Should Eruption even be nerfed?



  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    9 vs 40 is a big difference, I just think you're exaggerating a bit on how often it misses swf. 90% of swf are still getting hit by Eruption.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I really doubt that as all it takes is a simple "about to go down"

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Well seeing as 99% of them run dh there's quite a bit of nuance to when that going down is happening to even call it. Also, most swf groups aren't that sweaty for even trying to call timings like that. Just going by my personal experience.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    In my experience the best way now to know you are facing swf is when you run eruption ans nobody screams ever but gens still get done 15 seconds later

    Even if it's not really common, that it is theoretically possible to be such a huge difference with a simple call out isn't the best of designs.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Most my groups i face are swf of varying sizes. I only get a solo queue group maybe once every 7 games or so.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,580

    Yes, a perk that has no counterplay and causes a net loss of over 40 seconds on multiple gens, with a 30 second cooldown, needs a big 'ol nerf.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    I think Call of Brine is the bigger problem personally. Eruption does nothing if you never get a down and it's one of the only perks that allows you to safely get a hook after a down before the generator gets completed anyway.

    I also don't like how it's infinitely more counterable by SWF than solo queue players. I'd either like it to be harder to dodge for SWF or easier to dodge for solo queue with my preference on the first one.

    One thing to also remember with Eruption is that, unlike the pre-6.1.0 gen regression perks, you don't get regression passively. You have to actively spend time applying Eruption to a generator and, if you don't because you need to chase a survivor, you get a dead perk. In the current meta, Eruption is one of the only perks that allows me to go for a chase without having 2 generators pop before I get a hook.

    Call of Brine, Overcharge, and the default 2.5% regression for kicking generators are what are making the 3 gen kick meta. Eruption's ironically probably the healthiest of the combination since it's the only one of those perks that encourages you to actually go for a chase rather than camp next to the generator the entire match.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Do you even play Dead By Daylight?

    Do you know what "Incapacitated" does? I'll provide a picture for you -

    You literally can't do anything to progress the game if you're hit with eruption, nothing - no healing, no totems. This is why people have such an issue with it, you're effectively blocked from doing anything but holding W & dropping pallets.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    All it needs is the incapacitated duration reduced a bit

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    You are the center of the hivemind.

    Use your powers responsibly (or don't)

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  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It's kind of an obnoxious perk with the incapacitated bit. I'd prefer that get removed and they up the regression amount.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Let me start off by saying I do agree it's overturned but I don't want it nerfed. I want it reworked like lowing the incap timer and rising the dam it does to the gen or putting a new effect on it to replace incap like making the survivor repair slower for a set time. As for how easy its to use, it does not just kick gen. You do need to down someone before side gen is done and age of stackout+hyperforce+prove+toolboxes gens can be done really fast now. Lower-tier killers may not even down someone fast enough before the gen is done(I know bc it happened to me a lot anymore). The other day I had shelter woods as a demo by the time I got to the middle of the map my tinker went off and by the time I got to the gen it went off for it was finished in my face. There were only two ppl in that gen and they both had BNP toolboxes and were using hyperfocus builds. One even had built to last so they could get their toolbox back after that and they did.

    All I'm saying is yes the perk needs to be looked at but not nerfed to the ground like ruin was.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    So your most likely will find a totem in 25 secs ? ,I guess that's why I find chests back to back

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    What? But at the end of 25 seconds you'd also just be able to get back on a generator... You're like "do something else" if you find a totem in 5 seconds, you're still blocked from doing it for a further 20, you still cannot progress the game at all.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    I mean don't you want to go look at stuff ? What's 25 sec's ? Look do you ever just go look at the scenery or is it stare at a gen till it's complete 👀

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I just spent a minute and 1/4 completely unable to do anything due to Eruption against a solo team... this is a huge amount of time in DBD and against uncoordinated solos this creates a scenario where solo survivors lose entirely because the killer has one perk.

    The situation with Eruption is beyond ridiculous at this point... this cannot go on for much longer

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Do you understand how this game works? It's all about time.

    If you are hit with eruption, it pops the gen, the gen also regresses for those 25 seconds, if I go away and look for a totem, wait for the 25seconds to be up, then do the totem for 14 seconds, then make my way back to the generator it could have regressed all the way, could possibly be inflicted with Eruption yet again, hit with pain res, call of brine, a whole heap of stuff.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    I don't care, survivors run Dead hard,boil over, Adrenaline, and some weird obscure perk that the get way to much value out of killers start with four perks and end up using 3 only

    If you are a red grade swf then ,I really don't care because it's red and that's hard mode it's supposed to be tough not just for oneside.Anytime a killer gets value out of any perks it has to be nerfed and make the killer work harder.How are we supposed to have fun if we're constantly stressed, playing survivor is a breeze no real stress their only when you really want to escape.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Did you just complain about... boil over, and Adrenaline... a perk that gets a single use in the entire match... and Dead Hard a perk that was "only a problem because of the distance" that now doesn't give distance.

