If I Block Someone STOP Matching Me With Them

vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336


I don't care how long this will make my match matching take. If I block someone it means I do not want any contact with them. That means I do not want to play any more matches with them.


A lot of this player base is toxic but even so there are some real standouts and I make sure to block the people who really go out of their way to make the game suck for other people. But blocking someone on Steam does not stop me from still getting them in my games. I'm not sure what would need to happen to do this but it'd make my games so much more enjoyable.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    Steam has this thing where you can set your profile to various level of "public access". I don't know all of them, as I have mine set totally public and never even looked at the settings but I know of at least two other options: 1) "Totally private" where you can see no information about the person, none of their games, no groups, and most importantly can't leave a comment on the profile, nothing and 2) "Only friends can comment" which is as it says.

    So often you can't even leave a comment on the worst offender's profile because they have it disabled in some way.

    Also with anonymous mode in the game you can't access someone's profile but you can still block them, but it seems blocking someone does almost nothing that matters so... .

  • Babalonkie
    Babalonkie Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2022

    Make a list of questionable players...

    "Abusers", "Hackers" etc...

    See them in a lobby, leave it.

    You have the final say on who you socialise and play with.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    And this doesn't matter. Because the block only applies for the person making it. If someone doesn't want to play against Nurses and Blights at high MMR and only blocks the Killer players who play them then they can sit in queue for hours without getting a lobby. It is a problem of their own making.

    There would need to be some means of unblocking people, like a "List of people I have blocked" with an "unblock" option per person, that way you could be matched up with them again if the wait time gets to be too much but if it is clearly stated "If you block people you do not get matched up with them. This WILL make your queue times longer." then they would only have themselves to blame if they blocked every Killer player they went up against just because of the Killer that person played and not HOW they played that Killer.

    I wouldn't block someone just for playing a normal Nurse game with double recharge add-ons alongside Infectious Fright, Starstruck, Jolt, and Sloppy Butcher (or whatever the current meta build is), however I WOULD block someone if they played out-of-bounds AFK Nurse that waits for N.O.E.D. to proc then they slug everyone right as the last gen is finished and force everyone to bleed out or DC.

    You can't really use "People would just block anyone who plays [OVERPOWER KILLLER]" as an 'argument' because it only applies per person and it only impacts that person that makes that choice. If someone is willing to wait two, four, ten hours in queue just to get a game against a different Killer then let them.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502

    "He camped, Imma block him. "

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    And I'm saying that is an individual problem. If you are given a tool and you misuse that tool it is not the tools fault. Should we take away every single hammer just because some people hit their hands with them when trying to drive nails? No.

    If you give people more control over their match-matching and they use that control in such a way that prevents them from getting any matches at all that is their fault, not yours. You also need to give them the control to undo the first part so they can have an easier time finding matches again but by default if someone is willing to wait longer times to get games they find more enjoyable you should allow that.

    If people want to block every Killer player that plays Nurse or Blight or Spirit or Knight or Twins or whomever and then they complain about long match-making times you first ask them "Did you block every Killer player you went again just because of the Killer they played?" and tell them they need to unblock people then and it is their own fault they have to wait so long. Make it VERY CLEAR that by blocking people it WILL make their match making take long and the only person to blame for it is themselves for using the tool they were given in that way.

    I really do not understand the "Someone people would misuse this feature" as a valid argument, especially in this case as they only people they would be 'hurting' would be themselves. At the end of the day having this feature would benefit more people than it would hinder, and the people it would hinder would only be hindered by their own hands. They would very quickly learn to not block people for petty reasons and use it as intended or just continue to suffer long queue times. It just needs to be made VERY OBVIOUS that the reason they have longer queue times is because they blocked the majority of their options and have to unblock some to go back to more acceptable queue times.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    How about we just get a block action in post game chat for specific players? That way they at least cannot be toxic in chat anymore...

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,706

    That's good for you if you don't block someone for playing nurse, but people will do that. We know this, because before dedicated servers there was a mod that allowed people to block others and it caused issues for some players who liked to play strong killers getting games.

