Toxicity within new event

Why are people being toxic during this event? Wanted to do a game session with my friends, we are not toxic or anything.. But are getting super try-hardy killers that are being bad sports about the snowmen, and slugging at 5 gens.. No chance to explore or have fun with the event whatsoever.
I'm not making this a killer vs survivor issue as im sure there are survivors like it too.. But why?.. This event is so horrible.
It's like this at the beginning of every event.
You get a lot of sweats and people not interested in playing the event.
It dies down eventually. A lot of Killers also probably have some bad memories from last year.
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Events always has people who come back just to be jerkfaces during the event. Usually this starts dying down after a few days when jerkfaces get bored and wander away.
That's not to say there will be zero griefers later but usually the beginning is filled with them and it drops as the event go on. Some people just don't like the wonders of fun and whimsy I guess...
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Yeah I’ve already gotten a few grinches in my matches too. They’ll get bored and go away soon I’m hoping.
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The killers seem so angry during this event meanwhile the survivors just want to high five in the snowmen. They should've made challenges for killers and survivors that were "enter x amount of snowmen" and "high five x players" in snowmen, maybe that'd help chill some people out.
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They are acting very lame..I stopped playing after 2 games.
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There's toxicity every event. There's toxicity when there's no event. There's always toxicity.
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I just finished all the new survivor tomb challenges, and those were some of the most hate filled games I’ve played on DBD yet. Quad Gen regression po ju finger clowns, camping/tunneling, it was awful. Not a single person got in a snowman suit. As soon as I finished survivor I switched to killer and played dredge. I really wanted to know what dredge was like in a snowman suit, and as soon as I hopped in, all the survivors surrounded me in snowman suites and we slapped hands making sparkles for a solid 3 minutes. It was all good fun, and the next match the same thing when I played Nemo. Idk why killers are running full tilt so soon, but lately I guess they have been
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I'm just going to complete the challenges for the cosmetics then play something else where the players don't seem so angry during what should be a lighthearted event. Bloodwebs barely have the event item anyway and the new winter cosmetics are exempt from their new shards after 4 weeks policy so it's not like I'm being incentivised to keep playing to earn BP and shards.
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I hope you get me! I brought everyone Ormond as Krampus Trapper for fun lol I Fr-pipped, but had some good it was worth it 🙂
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I've been getting inside snowmen as killer trying to have fun with survivors, but they just wanna rush gens instead. So boring.
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From a survivor thank you for doing that. I finally got a laid back killer, a Wesker hanging out in a snowman. He, myself, and another survivor spent majority of the match just goofing off in the snowmen while the other 2 were focusing on gens. Tried to get him to 2 hook me but only did the 1 hook. We spent probably an entire gen worth of time just high fiving for the snowflakes. 😂 I wish more matches were like that because they are way more fun than the sweaty matches.
It's unfortunately the vicious circle. There aren't many killers playing like you, most are playing extra hard right now so the survivors are reacting by focusing on gens which make killers that would've relaxed play sweaty. There's nothing to encourage both sides to just relax during the event, if anything the challenges encourage the sweaty play style.
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For me, I just don't find the event all that interesting. The snowman doesn't really add much to the game and I don't really find it funny. I like events that add fun objectives for both killers and survivors.
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I hope so! whenever we notice the killer wants to just have some fun, we usually give back the same energy! :D
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When are killers not toxic? Also, I have never had a killer be chill during any event ever. They don't have to be friendly or play how you think they should just because its an event.
I do think BHVR needs to make it so survivors can pick themselves up from being slugged though.
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Honestly haven't noticed any difference myself at least. If anything it's a net gain in Funny as it's mostly just people playing normally (whatever that means for them), but I've had a few goofy moments involving the snowmen as well.
Some people will always look for a way to be obnoxious during events no matter what, but BHVR has come a long way in "grief-proofing" events since the days of very limited event gens killers could throw entire matches to keep from popping and event hooks that could be sabo'd repeatedly and stuff like that.
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I had a Myers who went in hard, but played very good, as well as a Freddy who played pretty hard, but had a tight match...
Next game I could have a friendly killer...who knows...
These matches are just a drop in the event bucket.
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How do you ✋ high-five, just touch each other? Or is there a prompt? Gosh, I so want to try this.
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Lol, the snowmen kinda stand like a little teapot. 1 arm is sticking out parallel to the ground, the other kinda curled up. Just get close to another survivor and rotate your camera until your hands slap each other. If you do it right it’ll make some lights and sounds
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Are the snowman's any better this year?
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I mean, PTSD exists, just give them a week to realize that these snowman's are better, I think, I actually can't say if they are or not, I haven't been on yet
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I just rotate/360 into another snowman and it makes a celebratory sound :3
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Snowman's immune to Trickster's daggers apparently, so screw that.
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Elden Ring update dropped, so i have no idea
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I've played a bunch today and on the whole it has not been too bad. Most players have been playing decent. I hope it continues.
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You’re so welcome! Honestly I’ve had so much fun. I saved my Ormonds for months lol so I could be Krampus Claus..I have to say I played a few matches as survivor just to see how the event was from that perspective….
It was terrible… killers were going so hard, it was making doing challenges way harder and less fun then it should be.
Much more fun being a Holiday killer…and tbh the survivors have been great for the most part, they wanna have fun back and I’ve left every match w no less than 30k points…and lots of laughs ☺️ One girl left on a snowman and turned around and waved at me, it was so adorable 🥹
I hope everyone will eventually just have fun w it. I’ve decided I don’t care about my rank this month, just here for fun!
