Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

They need to reverse the flashlight nerf

Member Posts: 43
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's insanely broken right now, flashlights never come on when you need them to. And yes this was a nerf, because flashlighting after a pallet stun is almost impossible now. Every time I hold the button it doesn't come on, so I need to release it and hold it again and then the killer has already turned away. Do the devs even playtest before updates? I mean they're not even listing this as a bug? I can't be the only one with this problem.

Oh and why did they buff flashlight saves? I never heard anyone complain about them, other than the killer mains being mad it exists.

Post edited by BoxGhost on

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  • Member Posts: 43

    The pallet blinding was an error before this patch, it was caused by their flashlight nerf. But yeah it's easier to flashlight save someone now, and they didn't even list the unresponsive flashlight problem as a bug.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    I also feel like flashlights are pathetic now. They should have let you click like 3x before going on cooldown and I have no clue why they changed where they point. I also feel like the buffer is likely overturned. They nearly doubled an untested value. Insane.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I haven't had any problems with blinding a killer after a pallet stun, or while they are breaking a pallet personally. Not sure what delay you are talking about, because there should only be a delay after you turn off you flashlight.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, they tested it, and it somewhat counteracted the flashlight cooldown to the point that it didnt need to be frame perfect to save someone. The only thing I am kinda questioning is why they made the latency difference 150ms when 100ms would have accounted for anyone up to 50ms(latency is 2x ping). Now up to 75ms wont be screwed over by servers, but on the other hand, if you're far too early with flashlights while lagging, its almost guaranteed to hit.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    They need to rebalance flashlights in general, with the current state of things, 65% of flashlight addons either have 2+ addons that do the same thing but better, or addons that dont really do anything at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    You are ignoring the fact that playtesters exist, most of them having many, many, many more hours than the average veteran.

    So yeah, the 0.25 part was tested, they added 0.15 to prevent laggy killers from picking up survivors and having no counter(because laggy killers would finish the animation before the server recieves it, making them immune to it), and it gives laggy survivors the ability to readjust their beam as it otherwise would need to be frame perfect.

    So you have a situation where one side basically gets a free perk, and the other side has to be absolutely frame perfect every single time or they cant use an item. For those players, 0.15 was added to compensate, making everyone vulnerable and give every survivor a relatively equal chance.

    And thats not even talking about the fact that flashlights only really have 5 useful addons, 6 if you count the halloween bulb too, out of 14 total, and out of those 5 usefull addons, only 3 are used because they do the same thing as the others, but better. Thats only 20% of the addons. Its objectively the item/power with the least variety because of that.

    Not a single killer ability has only 5 useful addons, most of them have at least 10 useful ones. A lot of killers tend to stick with the same 3-5 addons because they are simply the best, but they can run out and there would be enough back up.

    So as of now, yeah, enough testing has been done with the flashlight blinding. Since there were basically 3-4 frames where you could blind the killer before they could look away before, we basically went from 0.08 to 0.4. Thats from 4 frames to 20 frames, out of an animation that lasts 180 frames.

    Remember that originally, the pick up animation lasted 5 seconds, you could use instablinds to the point that you had to look up/down permanently because a single beam being able to hit your face was a save, and brightness actually could give you a variety in how late you could be for a blind save. Then they removed brightness having effect on the blinding speed(its now a static time), and they nearly doubled the speed for a pickup. Making the blind nearly frame perfect.

    Since Lightborn was changed from decreasing the blinding speed(giving you even less room) to fully disabling the blindness effect for killers, and dedicated servers sometimes making blinds impossible, flashlight needed some extra wiggleroom as compensation.

    Because while yeah, it sounds unfair, look at it from a gameplay perspective. You have an item that can only be effective while the killer is in an animation, and even then they can just use a perk to deny you that, and having only 6 killers who have an ability that can somewhat be countered by flashlights, but even then not really because Nurse can blink before you get the lightburn, Artist can send the crows 2 seconds before you get rid of them, Myers and Ghostface dont need to look at you specifically, leaving only Wraith and Hag, where Hag has addons that can make her instantly respawn to her traps being removed meaning the only killer that gets countered by it is Wraith.

