This anti-slug update better be soon

I had to deal with the most boring match. Simple facing a knight who decides slugging is the best way to win. Now he wasn't doing the whole someone sobo my hook I'll drop them since I know my chance of getting to another one is low I mean full on not moving keeping them in the ground slugging aka the worst then camping kind yes I find slugging WORST then camping for one simple reason. When the killer camps who can either wait out the timer which goes by quickly or simple kill on hook so you can leave the match quickly. When it comes to slugging the timer takes EXTREMELY long and basically if you don't want to wait out the timer your only option is to DC(not promoting) seriously BHVR has consistently said we're making Unbreakable base kit soon well when because this is extremely annoying I'm not in the mood to just sit on the ground and wait because the killer can't just put me on a hook DIRECTLY next to him.
No they have not consistently said they are making unbreakable basekit.They had a ptb with it and it was a complete failure.
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If that update goes live you can look forward to 10-15 minute queues as survivor. Killer however will be instant queues.
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God!, i hate when they do that. Im seeing this in every match, sometimes i prefer to die first or second instead being alive with another one, because they do this, and they waste so much time, letting you "there" and searching for the other suvivor, while "that" survivor is hiding in every locker...
Devs, should do something about this. Idk maybe giving us an option to get a rock and knock ourself in the head to die.
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There is a high probability that Unbreakable basekit will not happen. So I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
Mandy also said it a number of times that it was just a test, and it the idea was subject for consideration and community feedback, but it doesn't mean it's in the cards for it to ever happen. So yeah don't count on it.
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idk cause if that happens then we will get sudden death matches which will be slug fests. If it releases this way.
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It was only a test and it's best it doesn't make it into the game.
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so run unbreakable lol
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bhvr devs and community managers keep emphasizing over and over that basekit ub was just a test and might never be in the game.
meanwhile you :- bHvr hAs cOnsIstEnTly sAid wE're mAkinG uB bAsEkiT.
i wonder where did they consistently said this.
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Which means the total death of Twins, aye?
In Endgame "to secure the 4K" yes, apart from it, no
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So the devs "consistently" said that it was a test and don't count on it. We can move on. It was a bad idea anyway
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I agree. People talk about slugging being necessary, I think they're exaggerating. It's like people just repeat what they've already heard without thinking about it.
45 seconds self pickup is a very long time. It's not often you'll have to slug for 45+ seconds, even on Myers, Oni and Twins. Yes Twins has to slug a bit, but if 45 seconds is an issue that means you're slugging 2-3 people at once and that's super boring to play against.
Twins might need changes if the slug update goes live, but Myers and Oni for example are perfectly fine imo. It's high time we speed up the whole end of the game. Bleeding out and stuff. The transition into mori was really awkward and clunky in the PTB, if they fix that I'm all for it. Change killers and perks as needed to respond to it.
Although I do think if you have an active Self-Pickup perk, the game can't end on a 4-slug like it did in the PTB. Also not when exit gates are open.
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Just had a Demo decide he wanted a 0 hook, 4 bleed out game, it's such fun being on the ground for much of the match.
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I'd be ok if I could kill myself when downed (x amount of time) and not having to wait 3 hours for the killer to find the last survivor hiding. Killer gets their kill and I move to the next match.
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There's no confirmation if basekit UB will ever hit live. We tested a prototype. We've tested things in the past that never hit live. Example: Legion's DW timer was reduced to 15 seconds (from 30) if the surv was already injured. Never hit live.
The devs never said it would hit live soon. They echo my words; it was a test, and there's no telling when or if it'll ever hit live.