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Disconnected from host

Member Posts: 76
edited January 2023 in Bug Reporting


I've been getting disconnected from host and they have given me no fix

I've been given no reassurance this issue is being worked on either

All the time. No steps are needed

Post edited by RatMilkOwO on
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  • Member Posts: 76
    edited November 2022


    Post edited by RatMilkOwO on
  • Member Posts: 76


  • Member Posts: 76

    please see this bhvr set the status to acknowledged

  • Member Posts: 76

    I love this game fix it please

  • Member Posts: 76

    Notice this

  • Member Posts: 4

    I'm the one who has the issues starting games as well. It usually occurs when I've been idle for a couple minutes and the game suddenly disconnects. This is the only game I have connection issues with. Bhvr still hasn't addressed this issue for the longest time.

  • Member Posts: 76

    I say we go on a sort of strike from this game until they fix this DC issue like seriously we should show them they have a player base and it can be taken away if issues don't get fixed like this

  • Member Posts: 76


  • Member Posts: 76

    You will not ignore this issue bhvr

  • Member Posts: 76


  • Member Posts: 76


  • Member Posts: 92

    I'll give my 2 cents on this. When does the disconnect from host happen? Today I've been getting the disconnect from host as killer, but it only happens in the lobby. I'm not sure if it's survivors all leaving? I've rarely had this happen.

  • Member Posts: 76

    Usually when I'm in game I'll be playing and suddenly everything around me will still be moving and I'll be stuck in place then it'll boot me and say me and the killer disconnected and show me the killers load out as if the game was over even tho it says my three buddies are there

  • Member Posts: 92

    My recommendation would be to run winmtr to see where your connection is having trouble. I'm not sure of an IP for dbd servers that we can test but you can always use google or another game. If you're unsure how to do this Blizzard has one on their site you can use. If you have packet loss on the first few hops then you'll know it's on your side. Basically the internet is a highway, your ISP guarantees access to the highway but since different companies own different nodes, there's no guarantee beyond getting you on the highway. There could be a bad node somewhere between you and the dbd servers. If you don't want to go through all the troubleshooting, you could try a gaming VPN, some of them have free trials. I don't use them since it slows your speed overall but the benefit is that the VPN directs the connection between you and the game, so it ignores bad nodes. If a VPN works, then you can likely rule out a problem on your end.

  • Member Posts: 10

    Hoping they acknowledge the issue

  • Member Posts: 76

    I turned a VPN on and it actually let me play all night but the ping was a bit worse any recommendations to make that better?

  • Member Posts: 92

    @RatMilkOwO That's good news! It sounds like your home network and area is fine, the problem is somewhere between your area and the dbd servers.

    As far as lowering your ping with a VPN, there are a few options. You could find a better route with the VPN client. It depends on the VPN company but they sometimes offer custom routes to different nodes. The higher ping is a result of the custom node route from the VPN, but this is also what is allowing you to play. In other words the direct/simple route you would normally take has a faulty node, which DC's you. The VPN avoids this by micro managing which nodes you use, but this increases the travel time from you to the dbd servers which increases your ping.

    I would find a VPN that explicitly states they support DbD. This means they have a more efficient route to the servers.

  • Member Posts: 76

    This sucks so much I just wanna play

  • Member Posts: 76

    The Christmas event is soon and I might not be able to play

  • Member Posts: 92

    @RatMilkOwO I don't have a good one to recommend sorry. Real quick though, are you on wired or wireless connection? Also what is your internet speed? When you run a pathping or traceroute, what is your packet loss?

  • Member Posts: 76

    They'll probably never acknowledge this issue

  • Member Posts: 76


  • bump comment because i'm banned for 6 hours now :) fix your game devs, acknowledge thissssssssssssssss

  • Member Posts: 10

    The only solution I found is not opening Discord. Seems like that was the issue for me at least.

  • Member Posts: 92

    Try running a wired connection. It's pretty common for wireless connections to be unreliable for gaming. Since the game relies on constant updates between you and the other players, if your wireless router loses connection or drops packets. That might be why you're getting dc'd.

    Unless these disconnects affect thousands of players, it's unlikely anything will be done for this small amount of users. The internet is known to be unreliable and the problem will likely be blamed on your ISP anyways. Your ISP will blame the game but it doesn't hurt to try and get them to run a test on your line.

    First though, for anyone having DC issues, run a wired connection first.

  • Member Posts: 76

    The internet box isn't in my room I don't really have what I need for a wired connection I've seen them try to say that'll help but I've seen people with wired connections still dc every other post on here has been disconnected from host and I never used to get disconnected on a wireless connection it's definitely not that it's something with dbd

  • Member Posts: 76

    And fact is I don't DC from any other game so definitely not that

  • Member Posts: 92

    I see what you're saying but every game has a different tolerance for a bad connection. The purpose of going hard wired is to rule out any possibility, in order to properly troubleshoot. Even if it's just temporary, if you get some 25-50ft cables and just jerry rig it for testing, you can at least rule it out.

