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A discussion about D-Strike - Do you like the change?



  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Master said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @CrimsonTyd79 said:
    Once again you're making it harder on the survivors and making it easier for killers.  This makes me regret buying Laurie to get decisive strike.

    You went through the effort of creating an accoutn to write this? lul

    @Orion said:

    @Master said:

    @CrimsonTyd79 said:
    Once again you're making it harder on the survivors and making it easier for killers.  This makes me regret buying Laurie to get decisive strike.

    You went through the effort of creating an accoutn to write this? lul

    Initially, it said "Kate" instead of "Laurie". It was hilarious.

    Yep, well done lads, talking ######### to new users congratulations aren't you just the greatest welcoming committee.

    Thanks, I will always trashtalk trashtalkers. If they want to have a reasonable conversation, then they need to bring up reasonable arguments.

    having a different opinion isn't trash talking, it's an opinion, so they aren't wrong you just disagree with them, how about becoming an adult and having a conversation with them instead. They've done nothing to you.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Orion said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Yep, well done lads, talking ######### to new users congratulations aren't you just the greatest welcoming committee.

    I confuse Kate with Laurie all the time (in my head, but only once or twice on the forum). I genuinely thought it was funny to find someone else who does it too.

    You're not stupid though so you can see how it looks.

  • TheOwl
    TheOwl Member Posts: 185

    From what I've read about this change so far, I feel that it is fantastic, and will be good for the health of the game, for both sides.

    It gives killers the momentum they need during a match and allows them to play a little more relaxed since they don't have to worry about getting hit with a decisive strike before they get their first hook on a survivor. They can also counter it now whereas before it had no real counters.

    On the survivor side, it offers powerful protection against getting tunneled right off of a hook, which is a genuinely unenjoyable thing to experience. It will also pair very nicely with other perks like tenacity or unbreakable to prevent those cases where a killer will slug to avoid the perk.

    I primarily play as a solo survivor, but I do play enough killer to know how frustrating DS can be during a match, so I do not use the perk myself. However, I would not be afraid to add this changed version to my loadout since I do not enjoy having a killer focus me down.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    I almost never tunnel, so this perk won't have any effect against me.
    I love this nerf.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    @Orion said:

    @MegsAreEvil said:

    @Orion said:

    @MegsAreEvil said:

    @Poweas said:
    I love it. counters tunnellers.


    Did you read the description?

    Yeah, tell me.

    It literally activates if the killer is doing what is commonly referred to in survivor lingo as "tunneling", granting the survivor a free escape.

    Ehm no? It literally gives you another chase while getting tunneled.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650
    edited February 2019

    Anti-tunnel perk rather then a easy escape perk. Like it.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692
    edited February 2019

    Ah, another reason to make sure everyone only gets one hook.

    Thanks for your faces in advance :3

    On a serious note:
    Dying Light

    The active Obsession has the altruistic action speed bonus while they are alive.
    If the active Obsession is killed, Dying Light's de-buff is applied to all remaining survivors.
    If, at some point in the trial, another player becomes the Obsession, Dying Lights de-buff will be removed as the Obsession is considered alive again.


  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    1st and foremost, I'd like to congratulate the developers on what appears to be an update in which you brainstormed certain short falls. When I first read it, I thought, wow, this is a perfect setup for camping/tunneling with the excuse "...thought they had DS." But, the part about juggling and the check coming as you are getting picked up was a nice anticipatory move!

