6.4.1 Introduced a .5sec delay on Knight before a guard can be placed.

Emeal Member Posts: 4,650
edited December 2022 in Bug Reporting

PC, since the newest Bug fix patch.

It didn't used to be like this but now when you need a Guard as The Knight there is now a 0.5 second delay before the Guard can be actually placed, this is extremely annoying already in situations where I need a guard fast and I now have to spam click place guard as ghost orb while I wait for the delay. its EXTREMELY ANNOYING.

To reproduce:

  1. Right click - Activate the Guard Summon mode
  2. Right click - to Summon Guard as fast as before Patch 6.4.1 - YOU CANT.

How often does this occur:

6 times or more at least every match right now as Knight, its really obnoxious.

19 votes

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