special attacks), and the M1 killers that do have an ability with which to down survivors can at least still decide to use M1 instead. Plus Eruption obviously would remain active until you down a survivor using M1, so it's not like getting downs by other means would waste the perk. The perk blocking gens rather than causing Incapacitated means that SWFs won't be able to counter it and that nobody else can be working on the gen for the duration either. On the flipside, the survivors are free to do other things in that time, and while the generator does continually regress, that will obviously only be relevant after the 30 seconds, because blocked gens do not suffer from continual regression. A cooldown is not really needed, especially since the killer obviously cannot kick those same gens again while they are blocked.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Faster killers can apply the perk faster yeah that's true, it's why the perk can be deadly on blight/nurse.

    But I cant agree on all killers that are fast, just because freddy, Sadako, wraith etc. May be able to kick gens fast but they are very weak killers so while they can kick the gens faster to active it their chases should be longer because their powers arent as strong.

    But like I said people will be going down too fast or being inefficient which is when you massively notice the perk. And if the game is matched correctly you shouldn't be going down faster against the weaker killers

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    isn't the not being able to do anything the bad part?

    regression is fine lol

  • Member Posts: 422

    Jolt and Pain Res do the same thing. But if a person is on at the time of regression they will not regress because ya know someone was on it. You know this because Pain Res/DeadMans does not continue regressing after deadmans and Jolt if you lunge to down a survivor working on a gen, downing them the gen will take the 8% but not still be regressing. All three always would regress if someone wasnt working on them but if there was someone working on it it would immediately stop the regression. The fact that there is 0 warning to let go and 0 way to stop the regressing once its triggered is the problem. It is the Pain Res/Dead mans switch combo built into one except stronger because they dont need to be hooked let alone scourge hooked and the regression continues after the delay is over.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited November 2022

    the perk is boosted strong, only people into tarot and futurology know the counter to it.... ah, and SWF (with microphone, because not everybody plays on discord) sometimes because even them get destroyed by it at times wich is insane.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Oh joy. As if this perk wasn't overturned enough.

  • Member Posts: 489

    People who don't agree with you aren't "Killer mains", and old DH was more broken than Eruption.

    Also, sorry but several talking points brought up here are valid. M1 Killers struggling to apply the perk and struggling to use it effectively, easy counters make perks bad, this isn't a 1v1, etc.

    By any chance, what are you thoughts on Pain Res and DMS? Did it need to be nerfed?

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Oops I overdid it, yeah just ignore that one.

    Though tbh it wouldn't hurt if Eruption fired on hook instead of on down

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited November 2022

    I wasn't listing equivalent perks, I was listing possible counters.

    If you can see your teammates then you know when they are in a chase, and can roughly predict when they will go down.

    That said surviviors also have "perks that stop opponents objective", just think of every exhaustion perk, DS, Unbreakable, etc. not to mention ######### like Boil Over (especially in indoor maps).

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    I thought you were listing perks with no counters, my bad.

    The problem is that eruption effect is too strong to be making guesses. Seeing your teammate aura alone does not tell you when is he going to be downed.

    And for the other survivor perks you mentioned, although kinda weird comparing to a killer perk, things like a 3 sec stun of DS is not comparable to 9sec reg + 25sec incapacitation of eruption.

    Unbreakable gives no value if you dont slug.

    Boil over needs an specific scenario to work, you cant get it to work in every single map.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    You don't need to make a perfect guess to avoid it, letting the gen go for 10 seconds will prevent screaming and save you 15 gen seconds, on top of letting you stop the regression immediately.

    It's not weird to compare them, DS is not just a 3 second stun, it completely resets the chase which buys you at least 30 seconds even if you are trash at looping.

    Same with the other perks I mentioned, they either increase distance which buys you a lot of time or straight up deny the killer a hook, similarly impeding their objective.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    But "letting the gen go for 10 sec" is not counterplay. I mean, you cant really know when you teammate is going down.

    What if your teammate makes a 30 sec chase? or 1 min chase? would you be looking to the gen for a minute waiting for that chase to end?

    What if you wait 30 sec for the chase to end and get in the gen and you are hit with eruption and lose another 25sec?

    For an effect that can penalize you for 34sec, there should be some way to counter it.

    DS has a tons of downsides. You need to be unhooked, cant do anything to progress the match, only works once, is deactivated in endgame and only stuns for 3 seconds, so any killer with fast movement or ranged attacks can down you again in seconds. Compare all this with eruption's downsides, a 30sec Cooldown (for a 34sec effect) and the requirement of a gen kick.

    Seriously, you are comparing a nuke to a slingshot.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Technically it's 2 seconds because one second includes the moment the survivor gets off the killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Didn't they change that for other perks this patch, too?

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    Lol at saying Eruption is carrying killers. Wow it helps the killer play the game for longer than 4 minutes and it requires a ton of setup and a timely down! How awful! You know what perk is carrying teams to victories they have no business winning? Circle of Healing! Takes 14 seconds of setup at the top of a main building or where there's no gen and boom free infinite fast healing for an entire team the whole game for 1/16 perks. It makes 90% of what killers do useless. Perk has single handedly ruined this game

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Feels like 70% of the time i don't see where my mates are beeing chased / downed.

    Guess i'm gonna try BOND + maybe even Open Handed to at least try to counter Eruption.

    As Calm Spirit isn't an option here, right?

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Idk, if you can't predict when teammate is going down with 10s accuracy then what do you expect. Maybe just switch gens if the one you are working on got kicked.

    Eruption needs to incapacitate, otherwise people would stop the regression immediately and it would be just worse Surge.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    The perk will almost certainly get a nerf as it is killing solo queue at present and there is no counter for the weakest role in the game (solo survivor).

    I personally am sick to death of Eruption and I am sure I am not alone

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    But tone down its numbers at least. To be hit with 9sec instant + 25 incapacitation + 6 normal regresion while being unavoidable and having low cd is too much value for a single non-hex perk.

    The less gens they are and with less pallets as the match progresses, the chances of being hit by this 40sec effect increases while you have any option to counter it.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Well, does it really?

    9sec + regression is the same as Surge, so the only difference is that 25-75s of gen time from incapactitation.

    Kicking a gen wastes about extra 5-7 seconds, and considering that killer's time should be multiplied by 3 in this case, the result really doesn't seem that tragic, unless you somehow get all 3 surviviors Erupted.

  • Member Posts: 464

    If eruption get nerfed, it will be basically trash, the gimmick is how it works now, does not need nerf, cry less

  • Member Posts: 605

    Kicking a gen doesn't really require a "ton of setup". You can easily kick a gen near a down/hook, before you start a chase, or even during a chase. High mobility killers like Nurse and Blight make this easy but it's viable anywhere. I had a perkless solo queue match today where a demogorgon with the whistle add-on brought us to dead dawg and used CoB/Eruption to hold a 3 gen from the start. Took 25 minutes to break it and only because a teammate had a boon and the killer wasn't amazing at the game. I don't disagree that CoH can be a problem but it's not relevant to the eruption discussion. Solo queue teammates can't even tell if a non-obsession is in chase, and have no way to reliably know when a teammate's going down to get off of the gen without having line of sight on both the killer and the survivor being chased. If it's not meant to be "countered" by getting off, then it needs a duration nerf or a new effect entirely like blocking the gen, because forced 25 seconds of doing nothing for trying to do the objective is not balanced and doesn't feel fun. You can't even always "just go to another gen" to avoid getting incapacitated since killers will often hold 3 gens with this perk and can also apply eruption to every single gen. It makes 3 gen setups miserable and is a pain in the ass to deal with playing solo.

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