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I think you expect too much from this community.
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Just keep playing. Eventually you'll get 3 or 4 snowman together, and then a 5th one will turn up...
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Thanks! Thats so cool, lol. Now I just need to play around 4 disappointing matches in which I will get t-bagged and BMed for no reason at all and not take it out on the innocent 5th group, to just fool around with them ;)
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I have played for 8 hours, since the event started, but I had almost no toxicity.
Dully-Rounds doing 5 Snowmans dancing in the basements and normal games.
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The only and correct answer.
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Do you expect killers to stop playing the game so you can just run around in a snowman? Its cute for one match, but im trying to play the game so if your just gonna walk around in a snowman dont be upset when in down you in it.
Im not gonna waste my game time so i can have 20 matches where no one wants to play the game and just stand around in a balloon.
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Do strength build, go unga bunga
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Way ahead of you
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I've only had two games so far but they've been fine. A Legion and a Pig, neither were toxic
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If I didn't have to do tome challenges to get the event rewards I would just play killer during the event and enjoy the snowmen but unfortunately to get the survivor cosmetics need to play survivor during the event. It's a bummer.
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- Be me Nemesis.
- Logs in to play the fun snowman event today
- The survivor group has 3 flashlights
- I ignored , just wanted to have some fun
- Got sent to the game map
- I hopped into a snowman and roamed a bit to spook someone
- Found someone repairing , managed to imitate a survivor
- They continued repairing
- I punched out of it and spooked them but missed anyway
- The switched into ultra swf esports game play with maximum griefing and bullying
- One of them teleported across the map before I could down them
- Since I wasted a third of the trial playing snowman , most of the gens were done
- Downed a few but flashlights everywhere
- I did not really care , they all escaped
- In the chat they said the following
- "You are dumb" , "0 hooks , ezz" , "go play with bots" , "I hope that you did not enjoy this match"
- Plenty more of that followed , each worse than the last
- I went back to the main menu , felt sad and angry
- Decided to stop playing event and just play normaly
- I geared up and begun "Real Nemesis Simulator"
- The next four games everyone died via gruesome mori
- In the last one Felix remained the last alive and ran into a snowman
- I could hit him , but felt bad ... I just had no more rage left after killing so many
- But choose to be scared of him and run away instead
- He chased me around the tile
- Later offered me a medkit
- I let him go
- Felt a bit better and disabled my "Real Nemesis Simulator Mode"
Post edited by FreddyVoorhees on5 -
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*happy caveman noises*
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I think what you're also seeing is people who haven't played in ages coming back.
There is definitely some sort of MMR decay. I faced really easy survivors when I returned recently, for a while.
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I just can't call tryharding toxic. You simply have different expectations of the game.
Maybe in the future the devs can add an extra mode for the events so people can go and chill and maybe even create new objectives that lead to wins. Or heck, maybe both sides win if they have certain interactions. Currently the game offers no incentive to be nice.
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Shrug. I'm nice, until you BM me.
The incentive is not only personal satisfaction in making the game fun for everyone, but you'll also get asked to join groups.
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I'm not sure I catch your meaning (admittedly I should have gone to bed long ago).
What I meant with "nice" is that the event has both killers who wanna do the event or maybe have fun and killers who wanna sweat and they don't care about it. So the addition of a special event would be to separate the tryhards from the casuals who just wanna see what it is all about.
And also change the objectives so that the game can be played in a significantly different way. Like imagine not being thrown out of a game as a survivor or as a killer not fearing gens or something.
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Ah. See, I don't count 'not playing to win' as 'being nice'.
To me, being nice is generally about not slugging, camping or tunneling unless it's that or lose the game right there.
What I'll generally do is go hard from the start, get a few people on their death hook and if I'm crushing, then I'll ease up and meme with folks. Because if I don't, and I go softly from the start, the second I run into a team that wants to play seriously, it's going to be a bad game.
Splitting the queues into 'casual' and 'serious' has never worked in any game I've seen it tried in. Actually, it can make the problem worse, as you're basically saying to the 'serious' players that there's now this amazing queue for easier matches.
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I am not sure, for LoL (again) it seems to be working rather well. Although the grind is pretty grueling so I am not sure people who wanna climb want to waste time on casual mode (unless they're with friends) and I know it may seem strange to some people here, but there are people who actually wanna be challenged and only play against other people who have a good understanding of their main, so they can improve or feel rewarded for doing well against slightly more difficult opponents/counters.
If the event had different objectives then playing "nice" would be the default as the killer would not have to slug because getting kills wouldn't be the objective obviously.
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Killers playing normaly during an event = toxic? How is slugging, tunneling or camping toxic? These are just strategies as killers never know what caliber of survs they verse when the game starts. Also these strats will more likely be used when the killer sees multiple items, quickswitching survs and/or using boosted map offerings.
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I don´t know what you mean
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First match I just became a snowman and spun around playing around with the survivors, they never even got into a snowman once and just rushed generators lol.
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Which Event ?
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Yeah it can he really annoying, happens every event where some players just wanna act like jerks.
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I'm having a hard time finding survivors who want to play with snowmen with me :(
I haven't played survivor yet during the event so I can't speak about killers, but is sad when ppl just play regular games you can play ANY other day of the year.