Why do survivors dc and give up so easily?

Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

Just because the game is going poorly that doesn't mean you have to dc or give up.

I've had my fair share of bad games as killer and survivor and when I lost,I just kept playing even though I was frustrated or feeling demoralized.

Giving up wont make you feel better,but it sure as heck satisfying when you manage to turn a game around by not giving up.

As survivor I had games where the killers stomped us,but managed to escape through hatch or exit gate.

I see survivors dc so often over anything.

I dont like the killer I go againts?DC,Give up

I get found out first and chased?DC,Give up

I get downed first?DC,Give up

No one comes for the hook save before second stage?DC,Give up

I'm on my last hook and I dont wanna give the killer the kill?DC

Failed flashlight save?DC,Give up

And that's not even all of the reasons why survivors dc.

I see so many dcs that it makes me thinkg there's actually no dc penalty which is wild.

None of these are a reason big enough to warrant a dc or giving up,even if the game goes poorly,you gain nothing by giving up or dcing.



  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138

    I've seen a spike in DCs and give ups on hook immediately after 6.1., but for the past few months things had seemed to settle a little.

    However, the past week I've experienced weird DCs on both sides that were not petty in nature but the game being its weird self. For example, getting DC'd during a stun or a survivor DCing after being locked into an animation. Those do not have DC penalties.

    Maybe the last update made the game less stable and wound up with more DCs than usual.

    Not explaining the survivors giving up on hook, but I definitely think there are more DCs currently that what is "normal".

  • MisterMister
    MisterMister Member Posts: 278

    Once you hit 30 minutes on DC, I’ve heard it doesn’t reset? Can anyone confirm this?

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,069

    Sure, there are times when maybe you DC because the killer is dominating so badly that you just want out of the match. I wouldn't DC for any of those reasons but I get why others might.

    My comment was more directed for survivors who quit right away at the beginning of the match when the slightest thing goes wrong for them.

  • Coulderoi
    Coulderoi Member Posts: 16

    While they absolutely might be raging do keep in mind there's an issue right now where people's games keep crashing. Especially console players, but I've had my fair share of crashes on pc. You really can't tell atm.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,677

    They give up because they feel like their time is better spent in a different match. It only takes 2-3 minutes to get into a match for survivor, after all.

  • Kweh
    Kweh Member Posts: 86
    edited December 2022

    True! Immediately if I see a killer/perk I don't like i'm slapping that Leave Game.

    No, seriously. Once 1 survivor dies most of the time there's no point trying to struggle it out. The killer has to severely ######### up to lose a 1v3 at any point. Especially if there's 3+ gens remaining.

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 415

    so...exactly what he said. you only want to play when you have a strong chance of winning.

    You absolutely can win a 1v3 at 4 gens. Sounds like you could use some improvement, but hard to improve when you DC anytime you are at a disadvantage.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    in my case tends to be massive amount of tunneling. i will not waste any more time.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2022

    You do realise there's a dc penalty right?

    So?Just because you dont always win doesn't mean you have to give up.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,734

    I just wish we could at least have a break from certain killers if we have gone against them over and over. Today I had Wraith for every survivor match and honestly by the 4th one in a row it is hard to find the motivation to play that match. Of course people DC for the most ridiculous reasons but for me getting the same killer over and over is a big reason I want out of a match

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    If there is a problem with the line, it is acceptable because it is an accidental DC.

    A DC for a problem that makes it impossible to progress in the game is acceptable.

    A DC is acceptable when the game is held hostage, especially in situations where no other players are expected.

    All other selfish DCs are unacceptable (based on my reading of the rules).

    Are you aware of the fact that a player who insists that his own selfish DC should be tolerated must also tolerate the selfish DC of all other players?

    Perhaps they will never realize it. Because they are the only ones in their world.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,918

    Now imagine if killers did this. DC if a gen is done before a hook. Nobody would ever escape!

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    My worst experience so far was yesterday: We played on Badham and got a pretty good map, the Killer however has Corrupt Intervention. As such I run off into the map searching for a free generator and run into a Clow. Clown chases me for a bit however hits me with a Pinky Finger and I go down and go on the hook. A teammate takes this as "oh no, I am out" and DCs.

    The match was perfectly winnable. The Clown was not even camping me, Corrupt Intervention was lifted by me going down and the two other mates were already on separate generators, my one friend who was on discord with me even confirmed that we had a pretty damn strong house of pain...

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 1,814

    This is sad but true, DC penalties for repeted DCs are way too soft. BHVR please do something...

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 1,814

    The game have balance issues.

    When the game gets balanced around fast killers, slow killers are often forced to use scummy tactics just to get the kills (not always tho) but it seems that a lof of the perks put into the game lately are rushing gen repairs to a point that often (not always) 1-2 gens will pop as the first guy gets hooked, if it is a slow killer.

    • Then the killer have 3-3½ gens to get 5 more hook states (including finding survivors and chasing them) just to get a draw.

