Survivor and killer teaming happens too much

This has happened at least 3 times to me just in the past couple days and I don't know how many times before. The situation is usually when you have a dead weight team who does nothing, there are 5 gens left and the 3rd survivor gets downed. The only thing to do in that situation is wait it out and go for the hatch or door. What I have been seeing more lately is the killer teaming up with the last survivor by allowing them to bleed out to about 10% and then picking them up and letting them wiggle off. Since the downed survivor can see your location they can run the killer straight to them and the killer knows this. I just had a match where this exact thing happened and honestly I'm sick of dealing with it. This is blatant, deliberate cheating and it needs to stop yesterday. I report them, but never have any way of ever knowing if anything is ever done about it. When you have players literally taking advantage of game mechanics to find other players by teaming with the killer to eliminate people on your team, it needs to be dealt with quickly. I feel like I am going to have to start recording every single match I do for proof of this happening. This needs to stop. It needs to be focused on and players need to be banned from the game so people can start realizing it is not Ok to do this. Players do it because they don't fear the consequence of cheating. They don't think anything will be done about it. Well, until players that do this start getting dealt with quickly, its only going to get worse. This has been a problem since the first day I started playing this game years ago.
Disagree. The situation should not happen to begin with. But I was in the shoes of slugged survivor - and from my POW, I just wanted to go next game ASAP, but was held hostage by other survivor and killer.
You can't die, because killer will pick you up. You can't loose killer, because scratchmarks and grunts of pain exists. You can't loop him long enough, because other survivor is just hiding and NEVER touching gens.
So I was left with 2 options. DC, or show location of other survivor. Why wouldn't I do that? That other survivor was (together with killer) holding me hostage. So both of them got reported.
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If killer picks you up, work on a damn gen
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To get 2% progress? That he can instantly delete by kick (that does 2.5% regression without any perk)?
Do you even play this game? Just yesterday I lost azarov's, because 3 people in SWF actively trying to fix last gen were unable to do that for 20 minutes, because regression perks are now so strong. And those 3 gens were maximally spread within 1 side the killer (doctor) has chosen.
1 person can't do any progress to gens ever.
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Annoy him enough to make him hook you then
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Sorry after 10 minutes (yes bleedout is supposed to be 4 mins at most) and no lookout for game end I was very annoyed with the game.
I am not going to try to annoy killer or be toxic (how do I do that at this point anyway?) just so he might give up on it and hook me (or not and hold me in game for another 30 mins until server shuts down). I was close to DC, but I figured showing other surv location was quicker then 5mins penalty. If it wasn't, I would 100% DC.
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Its cheating and teaming. It doesn't matter how you personally look at the situation. The only thing that matters is the truth. If a survivor shows the killer where another survivor is regardless of the situation then they are teaming with the killer. The other survivor is under no obligation to throw themselves into a hopeless situation just to guarantee the killer gets a 4k. In my situation, there were 5 gens needing to be done still and the killer started working with the survivor to find me. They even let them get the hatch after. That is blatant cheating and teaming.
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Yes I am teaming with killer. You are holding me hostage. Report for report. What does that solve? I presume nothing. You will not be happy about your fully deserved ban. It would be much more productive, if devs implemented some solution that prevents this situation altogether
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Your bleed out timer doesn't last forever. If the killer picks you up to prolong it, wiggle off. If after that you show the killer where the last survivor is, you teamed with the killer and they cheated. You wanted to help the killer because it was convenient for you to get out of the match. It doesn't matter how you paint it. It was still wrong.
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No it does not last forever. But it lasts longer then game session (you can prolong the game above 1hr this way). So in practicality it DOES LAST forever
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And this, Ladies and Gentlemen, is your teammate.
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Yeah if the situation is like you described it and you made a proper report (in-game plus additional support ticket with video proof) then it will be dealt with - might lead to a warning or temporary ban though and not directly to a permanent ban!
I report them, but never have any way of ever knowing if anything is ever done about it.
i think they have stated recently in their efforts against cheating that they will change this in (early) 2023 to inform the reporter that actions have been taken.
The surv isn’t holding you hostage if you were found by the killer. They didn’t break an rules there. It would only count as taking the game hostage if all remaining survivors don’t do anything to progress the game.
teaming up with the killer is against the rules though. You may be able to report the killer for forcing you to farm with them - not sure how BHVR handles that but I guess it always depends on how the video is proofing your claim!
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But that's the issue. The other survivor is not doing gens. So no. He is not progressing any objective. That's why it's hostage taking from both other survivor and killer. Luckily this interaction is quite rare (at least for me). Also yet another reason why I dropped playing soloQ.