    Also if you end up in a lobby with someone who blocks nurses, then you will be affected by that person's block list. Not to mention if people block you then you now have to wait longer for games even though you haven't blocked anyone. This system will simply never work.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    My idea was it would apply BEFORE going into a lobby, so people only get matched up with other with matching block lists. You're waiting for a lobby not in the lobby.

    As for the other factor, if you are being blocked maybe you should change the way you play so people don't block you. And if people are being petty about blocking you for no other reason than the Killer you are playing you shouldn't want to play against them in the first place.

    See right above. If you are getting blocked then something you are doing is wrong. Change how you play. Though of course some people will block you just to block you but, again, you shouldn't want t play with those people anyways.

    Of course I don't have a "Main" Killer that I play, so if someone only ever exclusively plays Nurse and refuse to play any other Killer that is on them for not changing how they play and they should have to wait for games so they can play against people who enjoy or at the very least don't mind playing against Nurse.

    I put no stock in the "You bought the game, you can play how you want." argument when it comes to a multiplayer games. As soon as your actions start impacting another person it does matter "how you play". In a multiplayer game you are entering a social contract that everyone is there to have fun and you shouldn't do thing that stop people from having fun. If you play in such a way that the majority of people don't want to play against you then you are part of the problem. If that problem is that you play Nurse and Nurse is the problem then branch out and play other Killers until such a time that Nurse is fixed to not be problematic.

    At the end of the day I am sick and tired of playing against the same toxic Killer players three to five times a night and every single game I have with them is anywhere from five minutes to an hour of misery depending how they play. I do not not have any fun against these people because they go out of their way to make every match with them as not-fun as possible for the sole fact they get enjoyment out of running other people's fun, they are breaking that social contract I mentioned before. This is a straight up fact some of them have told me in end-of-game chat about why they play they way they do, that they do it because they know people hate it. If I am not having fun why should I bother to continue to play the game? If blocking these toxic people actually made my games more enjoyable I'd be willing to play more often and actually go back to recommending this game to others. As it is right now I do not recommend the game to others because of how toxic a good amount of the player base is and how I'm really only playing any more out of Stockholm Syndrome and chasing the one in fifty fun games.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,706

    People can back out of lobbies which then requires the lobby to get more people which then gets impacted by the block lists if the devs were to ever implement a system of preventing matching with other people.

    And people shouldn't be forced to play a certain way just to prevent being blocked by people who can't handle playing a pvp game.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    So you say when I only enjoy let's say demo a killer most player say is godd balanced and I am really good really really good and so I have high MMR and the pool of people that face me is already not that big. People now start blocking me cause they now I'm good and they don't want to face me cause I win most games and after a year or half a year most players of my mmr blocked me. What should happen now should I face weaker survivor now to ruin there games or should I have to wait 20min for a game? Both doesn't sound fair but that's what will happen cause that is what happens back when you could use a third party tool to block players. It's not a hypothetical thing it's a fact

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Then how about a block list for post game toxicity? You may not be able to prevent people from being toxic ingame but at least in post game... I mean sometimes you would want to talk with some people but not with everyone... So disabling the chat entirely might not be the best thing?

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    It's a moot point, there is no way it can be done that won't be abused so it won't be done. But if people are blocking you because you are so good at the game that sucks for you but is their problem. You're suffering from success. Go learn another Killer for a bit until more people enter your MMR pool and you can get Demo games again.

    I really enjoy playing Nemesis, but I also understand that lots of people get tired of playing against him so I play other Killers as well. I do not set my own fun above other people by that much. I won't go out of my way in such a way that I find not-fun personally so others can have fun but if I can do something to make things more fun for others that doesn't have that major of an impact on me then I will do that.

    Mastermind is another good example of this. Yes he is super fun to play but there were so many people playing him he was very much not-fun to play against due to every nine out of ten games you were going against him. So I didn't play Mastermind during that time. Even though I did find playing him fun. I got my Adept and stopped playing him until the total glut of Mastermind players went down and how he's back in my rotation of Killers I'll play.

