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General Discussions

Please stop.



  • Member Posts: 2,885

    That's the thing I do understand but only when there IS something to lose as in once it's gone it's gone forever if BHVR was doing that ibwould agree with the shady biasness tactics....but when they specifically said that the cosmetics are coming back next year then to me it's not FOMO or underhanded.

    With that being said it's a buy now or just wait til it comes back around. We don't know how the prices will change or if shards will be a option but a company needs to make money either buy selling new copies of a game, expansions, dlc, or cosmetics so we shouldn't expect EVERYTHING to be made to use shards.

  • Member Posts: 654

    I'm fine with not everything being available with shards.

    But paying with auria cells should be a privilege that removes constraints of grinding enough shards to buy the same cosmetic.

    That privilege is gone since you will have to wait a whole year now. Does it makes you want to spend money like this? I don't think so.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    No not really because again they will be available next year and paying with real money or in-game makes no difference and shouldn't give any time of advantage if using cells or shards

  • Member Posts: 533
    edited December 2022

    I don’t feel it’s a matter of thinking like me, I feel that this is being blown way out of proportion.

    “well some people have kids…” cool me too.

    “well from a psychological standpoint” cool, went to college for psychology, still stand by my opinion.

    “but even though you can’t buy stuff it on stores, you can order seasonal stuff online all year”

    Blah blah blah

    Some things are actually worth complaining about related to cosmetics. How about the amount of auric cells one outfit costs? I think that’s something worth being more upset about.

    We don’t always get what we want. I kind of wanted toilet paper was cool and unique and funny. But I don’t like Dwights and don’t even play him. Do I regret not getting it? A little. Will I get it next year? Large possibility.

    Is it BHVR’s problem I didn’t prioritize buying it? No. I knew it was going away and even had the auric cells sitting right there. Ah, but I knew I would want the Christmas collection more and didn’t want to waste them on Dwight.

    Planned ahead.

    So…like I said. It really is simple…buy it or don’t.

    Post edited by entertainment720 on
  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Hungry people are vulnerable. Commercials shouldn't air around dinner time because it preys on a vulnerable demographic. KFC should be ashamed of themselves for such shady business practices, right?

  • Member Posts: 443
    edited December 2022

    I've been watching this thread from afar wondering how such a lame topic could blow up so much but seeing you make so many posts being pointlessly disparaging and inflammatory towards people in an Internet thread about fancy pixels in a video game.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Member Posts: 533
    edited December 2022

    So should everyone who is posting on forums that has kids also stop? Maybe we shouldn’t play dbd at all? Because parents should never do anything except stare at their children. It takes all of two seconds to respond to an idiotic post such as this. They do things like nap….or go to school if they’re older.

    Post edited by entertainment720 on
  • Member Posts: 533
  • Member Posts: 1,104

    I've done enough explaining.

    How about you explain how the concerns from the posters below are illegitimate.

    Preying on the vulnerable to increase profits is clearly a legitimate concern, at least in my opinion.

    You think it "really is simple…buy it or don’t" but for some people it isn't.

  • Member Posts: 533

    I can agree with the fact that announcing outfits will be available for shards four weeks after release and then pulling them four weeks after, is in bad taste, a bit shady and disappointing….but, I can also understand Holiday cosmetics being limited.

  • Member Posts: 2,096
    edited December 2022

    Yeah, having the seasonal skins only be available during those seasons isnt that big of a deal. Bhvr making the seasonal skins that have been purchasable all year long to only be available during those seasons isnt a big deal.

    It is understandable people would be super at this change. There isnt a reason to change this at all when it wasn't already like that.

    I don't agree with the new Christmas skins being exempt from the shards change nor the pajama skins being changed to limited time however.

    Im not going to say fomo, but it is a very weird situation.

    Post edited by entertainment720 on
  • Member Posts: 2,638

    I stopped reading at "late stage capitalism". The rest of that paragraph just turned into socialist drivel.

    Yes, they can medically advise you eat food. Which would solve the hunger issue.

    It really is that simple. If you think it is more complicated than that, it's sad.

    Empathy is for colorblind mode, and people that were suffering serious eye strain from flashlight clicking macros, and the Light in the Fog event.

