Why cant you tell people to get better? Over nerfing X instead

I always see "most survivors arent that good" used for reasons of so many balance changes in the game and I dont get it.

Sure there are alot of bad players in DBD, there is in most games you just dont tend to notice because they have a far better SBMM system in play and you wont have bad survivors verse a good killer etc.

But even if theres more bad players (like any game) why does that mean so many other things need changes? Why is it such a crime to say people need to improve?

DBD isnt a complicated game for either side, survivor is also the easier role in terms of micro management and skill caps (hard thing about survivor is your team or versing a stronger killer). So why do X need to be changed for bad players?

Alot of loops and tiles can be pretty safe in matches and theres even alot of god pallets basic killers cant do anything about (even some loops killers cant use their powers at) and these things aren't hard to learn.

I get people can be bad, I get people can be chill but why does stuff need to be nerfed for those players so they can win more? Surely if they wanted to win more they could just put in more effort and "sweat" like killers do.

I personally see alot of good survivors, theres alot out there and I'd definitely class myself as one. I wouldn't class myself as one of the best by a long shot but theres so many things I see people use as an excuse to nerf thing and I dont think it's fair tbh.

I like any game I play to be a challenge, I don't want mega easy wins or places the killer cant do anything about. This excuse balancing for bad players is weird, it just causes worse balance as more people get better.

Maybe I'm just outdated but games use to make you put effort in to win and get better, you're meant to work hard and if matched properly by skill it's meant to be hard and a tough match, DBD community seems to want the opposite. Maybe they're confused and use this excuse because of bad SBMM/matchmaking in general?

If you arent constantly trying, pushing and playing your best you shouldn't expect to do amazing. Not saying you have to play that way just dont expect to win or out perform the other side if you aren't putting in the effort.

Try to get better, learn new things. These arent insults or bad things to have to do, everyone does it and even if it's at different rates it doesnt matter but please stop using it as a reason to make stuff easier.



  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Sounds like matchmaking isnt working then because those players should match with and against similar players.

    Not saying everyone has to play well, but you shouldn't change things to suit those people as it impacts anyone who does put in effort and plays more. You cant expect to do amazing at games in a few hours a week especially if you arent trying.

    Not saying people cant go in trying to have fun but they shouldn't dictate how the game should go if they arent trying as much as their opponent for example.

    So those players should be asking for a better SBMM instead

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 461

    Good players don't need to rely on any specific perk, addon, map setup, or power to be good. If something is over relied on and overused to inflate a player's skill level, it should be nerfed.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Then the same goes for survivors items, addons, perks, safe pallets, god pallets etc. But that's not happening...

    It's also worth noting this isnt balanced for good players hence the post, people want to balanced for "bad" survivors which obviously then pushes killers to play in more unfun ways and I'm not sure how people dont see that... make it easier for one role that isnt playing well will make it harder for the other side.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Because two things can be true at the same time.

    It's entirely possible that people need to get better, or learn to play around stuff more.

    It's also entirely possible for stuff to be broken, or just so overwhelmingly strong that it's detrimental to the health of the game - or just really unfun. Prenerf, post rework Thana and Boil Over would be my best examples.

    The other side of this is that should shouldn't need to be amazing to have fun, satisfying matches. Part of this is matchmaking's responsibility, but part of this also comes down to balance.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I wouldn't quite say that is definite, main reason survivors tend to lose when starting the game is they tend to hide and you cant win of no one does gens and the number of killers

    When new theres alot to learn for both sides, as survivor you have all the killers to learn but as stated before alot of tiles are pretty safe and plenty of quick guides can teach that while killer has to learn all the killers too (if they want to play them) tracking, know what pallets to break etc.

    So both sides have alot to learn and micro manage but neither side should be balance for people that haven't learned their role. Shouldn't balance for bad survivors or bad killers

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Not this.

    That's bad matchmaking, people that are bad and dont know how to play should verse similar people but they wont be.

    If you balance for bad survivors it makes any level above that unbalanced, means anyone who puts time in wont have fun and will also leave. It also means the game is massively imbalanced as you go up in SBMM and it will annoy killers so they leave meaning no killers higher up and it will screw with matchmaking making more unfun games and more will leave.