    The problem is that people are selfish, they only care about themselves. If you care just a little more about other people then you are willing to take minor hits on your side so they have major gains on theirs. I try very hard to not be selfish. This does not mean I'm never going to third hook a Survivor and let everyone go every single game but it does mean that I won't personally contribute to the toxicity of the game by camping and tunneling just for a nebulous "win". It means that if there is a massive glut of a specific Killer being played I won't play that Killer myself even if I enjoy playing them, because I enjoy other Killers. It means that I won't run the more problematic Perks in the game even if they are super powerful because I hate playing against them myself so I'm not going to contribute to that. It is a matter of not putting yourself so far above others that you only care about yourself and you can find a balance where you and everyone else can have fun.

    I care about everyone having fun in the game, meanwhile so many others do not and some even very specifically go out of their way to make games as miserable for everyone else because they are literal, self admitted, sadists and enjoy hurting others.

    If the block could be done in such a way as to match the player with the Killer so it only worked if they were playing that Killer ("Block user123 as Nurse or Leatherface" would then mean you could still get matched with user123 if they were playing Blight for example.) then it'd be even better but that's a big ask when even just not getting matched to a specific player won't happen because people will abuse it.

    At the end of the day I'm just really sad about the state of the world and how many people there are that just... have no empathy. People that don't care about the feelings of others because they don't know them personally. The people that hide behind "It's just a game." as their excuse for hurting others and why the pain they cause doesn't matter. It's not the game, it's the player. YOU are causing pain in others with your actions. Own up to it at the very least. That's why I have just a sliver more respect for the people who admit they play in that way to hurt others, at least they are being honest about it. Doesn't mean I ever want to play against them again and really would wish they'd get to a better place in life where they don't have that mindset but at least they are being honest about things instead of hiding behind weak excuses.

    I am just very tired of people who think it's alright to ruin other people's fun to have their own for the sole reason they are doing these things in a game. I want to have fun as well. You took that from me, so, yes, YOU hurt me. I just wish the world was a better place, because the small things like this matter to people.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    So I pay for the game with my money and I put time and effort in it to get good and I enjoy it and I should win when I am good and better then my opponents and you say hey stop doing what you enjoy and what you are good at cause your opponents don't enjoy it. If that's your mindset you need to switch to a single player game cause it's pvp one side looses and there are real people behind it so there always be a side that doesn't enjoy how the round played out cause they wanted to win to. If we take that logic and bring it into the real world should we ban every top player or top team so the other teams can enjoy a tournament to. Should we put weights on the good players so it's more fun and fair for the other players? Cause that's what you just said you say hey play another killer you are not good with or the feature I wish for would get you to never play again lol

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    i think you really need to take a long break from dbd and perhaps branch out to other games or hobbies until you're in a better state of mind, then come back again and look at your suggestion and you'll figure out why it'd be unreasonable in every way.

    i personally took long breaks from this game and it has definitely helped.

    but asking to limit what other people play and how they play when they don't break any rules is certainly not it. people being douchebags isn't specific to dbd it's just how multiplayer games go.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    Playing in a tournament is very different than just playing a casual game. In a tournament you know you are going against the strongest the other side can bring, you accept that you will be playing against that. In random games you throw dice and hope they land on something you will enjoy.

    A tournament is a controlled setting where everyone agrees to what will happen. In a tournament as Survivor you understand that the Killer is likely to be Nurse or Blight and they are very likely going to camp and/or tunnel someone really early to make it a 3v1. You enter into the games with this understanding and have accepted it.

    In casual games you go in hoping that the Killer will play fair, they they will not camp or tunnel. What goes on in a tournament and what happens in causal games are not the same and have no bearing on each other.

    On the other matter keep playing how you want to play, but do so with the understanding that the way you play is not fun for other people. Be willing to admit "I am having my fun, yours does not matter. I do not care about other people." Own up to that you are being selfish and prioritizing your fun over other people's. Yes there has to be one side that wins and one side that loses but that does mean you have to play in such a way to win that you cause the other side to not have any fun at all. Fun can be had in losing a game, but not if one side goes out of their way to make the game not-fun for the other side.

    "people being douchebags isn't specific to dbd it's just how multiplayer games go."