    This can feel overwhelming, and with all the alturisim in the game, camping is an easy way to secure this with less stress.

    That beeing said, there will always be people around that will do stuff like that, but it have become more and more since the gens started flying faster and faster.

  • momisplayingdbd
    momisplayingdbd Member Posts: 24

    Sometimes it's hard to control our feelings. I am a patiente person but when i get angry... its because i've reached my limit and everyone has their own limit.

    There are many reasons why ppl DC or give up and we will never understand all the reasons but in my case it depends on my frustration level, when a teammate is working with the killer or trolling me, i will DC... because if my own mate wants me out, I don't see a reason to stay. We will never work as a team and the game is already over for me.

    Tunneler killers I have my limit... I am a casual player, mom of 2 and don't have all day free to play. I play around 5 to 6 matches a day and trust me, it's soooo hard to control the frustration when you get tunneled over and over again without having the chance to work on a gen, do a totem, meme around, rescue someone. I try my best to stay alive as long as I can, I try to improve my skills at looping the killer but when the killer wants you out... well... you are dead. I understand the killer wants to win and I understand the strategy but pls understand that I want to play the game as a whole and not only the chase part.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,677

    The DC penalty is only 1 minute for your first DC.

    You also don't get a penalty for letting go on the hook.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,090

    I tunnel because I want the game easier, but please dont afk, dc or suicide. I dont want you to make it obvious easy for me.

    You have to try like I earn my win, not given free : (

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,090

    Killers' game can end between 4 to 12 hooks.

    Survviors' game have to end with 5 Gens and a Gate.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,232

    Selfishness because they don't care how their actions affect others. Survivors in general don't DC because of tunneling, etc (specific survivor players yes, in general no); they DC because they don't care how their actions affect their teammates and any amount of personal inconvenience for them is too much despite how it affects others.

    I don't tunnel, camp, etc and I only two hook survivors if I see a survivor played streamers or a flan. Even then, on games where I've decided I'm going to farm, I still see DCs even though the survivors are going to escape. BHVR needs to really strengthen the penalties for DCing.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 410
    edited December 2022

    I don't DC but give up a lot.

    What people forget is that for someone who got dumped to bottom of the MMR pit the experience is ridiculously poor and I can easily have 20+ bad games in a row. If I want fun then DbD has basically become a full-time job because it might just take 8 hours until I get a match I manage to enjoy, and that's with taking shortcuts out of bad games.

    I never kill myself when I start a playing session, but after 6-8 bad games in a row, depending on how bad they actually are, I want out and go next. I see no point in playing a game where two teammates are dead on hook before even the first gen is done.

    Ask the devs to fix their poor matchmaking and I'll stop giving up - because it is a relatively recent thing I've started. I've played this game for five years, unless I wanted to give the last survivor the chance to get hatch it never occurred to me that I could kill myself just because a game went bad early, because after one or two bad ones, the next one was usually better again.

    And with "good game" I don't mean "I must win" but at least it should be close and I want to feel like I lost to a better or equally skilled player.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 1,814
    edited December 2022

    Im not sure why you write this?

    If the killer isnt camping and people are doing unhooks, the killer needs 6 hooks for a draw, because of that -

    The game have balance issues.

    When the game gets balanced around fast killers, slow killers are often forced to use scummy tactics just to get the kills (not always tho) but it seems that a lof of the perks put into the game lately are rushing gen repairs to a point that often (not always) 1-2 gens will pop as the first guy gets hooked, if it is a slow killer.

    Then the killer have 3-3½ gens to get 5 more hook states (including finding survivors and chasing them) just to get a draw.

    This can feel overwhelming, and with all the alturisim in the game, camping is an easy way to secure this with less stress.

    That beeing said, there will always be people around that will do stuff like that, but it have become more and more since the gens started flying faster and faster.

    And that is at least 6 hooks, if its the same 2 that are getting hooked all the time, but thats tunneling right?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,497

    "Survivors in general don't DC because of tunneling, etc (specific survivor players yes, in general no);"

    Seems like you're sorta making a statement encompassing the entirety of the Survivor playerbase.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yeah but the balance is towards survivor doing those 5 gens and a gate so 2 can escape while killer is 2kills which can be 0-10hooks.

    It's a big wiggle room for killer and let's be honest so many games are lost due to bad matchmaking, a DC/someone giving up.

    I still dont get why we cant push for hooks and a better SBMM. Or at least put those who give up/DC together and let others enjoy the game

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,232

    That, in general, you are being selfish if you DC? Unless you queued with a 4 person SWF that is 100% true. As soon as that ready button is pressed you agreed to play the game as intended and the other players are expecting you to play as such. If you DC you just sabotaged your entire team and made it much harder for them to accomplish what they want to because of your personal inconvenience. That's a perfect example of selfishness in most cases.

