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How to lower MMR as killer?

I've seen that some people purposefully attempt to lower their MMR to play against weaker opponents. I have not seen game rules say anything against lowering MMR, so I assume it is not disallowed.

I want to have low killer MMR when there is 100% bloodpoint incentives on it, so that I can win every match and get a lot of bloodpoints, when there are no incentives just let people escape.

Does anyone have any effective techniques to do so? To keep low MMR consistently as any killer?

Best Answer

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709
    Answer ✓

    MMR is mainly calculated by kills/escapes though apparently hatch escapes are not counted as any and not sure if DCs/matches with DCs count.

    so to lower your MMR it would make sense to just play the game but never kill any survivor. Just play for the 8hook/no kill matches and then goof around? It’s not directly against any game rules as long as you don’t force survivors to farm with you!

    though only facing weaker opponent won’t really maximize our BP outcome. If everyone is dead on their first hook or get downed within seconds without you using your killers power, don’t break gens/pallets etc it won’t help you with the killer BP incentives (which are btw currently killswitched and there is no ETA when they will be back)


  • Meako
    Meako Member Posts: 14

    If you want to consistently keep a low MMR, then just kill one survivor each match. Since 3 kills constitute a win and 2 equals a tie. You're still gonna get put with sweat squads though from time to time. My advice to you would be to play in the evening since it's an entirely different caliber of players. In the evening, I've found it to be so much more relaxed and I've gotten all my adepts done at this time.