How do you actually counter genrushing?

I have chases shorter than 30 seconds but by the time I get 1 or 2 downs,at least 3 gens pop.
The killer cant be at more places in the same time and for most killers its almost impossible to deal with it.
No wonder camping and tunneling is so effective.
Survivors dont do anything else besides gens because they dont have to,and that's a problem as gens are being repaired faster than a killer can pressure them.
The only way a killer can deal with it is if survivors make a lot of mistakes,stack gen regression perks,have a quick and fast first chase.
that is currently the core problem since 6.1. without fundamental changes to the goals, nothing will change.
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It's true that sometimes I have games where I down people left and right pretty quickly, they almost fall like flyes.
Yet gens are poping quite fast as well.
It doesn't make always sence.
Downes = hooks = pressure = slower gens but not really and not always I quess.
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Thats the neat part part. You don´t.
The 6.1.0 slowdown of gens did nothing, because they also nerfed the gen slowdown perks + added new perks to complete gens even faster.
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Do what killers did before the 6.1 changes. Camp and tunnel. The way I see it in order to counteract gen rushing you going to have to do it.
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Use NOED every game. its the only way
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Just tunnel camp and use slowdowns.
Survivors are rushing gens because they were told to do it when killers are sweating. So sweat as well
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Accept those first gens are gone and pray they didn't immediately destroy a 3gen you can actually protect.
Which... is the problem. If you try for anything more than playing around with chases, slowdown is obligatory, and playing nasty is required. You have to get rid of someone if you want any endgame scenario to play out in your favour without 20 minutes of back and forth attrition with multiple regression perks.
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3 near gens .
At least it is my last hope.
You can never catch up the gen speed by hook.
You just can't.
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Tunnel and camping leads to the fact that no one wants to play survivor anymore.
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Tbf perks like deadlock, PR and eruption exist now which are amazing slowdown options
But yeah adding more perks like hyper focus was dumb. Gen times will never really be balanced imo due to the insane amount of variables such as perks, map size and killer powers
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Lmao yeah,for real,if you dont get 2 hooks before the 30 seconds mark you cant stop at least 2 gens popping.
Then maybe they should not force killers to tunnel and camp if they wanna have a chance.
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Yeah, pretty much this,you either have 5 minutes games because gens fly,or 20 minutes gens because protecting gens is better than chasing.
I had a game againts a Pig yesterday that refused to chase,and somehow my teammates get downed on death hook at 1 gen with 4 alive,if my teammates didn't play so carelessly we would have all escaped but the game lasted more than 20 minutes and it was boring af.
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I am very sure that your Chases are not that short when 3 Gens pop.
But this is a common thing in the DBD-Community - Killers ALWAYS end Chases in under 30 seconds and still lose and Survivors ALWAYS get chased for 5+ minutes and still lose. And both obviously say the truth, because it is on the internet. /s
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Yeah,its a skill issue from the killer from not being in a chase,downing survivors,protect gens at the same time,my bad.
And survivors are very skilled for holding m1 on a gen all game and hiding in bushes,its the killer fault for not being able to do everything at once.
Also I am very sure should be translated to = I am assuming this guy actually has 3 minutes chases until he downs a survivor when I clearly stated the chase doesn't last more than 30-1 minutes which is considered a very good chase time considering you play a killer that has to deal with pallets or loops.
Post edited by Adaez on6 -
the discussion goes in circles and killer and survivor point fingers at each other. in every post. the laughing third bhvr, however, is the only one who can change the situation by changing the rules.
better ask yourself why bhvr doesn't change anything fundamental and raise your voice for change not against each others. there were already so many good suggestions in the forum what could be changed.
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I do not typically use gen slowdown perks and usually end games with 1 or 2 gens left if I do well. You must be willing to switch targets often to disrupt the gen completion flow. Also, survivors cannot help themselves and will return to a gen that is near completion. This spells their doom many times.
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Repair denial is actually more effective than regression or slowdown. Blocking a gen for 10s is worth 40s of baseline regression.
So Deadlock, Eruption, Corrupt, Thrilling, DMS, all very useful forms of slowdown and they offer you some degree of info. If you see a gen light up white, you know no one is repairing that gen. Depending on the perk in question, you can either head there to find a survivor, or head to a red gen to prevent further repairs.
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That person may have been a bit overly sarcastic, but they're also probably right. Your chases probably aren't as fast as you think they are.