    Would you use that item over, lets say, a key that can show you the killer's aura? Or a medkit that can self heal you up more than once? Or a toolbox that can reduce a single generator from 90 seconds to 70 seconds? Or even a map that allows you to find that one pesky totem for the sake of a boon, hex or a totem perk?

    I dont think flashlights are done either btw, I feel like by the time they are done, lightburning Nurse and disabling crows is going to be faster, while Wraith finally gets less punishment from being stunned from a lightburn.

  • Member Posts: 3,389
    edited November 2022

    I've rarely seen blinds that could be credited as a miss due to killer lag. What I have seen dozens of times is a killer picking up a survivor, rotating and then dropping the survivor due to the blind. That's on validation. An obviously frustrating experience for the killer that thought they had secured a down, and one that does not need to be expanded upon.

    Post edited by entertainment720 on
  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Not a single killer ability has only 5 useful addons, most of them have at least 10 useful ones. A lot of killers tend to stick with the same 3-5 addons because they are simply the best, but they can run out and there would be enough back up.

    10 useful add-on? you mean 1-2 at best. some killer add-on lists are so bad that it is laughable.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    I'm still getting pallet blinded constantly. Your statement is objectively wrong.

  • Member Posts: 2,638
    edited November 2022

    No. Just... no.

    Pyramidhead add-ons on legendarily bad. You have the two range extenders, and that's it. EVERYTHING else is garbage. Unless you are somehow in love with "Undetectable while standing on your own trail".

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Honestly, IMO that is a designer mistake. I am 99% certain that Pyrhead was originally designed with the trail starting under his feet(being undetectable as you lay down trails AND when you walk on them later), but they later moved the trail backwards to fit with the blade animation.

    Having the trail moved 0.5 meters forward so he stands on it while using it, and considering the fact that when he was released his other addons were lessened in power because he could basically guarantee hits and they for sure knew.

    So what probably really happened is that the addons and power were considered balanced as a total package, but then due to the practical guaranteed hits, PyrHead was adjusted and he no longer was a balanced package.

    Like, lets say I test a killer with relatively mediocre addons, but his power is really good and he has a nice addon that makes him undetectable while placing down his trail. Then a part of his power gets visually adjusted so it looks nicer, as a playtester, I am not going to consider that they changed the way the power works mechanically, so I say he's still fine. It's not the fault of either, and since PyrHead is viable enough, his addons arent really a priority either.

    We know that Blight(mainly alchemist ring) and Twins are being worked on, Twins having the higher priority, mentioned in the q&a nearly a year ago. Simply because we also had the prestige rework, the meta rework, Mori Rework(still not released), Gameflow improvements(we kinda had some, gens are slower and basekit BT, but thats barely any improvement when considering solo survivor being in the worst state since release), that all needed to be tested too. So with Twins and Blight changes being announced in january last year, and neither having reached PTB or live servers, simply indicates there is a lot to be tested. PyrHead for sure is on the list, all he needs is his trail being moved slightly ahead so he stands on it while he generates it, turn the "Right of Judgement" effects into "Tormented" effects and remove the timers(so blindness and oblivious while tormented are permanent if you never cage anyone, pretty good addons if they work like that), and suddenly, both the recharge time and duration addons are also worth more because those 4 addons are being used more often. The only bad addon after that is the Scarlet Egg, and that one can be easily changed by giving aura readings for 2 seconds rather than killer instinct.

    And yeah, you could always want stronger addons, but both sides can easily argue that. If anyone is in need of an addon rework, its survivors in general.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Survivor add ons are fantastic. They can add charges to medkits, silence sabotage efforts, and spot a killer aura while looping!

