We don’t like limited cosmetics

this is ridiculous an absolutely disgusting why are you removing the ability for us to buy these cosmetics especially for collections that came out almost 2 years ago this is incredibly scummy an also wild because they won’t even become available for shards
The cosmetics that will be leaving that we used to have all year round and can purchase with iri shards when they do come back will be auric cells exclusive as well.
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The whole purchase with Auric Cells when they come back is not something that we've stated - please do not spread misinformation on this platform.
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The only way to stop supporting this is to stop buying (event) skins.
Wallet is stronger than words.
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In your previous posts you've stated that the new skins will only be auric cells and will not be available for iri shards after a month. Now that the old ones are all being lumped in and going away with them when they do, it is only logical to assume that they two will be auric cell exclusives.
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It'd be really beneficial to get some definite clarification on this ASAP then. I understand that you're just the messenger here, but this change is extremely controversial and people are going to assume the worst, especially when the new time-limited cosmetics are auric cells only.
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I'm fine with limited cosmetics, you don't speak for everyone here.
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I'd rather the old system of some cosmetics auric cells all the time instead of making things limited time. What about the new players that saw the Christmas shard cosmetics in store in September and have been working towards being able to buy them? They think they have plenty of time but nope, this year BHVR has decided to start pulling cosmetics and that player may not even be able to get them for shards when they come back depending on how anti-consumer BHVR keeps going.
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"season of giving" my behind.....
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I am so disappointed. I love the cosmetic side of the game and I don't care if I have to purchase auric cells or just use shards. But this type of stuff really turns me off. Why do you even have to do this? What's the point? Could you at least explain that to your consumers?
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Season of giving ... into greed using FOMO?
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I don't find it that bad. Not like I was going to buy them anyways, I've had 2 years after all...weird business choice, but it's fine.
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I'm going to assume this was a decision made by the higher ups at bhvr, so unless the community blows up over this, nothing can be done.
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Considering behaviour isn't giving any information on this and is just using scummy business tactics, I wouldn't call this misinformation.
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That’s…. Not really logical at all…
sometimes I wonder why I had to take a basic logic course during my studies and then I get reminded that logic is apparently not something many people find that easy..
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Goes back to my favorite saying "People are Stupid"
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Unless you confirm that when they return they'll be available for shards again, we're going to assume the worst.
Because you showed us that that's what you're gonna do.
So please, either confirm that they'll be available for shards, or start trying to convince the higher ups to make them available for shards next year if you don't want people to worry about it.
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Very disappointed. Would really like an explanation as to why they're lumping in older cosmetics into the mix as well, because that's absolutely ridiculous.
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Dude the people that are bothered by limited cosmetics is a very tiny portion of the playerbase that probably only lurk here on the forums wich is also another very small fraction of the playerbase.. you are all being very dramatic about something that is just a skin.. that you are NOT i repeat NOT forced to buy it and it just hang there for people that want and can pay for it.
It doesn't give any advantage in the game and there is nothing wrong with selling limited skins, its just a cosmetic thing.. If it bother you soo much and you can't pay for it maybe you should use the time you spend in the forums to work harder instead, if you really want those skins.
Be real Behaviour isn't doing anything wrong and in fact they are one of the very few game companies that refund the "battle pass" once you complete it.. many games don't do it at all.
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@RyuH I'll steal your answer to another thread for this one, please take it as a compliment.
"I've been seeing a surprising number of posts defending this kind of practice, while not really grasping what is actually happening with it. FOMO causes an irrational shift in prioritization by directly manipulating the availability of a purchase. This shift is something that your average person is able to maintain a rational perspective regarding, such as "i don't need it that much" or "I can wait for another chance later." The people it is designed to affect, are those with any form of impaired impulse control, or poor budgeting skills. There have been notorious GDC lectures outlining very specifically how to take advantage of these people and try to get as much money as possible out of them, with FOMO being one of the key methods. It is a known business practice that very specifically targets a vulnerable demographic.
Lets say you are faced with this situation, and have other more important obligations and are unable to make the purchase. A typical mind will think "oh well" and go without, but an affected person will start trying to readjust their budget to make it work, they may borrow money or even forgo financial obligations altogether as the need to commit to the purchase or lose out on it entirely outweighs their otherwise rational budgeting and prioritization. Its actually part of gambling addictions as well, as "the next bet can be the win that offsets all my losses" even after going into debt. It is a very real and well documented psychological effect.
The worst part is that, again, it has very minimal impact on most people. For many its not about losing the ability to purchase something like an ingame cosmetic, and they may not even see that as financially reasonable as it is. The problem is that it so very specifically preys on those who are vulnerable to the tactic, who are treated as whales (individuals who spend more than the average consumer, to make up for a lack of sales elsewhere) in the process.
Its an absolute shame how much this kind of practice is not only accepted, but even defended in the industry. There can literally be people bypassing anything from holiday gifts for loved ones to financial responsibilities such as paying their bills just to sell a few more ugly sweater model meshes and textures."
There you go @Irisora, now you know why BHVR using FOMO is ######### up and why EVERYONE should complain about it instead of saying "Who cares? It doesn't affect me"