Your Current 'Go To' Killer(s)?

As in - you really just need a fun game, whether that means an easy win or just a killer you like mechanically.
For me:
Hag. Whenever I get tired of her, I give it a few days and I'm back on her. She was my first proper main and, by playing her as a non camping 'roaming' Hag, I have a ton of fun. Plus, she's one of a few killers that can actually scare people.
Dredge. this thing. The only thing I don't like is the silly visual design. Mobility, stealth, a fun anti-loop, great addons - all without being OP or overplayed.
Artist. Another killer that I loved from word one, and still do. Nearly infinite skillcap. If her addons were a bit less boring, she'd probably be my main.
Honorable mentions to Ghostface (tons of fun, just super janky at times when you get revealed by a passing breeze) and Wesker (just...overplayed).
Doctor - he's my easy BP killer. Get a bunch without having to kill anyone. Plus I enjoy making survivors scream.
Trapper - I like the snap sound of catching survivors in my traps and finding random places to catch them. When I can find places where survivors step in one trap, free themselves only to step in a second in brings me joy and makes me laugh.
Ghostface - I like finding a place to hide and mark survivors. Love watching them scurry away paranoid about where I am. When they finally think I'm just marking and won't down them I'll pop out and hit them. Then go back to watching them be paranoid anytime I mark them.
I really mostly just goof off as killer.
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Doctor and I have an odd relationship. Bought him soon after I started, played a lot of him over the years but at some point I think I hit a certain MMR and just stopped having fun.
Every now and then I'll go 'why not play Doctor? I've got some neat skins from events on him, he's got some cool powers - why did I stop playing him?'.
So I'll queue up on him, and 5 minutes later I go 'NOW I REMEMBER'.
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blight always and forever
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Sharpshots are always pure serotonin.
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Ghostface - my favourite killer to play as and if things start going badly I can just start memeing and still have fun. Everyone seems to like to mess around with Ghostface, especially with the WASSUUUP! Mask.
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I played a metric ton of Demo last year. He's...fine, but the game feels like it's just left him behind.
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- Bubba. Just because he scares people, and one good rev of the chainsaw discourages bodyblocking real freaking quick.
- Dredge. I find his M1 attacks oddly satisfying, his locker teleport is better than Sadako in every way, and nightfall turns some survivors into chickens with their heads cut off.
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Mikey. He's been my main for 5 years and I still have fun with him. He's got so many builds and play styles that you can enjoy on him. Always a fun time with the boogeyman.
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The prestige rework actually killed Myers for me.
I like Myers - when I get to play VM and Dead Rabbit. I used to be able to sustain them, but now I can't.
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I mean, I still love him. Some fun addons, a decent kit.
What annoys me though is that shred is janky, fiddly and ridiculously punishing on a miss compared to more recent, similar stuff. It can be so finnicky to land, and it's not that strong a gap closer/anti-loop. If they just took half a second off missed shreds or wall hits, he'd be a million times better.
It's a pity, because - especially for an older killer - he's got a ton of depth and nuance to him, and I adore his portals (you can basically defend a 4gen anywhere on the map).
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- Myers
- Plague
- Bubba
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Purple all seeing wraith.
I just do better with him than with any other killer.
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Cannibal just for the reason I have no reason not to face camp.
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I probably shouldn't even post on this. I play blight that's it, any other killer would be a discomfort to play at this point with all the lack of skill expression and holding w.
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Nemesis, Sadako, or Mikey <3
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Nurse, Plague, sometimes Huntress.
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Myers and I have been loving Onryo lately
I was a Nurse main but honestly I don't have fun with her lately as destroying pretty much every team gets old and I want to have more interaction with others
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Usually Legion or Ghostface, because they're easy to turn friendly with and if I really need a recharge it'll often be with a relaxed, memeing-until-everyone-leaves kind of game.
What can tire me in the game is the players' bahaviours (my teammates teabagging the killer, clicking, waiting at the gate, killer tunneling, hitting on hook or slugging for 4min, etc). As killer I encounter much less BMing players, my survivors are usually quite kind, so if I need to recharge it'll usually be from a survivor game and by reminding myself that most people who play are not trolls or ill-intentioned. A friendly game does that.
And as much as i love Hag, her games can often be very tensed 3gen defending and that's not quite as relaxing to me as a parkour race with survivors on Legion. =)
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Lately I've been playing impossible skill check Doctor when survivors irritate me. Idk why, but I always get a chuckle out of all the missed skill checks poppin around the whole map.
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I’m a Trapper main, which at high levels starts getting pretty unfun… when I start getting too stressed, but still wanna play a “serious” match, I’ll play Pig.
If I wanna have a more relaxing time, I’ll play Myers. I only started playing him the last month or so, but he’s really so much fun.
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It depends on how I feel.
- For funny/meme with survivors match: Ghostface, Myers and Clown
- For comfort: Nemesis, Huntress and nurse
- For pure fun using the killer: Billy, Wesker and Oni
- For eargasms: Sadako, Dredge and Knight
Right now i tend to play Knight the most since he is the newest :)
Edit: Typo
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and uh, blight again. Reason being, spicy flicks and techs. And the best part of all, SURVIVORS CANT JUST HOLD W. You have to be skilled to loop blight and I love it.
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Nurse will always be my go-to when I want to chill. I'm most comfortable on her and don't have to sweat to win.
