DC's are making the game very unfun especially for SoloQ

Like seriously. More and more people just DC if they get downed quickly even if the match is far from over. It's pissing me of whenever I play survivor and someone DC's because now the match is basically over and it's very frustrating. And people don't just DC of the killer tunnels or something like this. They just DC for anything: Whenever they get downed quickly, they get a map they dislike, they are facing a killer they hate etc.
ANd whenever I play killer and someone DC's it's unfun as well. Am I supposed to kill them knowing full well that the match is over anyway and the survivors stop fighting back? If that happens when I play killer I decide to let them have the gens and escape just to end the match quick. And they DC for any reason in my killer matches:
I played Slinger on RPD. I got a quick down and I hook that person. Then I check a gen and see another survivor. I quickly down them as well. Instantly 2 DC's. The match was not even close to be over and they already decided not to play this match.
In another match I played Billy on Garden of Joy. One survivor DC'd the moment they heard my chainsaw. Like #########?
And I don't care if your argument for DCing is that every killer tunnels and you just don't want to deal with it. Why are you playing this game in the first place them. You DCing won't make anything better and just keep in mind that you aren't allowed to DC just becaue you don't get what you want this match. You are not entitled to DC whenever you please. Just stop it!
I'll just repost this here.
While this is true and I agree, you can't force players to play. Doesn't have to mean to DC - players can just not play in other ways: AFK, throw pallets, jump in and out of lockers, etc.
And this is a problem that should be looked at by the devs, imagine if reporting for sabotage got people banned. If you directly dc suspensions should rack up into a ban real quick. suiciding on hook should be removed unless you have deli and if you get reported often you get banned. EVERY OTHER GAME WITH A PLAYER BASE DOES THIS. I see all of these arguments like "the game will die if people can't get out when they want to" and "You can't force people to stay in the game". The first one is just flat out wrong and the second one is correct but they should not be allowed to queue up again as a repeat offender. People who disagree with me have never played another online pvp game and have 0 idea what they are talking about. I have a lot of opinions on balance but this is simple, easy to fix and not subjective. I want real games and when I log on to play for the first time in a week and the person running full meta with a purple med-kit and anti hem dc on first down without even knowing what I have (even though I am running only shadowborne bbq and no add-ons as blight) I turn off the game right after I am done essentially doing work because I am having 0 fun now and neither are any of the survivors left.
It's fine for something like cod or battlefield to not have penalties because in the game you can hard carry the team to victory, sometimes having one less body to feed is a good thing. But in dbd, league or ow where not having another person is always worse, it's unacceptable. It's really telling of the players on this forum with how many people defend it.
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its making it unfun for the SoloQ and the killer
seriously most the time someone dcs or kill their selfs on hook i just get annoyed and let the 2 others go, that's if they dc at the start that is
i get a thank you at the end so its a bit nice
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I feel you man. It's been a problem since I started playing years ago. At this point, it's arguably become part of DBD culture. Watch most any content creator and you'll see them DC for some petty reason, which then encourages their viewers to do the same. People think it's funny.
I don't see BHVR ever solving it.
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Maybe if there were some improvements made for solo que, there would be less DCs. Maybe…
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Sweaty PC killers are ruining the solo Q experience, I'm absolute casual trash at this game and it still matches me against the sweatiest killers it can find. Not fun at all.
Solo Q desperately needs buffs.
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Why don't you just get better at the game? (That sounds more mean than I intended it) The only thing worth complaining about is when they tunnel and facecamp, and in my experience that's almost always console killers. I'm able to predict the platform just by the how they camp lol
Post edited by Ayjay on2 -
It's very tricky. Either the game is balanced around SWF versus killer and solos suffer, or the game is balanced around solo versus killer and SWFs are nearly unstoppable.
The core issue here though isn't balance - it's that the DC penalties are weak, and it's too easy (and thus too common) to completely give up.
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DC's need to start leading up to suspensions and bans at some point honestly.
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Absolutely agreed, ANY game with Teamwork should have Quitters get punished more harshly than a slap on the wrist. The highest tier shouldn't be below an account suspension for serial offenders.
The lowered Penalty for people really needs to be removed and quitting needs to hurt again and Before anyone comes with "Then hackers can take lobbies hostage!"
If you get stuck with a hacker, you can still DC and get the minor penalty.. if you're not a bas.... Quitter by default you aint racking up longer queue bans and hackers are so few and far in between that you don't have to worry about it on that route either. Removing DC penalties across the board is like sitting in a boat with a leak and breaking open another one to get materials to fix the first.