    I like, and dislike the change. I play mostly killer with some survivor, but have never run DS, nor will I likely ever run it. I like that the perk does not take effect until after the first hook, and within 60 seconds of unhook. It may actually discourage some tunneling/insta-down camping. On the other hand, I don't like that the timer was shortened. That's right, I said I don't like that it is only 3 second base timer for the stun. Now, if Enduring does not work on that stun, then I'm 100% fine with it. Some further ideas:

    1. Enduring should not apply to the stun period unless the last gen is completed. (Nothing worse than a long stun as you are trying to get that hook when the gates are open!)
    2. Disable the obsession change if someone is running Object of Obsession. (Not sure if this was addressed, have not read through the multiple pages of stuff.) If I'm running Object of Obsession, but no DS, and some twat pulls off a DS, do I lose my perk? WTH should I lose my perk benefit because someone else is running an unrelated perk?!
    3. Make sure the timer is not running in Dying state. Slugging should not be a counter to DS. We are talking about a newly limited 1 time use perk. So, if I slug a survivor right after they get off the hook, and I wait out 60 seconds to pick them up, they should still be able to strike me.
    4. Consider allowing it to trigger during a Mori within the same parameters. It is no different in its purpose. Just make sure the Mori is not wasted. It does not get expended (Ivory momento) until a Mori is completed.

    I know a lot of killers won't like those, but I'm not about easy games. I did not like DS as it was, I still don't like that it is a get out of jail card, but if you are going to limit a perk, don't fully neuter it. Perk slots are precious, which is why I don't use a one-time use perk like DS when I play survivor. I prefer stuff that benefits me throughout the match.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    Now, I’m the killer, i see you get unhooked, I could chase you or down you for 60 secs and DS would be useless. The time limit sounds good but in practice it will lead to more toxic killers
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited February 2019
    Gorgonia said:
    Now, I’m the killer, i see you get unhooked, I could chase you or down you for 60 secs and DS would be useless. The time limit sounds good but in practice it will lead to more toxic killers
    In theory yes, in practice no, a gen takes 80 seconds, and the 60 second do not include the time to rehook you and getting to a gen, you risk 3 gens with a single DS if you tunnel that hard.
  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    Gorgonia said:
    Now, I’m the killer, i see you get unhooked, I could chase you or down you for 60 secs and DS would be useless. The time limit sounds good but in practice it will lead to more toxic killers
    In theory yes, in practice no, a gen takes 80 seconds, and the 60 second do not include the time to rehook you and getting to a gen, you risk 3 gens with a single DS if you tunnel that hard.
    We are used to killers tunneling that hard, it’s getting to be the norm. They got NOED to counter the genrush.
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    scorpio said:

    Yeah I would really like to hear their answers to that. I hope if an obsession was already killed in the game then there will be no obsession switch. That’s the only fair thing I can think of and I hope that’s how it will work. I also wish being the obsession had an inherent down side, whether killer had an obsession perk or not. Without one, being the obsession means nothing. It would be better if being the obsession was something you wanted to avoid no matter what.

    Spirit shoooosh lol don't u get it if a team runs and swaps it to counter remember me the you get free kills with rancor
  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Should probably point out that Object of Obsession still works when you aren't the Obsession. You just lose a few meters

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I'm fine with the DS change I just feel like 3 seconds is too little, it should be 3.5 or 4 due to the fact that it only activates for 60 seconds.

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    Dying light is going to need a re-work as it is now obsolete, even if the obsession dies, a new one can take its place, and the de-buffs will be restored to normal

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    edited February 2019
    Hex_Flex said:

    Dying light is going to need a re-work as it is now obsolete, even if the obsession dies, a new one can take its place, and the de-buffs will be restored to normal

    Points to tombstone Myers  rancore remember me devour hope and 3 skulls made from cypress ivory and ebony and a stopwatch * take your pick to get them back on these

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    What's with all these new accounts created to comment on this topic?

    Salty survivor mains they hate balance
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    I didn't read through the comments.

    Can this be used 3 times per match, on all Survivors?

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359
    vernita said:
    behavior smokes crack
  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    @redsopine01 said:
    Hex_Flex said:

    Dying light is going to need a re-work as it is now obsolete, even if the obsession dies, a new one can take its place, and the de-buffs will be restored to normal

    Points to tombstone Myers  rancore remember me devour hope and 3 skulls made from cypress ivory and ebony and a stopwatch * take your pick to get them back on these

    The whole "getting it back" thing is what makes it obsolete. You shouldn't have to get it back. It also gives an additional rotational buff to survivors, increasing their altruism speed.