    I say most for the same reason I said specific. If it's for health reasons or real life concerns, hey, stuff happens and that's far more important than someone doing a tome challenge. But if you DC because you don't like the Killer or the map or your ego is hurt because you got beat in chase that is 100% completely and unequivocally selfish and saying but Nurse or but tunneled is just an attempted excuse for being selfish. Anyone who does so is a terrible team player and needs to either play Killer, queue with a 4 person SWF or not play a game where other people rely on you.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,497

    I will be selfish when I see a completely hopeless game. I probably won't DC but I'm not going to try when I see a mismatch. Why would I EVER invest myself in a match like that?

    Am I going to DC after being tunneled for the 6th time that night? Dunno. But I'm going to seriously consider playing a more enjoyable game rather than not be able to play the game.

    Whenever NMCKE comes back you can ask them. I had a 5-gen chase the other night (Shattered Square) after the Killer decided to try to tunnel me. Still died but everyone else escaped,, I thought eh, that's a W. Then I keep getting tunneled. Suddenly, it isn't a W anymore. They and my other friend tried to sacrifice themselves for me, didn't matter. The Killer wanted me gone and the held a 3-gen for 20 minutes. Nobody wanted to play that game and I decided to just get off.

    Go ahead, sue me for getting sick of that #########.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,232
    edited December 2022

    You said it yourself; go play something that's more enjoyable for you until you're less tilted and can play normally. I'd like BHVR to nerf tunneling and camping to the ground and give Killers chase buffs and incentives to hook multiple times but until that happens you don't have the right to wreck the match for other people because you're upset because you got tunneled.

    If you're that tilted finish the match, log off, tell BHVR your feelings, play something else or do whatever you need to in order to cool off but don't wreck the match for other people that haven't done anything wrong and are counting on you.

    Edit: Unless you are in a 4 person SWF. In that case, that's between you and your friends.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    I agree with your mentality,if all survivors we're with a positive mentality,there would be no intentional dcs at all.

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Like someone else said. Survivors HAVE to complete 5 gens and power a gate. Killers can win in as little as 4 hooks.

    It's not in every case of course, but for the most part (particularly if you're not a 4 man god squad which most arent), survivors need a good start, their snowball (in general) starts big and gets small. For a killer it's the opposite. Once someone is hooked, that's 2 survivors doing nothing, once gens pop that's a small map with less gens to protect, and as the game progresses there's less resources to have to put up with.

    I think it's more understandable for survivors giving up earlier on, when if you have enough hours experience and see someone being camped just so the killer gets free and cheap hits by forcing you to come to them camping the other survivor.

    It doesn't feel good, its hard to pull off without multiple team mates (thus bringing your game to a standstill) and overall just bad game design. It's not the killers fault for playing this way, it's BHVR who should be looking at reworking how hooks and camping etc. Work and then balancing around a totally new mechanic.

    Number 1 reason I see DCs and giving up is due to tunneling and camping. Everyone else who DCs for being downed first or outplayed etc. Are just being babies and you'll never be able to fix that.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 225

    I’m glad most of these survivors are not military,quit as soon as things don’t go their way or get the least little bit hard.They are selfish and entitled snd don’t care about the other players one bit.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,232

    Thank you. People shouldn't DC for anything less than RL issues and I think saying it's because of tunneling and camping is an obfuscation. I don't tunnel or camp and I still see multiple DCs when I play Killer. As an example last night the third survivor I hooked DCed while there were four gens left. That game was very possibly winnable for the survivors and the two other survivors I hooked were the same; I hooked and then left to patrol gens and/or find a different survivor. So three hooks spread over three survivors, the Killer leaving to another part of the map, one gen done, and the survivors working on two other gens. Tunneling and camping had nothing to do with that DC and I typically see DCs like that in about a third to 40% of my games.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,497

    I do play normally.

    Unless it's clear the game is over, I don't DC or suicide.

    I'm saying I consider it when I'm getting a horrible experience and I really don't blame people for leaving something they aren't enjoying.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,232

    I do blame them because other people are counting on them. If it's something like they're trying to give the last person Hatch then that's a considerate thing to do and that's cool to see. However, if it's we're facing Pinhead or I got tunneled or something like that then stick it out for 5 or 10 minutes instead of wrecking the match for everyone else.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,801

    This is so funny it hurts lmfao. Like don’t go easy I just want to get out of this match against you.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,056

    If someone DCs right after being taken down or otherwise things aren't going their way, I assume they're being a One-Down Wuss. If it's random or otherwise occurs when they're otherwise doing well, I'll give the benefit of the doubt and assume natural disconnect.

    The one I've never understood is the person who DCs on their last down or otherwise at Endgame, since they lose any pips or Bloodpoints they earned.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,497

    A 3v1 at 5 gens isn't winnable in Solo Q.

    I'll loop for what I can but I'd rather go next and try to get a better match-up.

    I suppose I'm just a sympathetic person. I dunno.