We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

"The Survivor Rulebook" seems more like a passage from "The Killer Self-Help Book"

Alcuin Member Posts: 460
edited December 2022 in General Discussions

To assuage Killer feelings of guilt for tunneling out helpless Solo Survivors. I'm not particularly good, but I ran a Blight advertising his Twitch and YT channel for about 90 seconds during the trial's first chase. He was running Compound 33. When I got unhooked, the Blight's right back at the hook. Does he go for the unhooker? No, he's on me again.

I DC at that point because it's the game's second strongest Killer, running the strongest add-on, employing the game's strongest "Strat" (besides SWF, maybe). That's not a "ragequit" and it's not part of a rulebook. It means it's unplayable. He knows it. He had about 30 viewers and the response is "Blight's ripping up the Survivor rulebook". They know it too, I guess. Get rid of tunneling. It's BS.

Post edited by BoxGhost on


  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285

    The best advice I can give to counter hardcore tunneling as a solo player is to run both sprint burst and off the record, sb gives you the boost needed to get away and avoid getting hit off the hook and otr gives you enough time to try and loop killer one more time since if you were the one getting chased only you know which pallets were already used and you still have otr hit and the the second hit which will down you, if the rest of the team is smart the can pop 2-3 gens and the game can still be won, it of course depends on your skill level but if you are not good at looping this kinda of pressure can force you to improve

    dc-ing is just giving the killer even easier way to win

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    i get that tunnelling sucks but just endure it for the sake of everyone else in the match

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    Then they have the right to leave the match they are playing and move to the next match. If people are not responsible for my fun, I am not responsible for their fun, so I dont care how I affect anyone else in the trial. I mean thats the stance the community takes right? So then why is it such an issue when some one DCs or Kills themselves on hook?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    If you want to rage quit every game, because you can't handle that your opponents are other players who can play the way they want within the rules of the game, then why are you playing the game?

    At some point you have to realize you just don't like dbd and stop playing dbd.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2022

    Its not rage quitting if someone just wants to leave because they dont feel like going against bad players. And on the flip side, if youre playing bad the people you are going against have every right to not play against you. Some people dont want to come home after a long days work and not be able to enjoy a game they love. And the shouldnt have to. Now, yes everyone can play how they want, and if that means some people dont wanna go against some one camping and tunneling so be it. You sit and and say you have no control over what other people do, then when some one DCs, oh well, that was their decision not yours. So why are you upset some one disconnected.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    I don't endorse unwarranted DCs nor do I DC from matches unless network issues or something like that, however I have to admit that there is a bit of a double standard here?

    Some are concurrently stating that the killer does not have any obligation to play in a way that respects the other players fun, yet the person DCing does have such an obligation and is expected to just "suck it up"?

    I mean I a relatively friendly killer main and I do like that everyone has fun my games, but I can't ignore this incongruence

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Every Blight I've seen has been running the sweatiest stuff with Alchemist Ring and gen perks lol.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    I added the information about Blight's strength and the strength of Compound 33 to make clear that it's not some emotional thing. I DC'd to send a message. His chat got it. The Killer said he doesn't play by the "Rulebook" anymore.

    I'm a person, not an NPC. Tunneling says you're an NPC.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 226

    Now you know how killers feel,we are just npc to amuse you.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,440
    edited December 2022

    It's 100% ragequitting and it has a negative effect on at least 3 other people in the trial. If you don't consider that you're being a terrible player in a team based game and need to either improve or play single player roles.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    It's Solo Survivor that has to "finish out the match" under all circumstances, not Killer. I play both. I can ruin the fun of the other four as Killer but I have no control over the match as a Solo Survivor.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    Everyone should finish out the match regardless of the role you are playing. People queue up to play a game and the least you can do is respect other's people time and play the game from start to finish.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    Certain killers want a 4K and as easy as possible. If you want to tunnel, I will make it even easier. The streamer was talking about how he won every match over the course of five hours. Solo Survivors do not escape every trial over a 5-hour period. Who's not taking into consideration the experience of the other side?

