We need to NERF these two killer perks ASAP

You know these perks need to be nerfed when the like 85% of killers are using them (one or the other). Why should ALL survivors be exposed when the gates open, isn't that horse #########? How are we supposed to save teammates in such a situation, that takes literally no skill whatsoever, it's what I call a participation trophy perk. And sometimes I don't even notice when it's active, like the que for it is so bad that it's a joke at this point, when the gates are open and the killer is on your tail it's hard to see the que. It should affect the obsession only.
Second perk is stupid dumb, he can just see where every gen being worked on is at, it blows up and no one can work on it for like 30 seconds, how dumb is that? Lol, what if there are 3 gens left in the game, one suvivor is looping killre for a while and then gets downed, it's another participation trophy perk that killers with NO SKILL use, NONE, NO SKILL at all with those perks, it's just a hand me down. It should automatically turn off if there are 3 gens left, and it should only work on every other hook, not when a survivor is downed AND when someone is hooked, crazy dumb.
Disagree with the attitude, agree with the consensus.
NOED and Eruption should both be changed. Nerfed? No, just changed to be something else.
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1) NOED (No one escapes Death) perk can be prevented by not having any totem availible when Exit Gates are powered. It can be also easily destroyed if you wait like 30 seconds, it will reveal itself (the totem) within 24 meters from any Survivor.
2) Dead Man's Switch perk will not tell you where anyone is directly. They have to first be kicked / leave the gen. Popular combo (overated) is paired with Pain Ress which blows the gen with the most progress and then Dead man will reveal the gen WITH most progress (1) being hit if anyone was repairing on it. This can be very easily prevented: Let go of the gen the second you see someone being hooked. Or just don't repair until the Survivor is hooked. Here, done. Without Killer forcing you out of the gen or someone letting go of it, Killer has no value and no info from this perk. It's really not that strong. It's only good because Survivors let it be good (don't leave the gen, not paying attention, etc.)
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Eruption needs a rework so it doesn’t just annihilate solo queue but isn’t effective on SWF
NOED is mostly fine just needs to change location/deactivate temporarily if the killer is too close to the totem
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been a bit since I saw a noed complaint
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Noed is mostly fine.
Eruption needs some changes. Nothing major but currently the perk is problematic
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Eruption should just entity block the relevant gen. Affects everyone equally then, doesn't regress, Killer can't go back and stack extra regression on it.
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The killer can’t stack regression on it already because it’s regressing.
You cannot kick a regressing gen.
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True, but someone else can tap the damn thing and then boom another kick. I also think Jolt can get a regressing gen, but I might be remembering the interactions wrong.
(Blocking it also means that the time where it can't be worked on doesn't have regression, which at least alleviates the extra ~6s of work needed from an incapacitated survivor not being able to stop regression)
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It’s a survivor mistake then. All can be avoided
- don’t be greedy by taping the gen near the killer
- don’t be greedy by staying injured near the gen when the killer is coming.
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I'm not entirely sure what to do with Eruprion, but my idea for NOED is to make it a Scourge Hook and have its effect be earned throughout the match, similar to NWO or Remember Me.
Scourge Hook: No One Escapes Death
- At the start of the trial, 4 random hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks
- The auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white
- When a survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook for the first time before the exit gates are powered, the following effects apply:
- When the exit gates are powered, the survivor's aura will be revealed for 4 seconds, and the survivor will suffer from the exposed status effect for 40/50/60 seconds
The problem with NOED is that, compared to other endgame perks, it gives a strong effect without earning it. I think this change would solve that.
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I haven't even seen noed in ages.
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a perk requiring a set up and a down and it doesn't even tell you what gen is being worked on like you said = no skill
and a perk that has in intense effect when it is first revealed, has a status effect on the hud and literally shows its aura to you so you can cleanse the totem and deactivate it and you're still having trouble noticing it???
although i agree these perks are a problem i don't think you should be talking about skill when you yourself seem unaware of what you're talking about.
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I never run NOED as killer, and as survivor the only thing I dislike is when the totem spawns next to the downed/hooked person and the killer can defend both 🤣, other than that I think is "fine".
I don't know what to say about Eruption tho, other than how little u can do as soloQ to avoid it. Maybe make it so that u have a second (or whatever that is not too much so it rewards reflexes) after a survivor is downed to prevent the incapacitated? You'll have to pay attention as survivor and the regression is still there for the killer.
But anyways, many ppl here are very experienced and I'm sure there are plenty of ideas 😁
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NOEDs alright. it gives itself away now, meaning it has to be defended to keep its effect. Also do you not see the skull icon, or notice the very blatant screen pulse and sound effect that plays when NOED is revealed?
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They already nerf NOED so many times and can be counter if u cleanse totems. you can remove NOED. i run that every game btw. its needed to counter gen Rush. if that gets removed. Do something about Gen rush, u can also remove gen regression perks if u problem truly is solved
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NOED effects those Survivors whom only want to go the Gens... So stop focusing on Gens and cleanse Totems
Eruption makes the Killer kick Gens to get anything out of it... 10% plus .25 charges per second for 25 seconds equals about 10 or so seconds of repair
And if it were changed to block Gens it wouldn't be as powerful as it is right now...