    Remember me is also nerfed hard by this. You wanted your stacks, but you also wanted to kill the obsession since they are unaffected by the additional seconds added to opening the gate. Now somebody can just D/S, become obsession, and override the perk by opening the gate in the normal amount of time.

    I don't run dying light builds often, but after next patch, ill be sure to kill the obsession and then slug the remaining three so that my dying light debuff remains throughout the trial.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522
    PiiFree said:

    I didn't read through the comments.

    Can this be used 3 times per match, on all Survivors?

    No. It's still one time use per survivor.
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    SenzuDuck said:

    Here's the blogpost - you can't comment on it so I thought I'd shoot it on over here.

    What are your thoughts? I honestly like it and it's more of an anti-tunnel perk now which is what I think most people wanted it to to be.

    and for those of you who said it wouldn't happen I'm more interested in your thoughts on it.

    So is mad grit gonna be more useful now?

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Are there more survivor nerfs coming?

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Hex_Flex said:

    @redsopine01 said:
    Hex_Flex said:

    Dying light is going to need a re-work as it is now obsolete, even if the obsession dies, a new one can take its place, and the de-buffs will be restored to normal

    Points to tombstone Myers  rancore remember me devour hope and 3 skulls made from cypress ivory and ebony and a stopwatch * take your pick to get them back on these

    The whole "getting it back" thing is what makes it obsolete. You shouldn't have to get it back. It also gives an additional rotational buff to survivors, increasing their altruism speed.

    Remember me is also nerfed hard by this. You wanted your stacks, but you also wanted to kill the obsession since they are unaffected by the additional seconds added to opening the gate. Now somebody can just D/S, become obsession, and override the perk by opening the gate in the normal amount of time.

    I don't run dying light builds often, but after next patch, ill be sure to kill the obsession and then slug the remaining three so that my dying light debuff remains throughout the trial.

    So run rancor with remember me the obsessions won't get far away meaning you just kill them like the other one
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I dont think the meta will change, but will some perks be a little more tempting now?

    Make your choice for example as you will be forced to slug anyone freshly unhooked? Allow you to slug them and pursue to other survivor?

    Knock out for the slugging?

    Rancor because.....well why not.
  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    @redsopine01 said:
    Hex_Flex said:

    @redsopine01 said:

    Hex_Flex said:

    Dying light is going to need a re-work as it is now obsolete, even if the obsession dies, a new one can take its place, and the de-buffs will be restored to normal

    Points to tombstone Myers  rancore remember me devour hope and 3 skulls made from cypress ivory and ebony and a stopwatch * take your pick to get them back on these

    The whole "getting it back" thing is what makes it obsolete. You shouldn't have to get it back. It also gives an additional rotational buff to survivors, increasing their altruism speed.

    Remember me is also nerfed hard by this. You wanted your stacks, but you also wanted to kill the obsession since they are unaffected by the additional seconds added to opening the gate. Now somebody can just D/S, become obsession, and override the perk by opening the gate in the normal amount of time.

    I don't run dying light builds often, but after next patch, ill be sure to kill the obsession and then slug the remaining three so that my dying light debuff remains throughout the trial.

    So run rancor with remember me the obsessions won't get far away meaning you just kill them like the other one

    Or just slug the obsession and save a perk slot lol, Don't get me wrong im all for the change, but the ol green mori / dying light special was nice, kinda cucked by obsession swapping in the long run. HOWEVER, you can now mori the obsession without ever eating a D/S since they have to be hooked first to use it. Overall it is a good change.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Blueberry said:

    Imo the timer for how long it's active to be used after unhooking is too long. If you're seriously getting tunneled that hard, a much lower timer will be effective. At 60 seconds I could literally make it across the map, down and hook someone else, then come back to find them again and they are still in that 60 second window to get the DS on me. That scenario isn't a tunnel and I get punished. I like the change, just lower the timer some so that it really is JUST an anti-tunnel perk, not an immunity for a minute perk.

