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Why does Dead dog have a breakable wall in killer shack

Am I complaining no I'm rather happy with it but the only problem I have is that it makes no sense why it's the only killer shack to have one shouldn't I don't know all of the killer shacks have one then the idea of breakable walls if I remember was that it made sure survivors didn't constantly run the same loop over and over instead it would teach them to try combining walls and paths together to gain distance simple has that. Killer shack is basically should be that the God pallet is fine where it is but add a breakable wall so survivors don't constantly rely on killer shack instead they should try just learning how to do other loops I've been able to run a killer around with multiple loops without step in or near killer shack once.


  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    The shack there is bigger than it is on other maps I think

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,172

    The breakable wall on shack was suppose to be in the middle between window and shack pallet in the PTB. Its suppose to make the god pallet, not a god pallet but due to survivor entitlement, The breakable was moved to the doorway because survivor complained that pallet became too weak for survivor. Now the breakable wall makes the window useless on both left side and right side if killer breaks the breakable wall. They weakened the window instead of weakening the problematic pallet.

    Funny enough, Killer thought that these breakable walls were going to be put to balance unfair pallets but instead they just added them to create god window loops which forces killer to break the wall or face a bloodlust 3 infinity window loop.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    It was basically the map where they went more experimental than anywhere else with breakable walls. They're all over the place, even in tiles that are basically the map's equivalent of TL walls. But it makes sense as it was added to the game at the same time as the breakable walls themselves.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250
    edited December 2022

    Breakable Wall came to DbD with the saloon.

    I think the addition of the Breakable Wall in Killer Shack is a "We made the Breakable Wall!" I think it was a padding to appeal to the public.

    In fact, I felt there was no need to add anything else about this breakable wall. Most of the time, I think it is an unattractive addition that just adds more tasks to the killer.

    However, with the addition of this killer shack breakable wall, I am convinced. 'Oh, there's a visual update to the map coming up. So if that adds this breakable wall to all the killer shacks on all the maps, that's not bad."

    As you know, it was not added. Except for a few in Badam and Gideon, all that is there are "walls that are forced to be destroyed". Exciting.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    What are you talking about? Breakable walls were their way of controlling infinites without fully reworking areas of the map.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,172

    The walls on maps where breakable walls exist used to be open walls. they put breakable walls in those places which are secondary objective for the killer to break at the start of the match. Killer did not need secondary objectives. I do not want to go in further detail.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    They should've kept the breakable wall in Shack and added it to other maps.

    Makes it easier to play Shack against good teams but doesn't really affect lower-ranked players too much.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638


    That breakable wall should be on EVERY Killer Shack in the game. A good looper can milk that shack for it's three full window vaults every time and there's nothing you can do about it unless you have a killer power to specifically cut it off.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,059
    edited December 2022

    The breakable Wall next to the Pallet was just BS. I mean, you can make a Tile less safe, but not completely useless, which would have been the case with the PTB-Wall. Now the window becomes really weak, but at least it is somewhat useable (it is just bad, but not as bad as the Pallet with the PTB-Wall).

    Personally, I think Shack should not have any breakable Walls and I am glad they did not add it to other Shacks. Killers should learn how to run Tiles and not make them weak by breaking a Wall.

    Regarding the Pallets which were added to certain Main Buildings - those are fine IMO. After they nerfed the Main Buildings (like Ironworks Main Building or Torment Creek Main Building), those Buildings did have nothing going for them. With the breakable Wall you can at least use it once as Survivor.

    And in the end, no Killer will lose a game because they need to break a Wall in Chase once per Trial on one of those Maps.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,172

    Like there is anything to learn when dropping a ultra-safe pallet for killer. I guess you want me to learn how to press spacebar at the pallet. Ask the killer-bot AI to do it. That breakable wall should appear on all safe pallet loops in the game for m1 killers.

    I don't think killer need a breakable wall at the window. you can learn to push the survivor counter-clock wise at a window from the pallet-side. I have no complaints in regards to the window.

    those Buildings did have nothing going for them. With the breakable Wall you can at least use it once as Survivor.

    It still wastes my time as killer which is free generator time for survivor and free secondary objective at the start of the game which no killer asked for. survivor should learn to loop T-L walls instead of free time-wasting loops like garden of joy dining room loop.

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    Ohhh god i hate that damn garden of joy loop. Every single survivor runs there in every damn chase. Never fails. That's one map i hope they scrap or change. Really don't like it from either side.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    In short: Why not all shacks have a breakable wall?