    And even if I was "red grade" SWF, it wouldn't matter as Grades have never been an indication of skill as you can't de-rank out of current grade so are entirely irrelevant...

    Funny, I don't get stressed playing either side but I also don't play killer for some weird power trip sensation.

    Good lord.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Umm it's not a power trip, I'm just playing as the killer because it's fun for I've never gotten a sensation only a satisfaction

    But yet still you get a Sprint burst out of Dead hard which could become a third when it's paired with the anti septic

    And yes Boiled Over with the hook spread offering becomes very damn powerful,so your forced to slug and yet here's something else survivors complain about you take away my only option to put you on a hook but then complain about being slugged and now you want the 25's removed so you can jump right back on a gen while chase another for a minute or more

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    God why to killers do this?

    "you tank a hit with dead hard, then you get away for free because sprint burst with hit, and we all know survivors are really well known for running pink / purple medkit addons".

    Ok so eruption hits a gen for 10 percent (but it's actually 12.5% because he kicked it to proc eruption) but then also eruption can be on multiple gens so it could be anywhere between 12.5% and 87.5 because if he kicks all 7 gens it'll effect all of them, then but before eruption procs he could also have call of brine enabled which would regress then gens while survivors aren't on them, and then after he downs someone and procs eruption on every gen (it's obviously happening every game) it'll then proc pain res on another gen, and of course he has dms so that gen also gets locked off.... yada yada yada

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    I'm 90% solo, please enlighten us on the counterplay.

    Wait, aren't you the person that implied you can "just see them if they are about to go down" as if the entire game is on some 30 square meter empty field?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    This game is not, cannot be and should not be balanced around solo players. If BHVR want to give solos some information that would be cool - but the current balance philosophy revolves around the SWF/Killer matchup.

    And yes - use perks like Empathy or Bond to give you an idea of what someone is doing in chase, and you can often make a judgement call on when to let go.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    Shifting from a "don't kick Gens" Meta to a kick Gens Meta

    People need to make up their minds... Do you like a non-Gen kicking Meta or a Gen kicking Meta


    Ruin, Undying, Pop and whatever... and the Killer chasing whomever


    Eruption, Overcharge, Call Of Brine and whatever... and the Killer kicking Gens whenever

    But I digress... so IMO they could increase the cooldown, lessen the Incapacitated status effect... that's all it needs at this point and time

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525
    edited December 2022

    Neither of these do anything at all?

    lmao you're kidding right? I've literally seen survivor do the pallet drop animation with empathy and then go down due to the connection, your idea of "counter" is guessing, you must have been a spirit main in a past life.

    Most people used to play solo, the only reason it isn't like that anymore is because of things like this.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    Buff the regression to 15% and lower the incapacitated duration to like 10 seconds, then everyone's happy.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Uh...that's most of the game, mate. Judgement calls. Educated guesswork. Yes, there will be times when you get it wrong, or get unlucky - but what are you after here? If you could counter a perk 100% of the time reliably, that perk would be useless.

    But okay. Let me try to explain.

    There are 2 matchups in this game. Solo versus Killer and SWF versus killer.

    If the game is balanced around solo, then SWFs can be outright unbeatable. So you need to balance around SWFs.

    Also - nope. AFAIR, more than 50% of people play at least in duos. Where are you getting the 'most people played solo' stat from, exactly?

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,919

    Eruption's a weird perk to me, since it's miserable to go against in Solo Q but kind of meaningless against SWF since the person in chase can just call out "hey i might go down soon get off the gens for a bit"

    I don't think the perk should be nerfed, but rather reworked to something that affects both solos and SWF equally

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    The last time they released survivor stats solo was over 50 percent, duo a fair bit lower than 50, 3 and 4 players in a group quite a bit lower than that. But I guess you play against 4-man SWF every game even though top killers like me don't see them as much as some of the players who only play killer only these forums suggest they do.

    Your take on Eruption is so detached from how Eruption is actually affecting games.

    There is a 0 percent chance it won't be toned down. It is not if, but when, with these devs. They take a long time to fix things. Posters like you suggesting there isn't an issue at all will look awfully silly when the change goes through. Although, by that point I'm sure you'd have been gifted numerous wins as killer you shouldn't have won just by using Eruption. Cheers.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    "That's most of the game, mate" What are you actually talking about? Guessing when someone might go down based on an... aura is not a "judgement call" it's absolutely pure guesswork, there is no "judgement" involved because seeing a survivors aura isn't even close to enough information to make a judgement call on when they're going down. I would love to watch you play and see you accurately guess when every survivor is going to go down.

    And a duo isn't any better than a solo anyway as there are still two other survivors that can go down without communication, and the only stats they've ever given us on SWF numbers is this

    How about you tell me where you're getting YOUR numbers from.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited December 2022

    It's absolutely not pure guesswork. You can see the aura, and if you know roughly what they're doing (looping, dropping a pallet, using an Ex etc.) you can make some decisions.

