Nerfing Pallet Freddy

You heard that right, not that i want too but what are the chances BHVR is nerfing pallet Freddy in the next few days?
Those who know, know.
?? It is the Scott Jund thing isn't it?
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I don't know. I think it's obviously a bug but it would be really really funny if BHVR nerfed both Legion and Freddy in such quick succession.
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I bought Fred at release. I have not used pallet Fred once. I keep telling myself "next match" but never try it
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Fredy is weak,I think it would be good if they kept it,it wont make him that strong,it would just enable a certain build on him.
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It’s obviously a bug and a stupid one at that.
There are some cases when I ask myself “would the game be better if this bug was a feature?”. This is not one of them.
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I agree with Scott. Freddy is weak, he honestly could use this and honestly, if Survivors are triggering dream pallets in chase, that really means nothing and it's basically the equivalent of Enduring+SF anyways because the Survivor is gonna get hit.
This would at least encourage people not to throw every pallet they see and leave Freddy without a power, honestly...
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Freddy is weak af but this isn’t the change he needs. Pallet Freddy is honestly just really lame for everyone involved. It’s a terrible power that has almost no lethality but it’s also really boring for the survivors too. If I die to a fake pallet I don’t feel like I got outplayed, I feel like “welp I ran to a fake pallet that I didn’t know my solo queue teammate already used 3 minutes ago”.
I’m honestly not convinced that anything short of a full rework (yes, again) can save him.
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Would it be more interesting if Freddy could stretch his arms out to do insane lunges like he apparently does in the movies?
Making that "Freddy lunge" meme a reality might be very entertaining...
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Every time, I think I've seen it all. But the the next one comes. You're complaining about dream pallet Freddy.
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We definitely need more scary abilities for Freddy. He is the nightmare after all.
Maybe make his snares spawn his clawed hand to hold and slow down survivors.
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It's never fun unless you're winning son...
That's the mindset of most players even though they call themselves "casual" and just want to have fun
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Since the effect requires a particular build, I say let it stay because it's not a particularly OP build. Having said that, I've never quite understood why you have to choose between traps or pallets within the dream world. Why not let Freddy use both like what the clown does with his bottles?
Also, why have a terror radius outside of the dream world? Personally I think he should have a stealth ability like ghostface, but once you see him (break him out of the cloak or being attacked) you can't unsee him, if that makes any sense.
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I don’t think BHVR care enough about Freddy to even fix this tbh
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What's the bug?
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Why the hell do u want a nerf for this bottom 3 garbage killer?
Arent useless addons, sleep-immunity, 4,0 while placing snares, reduces tokens and the fact that u cant use TR-related perks enough? Look at his damn wiki, you can find over 12 fckin nerfs. I call him King of Nerfs in this game.
Lastly, DMS, Pop, Tinkerer, Ruin.... so all HIS perks related to his power, the teleport, are nerfed or killed...
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No, they're pointing out that his power isn't really good for either side.
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When a Dream Pallet gets destroyed, Freddy receive a stack on Spirit Fury.
THATS ALL and this guy is crying......
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Exactly. He should have both, Snares and Pallets with a shared token-system like Clown plus an heavy Addon-Pass!!!!
Remove Snares and Pallets entirely, just let him have the Dream Projection and create an other, more fun antiloop for both sides - with an Addon-Pass!
His addons are the worst of the worst... louder hearing and these sort of crap. Who thought about this nonsense?
3x Pallets - all the same
3x Dresses - all the same
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I’m saying that he’s boring and also one of the weakest things in the game. I would honestly rather play Trapper than pallet Freddy and that’s saying something.
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how to not fall for fake pallets
have a good memory.
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That's impossible. Either the killer's weak and that's good for the survivor, or he's strong and that's bad for the survivor. You can't have a killer that's boring to play as AND play against. People play the killer, or know how to play against the killer, for a reason.
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No it's not lmao.
Freddy isn't strong. What's the counter to pallet Freddy? Hope you don't pick the wrong pallet. That's dumb and boring.
There's zero expression of skill for either side.
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Over 12 nerfs in the past... we can all read it on his wiki, its PAINFUL!
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You remember the pallets that were dropped, or dare I say guess. It's not that complicated. Same with Eruption.
Not every aspect of the game has to be skill-based. I don't need skill to cleanse at a Plague fountain, or to open a chest, or to hang there on first hook. This was the exact same argument with DS supposedly needing a skill check, instead of it just activating when the conditions are met. "There's no skill in that." You're right, and there shouldn't have to be.
My own friend has said that crap. "Pinhead has the 1 killer ability that takes no skill." Because of the chain hunt? Well, it didn't take skill for someone to step in your trap. It didn't take skill to see the killer instinct with Legion. It didn't take skill to bump into the locker the survivor's hiding in with Leatherface. You can make that argument about basically every killer in this game if you wanted to be that petty and overly specific about it. And since all killers take no skill, now what? It's like... what do y'all want?
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staying awake? hello?
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I'm not saying its op or anything my guy.
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you make it sound like trapper's traps in the grass are op s-tier ability.