    Yeah this is what I thought too. If you haven't been hit by around 30-40 seconds then you aren't being tunneled.

    10 seconds to run away from the hook. 16 seconds to be healed, 32 if you self-care which barely anyone does after an unhook.

    20/30/40 seconds would be plenty of time. Hell even 30/40/50.

    If you dont see anyone and stumble across a survivor within those 60 seconds you could be punished gor unintentional tunneling.
  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132
    edited February 2019

    @The_Crusader said:
    Blueberry said:

    Imo the timer for how long it's active to be used after unhooking is too long. If you're seriously getting tunneled that hard, a much lower timer will be effective. At 60 seconds I could literally make it across the map, down and hook someone else, then come back to find them again and they are still in that 60 second window to get the DS on me. That scenario isn't a tunnel and I get punished. I like the change, just lower the timer some so that it really is JUST an anti-tunnel perk, not an immunity for a minute perk.

    Yeah this is what I thought too. If you haven't been hit by around 30-40 seconds then you aren't being tunneled.

    10 seconds to run away from the hook. 16 seconds to be healed, 32 if you self-care which barely anyone does after an unhook.

    20/30/40 seconds would be plenty of time. Hell even 30/40/50.

    If you dont see anyone and stumble across a survivor within those 60 seconds you could be punished gor unintentional tunneling.

    Id like to think the 60 seconds is for anti-slugging measures to an extent. If you tunnel somebody with the new D/S off a hook and down them, you need to wait to counter the perk. If it was only 10 seconds that would be kinda garbage, if i was pig i would just t-bag you for 10 seconds and then hook you as i laugh at your wasted perk.

    Easily allows you to make use of unbreakable as well if the killer is slugging. I don't think 10 seconds would be enough to get yourself off the floor.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Hex_Flex said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Blueberry said:

    Imo the timer for how long it's active to be used after unhooking is too long. If you're seriously getting tunneled that hard, a much lower timer will be effective. At 60 seconds I could literally make it across the map, down and hook someone else, then come back to find them again and they are still in that 60 second window to get the DS on me. That scenario isn't a tunnel and I get punished. I like the change, just lower the timer some so that it really is JUST an anti-tunnel perk, not an immunity for a minute perk.

    Yeah this is what I thought too. If you haven't been hit by around 30-40 seconds then you aren't being tunneled.

    10 seconds to run away from the hook. 16 seconds to be healed, 32 if you self-care which barely anyone does after an unhook.

    20/30/40 seconds would be plenty of time. Hell even 30/40/50.

    If you dont see anyone and stumble across a survivor within those 60 seconds you could be punished gor unintentional tunneling.

    Id like to think the 60 seconds is for anti-slugging measures to an extent. If you tunnel somebody with the new D/S off a hook and down them, you need to wait to counter the perk. If it was only 10 seconds that would be kinda garbage, if i was pig i would just t-bag you for 10 seconds and then hook you as i laugh at your wasted perk.

    Yeah 10 is too short I agree, I just think 60 is a bit too long. Anyone who's intentionally tunneling wont be trying to hook a survivor 60 seconds later.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @The_Crusader said:
    Hex_Flex said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Blueberry said:

    Imo the timer for how long it's active to be used after unhooking is too long. If you're seriously getting tunneled that hard, a much lower timer will be effective. At 60 seconds I could literally make it across the map, down and hook someone else, then come back to find them again and they are still in that 60 second window to get the DS on me. That scenario isn't a tunnel and I get punished. I like the change, just lower the timer some so that it really is JUST an anti-tunnel perk, not an immunity for a minute perk.
    Yeah this is what I thought too. If you haven't been hit by around 30-40 seconds then you aren't being tunneled.
    10 seconds to run away from the hook. 16 seconds to be healed, 32 if you self-care which barely anyone does after an unhook.
    20/30/40 seconds would be plenty of time. Hell even 30/40/50.

    If you dont see anyone and stumble across a survivor within those 60 seconds you could be punished gor unintentional tunneling.

