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Hag daily broken

I've played two games as Hag now. I've got plenty of teleports hits and kills and yet ...
Win10 / Steam
Reproduce: Play Hag with a daily, see no progress.
Note: I've played a Spirit game and the daily increased, so far it's only Hag.
(Incidentally, now placing a trap after a TP is glitchy. I have to stop and move to place it?)
Just had the same issue with this ritual last night (as well as the achievement "Even Punishment" which has similar requirements). Tried to do it two games in a row, and even made sure I saw the "Phantasm Attack" bp event on the top right after teleporting and hitting but still couldn't get either the ritual or the achievement done. I am also on Steam with Windows 10, so I'm not sure if it's just a PC issue or if it's on console as well. I was streaming at the time if showing the recording of the game would help in resolving the issue.
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Story of Haggers life... bugged on her birthday
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Does anyone know when will they fix it ?????
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Last time I've checked, they didn't acknowledge her more major bugs so I wouldn't hold my breath. (I've not played Hag since)
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el killer "the hag" tiene muchos problemas:
- solo me daja colocar dos trampas.
- Para el rito en el cual tienes que teletranportarte y dar un hit a un superviviente no lo cuenta.
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Also on console. Trophy for this didnt count too.
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This issue has been around for over a month now. It started Nov 13th to be exact.
multiple posts have been made about this but their has still been no acknowledgment of the issue yet. Very frustrating
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They’re all pending tho!!
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Yeah, I've just encountered this bug. Quite frustrating. And since I had already dismissed a daily ritual today, I can't exchange this one until tomorrow.
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It has already been five weeks since my last Hag play?
Time flies.
And still not acknowledged I see, wonderful.
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Same for me, on PS5. Trying to get the Platinum
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This is the frustrating part. Every post is pending, have been for weeks. If the dev team does regularly check the boards as it’s claimed, surely one of the 10 posts about this would have been acknowledged?
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I don't expect anything happening before January now. I expect most people are on holiday.
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I’m not expecting them to have it fixed over Christmas, but it would only take a few minutes if scrolling on the forum to hit the acknowledgment button, and show it’s actually on the radar of the devs.
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Good point.
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The devs don't even hit the Acknowledgement button on stuff they actually DO fix, I reported that awful playstation bug last event where people couldn't move at the start of games, they fixed it and never once acknowledged my post. The Milk and Cookies achievement has been busted since September, and the Twins as a killer itself don't work yet aren't killswitched. Unless its losing them money, the devs really don't care about these bugs let alone letting people know they are working on them by acknowledging posts.
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So maybe in the next update then ...