In general, the way the game is designed, you need to be putting pressure on all 4 survivors to prevent generators from progressing. A survivor getting chased, being on a hook/slugged, getting the unhook, healing, side objective, or traveling in some regard.
The killer is weakest at the beginning of the game. They have pressure on zero survivors (not 4), they don't know where the survivors are, and the survivors have all of the pallets in the world to use.
As the game goes on, the map becomes smaller because there are fewer generators to complete. There are fewer pallets and there are fewer pallets near the generators because that's where the chases have been happening. The killer overall gets stronger. The core of the game is when the killer has 2 generators left. Losing 2-3 generators at the beginning isn't good but it's also not a disaster if those 2-3 generators were not part of a 3 gen that can be defended.
If you really think survivor is incredibly easy and doesn't involve any skill, feel free to play survivor. Anyone who has played both sides knows that they both take skill. I'm not entirely sure what you expect survivors to do other than hold M1 on generators, run away (looping/holding W/chaining tiles), or hide considering these are the only things they can do in the game.
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If you're getting 4 man swfs with full gen rush builds and toolboxes with BNP, then you'll be hard pressed to do much to counter it ultimately. But I doubt you're getting those sorts of teams every round. You might just be underestimating how long the chases are actually taking.
I play solo and the only games I have where we get through the gens in a short period of time, are the games where 3 of us are on our own gens and the killer is unfortunate enough to find a survivor who is good in chase first.
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tunnel and pray
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There is always one Gen rusher in every solo game, who thinks the game is best by being ended in 3 minutes. When you chose to tunnel the first survivor you see, the one who probably likes chases and not doing gens, you are already playing yourself out. Find the Claudette or Meg in the corner with the crappy clothes on, down them easily, and the good players will actually stop doing gens and scatter, now the ball is in your court. #getgood
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If OP claims that their Chases were 30 seconds and this twice, they got two Downs in one Minute. This is faster than one Gen needs to complete, let alone that one one Survivor is hooked, it is very unlikely that 3 Survivors are still doing Gens. Ideally you end up with 1 Survivor doing Gens, because you have one person hooked, one going for the rescue and one who is being chased.
Claiming that the chases only took 30 seconds is just wrong. If the chases were that fast, 3 Gens would not pop. Unless OP is going against like 6 Survivors.
Post edited by Aven_Fallen on5 -
No, their argument is that people here are full of crap. Some people are not as good as they think they are, simple as that.
Unless survivors stacked strong toolboxes and gen speed up perks, you shouldn't be losing 3 gens if your chases are actually lasting only 30 seconds. Killers can indeed apply a good balance between chases and proper map pressure to slow gens down. It's not a myth. Especially not with all the slowdown perks currently existing.
There is no doubt that gens can still be repaired too fast with the right survivor builds, just like gens can be stalled too much with the right killer builds, but in general, it's not that bad anymore.
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it's not INHERENTLY absurd.
You have the time taken to walk over from your spawn to the first chase (even with Lethal Pursuer that can be 20s or something). Say 2 survivors spawn on other gens you're not pressuring. Add toolboxes. Boom, 20s uninterrupted gen time, however long you spend on the first chase. BNP can make that first gen go immediately.
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Gen rushing, leaving no adequate time to play a proper match, leads to no one wanting to play killer anymore.
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I mean, I dont want to sound rude, but if you look at my postcount, you see that I spend way too much time on the DBD-Forums. And I spend way too much time on DBD itself.
I dont need to look at a Wiki-Link to know various numbers when it comes to Generators.
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The perks might be amazing but people already started complaining about eruption. Which will eventually get nerfed and/or replaced with something else.
Gen slowdown perks should be optional not a must. But lets face it, the killer playerbase feels forced to use full slowdown builds and/or camp/tunnel to slow the game down to a not so stressful version.
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You do realise that after you get a down,you have to walk all the way to the generator that is being repaired,and most of the times,have to guess which generator to check first.
If you check the wrong one,you waste just enough time for it to be finished.
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I think an extra objective for the survivors would reduce the gens like finding a battery and placing it in the exit gate to be opened or somethin
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>How do you actually counter genrushing?
>stack gen regression perks
How many more ways do you need?
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yes, that's why fundamentally something has to change.