    You cant just say "we have to please bad players who dont play much so they dont leave and kill the game" when you can spin that narrative for both ways like I did.

    A better SBMM system and balance for people that understand how to play (not amazing players just people that understand killer powers, counters, loops) would be better so people verse their own skill not mixed like it currently is.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    On this particular case, all the survivors need to do is push gens and leave. At most the Bubba would get two kills if another survivor makes a critical mistake.

    Or they can throw and try to unhook.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I think he gets three, on average.

    But still, analogy stands.

    At lower levels, the skill you need to counter Killers is more than what most will have. This leads to Killers just winning games.

    That's why we have traditionally noob-stomping Killers. Pig, Pinhead, Doc and Legion.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    He gets three if they throw (they often do, even my team >_>)

    In my experience : beginners against beginners, killer wins. But only because player a killer "M1" is pretty straightforward while escaping it takes a minimum of knowledge. (Except Nurse, beginner Nurse can't win)

    (So I believe we agree on this one)

    Once the bare minimum is known, it becomes more difficult for killer. Only a few special ones stand a chance. (because the bare minimum doesn't work too well on them)

    At higher level, the survivors have control in most matches.

    In my experience (again), at higher level, a match is won by the killer when survivors make mistakes.

    I don't remember why we are talking about this (tired, need sleep ASAP)

  • furret534
    furret534 Member Posts: 77

    From the point of view I have, it's because most people seem to think that they're absolutely perfect when playing the game, and that the reason they do bad is because of powerful perks, items, or add ons. Powerful perks, items, add ons, etc. do exist, and they can easily turn the tide of a match, however when someone is complaining about them you can usually point out many things they did wrong in a match, such as a recent one where a Wraith said they "Resorted to camping because Wraith has no chase potential" after bloodlusting 4 pallets and failing to get a hit on any of them, one of which was unsafe. All in all, people who complain about X perk usually are looking for a scapegoat to the fact that they didn't play perfectly.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    YES. It's so baffling to me how the average player in this game is terrible and someone is considered good by dbd standards really isn't that good. An amazing survivor is so rare, I would love to go against them more. But even comp players who should be the best chasers in the game will have maybe 2 good chasers in my experience. But even then it's not because they are actually that good at chasing they just pre throw and w as much as they can even if it's shelter woods.

    Are there definitely things that should be changed or nerfed for both sides? Yes, but it no online pvp game ever do you cater too much to bad players. Would it be healthy if they phase out tunneling and camping while also making it possible to win vs sweat squads without it? Yes. Will that happen? Doubt.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    And you need to add that, for steam, people only have 2 hours to make a decision on whether or not they like the game.

    Most people are going to note the initial impression that the first, say 1 and a half hours of gameplay gives them to decide whether to keep the game or not.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited December 2022

    Ideally the game should be designed for low level play, while avoiding anything that high level play can exploit.

    Imagine a game like Mario Party as an example. The skill floor and ceiling are relatively close in the game, due to the rng factor having a strong potential to both rubber band and split the gap very easily. It has a lot of the outcome be separate from the individual skill requirement, and doesn't pick favorites. If someone were able to manipulate the RNG by picking a specific person and ending rounds on specific tiles, the party nature of the game would fall apart and people would be fighting over being able to stack such advantages.

    DBD has a lot of issues that exist outside of the expected core gameplay loop, and can be taken advantage of on demand. The issue then becomes advantage stacking on both sides fighting an arms race to secure their position at the start of a match, and/or before it even starts. Tunneling is an answer to gen rushing is an answer to camping is an answer to god loops is an answer to 3 genning is an answer to...

    The game just can't decide who it wants to appeal to, and tries to get everyone at once. This isn't even inherently a bad thing, until people know how to skew the odds in their favor, and then use that against the other side who isn't doing the same. The game really should have two separate queues to deal with this (with a ranked queue allowing everything and a casual one that forbids exploitation and limits synergies.) BHVR doesn't want to split their user base regardless of so many lopsided experiences for either side.

    There's no way of knowing if the population would be able to sustain such a shift, so they instead try to balance around averages and hope it works out for as many people as possible. The problem is, people learn. Bad players can get better, and often do so by learning how to exploit the advantages that top players take advantage of, which creates a weird amalgamation of skill and strategy where it feels like everyone gets robbed in at least a few matches per session.