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Have you ever used silenced sabotages? I mean - outside of "I have to sabotage hook X times so I do it when nobody is even injured or chased"? The addon is 100% totally useless. When killer picks up he either targets different hook, or he will see the aura of hook disappear. That one example just screams you never play survivor, yet comment it.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Those are the good ones

    What about flashlight accuracy? What about instructions for toolboxes? Exit gate tracking for maps?

    There are some awful survivor add- ons

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    I have an insane amount of achievements, including the "all 4 escape with key" and "repair the last gen by yourself and escape" for someone that "never plays survivor".

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Hey now, Instructions let me eat a sandwich while doing a gen.

  • Member Posts: 163
    edited November 2022

    they changed them mainly because players had seizures but there's still other light sources in the game that can cause them but went unchanged, cant they just slap a seizures warning on the screen loading in?

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    They added a warning when the game loads up. And you guys really need to get over the flashlight change and stop getting angry at people having legit health issues.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Well... not to be that guy but the warning only appears once... it should always appear.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    They do synergise super well with hyper focus at least :)

  • Member Posts: 43

    Why would they need to nerf flashlights if the warning is enough then? Your logic isn't lining up. I honestly doubt more than like 5 people who play this game are at risk anyway, really no point in nerfing flashlights. And honestly if they did add a delay after like 3 quick clicks I wouldn't care, but their system now has made me miss so many flashlight stuns it's insane. The beam is always like one second away from blinding the killer, and I never had a problem before. Flashlight click registry just seems to be broken at the moment. Before I could quickly turn in blind, but now I have to click twice for the game to register. Never had a problem before the update, they nerfed flashlights with their horrible programming and should fix it.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Having a warning appear does not mean the devs shouldn't make changes so elements in the game are less harmful to people. Plus the changes to flashlights were not a nerf. They still have the same function they did before.

  • Member Posts: 10,286


  • Member Posts: 43

    It was a nerf, flashlights are super weird now as explained in my post

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    They really don't feel any different than before. The only way you would be impacted by the changes was if you were someone who was spam clicking in which case I don't really feel sorry for you losing that.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Killer addons(in general) are fantastic, they can instadown, they can speed up charges, make you undetectable, reveal survivor locations and even their aura's.

    Survivor addons are meh, medkit addons are only good due to the power of the medkit itself, sabotage toolboxes are fairly mediocre and while bloodamber is really good, keys are not worth running as the rest of the addons are extremely mediocre and require perks

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    It's almost like Survivor add ons are 25% as powerful as Killer ones. Hmm.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Not really, on average, they would be 15% as powerful overall at best. Personally, I'd say 10%. There are 55 normal survivor addons(57 including the event ones). Out of those addons, 21 being as good as useless, and 12 being extremely niche to the point of requiring more than 2 perks to make it work. A lot of killer addons barely need to care about the perks, and those who do, are basically extra perks. So thats 33 addons, out of 55, that a killer never has to worry about, even if all 4 survivors run those addons. For the Key, you basically have to worry about 2 addons, Medkits, 3 that you need to somewhat worry about, toolboxes, 3 realistically(4 if you are really afraid of sabospeed), flashlights, only 1 that basically every single flashlight user uses. Maps? You dont really need to worry about any of the addons.

    So out of 55 addons, thats 9 addons that you should worry about if multiple people run them, if people run items in the first place. Thats 9 addons that are about 25% as powerful as killer addons. 2 of which being about 30% as powerful, blood amber and anti hemorrhagic syringe, BNP is annoying, but most people use them on the first gens, which dont really matter, BNP is only really powerful when there are 2 or 1 gens remaining. And that is comparing those addons to the average of killer addons, not comparing them to the most powerful killer addons. The most powerful survivor addons are maybe 10% compared to the most powerful killer addons.

    Its almost like survivors need an addon pass too. Hmm.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Yes, they do. Or otherwise PyramidHead doesnt need one either.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    False equivalency. Items are not the same thing as killer powers.

