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How can I report someone for working with killer?

Member Posts: 1,941
edited July 2023 in General Discussions

I have video evidence where Dwight refused to unhook me and another teammate while also doing nothing to progress the game like gens and then killer just gave him hatch, lol.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 10

    You can report people online. I’ll forewarn you it turns into a little bit of a lengthy process, where they want you to upload proof (as expected) etc, and they won’t inform you if any action has been taken. The skeptic in me says that’s bc they don’t actually do anything about it in the end.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    Working with the killer requires proof.

    DId the killer ignore dwight while he was unhooking someone? DId the killer and Dwight work togther to farm and rehook someone rapidly?

    Did the killer ignore dwight but follow him to find other hiding survivors?

    Those are instances where you can *potentially* prove teaming.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I have a recording I believe where Dwight is standing in front of me with killer no where in sight and he doesn't unhook me on purpose, and earlier killer ignoring injured Dwight who's hanging around me. I said in the post I have a video lol.

    Killer even admitted to not hooking Dwight on purpose so he could give him hatch.

  • Member Posts: 240

    Yeah I don’t get it. Tons of companies at least tell you action was taken even if they don’t tell you what or to who. No idea why they can’t at least say action was taken.

  • Member Posts: 240

    you have to report in game and on the website. If you don’t do both nothing happens.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    still isnt teaming to decide to give one survivor hatch.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Did you even read the rest of the post? Dwight is trolling. He was standing right in front of me started unhooking and left me on purpose. He did the same thing to the survivor after me. How can that not be teaming with killer when he's letting his teammates die on purpose?

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    if the killer is ignoring Dwight they might not be teaming with him. IF someone were farming allies for points in my game I might let them help me kill the team faster.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Bro, what is it in you defending the Dwight? You probably don't even play solo, try playing with a person who is not contributing after killer is ignoring them. How is that NOT teaming? It's an agreement of Dwight not progressing the game and deciding not to save any of his teammates left (we were like 3, game can still be played) and Killer also not killing him because he plans on giving him hatch. if that's not co-operation what is?

    I hope for your next 20 games you get SWFs that tilt you off the face of the earth and make you reconsider if you wanna continue playing this games, jesus.

  • Member Posts: 2,437
    edited December 2022

    I said it's possible. I didnt say he is innocent.

    If the killer let him break a few totems, open a few chests then it would be real clear.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Dude, look at this. Do you have your subscription glasses on? Please tell me you're still unsure...

    Do you want me maybe to also upload the part he carries him to hatch?

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    You probably want to remove those videos as that likely falls under naming and shaming. The last time one of the mods mentioned teaming they said it has to be really clear.

    The first video in isolation means nothing. I walk past people all the time in a chase to hit the person I am tunneling.

    If dwight unhooked people the killer downed them, then this repeated multiple times: that would be a clear case of teaming. This looks a lot more like meme- ing.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Ok so how do you explain him not unhooking me and staying on my face for a while? What meme-ing? Only one person is memeing, no one else agreed to that? I thought farming while the rest of the team doesn't want to join is reportable but somehow getting your teammates killed because you refuse to save them is meme-ing? Jesus, what am i even reading here.

    I hope you're consistent with survivors "meme-ing" vs a killer with boil over and sabo squad.

  • Member Posts: 590

    How is even remotely similar, just like yeah, it's a playstyle it's not fun to go against, but it's not like it is not allowed, not really the best example of being consistent. Yeah sure it makes the games take ages and is annoying, but it's not like the game will never end so not sure what your point is with the boil-over and sabo squad thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,941
    edited December 2022

    Did I say he took the game hostage? What are you on about the game taking ages? That's not even remotely what I was saying. Go back and read it please, this is griefing, take it from the beginning. Dwight is co-operating with killer so he can get hatch. That's the video proof of it? Are you following now?

    Then the other poster claimed Dwight was meme-ing and I made a point that only him was meme-ing and the rest of us were playing normally and used farming as an example that if not agreed upon by everyone is reportable because it counts as griefing.

    For his memeing response I simply asked him if he's also ok with sabo/boil over SWF as they are also memeing against the killer. Did I make it clear maybe? Leave it to killer mains to complain about tea-bagging which has no impact on their gameplay but defend griefing survivors cause they happen to like them.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    TECHNICALLY There is no rule against being selfish and letting your teammates die, there is a difference between that and working with the killer to get your teammates killed. The game description even says work as a team or on your own to survive.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Ok so killer letting a survivor free reign for half the game and the survivor standing in front of hooked teammates refusing to help them but gesturing doesn't strike you as co-operation but only as selfish playstyle? And killer even willingly ignoring that survivor AND at the end giving them hatch AND at the end admitting they let him free for most of the game for that reason?

    You are right I guess, the only way to say for sure if they were co-operating is if I see their signed contract, I'm too stupid to understand what happened in the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    I'm not saying it wasnt douchey but there is no requrement to work as a team, they didnt even spam unhook or teabag you on the hook. Look you can be upset about it, and i agree it sucks, you could maybe classify it as griefing, but it definitely isnt working with the killer.