    And that is my core problem. People need to not be jerks. People need to stop making things zero sum. Every single problem in the world can be boiled down to "Someone was a jerk to someone else." and if people just stopped being jerks the world would be a much better place. I am never going to stop calling out people for being jerks and asking them to stop being jerks.

    I'm not asking people to go out of their way to be part of the solution, I am just asking people to stop being part of the problem.\

    We need to remove this mindset of "It's fine to be jerks to people we don't know over the internet." it is toxic and not helpful.

    We need to stop the mindset of "That is just how it is in multiplayer games." because acceptance does not lead to change.

    Actions need to have consequences, and people need to learn that their actions in a game matter when it comes to the other people those actions affect. Just shrugging our shoulders and saying "That's just how it is" does not help and is actively detrimental to making things better for everyone.

    It is not about breaking "rules", it about breaking a social contract that everyone just wants to have a good time and some people just have to be jerks and ruin it for everyone else because they were not raised right and don't care about other people's feelings.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I don't camp and I don't tunnel that's all I owe the survivor community in my mind but you are trying to defend your idea that will be used to punish people for being good and enjoying certain killers by saying I would be selfish and I should be honest and say I don't care about the other Sides FUN and that is just not right. As long as I don't break any rules and even avoid legal tactics that are known for ruining fun I do everything I can to ensure your fun without hindering myself to enjoy the game.

    I don't want to put you into that entitled survivor rulebook category because I can see what you really want to achieve because I think your main concern are people that actually play scummy and bhvr should start to work on these problems but in your last two replies you kinda sound like: killers should feel bad if they play anything but trapper without traps and I don't think you should go down to that

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    People play video games because it allows them to do things they can't do in the real world.

    I'm Canadian, so I'm not even allowed to be impolite. So to blow off steam if I am in a right foul mood, I'll chainsaw face camp hapless survivors until I feel better if I feel like it. They might not enjoy it but no one is actually getting hurt.

    If you somehow feel like you are getting hurt by virtual actions in a video game, then PvP video games just aren't for you. You don't have the mental fortitude to separate fiction from reality. Go play Tetris or Candy Crush, you'll be safe there.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    YOU, personally, are taking actions that hurt other people to make yourself feel better. The fact you are doing these things though the medium of a game does not change the fact you are doing things that cause other people harm, in this case emotional harm. Yeah most people will just shrug it off and say "Jerks are going to be jerks, what can you do?" but not everyone will do so and you very well may wind up ruining someone's ONE chance to play the game and have fun and ruin their whole day because of it.

    The key factor here is that it is a multiplayer game. There are actual real people on the other side of thing you are doing these things to.

    And you don't care. You have no empathy for them.

    When I have a bad day and want to vent my frustrations I load up a single player hack and slash and just kill loads of bugs or faceless soldiers or whatever. Or load up a fighting game and just beat up a character in training mode. I don't load up a multiplayer game and spread the misery to other people.

    You are part of the problem.

    You are ACTIVALLY making the world a worse place to live in for other people with you actions.

    I hope you can get to a better place in life where you don't feel the need to ease your own suffering by causing it in other people.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,706

    The world isn't a worse place to live, because you had rough games online

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    No, but every bad game makes the day just that bit more worse.

    If you add a drop into a bucket the drops add up and soon enough the bucket is over flowing.

    Small things matters, sometimes more than you would ever expect. There are tons of stories on both sides, of something as simple as someone saying a nice thing to someone else and that other person not going to to jump off the bridge like they had planned. Or going the other way someone being cut off in traffic and then going home to beat his wife to an inch of her life.

    The mindset of "Because it happens in a video game it doesn't matter." is a very core part of the problem. It is not the game that is doing these thing it is the players and player can be held accountable for their actions. The anonymity of the internet has eroded people's empathy towards others, or maybe just put the natural lack of empathy humans already had to the forefront, and there is a very firm "us versus them" mindset in play as well. You can do whatever you like to the other side because they don't matter. They are other and not us so are valid targets for hate and suffering.

    Does that sound familiar to other problems in the word that most rational people actually agree are problems?

    Just because something is small doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

    Just because something is "How it has always been" doesn't mean it can't be changed.

