A discussion about D-Strike - Do you like the change?

Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526


Here's the blogpost - you can't comment on it so I thought I'd shoot it on over here.

What are your thoughts? I honestly like it and it's more of an anti-tunnel perk now which is what I think most people wanted it to to be.

and for those of you who said it wouldn't happen I'm more interested in your thoughts on it.



  • Nova_Terra
    Nova_Terra Member Posts: 123

    I like it in theory, but it just sucks when you have to burn a perk slot to counter bad game design (no tunnel protection). And afterwords, how many people get away after using DS? It's just meh to me.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    This is exactly what I wanted for it. You have to earn it/ do something to be able to use it. Now it has more options for counter play and it can help get the killer off your back after being farmed by your teammate. Something I was looking for, I like it :)
  • Kamikaze_Rose
    Kamikaze_Rose Member Posts: 247
    edited February 2019

    So it's basically the same old perk for end-game hook rushing? :(

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    It is a pretty ######### change I would say.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @scorpio said:
    I like everything except the obsession changing because for something like Dying Light if you already killed the obsession, are they alive now? I don’t understand how that will work. 

    Maybe we could tag @not_Queen & @Patricia_BHVR & @McLean to see if they can clarify on if it changes or not.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Fine by me, but nothing really changed as some killers will prefer to get rid of it early especially if you still close to a hook. Best hope your not sandbagged.
  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323

    @Kamikaze_Rose said:
    So it's basically the same old perk for end-game hook rushing? :(

    I think the killer can leave the person on the ground for a minute and then pick him up

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    i think we are going to see more ds users now and slugging might see a big come back

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356
    edited February 2019

    Yeah I would really like to hear their answers to that. I hope if an obsession was already killed in the game then there will be no obsession switch. That’s the only fair thing I can think of and I hope that’s how it will work. I also wish being the obsession had an inherent down side, whether killer had an obsession perk or not. Without one, being the obsession means nothing. It would be better if being the obsession was something you wanted to avoid no matter what.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    I love it.

    It is basically an anti tunnel perk. They didn't kill the perk but it is not as powerful as it used to be.

    That is one of the best changes that they could come up with.

    I wonder when this will happen.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @LiunUK said:
    i think we are going to see more ds users now and slugging might see a big come back

    also unbreakable is gonna get some popularity again

    Perhaps enduring will also become even MORE popular now too 
  • Kamikaze_Rose
    Kamikaze_Rose Member Posts: 247

    @DemonDaddy said:
    Fine by me, but nothing really changed as some killers will prefer to get rid of it early especially if you still close to a hook. Best hope your not sandbagged.

    @cetruzzo said:

    @Kamikaze_Rose said:
    So it's basically the same old perk for end-game hook rushing? :(

    I think the killer can leave the person on the ground for a minute and then pick him up

    Survivors will just swarm in and complete the healing and then body block all the way out of the gate. Feelsbadman

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917
    As survivor i like it. Maybe the tunneling can finally stop.
    As killer i like it a lot because i never tunnel someone and this for me means: no more ds during my matches.
  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    great. now if you actually do manage to get your ds off, it does what level 1 ds used to do. and if anyone has had enduring when getting hit with lvl 1 ds, they know survivors get absolutely no where. and it only activates after getting unhooked, so something ds countered and why I supported leaving ds as it was (moris) completely eliminates ds from even having a chance at being used. I would honestly have no problem with this if moris got fixed as well, but hey lets keep the streak of hand holding with the killers going y not.
  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    @Lithuanian said:

    @LiunUK said:
    i think we are going to see more ds users now and slugging might see a big come back

    also unbreakable is gonna get some popularity again

    ds, unbreakable, self-care and sprint burst. new meta

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294

    I like the idea of obsession changing but what's the point if the only obsession perk in the game is DS? This would discourage chasing someone if you had STBFL after they DS you but this is also going to make the obsession perks for survivor harder to use which I'm fine with tbh.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Loving iiiiit. Toxic survivors can't be toxic anymore and tunneling killers are gonna have a harder time :3

    Hahaha... No. Killers will now just slug whoever gets unhooked and then go for the survivor who unhooked.
  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Yes, very much!
    Few questions @not_Queen :
    1. If the timer runs out after the first unhook (without using it), will the perk become active again after the second unhook? Or is it only active for the first unhook of the match?
    2. If it is active for every unhook, can you still save it up by ignoring the skillcheck? And use it later after the second unhook?