    Now if you had video of them using bond or some other aura perk to lead the killer to elodie to get the killer to kill them that would be another story, but nothing in the 2 videos you posted shows any evidence of dwight working with the killer, just a streamer being a douche.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I'm still trying to understand honestly how hard it can be to see. So you see a killer is not touching you (a survivor) from a point on, they are ignoring you etc. Isn't not doing gens and not unhooking teammates helping the killer complete their objective? What if you know killer won't hurt you from a point on and you still advance the killer's objective because you know he won't hurt you? In my language that would be translated as co-operation, but I guess for you it's only helping the killer if survivor has bond on...ok.

    Hook-spamming is only slightly more annoying or tea-bagging, the result is the same no? And in that case it is griefing not clearly working with the killer, because you the survivor doesn't know if they'll be spared most of the time, but Dwight did know he'd be ok because Killer kept running past him while Dwight was injured and ignoring him.

  • Member Posts: 659

    Maybe I can help with what the other two are trying to explain.

    Years ago before cross play I knew two people (I ran into them in my games often) one was the killer and the other was the survivor. They'd find each other in rounds and then the survivor would run to me, drop the pallet, spam pallet, spam my gen, lockers until the killer came. Killer would ignore that survivor and chase me, all while the survivor tried to block my loop. When I was eventually hooked, I was immediately unhooked, downed and repeat until I was dead. Repeat this for the other two survivors and then the killer and his survivor friend would farm and leave.

    I would run into them dozens more times. Probably have old Xbox messages if I look hard enough calling them out only to get "ggez"

    I've had games with my swf where the killer spares me because they liked my character or skin or whatever. If there was a random yeah that'd probably look sus af.

    Long story longer, you got trolled. But the Dwight doesn't have to unhook you, and the killer is free to give someone hatch, BUT if it's cut and dry like my example then heck yeah! Report!

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    So basically you're saying the killer and the survivor should already be co-operating before the game even starts?

  • Member Posts: 437

    It's a fine line between what's breaking the rules and what isn't. From the two clips I saw, the Dweet is working with the killer, both refusing to participate in normal gameplay. Falls into the category of bannable.

    It's one thing letting a survivor die on the hook, its another to stay round the hooked survivor, start the unhooking animation then stopping midway, and trolling the hooked survivor that can't do anything about it.

    Did you know it's bannable if a survivor tries to unhook themselves, and then you refusing to unhook them after they've done that? This is no different.

    Bonus clip from me

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 81
    edited December 2022

    I've recently had this. Surv unhooking, killer downing, rehooking. 3 times done, next survivor. So annoying specially if it's after a long queue. I rpeorted but don't have proof... Fudge :D however, if multiple (more than 1 party) report this for the same player ... Actions could/should be taken right?

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Killers here be gaslighting me that about what I played. What do they get out of this? I don't understand, do they also perhaps follow that Dwight gameplay when they happen to play survivor and feel put on the spot by this post? I really don't understand, Dwight had not been playing normally for half the game, after Mikaela died.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Just from my own experience it seems like the reporting system doesn’t work because of the extensive context it requires.

    I had a Nea who continuously blocked me any chance she could so that the killer would down me. At some point I even wiggle off because he couldn’t make it to the hook and she still continued on doing the same thing.

    Weeks went by where I checked this person’s profile and they were still able to get into the game.

    It just seems like unless the person is doing it the whole match or something drastic like that nothing will get done against them. So I personally felt I wasted my time.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I personally wanna try it since I have some sort of proof, I am not holding my breath and honestly I am more tilted about killers trying to excuse this behavior probably because they don't care even when they witness it than getting annoyed over BHVR not taking my report seriously. I will have tried at least.

  • Member Posts: 659

    No, I'm just giving full details of my experience and that involved them being actual friends. However the situation of how they actually teamed in game to block me, farm me, kill me and the other survivors until it was just those two is a very classic "teaming with the killer" because they are actively body blocking me, trapping me and giving away my location.

  • Member Posts: 659

    That's the point of my original comment, and what I believe the other commenters were trying to explain. That it is a very fine line. They weren't defending him, or applauding the Dwight, but merely trying to help where the line falls between memeing and working with the killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    You should, I am just sharing my experience as a whole.

    I too provided video proof of them doing it not once or twice but to where it became clear that the killer had no intention of focusing her. She was basically mad at me for “immersing” when in reality the match had pretty much already been called and there was nothing I could do. The killer not having seen me a good portion of the match (because I was doing gens while they were throwing) went in on it. I reported both of them and like I said I was diligent about checking her profile and saw she was still able to access the game weeks later.

    Who knows you might have a different result but I just don’t particularly care for their system as I feel they A) don’t even have the proper tools to create a proper report with evidence. B) There are things that can completely void your report. Such as something not being “bannable” like body blocking even when with ill intent or when the person admits they did it on purpose. (See one of my previous discussions)

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