Killers run 3-4 anti-gen perks because the game is too fast

Killers don't want to use these gen blocking or regressing perks but they have no choice. Games last 3-5 minutes if they don't use these perks. You want eruption to get nerfed and then go for the next anti gen perk.
BHVR should be focusing on 10-15 minutes matches instead of games that last shorter than loading/queue times.
I rarely use gen regression perks and suffer for it. I was at a point where I was doing okay without them but recently gens have been flying.
I think I'm going to have to start using them again.
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"Killers don't want to use these gen blocking or regressing perks"
No, I really think a lot them do.
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BHVR could make games last 15 minutes as a standard and less skilled killers would still stack slowdowns to make the games last 25 minutes if they still couldn't win. Artificially closing the skill gap just turns the game into an arms race focused on the least fun part of the game (generators). As usual, they addressed a symptom (gens), not the causes (maps and matchmaking).
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You're joking, right? If BHVR make games last 15 minutes then they'll completely change all the gen perks. They will not do that ######### that wouldn't make sense.
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Right because commodious toolbox + wire spool + whatever, brown toolbox + BNP and prove thyself and other gen rushing perks doesn't screw the game. If it wasn't for these anti-gen perks then they wouldn't even gotten a hook or two.
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I tend to use Jolt or Scourge Hooks, both if I know the lobby are sweaty players. But most of the time with one slowdown I will win the match even if it gets down to 1 gen left. Against the very top players you are probably going to lose no matter what you do but thankfully 99.9% of public lobbies are nowhere near that good.
Edgarpoop is right though, there are always those people who will go overkill and unfortunately you have to account for the lowest common denominator...
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Killers that use these use them because they usually have no idea what to do after they hook a survivor. They think just because they lost 2 gens during the first chase the game is over, and they are facing a bully squad, Gen rushing SWF, this is just not the case. When Thana was buffed to repressive levels, every killer was using it, rarely during that time did I see a killer without it, because of this the ball started rolling on creating Gen smashing survivors, extremely efficient builds were made just to have a chance. Well Thana went away and the Gen regression meta that happens now was created, and the survivors adapted, and are of the mentality that every match will be a slog Gen drag. New killers are under the impression that they must 4k at all costs and equip all this Gen slowdown, camp/tunnel, etc. anything less and they are a failure, I used to think that, and even killers with 1000 hrs in the game I still think are new killers. Once a player realizes a 4K doesn’t matter, or losing 2 gens in 2 minutes doesn’t matter, and you shrug off that failure mentality, you will be surprised at how much better you play. When I run killer the only Gen perk I use is jolt, sometimes non at all, and still get 10-12 hooks most games, and 8-10 hooks on the hard SWF ones.
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Last night my last match was on demo and I was running tinker and the only slowdown I had was deadlock. At the start of the match when I made it to the center of Shelter woods when tinker went off by the time I got the gen it was finished by two ppl with BNP toolboxes and Prove + Hyperforces. After that gens continue to pop very fast even with deadlock and I end up dcing just because I couldn't down ppl fast enough and was getting so mad. So yeah the reason killers stack gen perks is bc survivors have so many ways to compete for gens super fast. Every time I dont run two or more slowdown perks on low-tier killers I feel the game lasts a few mins and I left with maybe 2 or 3 hooks. These types of matches make me want to play nurse tbh...
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What would you have done in that scenario had you had 4 Gen regression perks? You yourself said you weren’t downing survivors fast enough, and what were the games like before that one? Did you DC every match prior to that one? Did you constantly face bnp prove thyself hyper focus combo plates? Maybe that survivor group decided they were sick of getting Gen locked. Point is that you can’t win them all.
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Ehh. The most slowdown I’ll use is pain res and DMS (for sweaty games). But majority of my builds only use pain res and that usually does me well. Then a lot of my builds use no slowdown but I can end chases extremely fast.
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No most of my matches last night were filled with toolboxes, medkits, and/or map offerings. I was sent to crow map 3 times in a row last night as doc and ring girl. I usually don't dc even if Im going to lose but when I was getting ######### matches, after the ######### match I was fed up and decided to not play anymore. Out of the whole night, I had one good match that was pretty fun and even on both sides. The rest of them was the BNP toolbox, CoH medkits, and crow or garden of joy map offerings. Btw on my builds on these low-tier killers(demo, ring girl, and doc) I was running a very lil gen slowdown. I was running either deadlock, jolt, or DMS. My point is if you want to play a low-tier killer that is mostly m1 killer then you better bring more than one slowdown perk or you are in for a bad time. A night like last night made me wish I played nurse or blight but that's not how I play killer. I use a random picker to pick the killer I play since I like playing all the killers in the game and don't want to main just one of them.
