I Would, Ya Know, Like To Play The Game.



  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,541

    This community must learn how to take breaks.... that being said

    1) Yea a Killer finding and locking down a 3Gen is terrible... but look at it from the Killers perspective, they could've played a match (or more) that had them chasing a Survivor and having 2-3 Gens be complete and only end up hooking that one Survivor

    2) At this point I think Eruption should be Killswitched until they can come up with a better version of it (I know that's not how Killswitch works but -phrase I can't type- all of this discussion around Eruption is tiring)

    3) Also there are points in which both sides can work out which perks the other side doesn't like and agree to not use them

    I would turn this into a suggestion but I'll stop typing right now....

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,991
    edited December 2022

    In the same thing you quoted, I even presented game design solutions which could help balance the game better. But here is the ideal direction to go with the game:

    ~Maps can be made smaller (maps like Mother's Dwelling are too big to even be in the game the way they are) so map reworks are definitely needed. This can also be used as an opportunity to balance out survivor-sided and killer-sided maps to make them more balanced and fair for both sides.

    ~Killers can get increased movement speed after hooking a survivor, this movement speed will go away upon entering a chase. This will reward killers since they can now pressure different areas of the map easier, and since you get it off of hooking survivors, killers will be incentivized to progress their objective and pressure multiple generators and survivors.

    ~Increasing basekit kick regression, buffing hook-based regression/slowdown, nerfing passive slowdown; this will forced killers to progress the game and solve issues with the killer taking the game hostage. Furthermore, they were just overall more healthy for both sides, killers will feel rewarded for playing well.

    ~Trap Killers need reworks to their powers to make them more interesting for both sides. A lot of people find Trap Killers boring to play as due to the amount of set up time, combined with the fact that all that set up can still be denied any form of reward. A lot of people find Trap Killers boring to face against due to them never really interacting with most of the map. Something needs to change there imo.

    ~Generator Speed-up for Survivors needs to be nerfed, most notably Toolboxes and BNPs. Perk reworks can be in order to change perks to have more viability in different aspects of the game.

    ~SoloQ quality of life and basekit information perks. Many perks that are also only effective against SoloQ can also receive buffs and changes to make them better for dealing with SWFs. Make the game have more emphasis on playing as a team overall, and perks focused on playing against a team instead of individual players.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,097

    You're supposed to chase every survivor, let them pallet stun you, blind you, t-bag you, hook them twice so they can get points for rescuing and let them all go. Oh, and run hex builds so they can cleanse/bless totems. You're not supposed to give them any kind of adversity and always play to make things fun for them.

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    Survivors could not be a total dick to killers that clearly are on the struggle bus, who have meme addons or perks.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Agreed. I'm not teabagging killers at the exit gate. I just leave.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Oh, crap! Was I supposed to run hexes to cleanse?! Damn it, I'm behind on my homework. What chapter of the Survivor's Rulebook for Killers are we up to this semester? I'm still doing the practice test for respecting the 4%.