Or to say it in different way - I did not team up with killer immediately. I gave more then ample time for single survivor to actually finish doing more then 5 gens, open exit gate and leave. But that other survivor refused to touch gens. So after 10 minutes - sorry you are holding me hostage so I don't care any more any longer. I just want out of that game
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But there is no issue, the other survivor doesn’t need to progress any gens anymore as the game comes to a natural end anyways, downer survivor bleeds out and then hatch spawns and opens. This is the way it’s stated per game rules, it doesn’t matter if you do not agree..
10 minutes? What exactly happened in those 10 minutes? You didn’t loop the killer for that long, did you?
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I got up, tried to loop, got downed, got picked up and killer was standing on a spot. Rinse repeat. And no. If killer continued doing that, the game would shut down before I bled out. The game will shut down after an hour. So no. The game was in practical terms NOT progressing
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Well it was still the killer that did that and I would assume that was indeed a reportable offense as it was pretty much holding you hostage/forcing you to farm with them to find the last guy.
still nothing the other survivor had influence on. if they did a gen the killer would have found them there and would have gotten the 4 kills.
it’s a grey area for sure and you can try to report that other survivor with the video evidence as well, but strictly speaking they were not holding the game hostage but the killer did.
other example: if the killer bodyblocks one survivor in a corner with remaining gens to do and there are still other survivors who don’t do gens because they want to help the bodyblocked surv or whatever, it has been stated by BHVR that in this case the killer is the one holding the game hostage and is the one that can and should be reported for it (even though the other survs could theoretically just do the gens and activate EGC)
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Teaming is forbidden. That's it nothing more to discuss. Slugging for the 4k is allowed hiding on that situation is allowed there is absolutely nothing to discuss here. If the killer somehow has found a way to actually break the bleed out mechanic you should record and report that because that is an exploit.
On another note cause it fits in here. If a survivor is snitching on a other survivor because "they don't do enough" you the killer should always kill the snitch. If you let the other one go or not is not important but you should always kill the snitch so it can't be seen as you working with them
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More survivors need to become aware of situations when it matters most. Too many survivors help killers secure 4ks either indirectly or in my case, directly by teaming with the killer. If 2 survivors are eliminated and you're the 3rd to go down with multiple generators needing to be done just to power the doors then you need to read that situation well enough so that the last survivor has a chance to escape. Teaming with the killer because you think its wrong for the last survivor to hide while you're being slugged is wrong. This isn't just a survivor problem either. Killer mains need to not go along with snitching survivors because that too is teaming. Sometimes you have to realize that a match is over and your best option is to give the last survivor a fighting chance to escape.
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I'm gonna have to disagree solely because of the fact that you said something so irrationally entitled and incorrect. For starters, what do you do when a Survivor blows up a gen you're working on? That Survivor has given away both of your positions; do they get reported? What about when BBQ and Chili gets used? The Survivor got hooked and is now showing your aura. What about Infectious Fright? Perhaps even unhooking you? Do you understand how many situations there are that can be described as "showing the Killer where a Survivor is"; it's a lot.
Now let's use your opinion on obligation as well. The other Survivors are under no obligation to save you, heal you, take hits for you, or loop the Killer; just as how the Killer is under no obligation to not show a little mercy. Teaming is not the same as cheating and cheating will never be the same as teaming; cheats are things like no-clip, x-ray, and insta-popped gens while teaming is only unsportsmanlike. If you believe being unsportsmanlike is cheating, then your entitlement is cheating.
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There's a huge difference between teaming up with the killer, and self-preservation.
Doing what is in your best interest to survive (or maybe just to get to the next game quickly) that comes at the expense of another survivor is not 'teaming up with the killer'.
Teaming up with the killer is a very conspicuous behaviour, which involves the killer specifically not injuring or sacrificing you, while you intentionally provide the killer with information. Ultimately with you as a survivor escaping in exchange.
If you're already lying dead on the ground, teaming has not occurred, you are now in a lose-lose situation and you have no choice but to crawl in a certain direction, either because it's the only option you possibly have to get picked up, or because it's the only way to end the game due to the killer taking the game hostage, which is outside of your control.
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Teaming is cheating. A survivor showing the killer where another survivor is and the killer sparing the survivor that did that is, in fact, cheating. They teamed up to gain an advantage they would not normally have otherwise. The things you mentioned are called hacks. There is a difference and clearly you did not discern between the two in your reply. The fact you compared a survivor knowing exactly where the last survivor is by being downed and showing the killer where that survivor is to missing skill checks and natural perk advantages is very telling.
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Survivor not doing any objective and waiting for the game to shut down is hostage taking. No discussion there. If I am being taken hostage, I will do everything in my power to break it. That's showing killer where the other survivor is (to break hostage taking) or to DC. No other options are there for me.
