Harsher penalties for "Disconnects"
Harsher penalties for players who leave mid-match. *Minimum* 15 minutes for a first time offense, scaling exponentially for every time it happens within a period of time. I'm sure something like this already exists, but as far as I'm aware first offense is a meager 5 minutes. Really? At least lock them out of the approximate length of a match.
Additionally, end the game immediately for the others, refund items/addons/offerings, and give them a priority requeue. Or even replace the dropped player with a bot since those are apparently functional now. I'm so sick and tired of playing unbalanced 3v1/2v1 games and it makes me unbelievably tilted, fix the problem one way or the other.
The reason it's not harsh at first is because the game can't tell if you intentionally quit or if you had an internet outage. It would be unfair to get long bans when it wasn't even your fault you got disconnected.
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Yes, I'm sure these folks just had spontaneous internet problems the minute the first person went down. It happens regardless of when I'm playing killer or survivor. It's such a common occurrence in solo queue that it's out of hand.