    The shear apathy when it comes to toxicity in multiplayer games astounds and infuriates me.

    If you make someone else suffer in a game just to fell better about yourself and they take it personally and go hurt someone else in real life how would you feel? Would you ever care? Would you mock this person you hurt for being weak? Do you have no empathy at all?

    I'm not asking people to actively care about other others, I am just asking people to stop actively hurting others. Stop taking actions you know are going to hurt someone's feelings, even if only for a short moment before they "suck it up and move on".

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,706

    No one is forcing you to play dbd. If you are constantly having back to back bad games, take a break. Forcing yourself to play a game you are not currently enjoying is not something you should be doing.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    That's the thing. Just today I played lots of games and the majority of them were very fun, hade loads of great chases and lots of really good Survivors with very slim wins and losses and only two complete blowouts, one on each side. Yeah I had three games where people were being toxic and ruined things but for the most part I had fun. And in the blowout game I lost non of the Survivors were toxic about their skill. They just played the game and got out. No t-bagging, no clicky-clicky, nothing toxic. Just really good players. And while I didn't find that game to be all that fun because it was very clear I stood no chance I didn't find it to be a heavily negative experience. I got to practice my mind games and while I could never have won I took the chance to try and improve. If any one of them had t-bagged after stunning me or did so at the exit gate then, yeah, that game would have been a lot worse but as it stood it was a fine game I'm going to remember in a mostly neutral, maybe slightly positive, light for a few days.

    My main problem is that some nights I get the same people over and over and over again because of how MMR works and these people are toxic and I don't want to play with them. As Killer I can leave the lobby, wait ten to fifteen minutes for them to get into another match and requeue myself without any problem but as Survivor I have no way of knowing that this is going to be the third time in a row I'm matched up against the same No-Fun-Allowed Insidious Leatherface even though I've waited half an hour after each match to try and get a different Killer Player.

    At the end of the day I just want people to be nicer to each other. And I don't understand why people seem to think that is something wrong to be asking.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454
    edited December 2022

    There's a 4v1 survival horror game I also have many hours in that ALLOWS this with way less of player base. And like you said theres some who just block good "killers/survivors" but really it isnt a big deal. If some skilled killer thinks this is happening to them they just make a smurf.

    Again this game im talking about has WAY LESS PEOPLE playing and it still isnt a big deal blocking people to never get them again. Worst thing that happens is known offenders get made fun of for blocking too many people (and make themselves suffer with bad matchmaking times)

    EDIT: Thought of more things. DBD also gets WAY MORE new players everyday, so these skilled killers will never have bad matchmaking times because of survivors blocking too many killers or vise versa (killers blocking known SWFs).

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    No, I am not. It's a video game. There is no possible way to actually hurt someone in a video game and anyone who thinks that is delusional. If you somehow get "hurt" playing video games that is a YOU problem, not a me problem. If your whole day is ruined because of one player's actions in a virtual world played over the internet in a short match, then again, I recommend not playing DbD at all. That's a normal game of DbD half the time.

    Just because you are playing a game, does not entitle you to have fun 100% of the time or to have other players ensure that your game is fun. You have to take the few moments of happiness a game like DbD gives you and treasure them, for sometimes they are few and far between.

    Your emotional well-being is YOUR responsibility. Not mine, or any other players' responsibility. If you think you are suffering emotional harm from DbD, quit the game and seek help. The game and its players are not going to change to suit you nor should you expect them to.

    You can't be a victim in a video game because no one is forcing you to play and no one is forcing you to stay.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Would you still want this feature if you could only block OTHER survivors?

  • Babalonkie
    Babalonkie Member Posts: 153

    Totally inaccurate. People choose to play a video game... not get abused or harassed by a individual... and a individual is not "a video game". It is why most game developers used to mark online play as "Multiplayer/Online activity/gameplay is not rated/monitored", as the game producers are stating that human activity between each other is not within their design of the game and they are trying to partially exempt themselves from criminal proceedings (Although you will rarely see this now as platform owners can now be prosecuted regardless).