    I don't know if there's a fix without completely overhauling the way a lot of the game works, but narrowing the win condition to kills and escapes was one of the worst ways they could have handled it, especially with how many challenges require purposely sandbagging yourself (and teammates on survivor side) in the process.

    (also just in case anyone takes it away from this comparison, no, I don't want the game to become as skill-less as a game like mario party, that was mostly just an example on game design for comparison's sake)

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Not to split hairs, but the average player in anything is going to be average.

    It's very tricky. 4 years ago? Maybe. But I think DbD is now a bit 'middle aged' to be heavily focused on balance for new players.

    It's already a lot more newbie friendly than it was even a year ago.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited December 2022

    My point was more about the outliers causing a disproportionate shift in how people play the game vs how it is intended to be played. The focus on gen speed (in either direction,) second chances, agency denial and synergies beyond expected balance make very clear meta focuses, and the advantageous nature starting survivor sided and shifting to killer sided over the course of the match only compounds those issues. Planning is just as much about what you expect from your opponent as it is what you plan to do, since said outliers can completely nullify a large portion of your agency before a match even starts. Basically if you don't assume the worst right off the bat, you will rarely have a chance to adapt over the course of a game if you encounter it.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    Sure there are alot of bad players in DBD, there is in most games you just dont tend to notice because they have a far better SBMM system in play and you wont have bad survivors verse a good killer etc.

    This in and of itself can be a huge issue. New or very casual survivors who get thrown into games with highly experienced Killers and new or very casual Killers who get throw into games with highly experienced survivors aren't going to learn anything or improve from those games. The games themselves are over too fast and the player on receiving end is going to be baffled about what even happened much less be able to assess what they could have done differently/better.

    If this happens several play sessions in a row (or less) that new or casual person will likely play less to not at all. The less they play, the less they stand to learn.

    DBD isnt a complicated game for either side

    It's not particularly complicated, but it is A LOT. There are currently 219 perks in DBD according to the wiki, something like 30 killers, multiple killer add-ons that can drastically change gameplay, 18? 20? maps, however many unique tiles can spawn on the maps, and then how different perks/add-ons/powers/map layouts interact with each other. That's a huge amount of information to ask of people who maybe play the game a couple of hours a week or go long stretches where they don't play at all.

    Say the term 'god pallet' to a new/casual player and they may have 0 clue what you're talking about, much less how to identify them, use them correctly/play around them correctly. And, what I think alot of 'hard core' players (of any game, really) do nto understand is that the new/casuals don't care what a god pallet is. They may never know that tombstone Myers has a closed fist or that a locker can prevent the insta. It'll probably take them a couple or more times to understand Bubba's chainsaw eating through endurance, making all unhooks with a camping Bubba super risky. They may never understand all the angles of flashlight blinds and how to prevent/avoid them the most effectively, or a dozen other things that people regularly scoff at killers and survs for not doing.

    And it's not necessarily that....

    If you arent constantly trying, pushing and playing your best you shouldn't expect to do amazing.

    ...they don't want to be 'good', but they aren't willing or able to invest hours everyday for weeks and longer to learn all the ins and outs of the game. They have no desire to play for 2 hours, watch 3 hours of videos, and then read pages and pages of posts. They just aren't that invested in the game.

    Personally? My metaphorical "constantly trying, pushing, and playing [my] best..." is reserved for work and family, followed by friends, games played with family and friends, and then finally solo ventures of fun time like DBD. So, there are a lot of days where I'm just logging in to play a bit and then crash for the night if I play at all. If my matches start off with nothing but tunneling and slugging out of gate, or gens popping so fast that I can't keep up, I just quit for the night. If that trend continues for long enough, I quit playing altogether until a new chapter release catches my attention.

    In summary, it sounds like a lot of your complaint is that people don't invest as much in this game as you do. The issue with that complaint is that if DBD becomes an unfun slog for anyone but the most dedicated, I would imagine the game will get 10 times sweatier at best. But regardless, not everyone cares enough about DBD to put that amount of time and energy into it that you're talking about. At the end of the day, it's just a video game. Telling them to 'git gud' is never going to have any effect.