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Tunnel and camp. Easy. They rush gen? You rush kills
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I just accept that if I dump all slowdown perks and do well, either I'm playing way under my practical skill level (we're talking stand at pallets for me to decide level)... or I got a flashy obsessed team that is about as concerned with the outcome as I am. okay, blinding is fine, but can it visually chill out? It's overriding everything else, calm down a bit. xD
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How can we make slowdown perks optional without making a 4 slowdown build too strong though? I seriously don’t see a way of doing this properly
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To my knowledge, Deadlock is the best perk for this. But if the survivors are smart they can even play around it. And they can just do other gens so :/
A full anti genrush build I think would be Deadlock, Erruption, Bitter Murmur and the new perk No Where to Hide. Maybe switch one of those out for overcharge or merciless storm if you think you're at an MMR where people aren't GODLIKE on skill checks. As someone who rarely messes up merciless storm checks I can't ever justify running it. If I assume the survivors I'm facing are at least as good as me then I'm wasting a perk slot. I usually do decent at overcharge checks once I know the killer is running it and can expect it.
If you're asking strictly how to stop gen rushing strategy only just "pressure gens lmao". Jokes aside I don't think there's anything more specific to do.
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What specific builds are necessary to achieve completing three gens in 30 seconds? I don’t want some kind of long winded dissertation where you double back and try to explain what you really mean, I don’t want to see you mention map/Gen RNG, I don’t want to see something about the competency of teammates. I just want the build (with perks, specific items, and add-one).
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You don't.
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Well ideally if the gens were slowed down to where gen perks were optional then we could in turn nerf them all down significantly.
With the nerfs to slow down perks in the last patch their nerfs to gens did basically nothing.
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That could work but just slowing gens down isn’t really the solution imo. Killers like nurse and blight are doing just fine so slowing gens by any significant amount would make them even stronger relative to other killers
So if slower gens were to occur then these 2 would definitely need to be looked at. It isn’t as simple as just adding extra time
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"That could work but just slowing gens down isn’t really the solution imo." "That could work but just slowing gens down isn’t really the solution imo."
That isn't what I was suggesting. By slow down gens I mean that is the end goal, not to literally slow them down.
By slowing gens I mean things like shrinking map sizes to allow better killer pressure, weakening loop strength, less pallets ect. Maybe even a second objective.
Map size and loop strength are the main issues with gen speeds. Most maps are way too large to reasonably apply pressure and most loops are way, way too safe. These two essentially make chases take way too long and way too much time is wasted holding W.
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By making the perks stronger the less gens are left. Kinda like Fire Up, but actually useful. The perk could also deactivate if there are only 2 or 3 survivors left. So the killer has to choose.
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I have always thought that Gen speed and Gen slowdown perks should simply not exist in DBD.
Make Gen completion a fixed value and let perks do other different things that promote interaction between the players.
Chase perks, info, stealthing, etc.
Gen speed is such a fundamental factor in the balance of dbd that as long as players can manipulate it, balanced gameplay will never exist.
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They may not be 3 or 4 man teams but I do get teams with good Tool Boxes and BNP all the time with at least 1 if not 2 survivors having Prove Thyself....
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Hyperfocus is also firmly in the meta. Hyperfocus/Stakeout paired with the new Fogwise perk is the primary build for at least one survivor in every lobby that I'm facing it feels like.
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They lowered slowdown perks because they increased Gen times but never touched repair speed perks and now adding more makes it worse than before. If a Killer doesn't Stack full slowdowns or tunnel/camp they will lose because of map size and layout sadly.
A Killer who plays fair by spreading hooks not camping or tunneling or massive slowdowns will lose quickly.
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I agree. I can't believe that they consciously raised gen repair times to try to balance the game and then introduced Hyperfocus that allows you to solo a generator at 50 seconds extremely easily and do sub 50 seconds with some skill at hitting great skill checks. They must not have even considered the toolbox and Stakeout synergy.
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In that case I 100% agree. Map design is the lead cause of 90% of DBD’s issues
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And players are wondering why Camping and Tunneling has become worse
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The same way you counter camping or tunneling. You bring perks to stall it out but you accept there isn't really much you can do to prevent it if they're dead-set on it.
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The funny thing is, you don't. Increasing gens times did absolutely nothing considering they nerfed most gen slowdown perks, left the survivor gen perks alone and handed even more gen perks to survivors. The only way to counter gen rushing is to slug/tunnel/camp and hope for the best.