  • Member Posts: 2,976
    edited December 2022

    Except they kinda are. Same slots, same addons logic(making the power stronger, last longer, act differently), same activation button, same design philosophy. The only difference is that killer powers do not have charges that can run out. Survivors were kinda meant to look through chests or bring in items. The balance of the game is equally dictated by killer powers as survivor items, same logic goes for offerings.

    So what false equivalency?

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    What false equivalency?

    For starters, add ons are optional for Survivors as you don't even have an item unless you bring one. All killers have powers.

    It's also a false equivalency because you literally cannot call two things equivalent in a 4v1 game. It is BY DESIGN not equal.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Sure they are not the same thing. But they have same function in game - enhance what the person can do with it in game. There's just 1 killer that breaks this rule and fully relies on it, but that one breaks the game in many different regards anyway (I am talking about nurse of course)

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Just because they both serve the same root function doesn't mean they are the same. Nor should they be balanced the same.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Addons are also optional for killers, as for not having an item: chests exist.

    As for 2 things equivalent, I am not, I am calling 4 things equivalent to 1. never did I say survivor addings need to be 1:1 correspondance to killer. But they SHOULD be 0.25:1, which they arent. They are more like 0.1:1

    Let alone that if items are more reliable to use, other, currently "unfair" mechanics can be reduced in effectiveness. Would be an item meta, but in return of worse bodyblocking, I dont think killers might have issues with that

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    With this same logic, Generators can go back to the old 70 seconds, just because they serve the same root function with hooking/killing survivors, doesnt mean they are the same, nor should they be balanced the same.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    It's not the same logic. You made that up.

    Nor are they balanced the same.

    They don't even PROCESS the same.

    This is the single worst argument I've ever seen you make.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Hey man, when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.

    Or Instructions-aid.

    Or something.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Unironically, instructions are also one of my go-to toolbox add-ons. Embrace the true hold-M1 lifestyle, don't just pretend you do!

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    They are though, both progress the game for either side, both raise and lower pressure. One of them only needs to do 25% of the objectives to finish everything, while the other needs to do 100% of the objective to finish everything.

    They are balanced in very similar ways, just like some killers, survivor addons are mostly ignored.

    As for processing the same, well, yeah, they do. Charges per second, adding charges, slowing down the usage of charges, speeding up the action, adding a secondary function that normally isnt available, heck, even increasing the range.

    The only difference, is that each killer has a specified addon that cannot be used by any other killer, while survivors have a bigger array of addons, but are usable by all of the survivors. Yet, while survivors have more addons, they have less addons to remember. If I were a killer making a build, I'd have to keep 55 addons in mind. Which is a lot, but if I were a survivor making a build, I would need to keep 600 addons in mind.

    And honestly, back in the day, things were literally made with the same philosophy, you had a killer addon being able to remove 2 healthstates, and a survivor addon adding back 2 healthstates. Killers had the option to kill without hooks, survivors had the option to do gens without chase. I could go on. The balance of the game has changed towards different aspects, 85% of killer addons have changed. Only 5% of survivor addons have changed.

    Survivors are due an addon pass. For the sake of consistency(having no more than 2 addons having the exact same effect), balance(adding 16 charges to a medkit is quite a busted addon, adding an addon to make your flashlight beam visually brighter to no real effect, is less useful than the 16 charges is busted) and just to give items utility that is on more equal grounds.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    This is all nonsense.

    Hooks and gens are not the same. They are nothing alike. Hooks do not have charges or seconds. You are trying to vaguely imply that because both of those things eventually lead to the end of the game they are balanced the same, and they are not.

    And at no point, ever.. EVER.. in Dead By Daylight history have the developers changed hooks or gens and then immediately rebalanced the other one.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Blinds after a pallet stun work just fine, flashlight saves on the other hand have become unfairly easy since the timing is 99% free and takes zero skill

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