    Id like to think the 60 seconds is for anti-slugging measures to an extent. If you tunnel somebody with the new D/S off a hook and down them, you need to wait to counter the perk. If it was only 10 seconds that would be kinda garbage, if i was pig i would just t-bag you for 10 seconds and then hook you as i laugh at your wasted perk.

    Yeah 10 is too short I agree, I just think 60 is a bit too long. Anyone who's intentionally tunneling wont be trying to hook a survivor 60 seconds later.

    I think it's fine at 60, any lower and the killer will sit and wait every time before hooking imo.

    60 is a nice time because while a killer could wait out the timer a lot of other things will be done by survivors, any less and it's safe for the killer to wait it out if you know what i mean.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    SenzuDuck said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Hex_Flex said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Blueberry said:

    Imo the timer for how long it's active to be used after unhooking is too long. If you're seriously getting tunneled that hard, a much lower timer will be effective. At 60 seconds I could literally make it across the map, down and hook someone else, then come back to find them again and they are still in that 60 second window to get the DS on me. That scenario isn't a tunnel and I get punished. I like the change, just lower the timer some so that it really is JUST an anti-tunnel perk, not an immunity for a minute perk.
    Yeah this is what I thought too. If you haven't been hit by around 30-40 seconds then you aren't being tunneled.
    10 seconds to run away from the hook. 16 seconds to be healed, 32 if you self-care which barely anyone does after an unhook.
    20/30/40 seconds would be plenty of time. Hell even 30/40/50.

    If you dont see anyone and stumble across a survivor within those 60 seconds you could be punished gor unintentional tunneling.

    Id like to think the 60 seconds is for anti-slugging measures to an extent. If you tunnel somebody with the new D/S off a hook and down them, you need to wait to counter the perk. If it was only 10 seconds that would be kinda garbage, if i was pig i would just t-bag you for 10 seconds and then hook you as i laugh at your wasted perk.

    Yeah 10 is too short I agree, I just think 60 is a bit too long. Anyone who's intentionally tunneling wont be trying to hook a survivor 60 seconds later.

    I think it's fine at 60, any lower and the killer will sit and wait every time before hooking imo.

    60 is a nice time because while a killer could wait out the timer a lot of other things will be done by survivors, any less and it's safe for the killer to wait it out if you know what i mean.

    I don't think any killer would wait for the full 40. I just feel theres enoigh leway in 60 seconds for it to be exploitable.
  • memento
    memento Member Posts: 158

    whether he is the obsession is unrelated to using DS anymore, right?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited February 2019

    @The_Crusader said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Hex_Flex said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Blueberry said:

    Imo the timer for how long it's active to be used after unhooking is too long. If you're seriously getting tunneled that hard, a much lower timer will be effective. At 60 seconds I could literally make it across the map, down and hook someone else, then come back to find them again and they are still in that 60 second window to get the DS on me. That scenario isn't a tunnel and I get punished. I like the change, just lower the timer some so that it really is JUST an anti-tunnel perk, not an immunity for a minute perk. Yeah this is what I thought too. If you haven't been hit by around 30-40 seconds then you aren't being tunneled. 10 seconds to run away from the hook. 16 seconds to be healed, 32 if you self-care which barely anyone does after an unhook. 20/30/40 seconds would be plenty of time. Hell even 30/40/50.

    If you dont see anyone and stumble across a survivor within those 60 seconds you could be punished gor unintentional tunneling.
    Id like to think the 60 seconds is for anti-slugging measures to an extent. If you tunnel somebody with the new D/S off a hook and down them, you need to wait to counter the perk. If it was only 10 seconds that would be kinda garbage, if i was pig i would just t-bag you for 10 seconds and then hook you as i laugh at your wasted perk.

    Yeah 10 is too short I agree, I just think 60 is a bit too long. Anyone who's intentionally tunneling wont be trying to hook a survivor 60 seconds later.

    I think it's fine at 60, any lower and the killer will sit and wait every time before hooking imo.