    Not "Awwww, my digital clothes are going away!"

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    "Eat if you're starving" is medical advice now, great.

    You touched the bottom of the barrel, no need to start digging.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Inability to do it does not make it untrue.

    This whole thing is people taking things to an extreme.

    Do you get THIS mad when the McRib goes away? When a coupon for fabric softener expires?

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    The reason that you're wrong about it just being 'that simple' is because you are, like way too many people, fixated on the what is being sold. Doesn't matter if it's digital pictures, random seasonal food items, clothes on sale, or limited edition whatevers; it's preying on a particular type of person. Digital sales are actually worse, because it's 100% artificial scarcity: once the item is created, there's never a cost to having it available indefinitely.

    And the counterargument of 'but it doesn't work on me' is kind of sad, because it means you're just dismissing both the experiences of anyone else and any knowledge of marketing.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    If you are so weak that you are willing to starve and/or fail to pay rent then you have problems deeper than trying to fault a video game company over.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    Do you get THIS mad when the McRib goes away? When a coupon for fabric softener expires?

    When the McRib goes away I'm a bit puzzled, but the McRib has a cost associated to it being offered 100% of the time: McDonalds has to store the meat it uses to make that bun, and if that meat is not used after a while it goes bad an McDonalds has to throw it away. Maybe the McRib wouldn't sell so well if it was available all year round and they'd need to throw away too much meat, losing too much in the process. (And that was actually most likely the case, if you check the McRib history)

    Discounts are a totally different thing, BHVR has them on outfits and noone is complaining about it.

  • Member Posts: 645

    The only one that I plan to buy is Trapper and Trickster.

    The others? Not so much.

  • Member Posts: 2,573
    edited December 2022

    Aside from deciding that everyone with any mental illness impairing their impulse control is weak, that is completely missing the point that's made.

    BHVR is changing its sales tactics not to target the widest possible customer base, it's going the same limited-time-only-exclusive-deal-real-money-now tactic that mobile games use to push content. It doesn't work on most people, and you lose out on sales from a lot of people because of the exclusivity. But, the people it's targeting towards make up for it in volume.

    It's a model that exists to squeeze as much money from a small group as possible, a group that is disproportionately weighted towards mental illness that is susceptible to this.

    And what really makes it a scummy business practice is that this hasn't been DbD's model for the past 6 years. So, people who weren't being targeted by this game like they are by so many others are now being preyed on by BHVR. That's why it's dodgy. That's why people are complaining.

    it's not that far off saying that pensioners starting to show signs of dementia who get scammed of all their savings by high-pressure sales and con artists are at fault. You're blaming the targets for being picked.

    (Also, I don't even buy cosmetics; it doesn't directly affect me. I just hate the tactic for these reasons.)

  • Member Posts: 654

    I was mad about this during the Halloween event, so I decided to "vote with my wallet" and buy Cheryl's Princess Heart set because that one isn't part of a time-limited collection.

    I wanted to show BHVR that I'm willing to buy cosmetics on things that matter to me, I want to support that company, those people, those artists and devs (and others that I'm clearly forgetting).

    One month later, what did I learn? That every collection is susceptible to be put into those imaginary time constraints, that "vote with your wallet" is complete BS, and I shouldn't complain about it, because there are bigger problems, that I'm weak minded, that my parents did a awful job on me, that I'm an entitled person.


  • Member Posts: 92
  • Member Posts: 2,638
    edited December 2022

    You are making it sound like this is a willfully evil, mustache-twirling act. And not that, you know, seasonal and limited time items haven't been a thing forever.

    LOTS of things in life are limited time only.

    As for the weak part.... I refer you to definition 2 of a very easy google search:

    "liable to break or give way under pressure; easily damaged."

    I'd say crumbling and NEEDING to purchase something falls neatly under that definition. Things do not become inapplicable because someone thinks they are mean or impolite.

    In regards to your pensioner example, those people really should be conserved if they are that bad off... and likewise anyone that falls under this extreme outlier example of ADHD.