    And, whether anyone likes it or not, sometimes 'git gud' isn't the answer because the problem isn't a question of dedication or skill.

    As far as perks/powers/add-ons/items go, a thing can be overpowered and need to be adjusted and that reality can be completely independent of player skill. If a perk or perk combination can carry a lesser skilled player to victory, then it probably needs adjustment. If such a thing forces matches to drag on for an eternity, it probably needs to be adjusted. If it allows one side to take the match hostage, and on and on......

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    This is an issue with the Evil Dead game as well. If you are not max level you are just food for those that are.

    ANY game that has fun gated behind a time investment has bad design.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It's always been like that with DBD too.

    Even when I first started to play, I wanted to quit. It wasn't even close to fun. You know what my friends said? "Just stick it out until you get DS, that's when you really get to start playing." "Wait until you get Ruin, games slow down a lot when you have it."

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    If a large number of players are having an issue with something it probably needs looking at.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I dont agree on low level play, not saying it has to be high level but we should balance for people that definitely have an understanding about stuff in the game from loops, perks and killer powers etc.

    If you balance for people that dont even know how to use or go against X then when people do know how it creates massive imbalances.

    Very few games balance for the top however many games balance for people that can play and understand characters etc. And that even goes for games where they all have abilities and more often than not when something becomes imbalanced its because they have made a character strong and easy to play.

    Mario kart is designed to be for children or a family game so that cant really be included, DBD while it does have them isnt made to be a kids game, a kart racer similar but not designed completely for kids would be crash team racing as while it's not hard it does give the ability for those that can play well to massively beat their opponents (due to sacred fire, ultimate sacred fire which if unfamiliar with is perfect boosting round the maps without making mistakes)

    Just saying you cant balance for bad survivors, because itd mess up when anyone knows how to play in the slightest. I also dont get why people can say balance for bad survivors but ignore bad killers, seems unfair... plenty of bad killers that cant use their power but doesnt mean they are made far easier to use

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Because balancing for bad Survivors is balancing for bad Killers.

    A bad Killer will shitstomp a bad Survivor.

    You know how the game is for M1 Killers at a high level? That's how it is for Survivors at a low-level/casual.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yes but just because someone doesnt understand something doesnt mean it's not imbalanced or balanced. God pallets as you highlighted, sure they may not know how they work of theyre bad but that doesnt mean as soon as people do they're the most boring and unfair thing and maps which have alot are issues for X killer because of the killer power.

    I'm sure bad survivors think all maps are killer sided, and bad killers think all maps are survivor sided but in reality when people play and understand thos opinions will massively change. Giddeon is a prime example.

    As for people not trying, I get not everyone wants to put in alot of effort that's fine but you cant expect to win or outplay your opponent who is and I can assure you killers are definitely trying more often. Bad SBMM doesnt help though here as bad survivors will definitely go against killer that have understanding

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
    edited December 2022

    But it's not, when people say bad killer to bad survivor they're still at different levels of game understanding.

    If bad killers was made so their powers was easier nurse, blight would have had it changed so it's more friendly to new killers and killers that had a range attack would get an aim assist but they dont.

    Killers win at low mmr much easier for sure, no disagreement there but that's definitely because people arent doing gens and people arent looking behind them, insta throwing everything etc. And you can never balance for people like that its completely illogical, it's like balancing for the top top top % of survivor, make no sense.

    Just saying the balance point should be for people that know how to play, so they know how to loop basics, perks and killer powers. If you balance for people that dont you make the game massively imbalanced as soon as people know how to play, making the game "fun at the start but imbalanced when you can play" making no one want to stay.

    DBD definitely has alot to learn and take in for sure, it's not massively difficult skill wise bit it's going to take time 100% but that doesnt mean we should balance for people that haven't learned those things or when they do it becomes unfun for those who do understand the game

    Edit: you also use the example of M1 against the best survivors, yes its completely broken and unfun for the killer, if that's a shared experience for new survivors sure if you balance so new survivors can have more fun that makes it more miserable for the killers. This isnt about pleasing one side over the other its abit balancing for when people have an understanding of the game not changing the game because people dont as whenever some does learn how to play it becomes unfun for the other.

