Resident Evil 4 remake chapter/content?
I know a lot of people are pretty sick of Resident Evil at this point but I have a few ideas that I personally would love to see sometime next year after the release of Resident Evil 4 Remake.
A chapter featuring either Chief Mendez (left) or Lord Saddler (right) as the killer. (Saddler is probably the better fit, and has more potential for an interesting power.)
Ashley Graham and Luis Sera as the survivors.
A map probably loosely based on the RE4 Village with expanded space and the shotgun house (for those familiar) acting as a main building.
Skins based on their RE4 or RE4 Remake appearances for Ada, Wesker and Leon (Leon already has his RE4 appearance so it would have to be his RE4R one)
A legendary skin for Hillbilly giving him the appearance of Dr. Salvador.
Just a collection of vague ideas I like. Let me know your thoughts!
I think it is far more likely that RE Village chapter would be the next thing. When it comes to profits that is , because ...Lady Dimitrescu... players will buy her twice as much as Wesker. Hell , maybe even thrice as much. Makes sense.
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Imagine you are repairing a gen peacefully and you suddenly hear "Detrás de ti, imb*cil".
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Probably. I wouldn't mind that if it was done well. Who could they do for survivors in that though? Ethan wouldn't be a great fit because of his face situation. Rose maybe?
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Maybe he'll be less shy in dbd. They could give him a perk as a joke to reflect this. Hide his aura or something like that.
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I don’t really don’t wanna get another RE chapter - if new RE content then as cosmetics and legendary skins (like your Dr Salvador suggestion)
and if we still go another chapter I also see it more likely that it will be from 7 or 8..
also I want Moira as a surv - would probably best fit as a Rebecca skin!
Haven’t they even added a third person view for RE 8? Haven’t look into gameplay or anything at all but shouldn’t you be able to see the face that way anyways?
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Could do. I'd rather RE4 stuff myself but I can't deny Lady Dimitrescu is the big money choice. I was somewhat surprised that Wesker wasn't her because we initially just knew it was a Resident Evil crossover again.
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They did, but in the reveal trailer they made a big deal of showing how you can never see Ethan's face, he'll always turn away from you. There is no official way of seeing Ethan's face and Capcom are very explicit about doing that intentionally, for whatever reason.
To the wider topic, I'd love to see Ashley in the game. I'd been thinking about more RE content myself, though I was considering how cool a Donna Beneviento skin would be for Twins if they could get it to change Victor into Angie.
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That's fair. The main reason I made the post was the Dr. Salvador idea actually. Although I do genuinely want an RE4 chapter.
On the note of Ethan, in the 3rd person mode you're still not really supposed to see Ethan's face. They made it so he looks away. You can end up getting a pretty solid angle but I still think adding him would be a bad fit because you're not SUPPOSED to. His face has been revealed. We know what he looks like. It's just thematically not something they would or really should do at this point.
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If it weren't for the fact that Nemesis and the Knight are in the game already, a power with ordering around or roaming Ganados for Saddler would be cool.
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They could do pretty much anything I mentioned in the chapter part of the concept as skins instead. A 3rd RE chapter is unlikely but we could totally get more legendary skins.
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For sure, for sure. I actually wouldn't mind a third RE chapter, though I think it'd be more thematic if it focused on "modern" RE instead. Then you'd have "classic" RE with Nemesis, the midway point of RE with Wesker, and then something from 7/8 for the resurgence of the franchise.
Of course, I'd be happy with basically anything, I just love RE lol
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An RE8 chapter would be welcome from me. I just prefer RE4 and I'm really excited for the remake. The village would also make a decent map I think. In the trailer Leon legit vaults a fence and a window, which could be made into vaults for DBD purposes.
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Mock up image for the chapter concept. Gonna add it to the top of the post.
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How about a hillbilly skin to look like the re4 chainsaw killer?
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Yeah that's exactly what I mentioned at the bottom of the post.
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Can you even make her fit through doors without losing her tall romanian vampire mommy appeal?
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She is only one foot and a half taller than nemesis so I think that she would have no issues .
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if we're doing re4 the map better be the castle I feel robbed with the new map and killer.
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That could be neat but I'm good without another indoor RE map.
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Even if she would maybe animation wise she does a brief crouch when going through a doorway and the actual killer camera would be in her neck.
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I'd happily take 10 more Re chapters lol
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I'm not tired of Resident Evil. Would love a Lady Dimitrescu.
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I was hoping Wesker was gonna be her instead but in the end Wesker is aight. Still need her in the game tho.