I've also been on Billy and Sadako a lot. I like being really aggro on killer and not worrying about my gens as much. My playstyle is "end chases fast enough that it becomes its own form of gen defense". It works for me and those killers lend itself to that style. Especially Billy.
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For me... it's Pig, Huntress, Hag, Spirit... with Doctor, Legion, Deathslinger, Hillbilly being my fun go to
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Running around and stabbing people is just so much fun, especially if you are able to chain
They also have a ton of perks that work well for them so you can have dozens of builds
I've also recently begin enjoying deathslinger. I'm not very good at him but getting long range shots is just so satisfying
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Haha Slinger and PH are forever in my 'I'll learn this killer next' spot.
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Yeah, Dredge is one I play a lot of these days. A ton of what I like about Demo, plus what I wanted Sadako to be. Just wish he didn't look so silly.
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Artist, Wesker, Myers
Artist: We like being able to shoot through walls and long shots are always satisfying
Wesker: Its cathartic to smash survivors into things
Myers: Jump scare myers is just fun for us. We have even started to get dcs cause of grabs~
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Demogorgon, I love how he scream and teleporting is cool
Dredge, I like teleporting and also nightfall is really cool
Legion, I love how he looks and sprinting around stabbing people is fun
Wesker, slamming people into things is very satisfying and throwing people is hilarious
Don't worry about the visual design, there's a free cosmetic set for him in the event tome that actually looks surprisingly good, so you no longer have to look like male genitalia.
Also there's the skeleton skin in the store for shards, that one's okay.
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Wesker and Nemesis.
I've been a Resident Evil fan for more than 2 decades, it shouldn't come as a surprise.
And I love Wesker's voice lines. Especially when he finds a survivor in a locker "You can't hide forever" xDDD
Playing him always gives me a good laugh.
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I use the Anniversary skin, which is an improvement, but he still looks like Cucumber The Conqueror.
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Oh, I didn't even know that skin existed. It looks badass in the concept art but not so much in game.
The new Bone Chill Dredge skin looks really cool from the concept art, it has no neck from what I can tell, hopefully it looks great in-game too
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Oh, if it doesn't have the silly neck then I'll all in.
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Trapper. Games aren’t that serious. Either 3k or no kills but either way
nemesis. Just a fun killer with built in info and sometimes gen slowdown.
Myers. Lots of different play styles. Not serious games at all.
huntress. Fun to throw stuff. I miss most of the time but sometimes manage to pull off hilariously amazing hits.
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I like to play Pinhead as my main, sorry. After him, I also enjoy playing Doctor, Plague, Legion and Nemesis on occasion as well.
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I enjoy playing against Cenobite, actually - but yeah, he can be a misery solo.
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I haven't played the game long enough to play many of the killers yet ( mostly play survivor with my son), but I first loved wraith ( definitely easy wins), but I'm really enjoying Plague the most now as well as doctor. Maybe it's the nurse in me LOL
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I've been really chilling and vibing with Wraith lately. I just like his bing bongs. It used to be Pig as I used to main her but I just have to be in the mood as of late to play her or I'm not interested. If I'm not playing Wraith, I'm probably playing Demo. I adore playing Demo, his head nods are the best and his chase music. Next to them is Onryo. Yes, she's weak, no, I don't care and just enjoy her. She gives me hope one day to have Kayako (The Grudge / Ju on) in the game and I have some ideas already how to incorporate her to make her stand out from Sadako. Or Spirit. I already have the best hearing in my family so Spirit's pretty easy for me - easier now since the IW rework so I don't have to think too hard with the chases.
Once like every 3-6 months I get the itch to play Clown. Oddly enough only that once when I shake off the rust off my Clown do I get salt. It's the only time I can count on some salt being in my inbox then my following games with Clown is a stompfest on me and I get humbled real quick I actually suck with Clown then I don't play him again for another 3-6 months. Lol true story, real cycle.
I need to spend some time again with my killers, give them some love. They got kinda neglected this season. :(
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1.) Wesker... hes my favorite killer to play as and against. Also my favorite killer in Resident Evil. I've never gotten tired of his gameplay since he released. It's Weskin' time! Plus that boss music TR makes me feel like I'm playing as an unstoppable force.
2.) Legion... I'm a metalhead so the TR slaps.
3.) Ghostface... just really enjoy memeing with him.
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I've been trying to learn Knight, and unless I'm not seeing his 'trick', he seems bottom tier.
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deathslinger is my current main and favorite killer but dredge is pretty damn fun too
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Dredge and Demo, I like my monster killers. Coincidentally they're both good with hex builds although in different ways. With Dredge I run Devour/Haunted/Undying/NOED to play into the fact that I can't actually protect hexes that great but I can get first hits and go from one chase into another extremely easily with extremely chaotic nightfalls.
Demo is Devour/Haunted/Undying/Thrill with Whistle and Webbing Add-ons and once devour is active survivors are fighting over totems more than gens, it's pretty great.
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Little off topic but I don’t think I bought doctor I think he might’ve been free or already unlocked.
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Also for me it’s Michael because I like scaring survivors especially when you sneak up with scratched mirror.
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Bubba and Demo. Solid killers that don't have insane skill ceilings.
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Weirdly, I'd say that both of those are killers with high skill ceilings :)