    Some things do need to be changed sure but it shouldn't be at the reasons "for bad/new survivors" or because the majority are "bad". It should be a set level and understanding to balance for, no point balancing a killer power against people that have no idea how it works or when they learn the killer becomes pointless as that killer has to hope the survivors dont know how to play with is kinda stupid to have to say.

    Someone used god pallets as an example, just because bad survivors have no idea what they are etc. Doesnt make them a good design, it make a no gameplay situation which isnt fun for X killers which tend to be the weaker ones already

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    There's a difference between new players shouldn't dictate balance and Eruption can't be countered effectively by 80% of players.

    Same with Overcharge.

    Or Nurse.

    And you can bemoan the matchmaker, as we all do, but BHVR doesn't really seem capable of improving it to stop people from being in mismatched games.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Eruption can use a can sure as can nurse, they only need little tweaks though.

    What about overcharge? Not quite sure what you mean with that one so can you explain? I thought overcharge is a pretty meh perk.

    Well yeah but just because the devs struggle doesnt mean they shouldn't try, I get they seem to mess up with every patch lol but that dont give them excuses not to improve the system or to make the game more imbalanced by making it easier for bad players. Just a system based of skill and bot just escapes/kills would be a better start.

    Afterall I think most people want more separate chases and not to be tunneled and killers want to be able to get more hooks for kills etc. Maps and rng could use a big look into too before touching killers and items as you can still have maps like sheltered woods that spawns basically no pallets or maps like erie of crows where most stuff is pretty safe and open

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,737

    1: You can't tell people to get better because its not going to happen. The player base is spread out between multiple countries, languages, and systems. Those reading/following guides to get better are relatively small number. You can bemoan the state of survivor play, but it is what it is. As a soloQ survivor I have no control over 75% of what my "team" does, as killer I have 100% control of my play.

    2: You mention enjoying things being hard; I agree, it's why I rarely play killer. I'd love to have hard killer games more frequently.

    3: Survivor is not the easier role, not even close. Even if a killer is completely new to a map, they are told where the gens and hooks are, they really just have to learn perks as all survivors are the same. Survivors have to figure out where those things usually are + learn all the different killers.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    1. Well you can, I'm not saying me personally go round telling them but more in general not everything should be changed to suit them.

    2. Survivor is only hard due to bad matchmaking and people giving up, other than that it's the easier role as theres 4 of you. You can physically go on your phone and still do gens and certain maps give you the advantage ove most killers.

    3. So killers easier because then get gen aura? Killers also have to learn their own power, as well as perks/maps like survivor and also tracking, micro manage the 4v1.

    If you're having really easy games as killer you or the survivors are being mismatched no different to easy survivor games. There are many people out there who have very hard games as killer, everyone's experience is different.

    Still shouldn't balance for bad players, survivor or killer. Balance for people that actually understand the game is my point

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    You know it's the same size skill check as unnerving and regresses a gen slower than base kick for awhile before it gets faster making its benefit very small? 100% regression is 4x slower than 1 survivor so it starting at 75% is laughable.

    Unless you mean call of brine but that's still 2x slower than one survivor and survivor win the war of attrition due to that even in a 3 gen situation

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,856

    Pulsar summed it up, most of the player base is casual and so balancing for the better players is a recipe for death for DBD.

    Some things are indeed broken (Eruption) even if there are also people who cry about anything and everything as well.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    The skill check.

    It's smaller than DS and can spawn at the 4'oclock position. It also regresses 15% of the gen if you miss.

    It's hard for me to hit consistently and you still sometimes get cucked by bad RNG, even if your on it.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    But that's the point of the perk? If it was easy to hit for everyone it may as well get deleted.

    Didnt know it was 15% though, dont see it tbh and I'm okay at hitting skillchecks (unless its doctor with unnerving and cal, which makes them spawn anywhere on the screen and spin mega fast lol)

    But killers are meant to get value from the perk, its pretty niche in reliability and would become void if you kept winning with it as youd go against people who can handle it. Hell iv used impossible skillcheck builds and had people not fail a single skillcheck (worst feeling)

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited December 2022

    Okay, but you can just keep applying it on the same gen over and over with no cooldown.

    Doesn't that seem like it could be an issue for people who can't hit that?