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    I like it as well. Dynamically changing the Obsession is something really interesting. Maybe we will see more about it in the future, which is exciting. If the Obsession changes midway through the match, that might mean we will be getting reworked Obsession perks (as said by Scorpio, Dying Light is an interesting case if this happens), which I am definitely up for.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    This is exactly what I wanted for it. You have to earn it/ do something to be able to use it. Now it has more options for counter play and it can help get the killer off your back after being farmed by your teammate. Something I was looking for, I like it :)

    I would argue it's nothing that you have to earn and more of a situational anti-tunnel perk. Very similar like Unbreakable is a one-time-counter to slugging.

    @scorpio said:
    I like everything except the obsession changing because for something like Dying Light if you already killed the obsession, are they alive now? I don’t understand how that will work. 

    That's a good question. I don't mind the obsession changing. But currently it would make it a big DL counter as well, if that the case. On the other hand I'm not a big fan of DL in the fist place. It's not op or anything like that. It's just a bad perk which encourages a one sides play and not a variety of options for a killer.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356
    edited February 2019

    @legionnbuff said:
    Dying light would be more powerful

    Maybe, or broken depending on what happens if you kill the obsession before the DS user becomes the new obsession. If there is no obsession switch once first obsession is killed, cool and might be a buff. But if it switches and DL turns off until you kill that one too, then that’s a major nerf.

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    Amazing. This perk really needed this change, and this is a take on it I didn't expect. I don't want this to change at all.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    What brain dead killer is letting survivors heal a teammate and not punishing them. I didn't even consider the slug tactic for it. Doubt it would be often but anybody running mad grit will be having a laugh. I still think the change is good as its not all powerful and killer has the potential to work around it.
  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    End game or open gates hooks will be free escapes always now. No one is going to use DS after their first hook.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294
    edited February 2019

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    End game or open gates hooks will be free escapes always now. No one is going to use DS after their first hook.

    I thought DS expired after 60 seconds or did I misread. It won't be available after first hook?

    edit - ohh. It's per unhook so there's two opportunities to use it.

  • 北欧人
    北欧人 Member Posts: 45

    Yes. I agree DS should be tweaked.

    No, I don't agree it's a priority based on the other things broken in this game.

    No, I don't agree with this change. They turned a top perk into a trash perk. If that was the goal, then good job.

    Other than this I won't waste my time discussing on what they should do, I'm not paid for that. It's their job to design the game. If they want to keep doing this kinda of game design approach, let them. Fortunately, there are other games in the market.

    I'm out of patience for the weak design decisions they keep throwing.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Dustin said:

    I thought DS expired after 60 seconds or did I misread. It won't be available after first hook?

    It doesn't say it expires after 60 seconds of your first hook. I think they must clarify this

  • Manta
    Manta Member Posts: 117
    Well I think the key thing is the 60 second timer. It's definitely going to mean a lot of survivors won't run this now, as there's a huge possibility the perk will not be used at all in a match. 

    Is it better like this, and more survivors switching to something else like Adrenaline, Self care, sprint burst? Or to increase the timer slightly to keep survivors using the new nerfed DS.

    I don't have the answer, but a gameplay impact that needs to be considered. 
  • Sel
    Sel Member Posts: 92
    More survivor nerfs, imagine my shock. Just going to result in slugging. Nice enough for killer I suppose, if the person hasn't dced upon being hit once. Much more important things that need to be fixed than DS imo, just appeasing the complainers, DS isn't.. Or rather wasn't that hard to come back from anyway.
  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    Survivor ever f*cked! And fixed bugs BHVR??

