Why did they give the Knight a perk for an add on? How dumb is that?

daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92
edited December 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

The Knight has an add on apparantly that blocks exit gates if someone is being "chased" by one of their spawns lol. We all know that survivors like to take a victory lap at the gate when it is opened, crossing it only when the killer shows up.

NOW apparantly you can't do that vs knight because they have an add on that NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT EXCEPT people who bought that character or who play this game all day. So new players, or players who haven't gone against knights with that specific add on and read it, will know about it, but if they launch their green ball spawn at the gate and it "chases" you, you can't cross the gate apparantly it blocks it, which is a PERK.

What the ######### are we doing with this game, add ons needt o BOOST abilities, not give killers extra perks, blocking the gate for example is a perk, an add on would be to extend the length of the spawns chase for example, it doesn't give knight an entire new ability. That's just insane, so now apparently we can't wait by the gate when Knight comes around, they gave the Knight an add on that kills the fun in this game, I have cross the gate asap now.

That's a major flaw with this game for new players, there are so many bull ######### perks and add ons and game knowledge that are crucial for knowing and enjoying the game in order to enjoy it in order to counter them or not fall prey to them. This is the kind of game where you have to be negatively impacted by said perk or add on before you learn it, because no one wants to sit here for hours memorizing every ability and add on, that's the downfall of this game.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    Nah VERY FEW killers have perk like abilities for add ons, most killers have you know, actual add ons that boost their abilities.

    Also if they're going to introduce crazy new add ons that no one knows about, they need to let us read about them somehow, we can see what perks each character we don't have says, but we cannot see the add ons, and no one is going to go to the internet to read all this #########, not gonna study all this crap just to play the game, that is a horseshit add on that shouldn't be on this game, anything that makes me have to go to the computer to memorize and learn something about a specific character is not a good thing to have in this game.

    Basically, any perk or add on that gives bad players a participation trophy win, should not be in this game.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    Nah it's not a "basic" part of the game, it's an add on that only the Knight has.

    It just takes two brain cells to understand my point. That's like a guy who's been playing basketball for 10 years, and then the league introduces a brand new rule where you can get a 4 point shot, that only people who pay to learn it will know it, and he loses the game because of that. Only way he's gonna know about that rule is if he paid for it or if he negatively gets impacted by it (i.e. loses due to it).

    Nothin else, not game knowledge, it isn't knowing where the gates are, which gens to prioritize protecting, what trails to loop killers on, nah it's "basic" understanding, it's hidden knowledge that only people who bought that character will know about, or who, as mentioned, lose to his dogshit ability at least once to learn about it., which is a participation trophy, losing not due to skill or in game knowledge, but becasue having an add on, is a participation trophy add on.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92
    edited December 2022

    I know a lot of you like to play devils advocate on this forum, I play killer and survivor.

    Just imagine how frustrating it is, to, due to SBMM, having half your team barely do anything and die before even 4 gens are done, and then sticking it out with the other guy until he dies with 2 gens left, and then baiting the gate while killer closes hatchet, opening it, and then taking the victory lap inside the gate area only for the killer to block it off by initiating a ghost chase due to an add on no one know about lol, did he deserve that win or did he just get handed a win due to an add on perk like ability no one knows about? Lol

    Yeah, that must have happened a lot, how many knights who sucked got a free win just cuz they had an add on no one knows about. It's frustrating, my point is, there's a way to avoid that frustration, by making add ons strictly ability boosting based, not new ability based. There is a perk that closes gates for 30 seconds, but a survivor has to be hooked and we will know immediately if the gate i blocked, not like with the KNights ability where you only find out once he's ther with his ghost ball and it's over right there.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    Buddy those are PERKS not add ons, you just proved my point lol. An add on is next to the offering section, it isn't part of the perks section. 😂

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    My point is, which you keep missing for some reason, is that MOST killers add ons just boost their abilities, they don't give them a new ability (i.e. a perk). My point is, that this negatively impacts the game if survivors are not aware of said add ons existing that result in automatic wins for killer. Feel free to read my points in the thread which support this. If you still think it's good for the game, then agree to disagree.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    Nope those are also perks, the cannibal has a unique perk, we're talking about unique add ons, perks give killers side abilities, add ons are mainly used to BOOST the killers main ability or compliment it, not give it a brand new perk like ability.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    I don't have an issue with those add ons because you will know immediately when the gate is blocked, unlike with the knight when you only find out when he spawns his ghost thing right next to the gate you're waiting by. The pig ability is fine, it doesn't give free wins to killers.

