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General Discussions

Give Me a Reason to Play Survivor



  • Member Posts: 2,440


    Yeah, online pvp games always go this way. I think a large chunk of the dbd player base have never played another pvp game. Casual for me in league is not having my jungle duo dive the level 2 mundo I have been slow pushing into for 2 min and then denying him from farm for the next 15 min. And people say dbd has the most unfun scenarios 😂. I mostly just play norms with my friends now and no one is playing for memes on either side, maybe that's a symptom of going against diamonds to gm's only in norms but I would guess it's at all levels of skill.

    I remember doing double bruiser "kill lanes" bot back in season 3(kill me) but from what I can tell the only players you will find doing that are bronze/super new.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    Even self admitted casuals are complaining now...

    See BHVR? This is what happens when you don't listen and you also don't know how to Balance your game. Your MMR system is completly useless. Your 39 Perk overhaul changed nothing.

    CHANGE THE CORE OF YOUR GAME or nothing changes.

    We've been saying this for years. You got a good mold of a game but you're not doing anything with it.

    You're surviving based on collecting famous IP's. You'd have died without Myers and you'd be dead if it wasn't for the Resident Evil Chapters saving your game 2 years in a row. Your original content has been very lackluster. Who plays Dredge or Artist? Who likes Eyrie of Crows or Garden of Joy? Nobody...

    Your top 3 killers according to kill stats are ALL LICENSED KILLERS. Pinhead, Sadako and Wesker...You're a very fine line of surviving solely based on New Licensed Content and you're in that place cause your original designs are bad. and you still refuse to listen.

    I legitimetly don't understand why every asymetrical horror game is basicly the same failing formula...They make Map dependant matches. Killer X can't work here cause it's Y Map, Z killer can't work here cause it's W Map. Then the Survivors/Teens are always broken overpowered easy AF to play when the real Fantasy is playing the Monster/Killer/Demon.

    How can so manny devs in so manny games simply not understand that the power fantasy should not be broken!? It's the same as Wrestling, wrestling got big because it played into the fantasy of Mega stars wrestling each other. Whats the point of Wrestling when you completly break that fantasy? Yeah they are athletic guys doing flippy ######### but so what? You don't like Stone Cold or Undertaker for example because you like Steve Austin or Mark, you like Stone Cold and Undertaker, you like the characters and they do as the character.

    You're all basing your games on franchises where barely anyone survives or escapes but then the games are a nightmare to get anyone killed since every survivor/Teen is a superpowered character vs a Demon/Killer/Monster that has barely any tools which only forces players to play in a way where they have to do very specific actions to get results or else..

    Why are you ofsetting the scales so hard!? These games should require team work not have any single survivor/teen be equally as strong or stronger than the monster/killer/demon. if 1 single person can offset the scales then your game is a broken mess.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Only challenges or masochism. Otherwise there is completely no fun.

  • Member Posts: 328

    Totally agree. The game is absolute trash without the social element. I put up with it cuz I have friends who play it, but the general fun and 'close' games died months and months ago for the most part.

  • Member Posts: 731

    Do you play games to get your hand held or do you want a challenge, solo survivor is the challenge everyone should welcome. Its awesome.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    EU (London) daytime when I'm not at work, it takes a genuine eternity. By the time 10 minutes has passed if I haven't found a game I log off and do something else.

    35 minutes is, obviously, a hyperbole, but it feels that long compared to the literal 15 seconds of waiting that survivor is.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited December 2022

    Survivor is way more chill than killer, so it's nice to relax a bit after a few stressful matches.

    If you like killer better, you should still play survivor because it makes you a better killer (and killer a better survivor).

    Also, if you keep on trying, you'll survive more and whatever you find difficult now you'll find easy later. (Same for killer)

    Just don't go with the expectation to win. Go to try some specific task.

    e.g. My last survivor games, I've been trying to multi-stun a killer using tripwire, flashbang and head-on, plus a pallet if I can squeeze it. I'm not surviving much (maybe 50% of my matches) but I'm having way more fun than just playing for gens and escapes.

    (I'm mostly solo)

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    on what part of the planet do you live that your queues are 35 min? Mine are 3min max

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    My reason is it just requires less focus from me than killer does,

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    +100% BP baby

  • Member Posts: 2,501

    Crouch spam and Quinton's beanie

  • Member Posts: 2,501

    Snoot boops

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited December 2022

    Just stop playing period. When enough people quit they will make massive changes. Nothing brings about change like a game losing players. Especially one where the business model is to sell cosmetics to as many people as possible. The game is losing players pretty fast. A few more months of these kinds of losses and they'll be forced to do something.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Run a fun build and then get good and youll climb.

    Blastmine gives me endless laughs everytime it procs.

    Lithe, Dance with me, Windows of opportunity and Light weight with a Lerys offering and just vanish everytime you vault a window in a chase and zig zag between rooms.

    Run a healer build and play like a MMO Healer

    Play immersed Blendette

    There are tons of perks and wierd combos you can try that change how you play each match.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    What?! I´m also playing on EU servers. But mainly during prime time after work. Between 5pm and 8pm killer queue is really fast.

  • Member Posts: 22,850
    edited December 2022

    This truly is my personal hell (I never play dbd after I've had work, either because I had to start at 5am and am too exhausted or because I'm not playing before work and then ruining my good mood until 11pm, so the only times I really play rn are days off during like 10am-4pm)

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    It's pretty difficult to enjoy it nowadays...

    My builds are usually random perks that give me information or fun perks. But I have to admit trying to use more niche perks feels horrible when the opponent brings top tier competitive perks and the game ends before I even got to do anything with my fun perks...

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Fast queue times. At any time.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I meant "Blast Mine", I was half asleep when I've written that.

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    Hmm that explains it. I play on EU as well but after work. Around 21/22h queues on both sides are really fast.

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    buff solos on pair with SWF with voice comp or quick chat message. i been saying this since day 1 as a killer main

  • Member Posts: 23

    Do what Matthieu tells us to do. Play something else. Sounds stupid right but hear me out. I tried it, and dead by daylight isn't even remotely appealing to me anymore. It's so much more fun when you play anything else.

  • Member Posts: 974

    Still a lot less stressful than playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 543

    second this. expansion just dropped for WoW and I'm having more fun there than Ive had on DBD for a year.

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