  • Member Posts: 6,135

    What his parents have done and instilled in him, in recognition of his impulse control issues, is a great coping strategy. They recognised that these sorts of marketing tactics are common in online games, so they (and he) make the conscious decision to avoid them. I would urge anyone who has such strong issues to employ the same sort of strategy and start cutting back on this game, and others, if they are finding it is affecting them negatively.

    I have severe GAD and panic disorder, was first diagnosed with the former at age 11 after a traumatic childhood, and years of therapy have taught me that the only one who can manage my issues is me. The world will never change for me. It doesn't care when people fall through the cracks, sadly. I also do as your friend's son does though, and things that are triggering for my anxiety are treated with avoidance. For example, I find the news triggering, so I don't watch or follow any sort of news station, and I block them when they show up in my newsfeed. My hubby will listen to the news in the car on the way to work, because he can't watch it in our home. It's my coping strategy.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Doesn't mean BHVR shouldn't get all the flak for changing its strategy and sales to exploit vulnerabilities like this. Not on top of the criticism for the backtracking and deception.

  • Member Posts: 141

    I have ADHD. I have poor impulse control.

    I take medication. I went to therapy. I learned to manage my poor impulse control.

    BHVR is NOT responsible for the mental health of the consumer. That is the consumer's responsibility.

    The entitlement and complete lack of self-accountability surrounding this discussion is positively STAGGERING.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    And is the customer responsible for BHVR deciding that exploiting their weak points is the best thing to do with skins? Are those who haven't had the same opportunities you have to address their difficulties deserving of this targeting?

    The only staggering thing here is how many people read this thread and go "all these people criticising the business choice are just complaining because of entitlement" when so many have said they aren't buying the cosmetics or thinking about doing so anyway. It is, apparently, completely impossible for so many posters to wrap their heads around "someone can take issue with a decision without being personally affected by it, because empathy and ethical standards exist."

  • Member Posts: 3,011

    Stop complaining about people complaining about the limited cosmetics, Just stop.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    I'm not interested in a long-winded rabbit hole about your ideological implications of long-term economic development when the actual topic is people being mad that digital clothing is going away in a few weeks.

  • Member Posts: 141

    I have empathy for schizophrenics. I have empathy for cancer victims. I have empathy for poor people living on the streets who can't find a warm place to live during the winter.

    I DO NOT - NOR WILL I EVER - have empathy for someone who is afraid of "missing out" because the entire collection of seasonal digital skins aren't made available to them year-round.

    People need to get their f*cking priorities in order. JFC

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    ADHD is not an extreme outlier. ADHD to the point of buying fake e-clothes to the detriment of paying your power bill IS.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    So you don't have empathy for people being specifically targeted by marketing tactics that, regardless of the importance or lack thereof of what is being sold, are proven to be highly effective for the business and very bad for those susceptible to it?

    The only entitled ones here are you "I don't think this matters so I'm going to demean everyone else" lot.

  • Member Posts: 141

    This is not the crusade you think it is. We're not talking about alcoholics and junkies being baited with booze and drugs.

    News flash: ALL of us miss out on a variety of assets and opportunities EVERY SINGLE DAY of our lives. It's nothing new. It's nothing special. It's about prioritizing. It's about making choices. And at some point, one must be accountable for the choices they make. PERIOD.

    NO ONE is holding a gun to anyone's head.

  • Member Posts: 533

    Just because the majority of you FOMO folks think alike, doesn’t mean those of us that think your thoughts on the issue are wrong and bizarre, are in fact wrong.

    Being a part of the majority doesn’t mean you’re right, it just means you’re louder and have found more like minded wrong people to follow along validating your ridiculous theories.

    You’ve all found a way to turn LT cosmetics into a mental health/bully scenario and it’s weird, and yes…weak minded. But you all don’t hear rhyme or reason, so….lost cause.

    Yes..BHVR sat around a room, figuring out which ways a company that advocates for equality and pride and this and that, could attack a specific group of individuals with “mental health issues” that will cause them to over buy cosmetics if they’re limited time. Sounds logical.

  • Member Posts: 246

    Hello folks,

    This thread is now closed. As a reminder, please remain on topic, respectful, and steer clear of controversial/ political topics.

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