    Summoning stone probably needs a nerf but it doesn't give killers free wins as mentioned.

    Big difference here, the knight "steals" a win away with his ability, the gates open, the survivors are taking a victory lap which is a main staple in this game, and he just spawns his thing and no one can escape? Lol, and he's right there to take the win.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,126

    I would strongly recommend going and reading the addon descriptions on the wiki, because the effects I'm describing are ALSO on several addons. The Twins can equip Franklin's Demise to make survivors drop their items when Charlotte hits them, AND the Spinning Top addon to make survivors drop their items when Victor hits them. One is a perk, one is an addon.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I'd take these addons over some dumb stuff like alch ring and compound 22, if a perk can exist without being op (blood warden as an examples) then an addon definitely isn't overpowered.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    None of those abilities "steal a win"

    YOu know immediately if a gate is blocked with feddys add on, the pigs add on doesn't steal wins from survivors, and the lethul rush add on probably needs a nerf but it doesn't steal wins.

    The Knights ability steals the win, survivors who already opened the gate and are taking a victory lap waiitng for killer will lose if the killer initiates a "ghost chase" inside the gate area and blocks it. that's my point.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    It's not a strong ability imo (nurses calling), it doesn't steal wins from survivors, and all people have access to nurse to read her add ons unlike the knight who you have to buy to read his add ons, it's definitely not the same.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    Exactly, it's dumb that the only way you can learn about it is to get ######### by it first. Those kind of abilities need to GO GO GO. I don't support wesker or pinhead having such abilities at all if it blocks the gate when the survivors already won basically.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,187

    It only blocks it for one survivor, the one that's Hunted. You can't exactly win off of that unless it's a 2v1 already, at best you get one extra kill from that effect unless the other survivors stick around for some reason.

    You're allowed to taunt the killer at the gates, sure, but that comes with an element of risk. The killer may have an Ace up their sleeve, such as this addon or Blood Warden for example, or you can get too cocky, step out of the safe area and die. You played with fire, and you got burned. It's happened to most of us at some point. Now you know how to spot the addon beforehand (if a window suddenly blocks when you vault it during a hunt, it's this addon), and to leave if you don't want to risk being killed.

  • Unimatrix00
    Unimatrix00 Member Posts: 455

    Oh come on. You knew a new chapter was coming out, and with it a new killer with new perks and addons. The onus is on YOU to do the bare minimum and read up on the new killer.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92
    edited December 2022

    Yeah the point is if we're all inside the gate area and the knight is at the door and he initiates a "chase" then you're dead. Most people on this forum misinterpret the problem frequently don't they lol

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    Oh please, I've been playing this game for like 3 weeks, I'm not going to sit down for hours studying every perk and ability, what I do expect is for killers not to be able to "steal a win" with an add on no one knows about, and let me tell you right now, most people aren't going to study all that crap just to play this game. The game needs to be balanced with balanced add ons that boost abilities not give new abilities, and perks (3 unique, the rest universal), I can learn 3 new perks, that's nothing. Now I gotta learn all the add ons too? And you can only learn the add ons if you buy the character or face the character and get ######### by them initially, that's the point.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,759

    This isn’t new some killers have stridor for add ons or even half of surveillance I do think it’s lazy tbh

  • Unimatrix00
    Unimatrix00 Member Posts: 455

    You're going to have a VERY bad time with this game then. There are hundreds of perks and addons, between both sides. You will be learning about other perks and addons as time goes on and they are used in the game. You could try to memorize all the available perks and addons, but that's a lot to remember.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,269

    You do realize that the Banner can be identified early right? It has another effect of blocking windows, meaning Survivors should know that its coming in the late game.