    If someone intentionally and actively takes a malicious action (Typing, Speaking or physical) outside fixed parameters of a product or service that can cause harm (Physical or emotional) that can cause actual "hurt"... it is a crime (Not even against TOS... a crime). It's why harassment is a crime, malicious communications is a crime, Bullying is a crime and hate speech is a crime (and ALL apply in a video game and a age rating means absolutely nothing in this regard)... it's also why encouraging self harm in ANY WAY OR FORM online is also about to be a crime. Masking behind a joke, meme, "just words" or "anger/stress" means absolutely nothing... and never has... hence why being angry and then committing a crime has never been a defence and has always been a admission of guilt in a court of law or society for centuries. That also applies to the internet and everything/everyone that uses it.

    So... playing a video game and typing to or repeatedly targeting another player is no longer "Just a video game" should that person or anyone else actually report it to authorities.

    Video games ARE for fun and anything else is secondary/questionable. If someone goes to play a video game and a player breaks the law... that player is the problem... not the victim who plays to have fun via a set made product... or the video game itself... it's the individual breaking a law that is the problem.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Not to mock this or anything just an honest question.

    So could it be seen as actuall harrssment when I encounter the same player several times a day which can happen with mmr atm and I target him because I know he is a weak looper and that he has ne exhaustion perks.

    I mean he could say it's causing him emotional damage

  • Babalonkie
    Babalonkie Member Posts: 153
    edited December 2022

    Knowledge of a weakness within the designed parameters of a game you both have agreed to do is not even comparable (Not even remotely)... People sign up to play a game, not to listen/read personnel abuse or to be targeted outside designed parameters.

    Anyways, this is drifting away from the original point of the thread and i am not here to debate, i have just mentioned law (It's law that has existed for decades and using a "new platform" does not negate the purpose of those laws and those laws will update to keep with new technology rather than disappearing because of new technology). I highly recommend checking your countries wording on the various forms of laws regarding harassment for more information rather than asking someone on the internet.

    "Ignoring" or blocking someone (Threads point) is avoiding someone, which is the opposite of harassment etc and deemed by law and society as a mature way of dealing with someone you "don't like" rather than confronting/Targeting them or escalating a scenario.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    If you honestly think a crime is being committed, report it to the police or go to your district attorney and try to get a restraining order against your perpetrator.

    Even in places with the strictest of laws, actions in DbD cannot be construed as crimes. Getting tunneled, camped, smacked on hook and even the most furious of teabagging is not harassment. Any chat in DbD that follows the rules is not harassment. Being repeatedly targeted is not harassment unless one player somehow can consistently target another player across multiple gaming sessions, which only happens to streamers and almost always by hackers.

    A killer doing everything they can to make a single match of DbD for a certain player as unpleasant as possible, even tunneling them until they are dead on hook and then slugging them to bleed them out to make it last as long as possible while being as toxic as possible is not harassment or a crime and it never will be. Even some sort of law gets put on the books to make it a crime there is just not enough law enforcement personnel to enforce such (stupid) laws.

    BHVR is also scared of being sued for somehow enabling such crimes and will do everything they can to make it as difficult as possible or impossible to do. That's why DbD will never have an in-game voice chat. The banhammer should come for perpetrators long before an actual judge's gavel.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    I'm done talking with you, it is clear we are not going to be able to corm to any sort of terms since you are ignoring the fundamental nature of what I am saying. We just have two very different mindsets about what is and is not "harm" and you seem to have a very negative mindset that just because what you are doing is through a videogame it is not harming other people.

    I hope for your sake and the sake of everyone around you that you can mature and get to a better place in life where you realize that your actions have consequences.

    If you want to you can consider this you "winning" the "argument" because I will no longer be responding to anything else you say. I'm done. I wish you a happy life even though I fundamentally disagree with the way you live your life.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I knew this was the outcome before I even started typing the post.

    I hope one day you can choose not to be a victim, it will make your life so much better. You choosing to be a victim and blaming others for your problems is holding back your own happiness. If you do that, I'd call it a win.

    I am not a victim. I am happy or content almost all the time. I choose to be happy and I will not let others be responsible for my happiness.

    I hope you have a nice day.