Blocking the gens- no more regression after the 10% is knocked off
But I figured that if the Gens were unrepairable for 25 Seconds... the Survivors can still heal, cleanse and unhook
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eruption is 9s explosion regression, 6s regression why you can't touch it and 25s of not working on a generator. 40s total generator slowdown by just hitting single survivor. That's why people consider the perk unfair for soloQ
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"It should effect the obsession only"
That's literally just rancor lol
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Wait... really... I thought that it was 10s explosion regression and 25 seconds of incapacitated
This is what I get for not playing the game... LOL
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Eruption can just be changed to a difficult skill check like overcharge
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I actually like that idea tbh
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When eruption activates, it does immediate 10% of 90s gen which is 9s. Normal regression is 0.25c/s. It's 25s when you can't touch it. Meaning 0.25*25=6.25s regression. And then there's 25s when you can't work on a gen. So to be precise, it's not 40s. It's 40.25s of regression just by hitting single survivor.
Now imagine it does hit 3 survivors. That's immediate 4/3 of gen or 120.75s worth of regression. Quite strong right? Show me one other perk that can potentially slow down gen progress by 2 minutes just by activating once (and can do so multiple times). That's why people complain about the perk so much.
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Why are you adding Incapacitation twice?
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Honestly, both perks would be fine if SoloQ received the buff they VERY much need, like status icons on the hud. That way you can see when a teammate is in chase etc.
Eruption actually forces the killer to walk away kick gens, and then continue to find/chase/down a survivor, so by itself it's an okay perk because it has requirements. Although I don't think that it's ability should be able to sync with other perks, like DMS/PR etc.
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1st time as normal regression that you can't stop (that are those 6.25s). 2nd time as a missed opportunity to work on a gen (25s)
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I think noed is much better than it was. I don't think it needs a change nearly as badly as eruption. These two perks are on completely different levels.
Then again, if you are seeing noed every map that says more about where you are in MMR than anything (you are probably low-mid tier). Learn where totems spawn. Look for it while someone else is working on the door. Also, stop expecting that you should escape every match. The closer you get to cap MMR the more you will die unless you are playing in a 4 man SWF with comms. That's just a fact. I expect a 25% escape rate at this point, and that is pretty accurate. By that I mean some survivors in the group will escape one out of every four games. Other than hatch, the other three games are very likely to be four kills. The killer that has escapes is almost always one of the few that choose not to play the metas. The other three are always using some combination of the meta perks eruption, call of brine, jolt, overcharge, dead man's switch, pain resonance, and sloppy butcher, mostly depending on which ones work best for the killer they are playing.
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And if you have SWF, you have about 50% escape rate. That's why a lot of killer mains want SWF nerfed. 50% way too OP
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Eruption needs the incapacitation time tweaked. If it was 10s of time, it would be fine. Explosion and blocking the gen would be stronger, but would effect SWF equally (which means it won’t happen).
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i like how he didn't even name the perks so everyone has to guess what he means lmao
Definitely not 85% of killers are using one or the other. I don't usually see them in my matches, NOED is mostly a low MMR thing to my knowledge, because a good killer is wasting a perk slot on NOED when they could use something that actually helps them all match and can't fail to activate the one time it does get to be used. I don't see much Eruption either surprisingly
NOED is kind of a lame perk though, since I almost exclusively see it used by people who aren't very good so they can get a free surprise kill at the end of the match. Often you can tell if they're using it part way through the match and you'll know you need to cleanse the totems.
The cue for it is hilariously easy to notice, they may as well put "OH MY GOD NOED IS ACTIVE!!!" in giant red letters on your screen. In fact, I'm pretty sure they literally put the perk's name on the screen.
The second perk you mentioned, you said it blows up so I'm guessing it's Eruption and not DMS. Eruption is not nearly as strong as you make it out to be. Killer can't see what gens are being worked on at any point with Eruption. People can work on the generator while it regresses, only specifically the people who were working on it at the moment of the down get incapacitated. Killer has to kick the generator to activate the perk at all, and it rewards them for downing survivors; kind of a win more perk. With the 3 gen scenario, every generator has to have progress, then the killer has to go manually kick each one individually, then they have to get a down after that. It doesn't trigger automatically like you seem to think it does. If you aren't on the gen when it blows up, you don't get incapacitated.
It doesn't even work on hooks, it only triggers on downs and furthermore it has a 30 second cooldown afterwards. Hooking does not activate Eruption.
I think you're mixing like 3 perks in your head. I'm guessing maybe the killer was running Jolt, Eruption, Pain Res, and Dead Man's Switch, and you for some reason think those are all one perk; otherwise, you forgot to read the perk or you're lying.
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Are we still complaining about NOED after so many years, when the totem literally lights up like a beacon?
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I only use NOED when i have an exposed challenge.
It really just isn’t that powerful anymore. Usually gets one down and or hook unless RNG puts the totem next to a downed surivor. Then i just is one kill because the other survivors just leave.
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NOED is fine. Just do bones or, cleanse it once it reveals itself after 30s after the initial notification. And if the totem is at the hook and the killer camps? Just leave.
Eruption needs tweaks so that it doesn't destroy SoloQ or Duo players and still effects full SWFs.
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IMO there's better/easier ways to finish an exposed challenge. There are some good ultra rares for it, but obviously those are hard to come by. Make Your Choice, Devour Hope, Haunted Ground, Hubris, Starstruck, and Myers/Ghostface's powers are really good ways to get it done that don't require all 5 gens to be finished, and (except for haunted ground) can be used multiple times in a match.