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All 3 of you broke the rules.
You refused to participate in normal gameplay and took the game hostage by hiding and not repairing.
The other survivor and killer teamed up.
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I'm simply using your own words against you; if they're wrong when I say them, they were wrong from the beginning.
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Yes, this happens. Or a killer leaves one player alone and ignores them and instead goes after only 1 or 2 players from the game.
What really does need to happen is that the killer's gamer ID or Steam ID should not be revealed until the match concludes. A post-game screen should be available after the fact and perhaps later on down the Road. a match replay system. So that way we can save some of the finer moments of this game's footage for our post-content live streams.
Other games offer this and that is why their popularity has grown. Because a person can offer a play-by-play of a recorded game.
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No. You tried to make a bias argument that wasn't based on truth. You compared 2 things as if they were the same when they are not. Natural perk advantages are not the same as blatantly teaming up with the killer to produce an outcome that isn't based on normal game play. You can play whatever word games you want, but you're still wrong.
It is not hostage taking. The last survivor has no power to take the game hostage. Eventually the 3rd survivor will die. If extending the game through picking up the survivor continuously is what you have problem with, then put the blame on the killer and not the last survivor. They have nothing to do with the killer doing that. You're not breaking hostage taking by showing the killer where the last survivor is. You're teaming up with the killer to cause an unnatural outcome that isn't the result of normal game play. You can try to define hostage taking how you want, but unless the 3rd survivor is being actively avoided by the killer or doing nothing but hiding while the last survivor also is doing nothing then there is no hostage taking happening. Your inconvenience of a match lasting longer than you like doesn't equal hostage taking of a match.
Again, your personal definition of "game hostage" doesn't matter. A 5 gen 3rd survivor down situation is by no means taking the game hostage if the last survivor decides to wait out your bleed timer. You're basically saying the last survivor should throw themselves into an unwinnable situation. Waiting a few minutes for a bleed timer to expire doesn't equal taking a game hostage. Until you realize that you won't see this any other way.
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I'd say it was more of a descent into falsity; however a good question still stands as other threads have popped up similar to this.
If someone is running the Killer and they run past you, resulting in the Killer swapping focus, are you going to report them?
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Your teammate waiting for you to bleed out is not hostage taking. The killer slugging you and attempting to prevent you from bleeding out in this situation is not hostage taking either.
If the killer slugs you for the 4k and searches for the other survivor for 3.5 minutes and then picks you up and drops you repeatedly to put you back on your feet and prevent you from bleeding out then the correct play is to do gens and force the killer to choose between leaving you be or killing you. The incorrect play is to rat out your teammate.
Showing the killer where the other survivor is is not breaking a hostage situation.
Perhaps before the killer slugged for the 4k you learned through aura perks and your time hanging on hooks that the other survivor was a creeping Claudette who never touched a gen all game. Maybe then you could be justified to rat them out, because they didn't help the team at all the entire game and don't deserve to escape.
But if it was a helpful teammate who tried their hardest but it wasn't enough and in the end decided to hide and let you bleed out for a shot at hatch, then you should definitely give them the opportunity.
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I don't know why you keep making these bizarre comparisons to teaming with circumstantial happenings that occur naturally within the match. I can't take you seriously in this discussion when you keep saying things like this. For some reason in your mind you are equating literal survivor/killer working together intentionally to take out another survivor to normal game play that happens naturally from playing. I have discernment and I know the difference between normal game play and teaming. I can very easily tell when a survivor teams with the killer to take out another survivor. I have 2,500 hours in this game as a survivor main. I've seen it all.
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Game concluding by shutdown is not natural end. Killer not allowing bleedout and other survivor not doing objectives is hostage taking - from both killer and survivor. There is 0 progress. Actually breaking this situation is progressing the game and having it come to natural end (everyone dying and killer winning the game) instead of waiting for server shutdown - which of course is NOT natural end of game.
If any of the other 2 players decided to actually do objective, the game would move on. As that's not the case, you and killer both are hostage taking the game. Also the game will not be just a bit longer. You as a survivor will still die after an hour as server shuts down and entity eats you. You are just trapping other player in game without him having any say in it. There's nothing more to discuss here.
Also as last survivor you can still do a gen after some time and hide right after you finish it. If game would progress, there would be 0 need/wanting to help break hostage taking. It might actually force killer to let me bleed out (to my full satisfaction). Just do not hold the game hostage for an hour.
If you + killer hold me on the ground for longer then the actual normal part of game, then sorry. You are holding me hostage and I will try to untangle it any way possible. Should you do gen sneakily, there would be no need to rat you out. Do your part and force killer to leave me bleed out.
