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Eruption showed me something

Hey so let me start with the most important part.
I know Eruption is to strong and I know it isn't good for the game and it is especially frustrating for solo q.
But Eruption showed me as a killer main one thing. Since I use eruption I feel less stressed. I feel like I can goof around with a survivor for a minute or two without throwing the game and I feel like I don't have to perform 100% of the time to have a decent game.
I don't run full slow down builds I like to try funny things and eruption feels like it gives me the chance to do this. Sure some will come here and say I get carried by the perk and you are free to think that because it is a really strong perk. All I want to say is since I use eruption I have more fun even when I don't win and I think we should think about this and why playing killer feels stressed for many people cause I hear that from others too even when killers are quite strong right now
So just Eruption?
I'm actually curious... I'm sorry if this come off wrong (I don't mean it)
If that's true that's cool... good for you!!!
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Funny enough, i feel the exact opposite while playing against Eruption as a soloQ player.
I feel a lot more stressed trying to fix the last 2 gens, i obviously cant goof around for a minute or i would be throwing and i HAVE to go 100% if i dont want the game to last 30 min out of one overtuned perk.
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Yeah just Eruption. I don't run other slowdown perks I even stopped with thana on my legion cause I don't like the nerfed thana. I don't even know what it is we had strong anti Gen perks before and we have other strong anti Gen perks now I would even say we have other perks that are just as strong as eruption wich makes a full slowdown build so oppressive.
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That is sad to hear that's exactly how I felt more and more in Dbd until eruption made it better for me but I obviously don't want you to suffer only so I can have fun.
I don't want to defend eruption one bit I wanted to point out that what eruption provides makes the game much more enjoyable for me so I think the devs should go on and try to make the game more fun and less stress for every player no matter if killer or survivor. The people who want to sweat will do it anyway and if bhvr would make a actually good matchmaking and mmr people who sweat would only ever face other sweats. That's why I realized swf isn't a problem at all but matchmaking is
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Ok.... that's really cool
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I had to check twice to be sure but yes, Eruption really is the perk that makes you scream when you don't release the gen (among other things).
I don't get the fuss about it.
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The thing about this is it's pvp, stress is innate, if you're going to play to win, which most people do.
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Probably the lack of information of when someone is going to get downed in chase, and the fact that incapacitated tied to perk is plain miserable.
Honestly the incapacitated part for me is why i hate the perk.
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I can understand that. I've got an (imperfect) instinct as to when to let the generator go so it's not too much of an issue for me. I can imagine how Legion with that and thana (and another couple of perks I'll not write here) may be a PITA.