  • hoshiie
    hoshiie Member Posts: 2
    Makes the perk useless.
  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    End game or open gates hooks will be free escapes always now. No one is going to use DS after their first hook.

    Good point, can it still be saved?

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    @Dustin said:

    I thought DS expired after 60 seconds or did I misread. It won't be available after first hook?

    It doesn't say it expires after 60 seconds of your first hook. I think they must clarify this

    Yeah that's my mistake I misread it. The perk only becomes active for 60 seconds after being unhooked and during the active time you can activate it and then the one time use is over.

    Does the timer pause while being picked up though because I can see some unfortunate circumstances where it expires mid ds.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Peanits Will the perk be still active for a second unhook if it's not used on the first one?

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478
    I like it, I really like the obsession change mid match, Remember me, dying light, rancor etc would be interesting 
  • ItsJoel13
    ItsJoel13 Member Posts: 6

    @Digwiid said:
    AHEM Thank you everyone for joining us on this fine day, I would like to raise a toast.
    I Spit and dab on DS's grave and and make sure to be as obnoxious as possible during it's ceremonial burying.
    They even shaved an extra second off the Rank 3 version, GOD BLESS

    Uses Enduring
    Hit or miss I bet they never miss huh?
    DS... Ineffective

  • ItsJoel13
    ItsJoel13 Member Posts: 6

    @北欧人 said:
    Yes. I agree DS should be tweaked.

    No, I don't agree it's a priority based on the other things broken in this game.

    No, I don't agree with this change. They turned a top perk into a trash perk. If that was the goal, then good job.

    Other than this I won't waste my time discussing on what they should do, I'm not paid for that. It's their job to design the game. If they want to keep doing this kinda of game design approach, let them. Fortunately, there are other games in the market.

    I'm out of patience for the weak design decisions they keep throwing.

    LOL!!! Not weak it's a fair perk. People that use the perk aren't good enough to play at their ranks if they need it obviously. Stops tunnelling now so it's a win win. Can still be used and should only be used against toxic salty killers. Yes can still be countered by Mori's but it's not that bad

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    slipttees said:

    Survivor ever f*cked! And fixed bugs BHVR??

    Survivors are fine. I've escaped MANY games with no one using DS. 

    Try it sometime. It's fun. 
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited February 2019

    I think it's a very smart change. They turned a perk used (mostly) by toxic survivors to a perk useful against being tunneled/farmed. Plus it's not a counter to moris anymore, so it's even a buff to Dying Light.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Dustin said:

    Yeah that's my mistake I misread it. The perk only becomes active for 60 seconds after being unhooked and during the active time you can activate it and then the one time use is over.

    Does the timer pause while being picked up though because I can see some unfortunate circumstances where it expires mid ds.

    I'm asking, they should clarify. Yours is also a good question.

  • hoshiie
    hoshiie Member Posts: 2
    People are just gonna get slugged this change is actually useless. They can also get mori'd. This is a really bad rework i might even quit playing survivor altogether since it seems devs only want to make the game enjoyable to main killers. Just great.
  • Themusebattle
    Themusebattle Member Posts: 1

    I think the change is brilliant. It promotes counter play on both sides, and changes obsession perks dynamically through the match. It shouldn't be a get out of jail free card with no effort or downsides on the survivors' end. Plus, it punishes tunnelling which is always nice.

    My gripe is with how the obsession mechanic would work if the obsession's already dead and something like dying light is active: would the dead obsession be replaced with the latest survivor to use decisive strike?

    To those of you complaining about this incentivising slugging, ask yourselves: do you really think a killer's gonna sit there and slug you, and wait for the timer to end after 60 seconds? That's 60 seconds of not doing anything, and if the killer does slug you and leave you've always got the option to crawl to safety and get healed. Plus, you're not gonna be dribbled as it activates during the pick-up animation.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    The perk is now less annoying, so that's good.

    At least we got something.

This discussion has been closed.