    P.S. I almost never tbag the killer unless they did something toxic first. I used to be the newb-welcoming committee and have hundreds of hours of friendly (8 hook, no kill) games. I am not the problem and I have done far more good for DbD than bad.

  • Babalonkie
    Babalonkie Member Posts: 153
    edited December 2022

    "If you honestly think a crime is being committed, report it to the police or go to your district attorney and try to get a restraining order against your perpetrator.

    Even in places with the strictest of laws, actions in DbD cannot be construed as crimes. Getting tunneled, camped, smacked on hook and even the most furious of teabagging is not harassment. Any chat in DbD that follows the rules is not harassment. Being repeatedly targeted is not harassment unless one player somehow can consistently target another player across multiple gaming sessions, which only happens to streamers and almost always by hackers.

    A killer doing everything they can to make a single match of DbD for a certain player as unpleasant as possible, even tunneling them until they are dead on hook and then slugging them to bleed them out to make it last as long as possible while being as toxic as possible is not harassment or a crime and it never will be. Even some sort of law gets put on the books to make it a crime there is just not enough law enforcement personnel to enforce such (stupid) laws.

    BHVR is also scared of being sued for somehow enabling such crimes and will do everything they can to make it as difficult as possible or impossible to do. That's why DbD will never have an in-game voice chat. The banhammer should come for perpetrators long before an actual judge's gavel."

    That is a completely different and contradictory statement to...

    "No, I am not. It's a video game. There is no possible way to actually hurt someone in a video game and anyone who thinks that is delusional. If you somehow get "hurt" playing video games that is a YOU problem, not a me problem. If your whole day is ruined because of one player's actions in a virtual world played over the internet in a short match, then again, I recommend not playing DbD at all. That's a normal game of DbD half the time.

    Just because you are playing a game, does not entitle you to have fun 100% of the time or to have other players ensure that your game is fun. You have to take the few moments of happiness a game like DbD gives you and treasure them, for sometimes they are few and far between.

    Your emotional well-being is YOUR responsibility. Not mine, or any other players' responsibility. If you think you are suffering emotional harm from DbD, quit the game and seek help. The game and its players are not going to change to suit you nor should you expect them to.

    You can't be a victim in a video game because no one is forcing you to play and no one is forcing you to stay."

    And "Even in places with the strictest of laws, actions in DbD cannot be construed as crimes." is still inaccurate... as the platform or tool is now irrelevant to whether or not a crime has been committed. Simply "Playing a game" is not a crime, what you do inside/via that game however is a different story and still subject to law.

    Post edited by Babalonkie on
  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Just because you say it's contradictory, doesn't make it contradictory. I don't think it is and you don't even try to show me how it is.

    You also say that stuff can be a crime. How? Where? Again you are just saying stuff without providing receipts.

    I think you're full of it.

  • Babalonkie
    Babalonkie Member Posts: 153

    Think what you like.

    If you are over 18 it's your responsibility and no one else's to be educated and to know law. "ignorantia juris non excusat".

    Anyways, i don't need a block feature... like others i am done talking to you.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Typical. You gave me a good chuckle.

    Your counterpoint boils down to the desperate "just google it."

    I know I am not going to get charged with a crime or extradited to another country for the occasional face camp.

    Hope you have a wonderful day as well.

  • MrKrabsArgArgArg
    MrKrabsArgArgArg Member Posts: 75

    I think at the very least, if you make a report against a player, and an action by BHVR is taken against them, then you should be able to not play with the player in question

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 336

    OK, so, I get why blocking people can't be made to stop you from playing with them but can we get a short User Blacklist, something like six to ten entries, of people we absolutely DO NOT want to play with?

    I can't really "play at a different time" because of my work schedule so when I do get to play I run into the same people over and over and over again and right now there are two people in particular that I really never want to play again, six time against one and four times against the other. Each and every game these two ONLY ever four person slug and play in the worst not-fun most drawn out painful way possible, only hooking someone once everyone is on the ground and then they face camp until the first person hits second stage and if there is anyone left who hasn't bleed out yet they hook them as well and face-camp till second stage and repeat.




    This has really been burying my fun with this game even more so than normal games.

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