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This happens all the time in my matches. The maps are mostly The Game or that ######### crow map.
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Yah its too fast.
I run 4 slow down perks so I can practice other killers on survivors. I don't care if I win. Come to think of it, I'd rather not kill anyone and keep getting low MMR matches so I can focus on the specific parts of certain killers' toolsets.
Against the higher MMR people with coordinated coms, I need the slow down. They need to make mistakes. And it's just not fun. And no matter what they nerf, I'm not going to find that fun.
Why not break the game up into leagues? So the people that want slowdown perks vs gen rush can entertain themselves, over there.
Everyone else can play hide and seek and snowmen and ****.
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I don't like using them because it feels cheap. But if I don't use them I basically aiming for a 2k because the gens are GONE.
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I never get matched with these teams who apparently pop all gens in a few minutes. That's not my experience at all.
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Pretty sure a lot of them do.
We're gonna use whatever gives us the best chance to win.
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It doesn't really help that there's only, like, one direct non-ignorable slowdown perk that isn't focused around regression and downing survivors to even come into play. And that's Deadlock (corrupt intervention is now on the 'I delete myself' train).
I don't want to play slowdown, particularly, but I do want to have fewer potential games that are 'survivors split up efficiently, no 3gen happens, the game has been decided after two minutes unless the rescuers lose their brains'. It isn't super common, but it feels common enough to encourage running brakes to have chance to actually have chases.
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Some of my most effective builds lately have utilised no slowdown at all.
My 'all-seeing' Ghostface and Dredge in particular. (Lethal, Nowhere To Hide, BBQ and I'm All Ears + aura add-ons) The right info can be priceless. You can target the gens with multiple survivors nearby, you can save tons of time by not needing to search for survivors in order to hit them and apply pressure. Games very quickly snowball because survivors just don't expect you to be able to basically always see them all the time.
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watch everyone tell you are wrong
its not like survivors started genrushing first and then killers just followed by adding 4 gen regression perks, no....
have you seen a single 4 gen regression perks before the "killer update", no because gens weren't a problem and its not like survivors were weak or underpowered back then
you try a different build, you gonna lose, because survivor run the same build and items every game and call it fun.
and no nobody wants to run one damn build for the rest of their lives, everyone wants to have some sort of fun but no, NO FUN ALLOWED
either run 4 sweaty perks or lose
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I don't wanna use them. I also don't want games shorter than 5 minutes even if chases are 10-15 seconds max.
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Gen perks will always be meta tbh and killers will always run them
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Honestly, with how the game is currently, the only killer that wouldn't need to use a single gen-related perk is Nurse xD
I tried fun builds and playing non-sweaty, by getting 2K's, and chilling afterwards instead of trying to get more kills, and you should see the end-game chats lmao. So fun getting called names and whatnot despite NOT tunneling, NOT camping, and not bringing 4 gen-slowdown perks etc., being sent to a map by the survivors, them having CoH, medkits, toolboxes with BNP's and Prove Thyself, and yet I'm the bad guy.... 💀
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And survivors genrush otherwise the game takes too long.
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Sorry, but at this point any survivor oriented complaint is a joke. The 3 and 4k's are being served on silver platters so much that the BP incentive is almost always a 24/7 thing for the survivor side, meaning people don't have fun with it and don't play that role. I literally feel FORCED to play survivor when I want fast BP.
What the actual f*ck.
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Interesting that the game wasn't going too fast back when it was 80 seconds per gen, but it IS going too fast now that it's 90 seconds.
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It's almost as if the only vocal part of the comunity is mostly the one that's endlessly complaining about everything.😮
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I agree with this to a point. I love the chase, so I like to use chase perks when possible. But without slowdown perks the matches do go by insanely fast.
It's odd how BHVR changed the meta, yet keep making perks to make repairing gens faster. So long as that keeps happening, killers will continue to rely on regression perks.
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Why is it that when killers want a 4K it’s wrong but when survivors do anything g it takes to prevent a single hook going for the four escape it’s perfectly fine?Tired of killers being told they shouldn’t expect a 4K when every survivor feels entitled to butt dance at the gate.
Post edited by TDtheDoc on2 -
I bring Prove thy self because more killers than I can count bring like 3+ slowdown. If it doesn't work well enough I'll be bring Hyperfocus + Stakeout, kind of sad other people can't also bring those as they are behind a paywall. This game can be pay to win at times.
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Speak for yourself. I want to run them.