Eruption showed me something

Hey so let me start with the most important part.

I know Eruption is to strong and I know it isn't good for the game and it is especially frustrating for solo q.

But Eruption showed me as a killer main one thing. Since I use eruption I feel less stressed. I feel like I can goof around with a survivor for a minute or two without throwing the game and I feel like I don't have to perform 100% of the time to have a decent game.

I don't run full slow down builds I like to try funny things and eruption feels like it gives me the chance to do this. Sure some will come here and say I get carried by the perk and you are free to think that because it is a really strong perk. All I want to say is since I use eruption I have more fun even when I don't win and I think we should think about this and why playing killer feels stressed for many people cause I hear that from others too even when killers are quite strong right now