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How in the name of the Entity are you being held on the ground for longer than the actual normal part of the game? It's a 4 minute bleed out timer. Unless the killer snowballed extremely early in the game you're not on the ground that long.
The only way that the game ends in a shutdown in this scenario is if the survivors hide forever refusing to do gens and try to outlast each other which holds the killer hostage. There is no possible way for the killer to hold the survivors hostage here because the survivor has all the choices in this scenario. They either end up bleeding out and if the killer puts them back on their feet the survivor is free to do whatever they wish. They are not held hostage in any way. If that survivor hops on a gen at that point it throws it back in the killer's face.
You are not being held hostage and the only person breaking any rules here is you. You can justify it however you like but it doesn't change that fact.
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I have a different POV to support.
Solo Survivor thoughts, If you've been working on a gen and doing your best to complete the gen, and then you get slugged, and then picked up and slugged again? I go and check on all the other gens. If none have progressed. Then you are stuck in a losing game for one hour and just waiting for the last survivor to stop hiding. The game isn't over when it hits 2 people unless someone doesn't touch a generator. If no one is touching a generator at 2 gens and the killer isn't letting you bleed out nor is hooking you, what are you going to do? You can't DC, you get a penalty. You only have one option by that point, you go and get on a gen and wait for the killer to grab you, but if you want out of the game you have to wait for the grab attempt before getting off and forcing the M1 swing so you will actually get slugged. You'd have to do this repeatedly extending your bleed-out timer massively. If something like this ever happens it sucks, and I'd classify it as the Killer holding the game hostage, not the other survivor. I'm serious about this, regardless of the other survivors actions, it is the Killer holding the game hostage, not the other survivor. You are just ruining their chances for hatch if you rat them out.
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That last survivor that you think is taking the game hostage with the killer is actually waiting for you to bleed out so they can try to make the most out of a hopeless situation. In my situation, the killer actively looked for me after slugging the 3rd survivor. When their bleed timer got to about 10% the killer picked them up, let them wiggle off and then followed that survivor to my exact location and then gave THEM the hatch. I did not hold the game hostage and that probably is never the idea or intent behind any survivor who is simply using their last opportunity to escape when multiple gens need to be done. If the killer has even 1 gen perk that notifies them of locations with gen interaction then 1 survivor is never going to complete 5 gens in time to have the chance at opening the exit gates. Your whole "just let the killer win" attitude so you can spend a few less minutes in the match isn't the answer here. If anything the last 2 survivors should have give up options with the bleed out after they've been on the ground for maybe 25% of the bleed out time.
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Like I said, I was actively lying to get your real thoughts. It's good to know that, unlike the other threads, you aren't blind to a common mistake.
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Can't relate I have 7k hours but this maybe have hapened to me maybe 2-5 times.
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You don't have to. I always give my real thoughts on everything I talk about.
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Again. Killer picks you up but does not carry you anywhere. He lets you wiggle free and downs you again upon which he instantly picks you up. He can hold you in the game long enough this way, that server will shut down before you bleed out. WAAAAAY longer then 4 minutes
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Then we had different situation. I started to snitch after 10 minutes of exactly no progress. It's true that I would not snitch if I was about to die and knew I could die within reasonable time. In my situation, server shut down would happen sooner then me bleeding out.
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I am still not buying this pile of horse manure. But I'll entertain it. Why not?
If you've wiggled free you still have the stun duration to run away. You can definitely be way more annoying to the killer and force them to kill you rather than giving them what they want.
Also, if you run Dead Hard you can be extremely annoying. You can also put a kink in the strategy by getting away and then letting the mend timer put you on the floor so you can finish bleeding out.
Ratting out your teammate is a dbag move and you are giving a dbag killer exactly what they want. Rewarding that crap just encourages them to keep using that strategy. The killer has made you sink to their level.
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It happened on saloon. I tried to bleed out. Point at hook and stay under it. Not wiggle. Wiggle free and do gen (that he can kick right after negating ANY progress I do). Try to have chases (yes I cleared all pallets in the map, but the game is designed so, that you will never fully shake off killer if the killer is not literal beginner or you don't have perks for it + huge luck). The other survivor was just hiding the whole time. All I wanted was to get out of the game at that point. I didn't care if I get spared or not. That was already way besides the point. In the time it took to play out that game, 3 quick games could be finished.
But what does it matter if killer only focuses you and the other survivor only focuses hiding? You can do 10 minutes chase and it will still not matter. Is there anything that I could do but forgot about it? Because I don't think so.
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Well I guess that is a new hostage scenario I didn't know about.
I can't really say there's any shame in your game.
Internet connectivity issues always seem to crop up for me pretty early on if 2 survivors are dead and I get left on the floor while the killer has no clue where the other survivor is.