    60 is a nice time because while a killer could wait out the timer a lot of other things will be done by survivors, any less and it's safe for the killer to wait it out if you know what i mean.

    I don't think any killer would wait for the full 40. I just feel theres enoigh leway in 60 seconds for it to be exploitable.

    You have killers who face camp, an additional x amount of seconds wont really matter too much to them.

    but 60 seconds is far less encouraging to do it than a shorter timer.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    SenzuDuck said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Hex_Flex said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Blueberry said:

    Imo the timer for how long it's active to be used after unhooking is too long. If you're seriously getting tunneled that hard, a much lower timer will be effective. At 60 seconds I could literally make it across the map, down and hook someone else, then come back to find them again and they are still in that 60 second window to get the DS on me. That scenario isn't a tunnel and I get punished. I like the change, just lower the timer some so that it really is JUST an anti-tunnel perk, not an immunity for a minute perk. Yeah this is what I thought too. If you haven't been hit by around 30-40 seconds then you aren't being tunneled. 10 seconds to run away from the hook. 16 seconds to be healed, 32 if you self-care which barely anyone does after an unhook. 20/30/40 seconds would be plenty of time. Hell even 30/40/50.

    If you dont see anyone and stumble across a survivor within those 60 seconds you could be punished gor unintentional tunneling.
    Id like to think the 60 seconds is for anti-slugging measures to an extent. If you tunnel somebody with the new D/S off a hook and down them, you need to wait to counter the perk. If it was only 10 seconds that would be kinda garbage, if i was pig i would just t-bag you for 10 seconds and then hook you as i laugh at your wasted perk.

    Yeah 10 is too short I agree, I just think 60 is a bit too long. Anyone who's intentionally tunneling wont be trying to hook a survivor 60 seconds later.

    I think it's fine at 60, any lower and the killer will sit and wait every time before hooking imo.

    60 is a nice time because while a killer could wait out the timer a lot of other things will be done by survivors, any less and it's safe for the killer to wait it out if you know what i mean.

    I don't think any killer would wait for the full 40. I just feel theres enoigh leway in 60 seconds for it to be exploitable.

    You have killers who face camp, an additional x amount of seconds wont really matter too much to them.

    but 60 seconds is far less encouraging to do it than a shorter timer.

     It will be hard for killer to keep track though. You get those games where you're on a roll and people are going down every few seconds.

    I guess we will have to wait and see when we get to try it.
  • mell0w
    mell0w Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2019

    I don't feel like these changes make it an anti-tunnel perk. I feel like it will create an artificial desire (on the survivor's end) to GET tunneled. if you can only use it for a minute after getting unhooked, then NOT getting tunneled hard counters it and makes it as situational as borrowed time and deliverance, and will mostly have the same role as borrowed time just for the hooked survivor rather than the rescuer.

    re: "we don't see noed as a ds equivalent" - I used to never run DS because it seemed like a shithead thing to do considering how divisive it was. then you guys buffed noed and 90% of killers started running it, so we entered a meta where it seemed unreasonable NOT to use it. noed doesn't "have multiple gameplay counters" - either you devote one or two people to wasting most of the game running around fondling piles of bones and make the game 3v1 (or 2v1) or you don't. on the off-chance the killer doesn't have noed and someone did go around cleansing totems, that person wasted the entire game gaining almost no bloodpoints. they weren't in chases, they weren't doing gens, they were just making small talk with totems for 800bp a pop. if that person cleanses all totems and they're all dull, that's still only halfway on boldness and not a very productive game for them. with some of the totem spawns, by then either half their team is dead and it's a hatch game or most of the gens are done and the only other points they'll get is for escaping.

    that being said, this will also make object of obsession almost completely irrelevant, or at minimum just as situational as every other perk mentioned. MAYBE if a new survivor were to be introduced that came with a perk that had them maintain the obsession even if someone else used decisive (would need to have more than JUST that or it's even more situational and essentially a wasted perk slot in most games) then it would be...kind of...okay...? or maybe change object as well to have it maintain obsession. you guys can't just go and make object less viable and more niche that it already is, it's a super fun perk to mess around with.