    Like, at least give it a cooldown. Hell, make it harder to hit and buff the regression to 100% but make it not stack with CoB.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318

    the point of the perk is to punish you for gen-tapping. there is no cooldown to gen-tapping, so putting cooldown for killer to punish gen-tapping makes no sense.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,737

    Easy has two definitions: who has the easier chance to win and who has a harder role to learn. That's why people are talking about skill caps and floors. Your post is about why can't survivors just get better, which means we need to get into how hard it is too learn.

    Killer has a much easier role to learn. It takes much longer to become an okay survivor than it does to become an okay killer. A really quick tutorial is all you need to play killer.

    Or to put another way, I have rarely gone against a killer I thought was actively bad. Sometimes at the end of a game I've even seen that the killer is pretty clearly a new player and they did okay. I've hit a lot of survivors who were at a complete loss and made horrific strategy decisions (and I'm not even discussing intentional suicides).

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    You can have fun and get alot of points, but still lose most of the matches, over and over again.

    So no, whenever i hear "fun" in DBD, what it really means is TO WIN. And sadly, most of the times AS EASY AS POSSIBLE (that goes for both sides).

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    That can be said about most perks in the game on both sides though, cooldowns just make the perks even more niche and not used hence why alot of cooldown perks arent used.

    I'm confused you dont like the skill check but want to make it harder and regression faster but stop a combo? Even with the combo it's still slower than 1 survivor means it's still a lose in war of attrition just makes it longer.

    Overcharge is fine it really doesnt need a nerf at all tbh, alot of perks needs buffs to make them better not nerf ones that are already niche and worthless at a higher level

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yeah but hold a button doing a gen isnt difficult nor are the base "skill checks" and if you're on about chases the killer has exactly the same process of learning will this power work here, will they mindgame, drop the pallet etc.

    Both sides have to learn the chase, while one is following both have to learn tiles and loops and most loops are generic ones you can see over meaning all you have to do is run around which once again isnt hard.

    If you're then talking about killers mindgame, moon walking etc. Then the survivor should also be aware of that, if they're aren't they're a lower level than the killer and therefore the killer should win if it based of skill as the killer has more knowledge than that particular survivor.

    And also at the higher level alot of the killers fall into 50/50 chance mindgame or the survivor messing up, making it easier for the survivors will make that even worse

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I like to win, I'm not someone who will lie about that it's why I also try to play my best because why should I win of I didnt try? Doesnt seemed earned to me

    I also understand both sides so I understand why people play a certain way especially when I can play both roles at the same level.

    This is where alot of people go wrong, they want to win but not try as hard as their opponent. They play one role or play one at a far lower level and quite commonly people cant identify why they win/loose other than x is OP.

    Just my last match someone was complaining about a killers perks and we lost at 1 gen left bit they completely ignore the fact we had a teammate hiding for the majority of the match not doing anything. That one player had 7kpoints to everyone else on 20k+ yet it was still the killers "fault"

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    That's actually not true, we can still gen tap and hit the skill check while looping lol

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You already get punished for gen tapping.

    It's called losing 2.5% on kick.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,737

    First ten games or so I played as survivor I probably missed 1 out 10 skill checks, maybe more. Even for a while after that it was not an unusual occurrence. Eventually they become just a minor distraction, but they are hindrance and something that has to be learned.

    Killers learning chases is much easier, it corresponds to lot of other video games. Run, hit, repeat. Sure you get better at it as you play, but unless you are new to video games it is extremely basic. Survivors are much more unique.

    Now I actually think this is a good thing. Killers should be straightforward, otherwise you gets Nurses who are almost impossible to play against at high levels and the easiest opponent at low levels. But let's be honest about the game: survivors have to make choices without having information about the map or what their teammates are doing, killers have to play a strategy management game.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited December 2022

    You're not quite getting what I mean, balancing for bad players doesn't mean making the game a casual party game (which was why I put that closing note on the post) it means balancing in a way that is intuitive for the inexperienced. Part of why killer does so much better at low level than survivor is because their objective and effective strategies are very simple and straightforward: chase people, down them, get them on a hook, then return to said hook if youre not in another chase when they get saved. Obviously this changes as the opposition improves, but right off the bat, its very effective.

