General Discussions

General Discussions

Just pointing out how much Circle of Healing is stacked.

>Boon Perk so it provides buff to entire team

>Provides Botany Knowledge-level of boost

>Provides unlimited source of Self-Heals

>It's based on 50% Self-Care instead of nerfed 35% version

>The boost stacks with Med-Kits but unlike Botany Knowledge, it doesn't have Med-Kit efficiency penalty

>Stacks with other Self-Heal boots

>Compared to other Boon Perks, it is usually placed in a corner where Killer has no business going to which makes it gain even more value

Just.... What. Is there any Killer Perk even remotely close to how stacked CoH is? Closest is Eruption or Overcharge but it still exceeds either of them in terms of how much this Perk has.

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