    I don't disagree with the mentality that DS needs some sort of change, but you also have to consider what this particular change will do to the game. especially things like remember me and dying light. imagine being a freddy main that relies on remember me + blood warden (as a vast majority of freddy mains do) and suddenly remember me is useless because....and here's the kicker...he tunneled someone, as freddy players tend to do, and suddenly he has a new obsession that walks off into the corn, never to be seen again. do you guys REALLY want to put freddy in a worse place then he already is?

    on top of all that, it will more than likely create significantly more lobby dodging on the side of the killers. they'll see non-default skins and be like :shrug: probably ds users time to not play that one! that or they'll juggle literally everyone. I get that people want a DS change but is this it?

    edit: this will also artificially create a new slugging meta. time for unbreakable+no mither+tenacity+resilience to not be a meme anymore...??

  • Theoretically, if an obsession died on first hook with Remember Me, the killer could still get more stack before the game’s end.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Theoretically, if an obsession died on first hook with Remember Me, the killer could still get more stack before the game’s end.
    If the obsession dies on the first hook the chsnces are the exit gates aren't going to be powered anyway.
  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    I don't see my question answered... does anyone know if a survivor will be able to "save" their DS by not hitting the skill check for a posterior unhook??

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 699
    I think it'll be a good change, though others have already voiced the concerns about slugging (I know that's what I'll do, though I tend to slug anyways)

    My main concern is obsession changing. I run Dying Light, so I'd rather not have my bonus taken away because someone gets unhooked. It'll also be MUCH easier to tell if someone runs DS since from what I understand I'll see the obsession changing 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I think it'll be a good change, though others have already voiced the concerns about slugging (I know that's what I'll do, though I tend to slug anyways)

    My main concern is obsession changing. I run Dying Light, so I'd rather not have my bonus taken away because someone gets unhooked. It'll also be MUCH easier to tell if someone runs DS since from what I understand I'll see the obsession changing 
    They should just make Dying Light require 3 hooks on the obsession.

    That way if you get 1 constant obsession nothing changes 

    Otherwise you could get 2 hooks on the obsession, obsession changes, 1 hook on the new obsession and therr you go, 3 hooks just as much effort as before and you get the speed penalty.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    I don't see my question answered... does anyone know if a survivor will be able to "save" their DS by not hitting the skill check for a posterior unhook??

    Here you go bud.

    Theres a QA under the original blog post if you wanna go check it out.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @The_Crusader said:
    TatsuiChiyo said:

    I think it'll be a good change, though others have already voiced the concerns about slugging (I know that's what I'll do, though I tend to slug anyways)

    My main concern is obsession changing. I run Dying Light, so I'd rather not have my bonus taken away because someone gets unhooked. It'll also be MUCH easier to tell if someone runs DS since from what I understand I'll see the obsession changing 

    They should just make Dying Light require 3 hooks on the obsession.

    That way if you get 1 constant obsession nothing changes 

    Otherwise you could get 2 hooks on the obsession, obsession changes, 1 hook on the new obsession and therr you go, 3 hooks just as much effort as before and you get the speed penalty.

    What if the obsession dies in the first hook?

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714
    edited February 2019

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    I don't see my question answered... does anyone know if a survivor will be able to "save" their DS by not hitting the skill check for a posterior unhook??

    Here you go bud.

    Theres a QA under the original blog post if you wanna go check it out.

    Thanks for answering. The Q&A section was added after the last time I checked the initial post.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    @scorpio said:
    I like everything except the obsession changing because for something like Dying Light if you already killed the obsession, are they alive now? I don’t understand how that will work. 

    If the obsession is killed, the Dying Light debuff will activate. If a survivor uses DS, they will become the obsession, and Dying Light's Debuff will be deactivated and the new obsession will receive Dying Light's healing buff. No survivor "comes back to life".

