Anyone else really missing the matchmaking incentives?

I will play whatever side is offering the 100% even if my preferred role is survivor.
But with no incentive I may as well just play survivor as I find it less stressful but I am finding survivor queues are already a lot slower.
Anyone else play whatever role is most profitable too and missing the incentives?
I hope they come back asap :(
Yeah, me too honestly! I prefer Killer over Survivor most of the time unless Survivors are really sweaty that day, but now I find Killer queues are LITERALLY 15 minutes long. Like, I cannot queue for Killer in under 10 minutes, it's ridiculous.
I would hope ASAP too, but they kill-switched Nowhere to Hide being a good perk again and Twins being a usable Killer until 2023, and I only like one of those.
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I honestly wasn't sure if it made much difference to the queues but clearly it does! It has been so good having instant matches most of the day with incentives, let alone the extra BP. Fingers crossed this gets fixed very soon
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Same here. I always follow the bonus. Doesn't really matter to me which role I play unless I'm doin certain archive challenges. Hope they rush this through cuz it's definitely effecting que times.
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