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    Who said I was mad? Frustrated, yes. Mad, not really. And youre telling me, if some one does something to you over and over again, you dont get upset? If some one repeatedly pokes you with a pencil, your just gonna say "well I guess at least they are enjoying themselves, thats out of my control." No, your probably gonna say something about it, or your gonna move to a different spot. Now, camping and tunneling doesnt bother me personally, but it bothers other people. And when you come in here and tell people to just get over it, its just a game, its just this or that, kind of a dick move. Let them have their feelings, let them make their decisions, now whether those decisions are right or wrong, its different for everyone. What you fail to realize is, we dont know what happens after the dc. Maybe that person gets off for the day. Maybe that player has had a bad string of games, gets feed up with it and goes and plays a different game. to use your own words, people can play how they want, and if someone wants to DC every match, thats their choice.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    DBD is a game that can be rigged. I know when I'm going against a SWF and when I'm going against Solos. If you want to rig the game against Solos, I'll make it easy for you.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    I'm not talking about consideration of the other side, though?

    I'm talking about consideration of your side. The survivors. Your three teammates who you just put in a much worse position by putting them in a 3v1 super early in the match. That is why you shouldn't ragequit whenever you see a killer tunnelling, because there are three other players who aren't being annoying to you that you are putting at a huge disadvantage by leaving.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    Never did I say I was mad. Frustrated, absolutely. But, Im not responsible for anyone else fun, right? So, if Im not having fun, I have to suffer through an entire match just so others can have fun? That sounds like such a great idea to me.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    It is just a game and people should get over it. Tunneling and camping are not against the rules by any means and quitting because someone is playing within the rules of the game is being a baby.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,440

    100%. A rage quitting survivor isn't hurting the Killer. They're hurting the people who are trying to help them while rewarding the person they're actually mad at.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,440

    You're misreading the statement. Survivors aren't responsible for the Killer's fun and vice versa. Survivors are responsible for not screwing over the other survivors. If you sandbagged survivors intentionally over and over you would be doing to them exactly what your ragequitting does.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    It's not a "ragequit" if Blight is coming after you after being unhooked with Compound 33 and ignoring the unhooker. It's broken. I know it. Blight knows it. The chat of the Blight I was going against knows it. I am able to realize that "This is BS" in the moment. It's a cumulation/convergence of imbalanced things. If I can recognize it in the heat of the moment, it's really, really broken. Nowhere near a "ragequit".

    It's sending a message. They get it or they don't. You want an easy match, I will make it easier than you want it. That's all you can do a solo in DBD.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    You're missing the point. It's not about the killer, it's about your teammates.

    We could talk about how broken Compound 33 Blight is, especially when tunnelling, but that's not the argument that I'm making. I'm talking about how you're screwing over your teammates much more than you're sending any message to the killer.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    No I read the statement just fine. Maybe I find it fun to run around and sand bag survivors. Thats the play style I like. Either I can say I am responsible for everyone else in that match, or, I am not responsible for anyone else in that match. There is no in between.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    DC isnt against the rules. It is strongly discouraged. So is camping and tunneling. Look at how many perks are in the game to help prevent those things from happening.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    You get a timeout penalty for d/cing so it's clearly not something the devs want you to be doing.

    You do not get a timeout penalty for tunneling or camping and the devs have stated that neither of those are reported.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    But there are perks like DS, BT, hell the made BT base. And we now have Reassurance. That is a clear indicator to me that its something you shouldnt be doing.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    Survivors have perks that allow them to heal themselves alongside perks to increase healing speeds, does this mean that killers injuring survivors is not something killers should be doing?

    Perks exist to help both sides in areas they want to be stronger in. Perks that help against tunneling and camping only cement that tunneling and camping are part of the game. If they weren't, then the devs wouldn't create perks to help against them they would just remove the ability to camp or tunnel.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    Regardless of what role you play, there are 4 other people in that match. Either you care for everyone, or you care for no one. And I never said I DC, I didnt post the original post, so dont come at me like I did.