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    @Weederick said:
    Yes, very much!
    Few questions @not_Queen :
    1. If the timer runs out after the first unhook (without using it), will the perk become active again after the second unhook? Or is it only active for the first unhook of the match?
    2. If it is active for every unhook, can you still save it up by ignoring the skillcheck? And use it later after the second unhook?

    If you read the the post that is linked at the top, it is explained that DS will only be deactivated if the survivor succeeds or misses the skill check.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    @Acromio said:

    @MRose said:

    @Acromio said:
    The fact that most people don't seem to understand that they are buffing it and pretending to nerf it is honestly flabbergasting. I hope this change doesn't go through.

    How is it a buff? No salt, legit curious.

    It's quite simple, if you think about it.

    Let's take DS as is now. The Obsession gets his ass graced instantly, the other 3 survivors, assuming they're running DS as well, have to wiggle to 35% before they can "lulz, think again" the killer. What this means is that while the Obsession DS has no counter, you may be able to avoid non-Obs. DS by downing the survivor(s) near a hook (you have 5 seconds to pick them up and actually hook them before they can run to their favorite infinite again and stall you for the remaining 1 and a half generators).

    Now let's take DS as it's going to be with the next patch. There is NO OBSESSION AT ALL, meaning the killer doesn't even know that someone is running it. If the survivors do a stupid unhook in front of the killer, they get rewarded for it. Everybody gets it INSTANTLY, provided that they've been hooked at least once (and, once again, the perks rewards survivors for failing). As if i-frames and borrowed crutch weren't enough of a problem. It's even more rewarding of the survivors' stupidity than before. Now hookrushing at the end game (and in general) becomes completely impossible to stop, even as pre-shadownerf Leatherface.

    This is not a nerf. It's _a buff disguised as _a nerf. And, as I said, it baffles me that the majority of the users posting in this thread don't seem to understand how poorly designed this new version of the perk is.

    Pretty gud job so far, BHVR. You've proven once again that you don't have the faintest clue about what happens in your own game.


  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    @Kamikaze_Rose said:
    So it's basically the same old perk for end-game hook rushing? :(

    No, I would disagree.
    1. The skill check is larger, and the skill check activates during the pick up animation (no more juggling). This means the perk is more reliable in terms of actually being able to use it when the opportunity arises.
    2. The 40/50/60 second window of being able to use the perk is a nerf, of course, but it's intended to discourage tunneling. Plus, if a killer decides to slug and wait out the timer, perks like Unbreakable, Tenacity and even No Mither have new potential for reliability.
    3. On a technicality, multiple DS users get a buff, because now there's no wiggle meter that must be reached.
    4. Enduring counters DS now by increasing stun recovery speed, and there is a single amount of stun time: 3 seconds.

    The changes have been made to balance the perk, and help other perks, which have been failing, regarding the opportunity for them to actually get used. i.e. Unbreakable and No Mither.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    SenzuDuck said:

    Here's the blogpost - you can't comment on it so I thought I'd shoot it on over here.

    What are your thoughts? I honestly like it and it's more of an anti-tunnel perk now which is what I think most people wanted it to to be.

    and for those of you who said it wouldn't happen I'm more interested in your thoughts on it.

    I really love these changes, now it's not a jail free card. It's more on the lines of preventing boring gameplay from the killer while staying strong perk! :)

    Also, if you use DS, you won't be the obsession instantly because the perk doesn't have "Increases your chances of becoming the killer's obsession" so you'll have to use other obsession perks to start the trial as the obsession.
  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183
    ANOTHER SURVIVOR NERF? please stop.. in the last year every patch has a survivor nerf or killer buff (except for Mending) #########?!?
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Lanis_ said:
    ANOTHER SURVIVOR NERF? please stop.. in the last year every patch has a survivor nerf or killer buff (except for Mending) #########?!?

    It's a perk change to balance it, it isn't a nerf to survivors at all.

    There are plenty of people who do just fine without it.

This discussion has been closed.