    With survivors many want to play immersive right off the bat, and that doesnt always go away with experience. Its objectively inefficient and ignores the power dynamic that occurs in any given match, so they are actively sandbagging themselves and their team by doing so. The smart play is to utilize your time as efficiently as you can, as it takes advantage of the numbers game. Therefore the strongest way to play is the least intuitive one, it doesn't lend itself to natural discovery.

    Balancing for low level play would be addressing that natural response. It wouldn't mean removing all the skill from the game, but rather encouraging players to naturally gravitate toward efficient play, while making efficient play ebb and flow with the dynamics of the match, almost like a form of rubber banding if you will. As it is the dynamic is very harsh, where survivor start extremely strong (if they can take advantage of it) while killers have the inverse: They start generally weak and get stronger as people die and pallets get used up, but become much stronger. The other part of said suggestion is to address that dynamic so that it is less dramatic in either direction, so that a good start for either side doesn't determine a disproportionate portion of the rest of the match.

    When people hear balancing for low level or casual, they always tend to assume it means removing skill from the game, but the two don't have to be mutually exclusive. The game just needs to do a better job nudging people in the right direction, while limiting how far agency denial can go.

    Also to add to this, it means to specifically avoid things that can be taken advantage of in the process. Things that require skill don't need to be lumped into that category, and in fact specifically shouldn't but rather things that don't take skill need to be reeled in. This includes camping, tunneling, god pallets/loops, gen rushing, etc. The only things that should ideally be overtly strong in a game balanced for low level play should be things that are difficult to achieve/acquire, as they allow a skill ceiling for growth.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 400

    This is why people keep saying not to balance for the 1%.

    Good players will be good regardless of how you balance the game. They'll find another thing to exploit and stick to it even if it takes them weeks to master.

    Average players, which compose most of the player base, don't do this. They have lives and other interest. There's varying degrees of effort they can put, but for the vast majority, if it takes them intensive training on an isolated environment (custom games or bots or any training mode), they're not gonna master it probably ever.

    You have to balance around the average player. If you don't and balance around the most competitive players, you alienate the biggest chunk of your player base and most of them leave, which raises the barrier of entry dramatically for any new player as there's no player of equal skill to match them with.

    You keep thinking things should be balanced around top play, but when you only face SWF with thousands of hours with the top items and perks even when you play a new killer for the first time, that's when you regret thinking that even if you don't realize. It's literally what happened with The Knight.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
    edited December 2022

    Not once have I said top play, even in any reply iv not said balance for the top.

    I'm simply stating to balance for people that know how to play, doesnt need to be amazing but you should balance for people that understand perks, killer powers and loops. Dont need to be the best loopers obviously but if they cant loop at all or even know how killer powers work then they shouldn't be balanced around.

    The average player knows how to loop, do gens and understand how powers work so they would know how to play. Anything less than that and you're making the game massively unbalanced the higher you go. You cant expect to win if you have no idea how to the basics to an okay level

    Edit: the knight is garbage in all aspects for both sides, the knight was made for bad players (all the info you get) while trying to make an AI antiloop that can actually be used, it's just bad design

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Killer has the biggest advantage over survivor for the first week when neither side really knows anything.

    Several months later when you get to middle ranks the game is relatively even. The only problem is that most of the killers can be completely shut down by god pallets.

    When you get to above average players - the survivors have a little advantage overall. The only saving grace for the killer is that you probably learned to play a more advanced killer. Nemesis is not the best killer by a long shot but he's way better than trapper. If you want to win consistently in what would be old "purple rank" play then you can't really keep playing the weak killers and still have fun matches where you feel you had a fair fight.

    When you get to the comp scene you realize there are only a few viable options for killer. Survivors are completely amazing and make you look like a noob even playing the best killer with really strong addons. This happens because overall the survivor has more skill potential than almost all of the killers.

    "Survivor is not the easier role, not even close"

    Most people would disagree with you. At any given point during the day how many "really good" killers are streaming? There's always about 5x survivor mains for every killer main.

    Survivor starts as the harder role but becomes more powerful with a higher overall potential.

    When you look at competitive DBD it is the survivors who are usually severely limited - not killers (who often only have a few restrictions).