    Never said 'accurately'. If I could, 100% of the time - then the perk would be useless.

    ...Why do you insist on strawmanning literally everything I say?

    And ah, it's a splitting of hairs there. About half play solo, and about half play in SWFs. I'd also guess that it becomes more SWF prevalent at higher MMRs. When are those stats from?

    Over a hair. Taking all MMRs into account, from what I'm seeing.

    ...And again, it's quite indicative of something that everything I'm saying is getting strawmanned (if you have an argument beyond 'this thing gives me the butt pains' you generally don't need to resort to it).

    Will Eruption be toned down? Probably. There has always been a clear difference in how survivor perks are treated balance wise compared to killer perks (how long was DH a 70%+ pick rate at higher MMRs, completely untouched?) and sadly people have learned that whatever the meta is, needs to be kvetched about as if it were the most OP broken thing EVAR until it gets nerfed, before moving onto whatever replaces it.

    Hopefully it doesn't get the Thana treatment and become useless. Just make it fall off the gen at 0%, which is what I and others have been suggesting.

    But let's be real here. It won't be enough. You can go and watch some Otz games where, even with Eruption, he gets completely pantsed on Wesker or Sadako. This isn't an 'I Win' button.

    At a certain point, it's not about balance. This isn't Boil Over making people literally unhookable. This is the current incarnation of the 'whatever the killer meta at present is, is OP' thing.

    18% is nothing.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Excuse me, didn't you state that "AFAIR most people play in SWF" and I proved you wrong, where are your stats from, I provided where my statement derives from but it seems you... completely made something up to help your argument, yes?

    What are you talking about "If I could 100% of the time then the perk would be useless" no no, I want to see you run empathy or bond and call out every time the survivor is going to go down as you're saying this is possible essentially.

    Again, I didn't strawman anything, you said empathy and bond will help you know when someone is about to go down (it literally won't, lmao) so no strawmanning.

    "Splitting hairs" is a funny way of telling me that I'm right and you're wrong and you have no way to prove your "stats" despite demanding mine.

    The stats are from Peanits, of course, unlike yourself, I don't make things up to benefit my argument.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited December 2022

    AFAIR. Not a conclusive statement of fact. Tentative. Which is why I asked for clarification. And I wasn't far off - and if you really want to stick on this one, I'd wager dollars to donuts that if you clipped off the bottom 20% MMR, it would look very different. Because I see an obvious duo, at least, maybe 2 in 3 games if I'm playing my better killers.

    Although I suppose I should be grateful that you've shifted from strawmanning to petty point-scoring.

    Oh wait - nope, there's the strawmanning again. For the...third? Fourth? time now, I'm saying that the counter to Eruption is letting go before someone gets downed. This will be a judgement call. Empathy, Bond and similar allow you to make this call more accurately. Not *perfectly accurately 100% of the time* because that would be silly. And you're the only one saying that.

    HELP you. Not guarantee you.


    Not sure how much clearer I can be here.

    It makes it more likely. I run Emp pretty much baseline, and I can definitely say it *helps* me deal with Eruption, when it's in play (maybe 1 in 5 or 1 in 6 games). Sometimes I get unlucky, or make a mistake (I'm not the best survivor in the world, by any means) but I'd say I can avoid it at least half the time if I'm attentive.

    The other counter to Eruption is just not getting downed too often - in which case it does absolutely sod all. Which is why I don't run it much, as it's a 'win more' perk that can be a wasted slot if you find yourself outclassed, while stuff like CoB is a lot more reliable.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    lmao, I'm done

    "If you manipulate the stats for me, I'll be correct... probably".

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 299

    I find it funny you keep accusing others of straw manning when they add simple describing words like "accurately" to your suggestion that Empathy allows for you to guess when someone goes down which you in turn makes it sound like they want it to work 100% of the time.

    You know, an actual straw man argument.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yes. Because I never said or implied any sort of 'accurately'. It's most definitely a strawman, as now I have to shift back to explaining what I said. Over and over again.

    Yeah, probably for the best. Because I'm wasting time talking to a rock when I could be doing something (anything) more productive.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    I think you are missing a few facts set as the numbers may be most killers don't kick gens to after a Chase or when the Gen is really high.It doesn't matter if it synergizes well with another perk that's what the perks are for ie. Flip Flop, Unbreakable and Boiled Over I'm not calling for a Nerf Because pairing perks together in combos creates new way to defeat each over.Whenva killer is usually in a Chase he'll commit to said Chase or even sometimes throw the game to chase the one looper who's really great.You can't call a Nerf for a perk that is doing what it was designed to do and funny I've been playing for a long time and faced many killers who never even ran eruption if they did ,I didn't even notice because it's not that powerful the most they should do is add maybe 5 more seconds to the cool down because it does recover pretty fast.If they lower or remove the incapacitated status then it's just jolt or a glorified PGTW .