    Also make sure to run a winmtr/pathping/traceroute to the DbD servers. If there's no IP for the DbD servers available, use another game you play to test it and see where you are dropping packets. If it's on the first couple hops, it's your local network. Since VPN worked for you, it's unlikely to be you, but still good data. Hoping devs will prioritize 20 people DC'ing is not going to work, you need to do as much troubleshooting yourself as you can, and then raise this problem to your ISP so they can fix the nodes if that is the issue.

  • Member Posts: 76

    They said they knew about the issue and are gonna fix it to me and to look out on Twitter but wether or not they just said that to shut me up is a possibility lol

  • Member Posts: 76

    So I used winmtr and it didn't say I had any lost packets but when I entered dbds IP it was also spammed with no response from host

  • Member Posts: 76

    Mine was also there as a connected one I had no loss I just don't know why it was spammed with no response from host

  • Member Posts: 76

    So I used winmtr and it didn't say I had any lost packets but when I entered dbds IP it was also spammed with no response from host things

  • Member Posts: 10

    Update: Now I get DC'd much often. Not opening Discord seems to not be working anymore.

  • Member Posts: 415

    BHVR won't acknowledge it because that would be admitting they screwed up with their update and would have to temporarily remove DC penalties which they don't want to because it is their baby.

  • Member Posts: 12

    just got booted from a game and now im locked out! GREAT GAME

  • Member Posts: 76

    I can't even play cause it's an unsafe juggle on wether or not I get booted

  • Member Posts: 76

    Gonna have my isp test for any faulty nodes if they come up with nothing then idk

  • Member Posts: 76

    They didn't find anything wrong internet isn't it

  • Member Posts: 76

    I might be out of options

  • Member Posts: 76

    Any help bhvr

  • Member Posts: 92

    Sorry I had to take my Final exams and quit gaming for a few weeks.

    No response from host is pretty typical for some servers. Thats just a defense mechanism to avoid people pinging intentionally to cause harm to the network.

    Did your ISP come out to your house and hook up to your line and run the tests? If not then they might be BS'ing you over the phone. They have a device thats basically a mini computer they bring out with them and hook up to run traceroutes to diff nodes to test the hops.

    Did you test winmtr with a stable connection like google.com ? And you said your first few hops were 0% packet loss? If so then yes your internet is good, it's on DbD. The problem is unless more people have the problem, it won't be fixed and even if so, it might not be in their control.

    Since nodes can be owned by tons of different companies, for instance when I was constantly getting lag spikes in a game I'd played for years. I looked up the IP and they were owned by a random company in India. I can't call the game company and say hey, fix this. Because they have no control over the internet. No one does really, it's a crazy wild west sort of thing. The best they can do is (maybe?) and I'm reaching out of my ass here. They could blacklist that node from connecting to their network and force a reroute. I don't think this is possible though, since they likely don't direct connect to that node anyways, its a daisy chain of node a,b,c,d,e and then f is DbD servers. Then you have to consider they are renting servers from Company X and have no control over how the network is managed.

    I'm not trying to go into detail to show off but just to emphasize how wide the gap is in terms of solutions. It sounded like you got the VPN to work, albeit it was slow. I think this is your easiest solution. Shop around and use those free trials, until you find one with the fastest connection to DbD and just keep hounding your ISP. Ask DbD customer service if there is an IP you can run a traceroute to that won't be kicked back.

    This last part is tricky, because (no offense) you sound new to some of this. But you can open ports on your router, FIRST google how to do it safely. This is dangerous because it bypasses the importance of why we use routers, which is to deny external devices to connect to our network. It's literally like forcing open a little gap in your defenses, to allow anyone with an ID of X to enter. This is rarely a solution either, I'm just throwing this out as a hail mary option.

    Step 1: Google how to open ports

    Step 2: Ask DbD or find a reputable source for which ports DbD uses.

    Step 3: Log in to your router via whatever address it comes with. Most are usually a standard IP issued with the router, or a name (ex. "www.asusrouterlogin.com"). That's a made up address but you get the point.

    Step 4: Find the settings for Port Forwarding.

    Step 5: Make a new rule for the TCP/UDP specific settings for the ports given for DbD.

    Step 6: Enter the number given: Such as ports: ~12366 - 12399. Save and your good.

    This will rule out DbD getting kicked off your network because your router is (for some reason) blocking DbD. The reason I say this is a hail mary play, is because most modern routers have plug n play ways of managing ports easily for whatever game. It's not common for this to be an issue but if you have old hardware, it might work.

    I've been through this a lot and I feel your pain, so I'm trying to help but please do your own research. I'm not a professional.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    I am having the exact same problem. I keep getting disconnected from the host, either while loading in or in the middle of a game. I contacted BHVR, did all of their troubleshooting (which was basically just reinstalling the game and other, similar steps). Nothing worked. They basically said, "Sorry, it's probably your system." But this only happened recently, and it doesn't happen with any other game, and my internet is also fine.

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