  • MisterMister
    MisterMister Member Posts: 278
    edited December 2022

    i think a surrender button should be given. If a survivor wants to quit, just instead of leave game it should be surrender, their character model is replaced with a bot, and they can just join another match. They don’t receive any BP’s, lose MMR, and depip, same scenario for killer too. Killer would get the full value of the hook, and deaths states, and if killer surrendered, survivors get like a 10k BP bump, it would be way better than a DC, and think about all those people on penalties could still be playing.

  • SilverShamrock
    SilverShamrock Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 10

    You took the words right out of mouth lol. I’m actually surprised someone hasn’t chimed in and suggest camping or tunneling come with a penalty as well. I understand the logic or frustration behind if someone were to suggest that, but I don’t see any feasible way something like that could be implemented. I think it would eventually result in a whole lot less games being played for everyone.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    Killers have perks that slowdown gens so is doing gens something that survivors shouldnt be doing? Healing has been an action in the game from the begining, basekit BT has not. All of those healing perks BOOST, healing speeds, not prevent them BT and DS and Reassurance are things meant to PREVENT camping and tunneling.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    There's no perk in the game that prevents camping and tunneling. Perks at their very best make those tactics a bit less rewarding, but they don't prevent the killer from doing so.

    Reassurance, OTR, and DS existing don't make tunneling and camping invalid mechanics. They are just tools to deal with valid mechanics that devs are aware about. The perks wouldn't exist if the devs didn't allow killers to camp and tunnel survivors. They would simply make camping and tunneling impossible.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    Camping and tunneling shows down the game. The Wraith that sits at the hook is not clever, he just wants it easy and is making the game unfun. More than perks are needed. Make it so Killers have to throw the game in order to tunnel and camp. 3 Mettle of Mans or 90 sec. Borrowed Time. Camping and Tunneling is boring at this point. Make the counter just as boring.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    Camping and Tunneling when done wrong can easily throw the game. Chasing a survivor running you around for 5 gens is not winning. And sitting at a hook when the survivors get gens done and leave is not winning either.

    I had a 3 man escape against a facecamping leatherface, because we did hook trades right before next hook state and focused gens.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Because when a survivor expects some form of sportsmanship, its called the 'survivor handbook of how to play DBD', but when a killer expects sportsmanship its because the survivors are playing in a toxic way. Except nearly everything that killers perceive as toxic - has been removed from the game or are behaviours that don't impact the game/its outcome for the most bit.

    Killers used to find key-squads toxic, so they nerfed keys. They found the hatch to be toxic, so they nerfed the hatch. They found flashlight clicking toxic, so they nerfed the flashlights. They found infinity looping toxic, so they nerfed it. A lot of these things that could be ignored and made completely redundant, or have other varying types of counter-play.

    But when a survivor whines about a camper, a tunneller, or whatever else - It is our problem and we should always adjust to that behaviour and just deal with it.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    Not to come down too hard on either side of the overall argument you're making here, but it is worth pointing out that literally nothing in that list of yours was nerfed for being "toxic".

    Keys and the hatch were nerfed for being unbalanced, flashlight clicking was nerfed because it was causing seizures, and infinite loops are clearly unbalanced so that's why that was nerfed too.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,440

    Intentionally sandbagging is bannable. Repeat DCers should be banned from the game as well.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    But was camping and tunneling an intended mechanic? Because looping wasnt an intended mechanic. It was something that the players found to be effective. I would argue that its the same with camping and tunneling. I never said it was invalid. And those perks are intended to prevent camping and tunneling. Think of old DS and how many killers would slug as to not eat DS. Thats prevention. Fact of the matter is camping and tunneling just isnt fun. And the whole argument of people can play how they want is a BS argument. Its not that its not fun cause you die. You either sit on the hook all match and have very little interactions, or you get tunneled and have very little interactions.

This discussion has been closed.