Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

SWF needs changes



  • Member Posts: 4,634
    edited November 2022

    But comp also has limitations for the killer certain Addons are banned...? Also half the things you listed don't even work against plague... And there is still a huge difference between "competent players" and comp players... If you give a comp player one of those killers he will most likely whipe the floor with those guys in chase... Sure if they have 4 great medkits and insta heals it will be rough even for him but that would be rough for every killer regardless...

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    4-5 years ago?? That's not comparable dude xD Back then every vault was a fast vault, infinites were still in the game and the only reason survivors didn't escape every game was just because people were terrible back then xD

  • Member Posts: 427
    edited November 2022

    exactly. if youre playing with such a big advantage then the killer should know what theyre up against. its not like surv queues arent lightning fast anyways

  • Member Posts: 4,285
    edited November 2022

    killer has unfair advantage against 4 solos. Solo is unplayable at this moment. Killer and 4man SWF (if not for utmost top level) is balanced. So if anything, buff solo and call it a day

    I am pretty certain killers have about 50% kill rate against 4man swf right now. If that is too few, then IDK. Maybe killer players should not be so entitled

  • Member Posts: 329

    something has to be done against swf and nurse, in the past you've clearly seen that even perks have to be nerfed because the two can abuse it

    Awakend-Awar, can be abused with Starstruck (only by Nurse), what does bhvr do ? correctly not address the real problem (Nurse) but change the perk

    boil over, was it an overpowered perk? never! but it was nerfed, but why ? simply because swf troops have abused it on certain maps, has bhvr addressed the real problem ? no, the perk also changed

    If Nurse and swf are not prevented from abusing things at some point then more things will be changed and nerfed, Unbreakable basekit alone can never bring bhvr into the game, just like that because the swf troops will clearly abuse it and the solo q has to suffer, it's like in a group where a few people misbehave and everyone has to pay for it

    this talk "if bhvr nerfs swf then the game will die" (wishful thinking not more not less) or "why should you be penalized for playing with friends?" Quite simply if the focus is on having fun with your friends, why does it bother you so much that the swf troops get a debuff on actions ? can't your little baby group bully more killers ? I'm in tears aww :/ the poor troops can no longer just bully all the killers except Nurse, Blight, Spirit

    btw: I'm a main survivor, I have a lot of friends I can play with, but that's not why I just start twisting facts or even lying or how many here start making claims "that the game will dienn, if swfs get a debuffe" xD

  • Member Posts: 5,499
  • Member Posts: 412

    Maybe they are in the future, all I'm saying is you claimed SWF changes are on the way because of Peanits' post, but his post is talking about Soloq buffs, not SWF changes.

    Doesn't mean SWF changes won't be coming, I'm just pointing out your post wasn't really relevant to the OP.

    Sorry for being argumentative.

  • Member Posts: 5,499
  • Member Posts: 412

    Yes to some degree, but the OP is talking about nerfing SWF, the changes Peanits is talking about is buffing Soloq with information icons which will also buff SWF. That isn't what the OP is asking for lol.

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    But its the direction bHVR is taking the game, so its relevant even tho unwanted by OP.

  • Member Posts: 81
    edited November 2022

    I dont know what people expect--- bhvr call up discord and be like: " yo, stop letting dbd players chat."

    the fact of the matter is, in a game where a lobby can be created and friends added to that lobby, there will ALWAYS be communication. always.

    no matter what changes are made, people will work around it as long as communication is possible. the only way to prevent this is to remove swf entirely... and if you want that, then you sign the death note of the game-- because if anything is true about online games, it's that people want to play with their friends.

    the -only- good option is to bring solo q up to speed. more communication, more tools to help a team coordinate. and even then... these will be randoms..strangers.. and no matter how much communication, they are not promised to cooperate (see any online game with ig voice chat ever)

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    That depends on region and time of day. Most SWF in NA don't play until like 5-6pm. Knowing this killers would lobby shop or not play at all, either way resulting in those teams getting no match.

    We need to reward & incentive and not punish.

  • Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2022


    I have said it many times and i will say it again... They should implement a feature that if a survivor joins any game other than clicking "find game/start" whilst solo... They should add a 2% penalty speed to repair and healing actions and counter it with a 2% BP bonus. As if a survivor is doing anything other than joining a game by clicking the "Find Game/Start" solo in the menu... they are playing in a SWF or via third party software (For any reason).

    Until then, do what i do... See 4 survivors already waiting in a lobby... leave it. See survivors in a lobby with others in a steam group or friends list... Leave it. See 4 survivors in a lobby with similar names, tags or same country spelling... Leave It. I am not walking into a trap and i will happily risk missing out playing with a "bad" team.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    I actually like playing against SWF.

    1, they bring flashlights more often then solo - which usually results in free hits and nobody working on a generator.

    2, chance of DC after hooking first person is way lower.

    Also I can handle occasional loose. But let's be honest. Going forward from 6.1 it's quite easy to play killer even against 4-man SWF. Those buffs leveled the playing field drastically (that's also the reason why I will not touch soloQ any more until they fix it. Just yesterday a friend of mine said enough after loosing 7 games in a row. In soloQ. No wonder. I don't remember loosing 4 games in a row as killer. This alone should speak about if the problem is SWF or actually solo being way too weak right now).

  • Member Posts: 746

    Because if they nerf survivors and balances the game based on SWF soloQ will lose 100% of all matches and I mean 100% soloQ is already bad as it is now... I have 5k hours and I get queued up with 21 hours or sometimes legacy 3s with 12k there is nothing balanced... Killers have already received enormous buffs I mean I get 4ks almost all matches with bubba irongrasp agitation madgrit. I run troll builds and I don't even try to play good yet I dominate my matches ^^ That's why

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