    If they dont because its the first time theyve seen it, well now they know for next time

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138

    Plenty of killers have addons that gives them other effects than just boosting their power.

    Ghostface has a mini I'm All Ears.

    Legion has mini Nurses's Calling, mini Third Seal and other unique effects.

    Hag's purple and iri addons litterally change her power and even base speed.

    Those are the 3 I play most currently, but it's not uncommon for some killer addons to change their power or "give them perks", especially in purple and iri addons.

    It's super fine.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    I guess I see your point. I have seen a lot of survivors trying to hide in bushes when I'm running all seeing wraith XDDDDD.

    Not that it's a bad thing. I don't like the idea of too predictable a game.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,939

    I made a full list of everything. Some of them were annoying to go through since I had to determine if their effect was similar enough or not, but it still proves the point regardless.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    Hi, I have seen your discussion and would like to present the parts of your argument that I agree with you about.

    The part I agree with:.

    You can see the effect of all the add-ons the killer has in the character description of the killer you have not purchased. Being able to learn about that knowledge in the in-game text is helpful for survivor mains.

    I've had players who don't know the effects of add-ons tell me they've reported you for exploits, so instead of suggesting they look at the wiki, I will be able to suggest they look at DbD's killer page.


    I have no problem with the existence of this add-on. When Knight himself is a weak killer and most other addons are garbage, it is not a problem that there are only two iri addons that have the potential to be unique and in some cases powerful. Or do you want to trash this one too?

    Freddy already had an add-on that seals the gate.

    And the "new players" need to learn. I think the problem is that new players are matched not with new players but with players who use the iri add-on effectively.

    You can complain without learning, but if you listen to all the complaints of those who don't learn ... It would be very bad.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Have you considered not being a jerk at the exit gates and just LEAVING?

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    So you're complaining that an add on prevents people from being a toxic little goblins and teabagging the killer on the way out of the exit gates? Doesn't really seem like an issue to me.

    Tbh it's not a useful ability. Any survivor woth half a brain will dip out of that gate the second they see the orb in the exit area. And it takes a few seconds for the minion to summon and aggro. So it's a pretty naff ability that will almost never pay off, at least against survs waiting in the exit gates lol. Tbh I'm surprised you arent complaining about No way out instead. It's far more infuriating.

    And learning the perks etc is just part of the game. Wesker, twins, to a certain extend deathslinger are all good at punishing survs who camp exit gates if they aren't careful.

    I can see where you're coming from though. Certain add ons are extremely strong and it'd be nice to give tool tips about them in the prematch screen. Especially if they change the way the killer plays like tombstone (yuck). Hell I'm convinced that Demo's iri addons are overpowered, and I say that as a demo main.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Are you really complaining about not being able to perform a butt dance at the exit gate against one of the weaker killers?

    Like... really?

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    Survivors actually get mad because they get caught at the exit gate and punished for teabagging and not leaving.

    Guess i'm not surprised survivors have grown to be really entitled since BHVR was always holding their hand and made sure its the easier and more fun and chill role.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,269
  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    Very true, the match wasn't stolen, it was thrown away.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,755

    It's a great idea for a addon and how would you do this even as a perk cause it's tailored to fit the knights ability.

    But it has a very awesome and easy counter. Don't stick around when the gates are open. And I don't talk about you waiting around to take a hit or make a safe cause that's participating and that can get you killed that's how it is. I talk about your little victory lap that stupid thing where you wait around the gate just an inch away from the line so you aren't really in any danger at all and you just wait for the killer so you can taunt then. If you do this I would pee my pants watching you get killed even as your fellow survivor. Bhvr should make it a freaking mechanic so you can't leave at all if you stand there for atleast half the endgame timer

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