Nemesis Copying Wesker Strategy With Infections

I want to point out that in regards to infection a common Wesker strategy was to infect a survivor then quickly move on and infect the next survivor, doing this about 6 times forcing survivors to burn through all their first aid sprays very early on in the match.
This was remedied by the devs by doubling the charges of first aid spray so it would be near impossible for this Wesker cheese strategy to work. Now I am encountering Nemesis' that are doing the exact same thing. They are running around and quick infecting everyone then moving on to infect the next survivor about 6 times in a row. This is causing us to burn through the injections that cure us of infection. And now the Nemesis has 4 infected survivors all coughing and wheezing so they cannot hide anymore and hes at max tier for his ability.
People dont play Nemesis as often anymore so this is getting over looked but it needs to be addressed by Devs immediately with the same easy fix they already gave us for Wesker. Double the charges of the injections so a Nemesis cant cheese us into burning though the whole supply in the first 3 minutes of the match.
I guess that they don´t do that because it would leave nemesis without a power, he would become a regular m1 killer. Yeah, some nemesis do go and try to infect 4 survivors at the start of a trial, but also a lot of those survivors don't even use the syringe unless they are on last hook or going for a rescue. Wesker on the other hand has a pretty useful power, can cancel loops and insta-pickup someone who is fully infected (also don't forget that fully infection gives you a -8% movement speed), whereas nemesis needs to infect you in the first place and then you can be wounded by his power. Other than coughing nem power doesn't do much to a survivor.
But that's my opinion of course, also i main nemesis and i can tell you that nemesis is not as opressive as wesker, even add-on wise, wesker is far superior.
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Being infected against Nemmy is an annoyance at best. You aren't slowed down, nor are you an instakill. It simply eats one of your health states against his power. His power is also difficult to hit and needs to be set up properly against good survivors. He's also a very low mobility killer. If he wants to go around infecting survivors 8 times without committing to a chase, all the better for me.
Being infected against Wesker is a death sentence. You lose 8% movement speed (meaning the killer moves 25% faster than you), you are an instadown to a power that can cross a lot of distance very quick, and all this against a decent mobility killer.
Point being, the two are nowhere near equivalent. Hit and run nemmy is throwing. Hit and run wesker is actually strong.
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well you see, the difference is wesker infection totally screws you, whereas nemesis infection just means you can't take a hit for free lol
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ehhhh you’re pushing it. You can’t compare wesker’s power to nemesis.
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All contamination does is allow Nemesis to damage you with his power and makes you slightly louder so you are a bit easier to track. It's not a big deal. Nemesis power is designed in a way that he's meant to get better over time so running out of vaccines is a part of that.
If contamination permanently slowed you like Wesker's infection, then there would be a need for more vaccines. But as it stands there's nothing to change.
Here's a pro-tip, you don't need to vaccination immediately against Nemesis. It's fine to stay contaminated if you aren't in any immediate danger.
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I appreciate everyones feedback on this.
It was the tracking part that bothered me the most and I was 99% sure he was doing that for a reason. My team was running perks like Distortion and he was running BBQ and was still finding us by noise. I was getting caught in great hiding spots because my character was coughing and wheezing but otherwise completely healthy. To me its the exact same thing as equipping Stridor or the Plague with coughing and wheezing except I will never run out of fountains.
For the record I would still absolutely want Nemesis to get his Tier 3 power as we know he needs to build up to be a force. Maybe a better suggestion would be we do not make noise after he has achieved his goal of max infection.
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survivors shouldn't be vaccinating before nemmy reaches t3, and at that point either the gens or the survivors are done unless he is using marvin's. the least problematic thing in this game honestly