Upcoming DS changes - Q&A

not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

So we know that a lot of you had tons of questions about the upcoming DS changes.
So here we go!

Can a player use DS more than 1 time per match?


Do you lose the chance to use DS if you aren't using it on the first carry?

No you do not, the perk is disabled only when you miss or succeed the DS skillcheck.

Does the timer continues when in dying state / being healed?

Yes. The timer acts like the timer from Make your Choice or We'll Make it for example.

When are these changes coming?

These changes will be implemented in the next update. They will be available in the next Player Test Build as well.

Why shorten the killer stun?

We will be looking closely at feedback and interactions from the PTB to decide if we need to adjust the stun time.

DS change happened, how about NOED changes?

We aren't planning to change NOED at the moment. We consider that NOED has multiple gameplay counters and is currently in a good place. We do not think of NOED as an equivalent to DS.

How does the DS changes affect the other Obsession perks?

  • Increases your chance to become the obsession.  
  • The Killer can only be Obsessed with one survivor at a time. 

Survivor Perks

Decisive Strike

  • Transfers the Obsession status to the Decisive Strike user when successfully triggered during a trial.

Sole Survivor

  • No Change

Object of Obsession

  • Only the active Obsession has the ability to see the killer at a maximum range of 56/64/72 meters.

Killer Perks

Save the Best for Last

  • No matter the active Obsession, if a killer with Save the Best for Last hits a survivor who is the obsession they will lose 4/3/2 tokens.
  • The player who is no longer the obsession will be treated as a non-obsession, adding a 5% decreased successful attack cool down per hit.
  • The killer doesn't lose his tokens when the Obsession status is transferred to another survivor unless he hits the active Obsession.

Play With Your Food

  • No matter who has been the Obsession, if a killer with Play With Your Food chases and lets the active Obsession escape, they will gain a movement speed token until their next offensive action.
  • The player who is no longer the Obsession will be treated as a non-obsession, meaning that activating a chase with a non-obsession and losing the chase will not grant the killer a PWYF token.

Dying Light

  • The active Obsession has the altruistic action speed bonus while they are alive.
  • If the active Obsession is killed, Dying Light's de-buff is applied to all remaining survivors.
  • If, at some point in the trial, another player becomes the Obsession, Dying Lights de-buff will be removed as the Obsession is considered alive again.

Remember Me

  • No matter the active Obsession, hitting the Obsession will add +5 seconds of Exit Gate opening time up to a maximum of 20/25/30 additional seconds.
  • All additional seconds are kept when the Obsession is killed, and if the active Obsession changes.
  • The active Obsession always ignore the extra door opening times. They are not affected by Remember Me.


  • The active Obsession will be revealed for 5/4/3 seconds when a generator is completed.
  • The non-Obsessions, even one that was recently the Obsession, will have their locations revealed for 3 seconds after a generator is completed.
  • Once all generators have been completed, the active Obsession will be exposed and can be killed. This is true for any active Obsession which means that the Rancor mori can potentially be used up to 4 times.

Killer Add-ons

Judith's Journal
Stalking the active Obsession grants more stalks points per second.

Black Box
Only active at the start of the match. Will not reactivate when the Obsession changes.



  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Regarding Save the Best for Last:
    Its not possible to gain more tokens, when the obsession dies.
    If you kill the obsession and you get DS'ed afterwards, they become a living obsession. Can you gain tokens again afterwards?

  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114

    @Weederick Our Designer is now Out of Office but I would assume you can. Let me just confirm it tomorrow. :)

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    @not_Queen said:
    @Weederick Our Designer is now Out of Office but I would assume you can. Let me just confirm it tomorrow. :)

    Okay, no hurries. Thanks for the clarifications, the DS changes sound great. :)

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    So basically regarding NOED, if the endgame were to become more fair to the killer so if they have a chance to kill people, would it be nerfed?

  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114

    @Poweas NOED isn't currently looked at. I can ask Designers what the plan is for when the Endgame rework comes but AFAIK it wouldn't be touched.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @not_Queen said:
    @Poweas NOED isn't currently looked at. I can ask Designers what the plan is for when the Endgame rework comes but AFAIK it wouldn't be touched.


  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850
    This answered every dang question I had. Thanks! ^_^ Can't wait to see it in action Soon™️
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298
    edited February 2019

    I hope Dying Light gets looked into because we already have a hard enough time with getting it activated and now it can be deactivated. This perk promotes tunneling and that's the only way to get use out of it and this DS change makes this perk even harder to use. Changing Dying Light to not have a tunneling aspect would make this perk easier to use.

    Overall I'm excited :) I'm leveling up Laurie now

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    not_Queen said:

    @PhantomMask20763 Not a non intended nerf. We knew going in what it was going to change for the other Obsession perks and we decided to go ahead with that change.

    Interesting, thanks for the reply. If you guys think Dying Light is fine I'll take your word on it, I ain't no dev lol :)  
  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114

    We are always open to feedback @PhantomMask20763 ! When you are able to try it out don't hesitate to tell us what you think!

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    not_Queen said:

    We are always open to feedback @PhantomMask20763 ! When you are able to try it out don't hesitate to tell us what you think!

    I will! :)
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    If you guys do think about changing Dying Light I've got a suggestion. When the active Obsession is hurt all Survivors get a % debuff, when that Obsession is hooked the debuff gets bigger, when the Obsession is unhooked or healed the debuff gets smaller, when the active Obsession dies the debuff gets to it's current full power. When the Obsession switches to someone else their health state determines what the current % of the debuff is. Kind of like Thana but focused on the Obsession.

  • Lux1
    Lux1 Member Posts: 2
    Horrible change. You are losing your survivor fanbase. Once again you are making something complicated that doesn't need to be. Leave DS alone. It didn't need to be nerfed and your "solution" doesn't address any problems except pan to whining killers. It creates more problems than it solves. STOP. RUINING. YOUR. DAMN. GAME. 
  • ahnmiyo
    ahnmiyo Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2019

    Dying Light is the only perk I was really concerned with on this list, and I am deeply saddened to see that the perk I love most has gotten even more difficult to use. :/ If the obsession can change 3 times, then there is a potential (likelihood*) that I will need to find and kill the obsession 4 times in a match which is.. pointless. If I can accomplish that, then I have already completely won. (This made doubly more difficult by the anti-tunneling quality of the new DS, something which I think is really clever and helpful - but not in a perk that requires identifying and eliminating the obsession for a permanent effect.)

    The whole feeling behind dying light was the fading hope of seeing the icon appear, the "all has been lost" feeling, knowing most survivors weren't getting out. The fact of the perk being permanent seemed like the whole point of it? I would love for this to be reverted, as in "dying light is unaffected; upon an obsession being killed, the debuff is applied, permanently". Alternatively, dying light's percentage could be dramatically increased, or decreased but stack (meaning a cumulative effect for how many obsessions had been killed).

    While I've read above that this wasn't a "non intended nerf", the current situation leaves dying light in a horrible, unreasonably challenging and inconsistent state. This has long been my favorite perk - to me, one of the most interesting killer perks, by far, one which changes how the game plays at a fundamental level - and is now feeling like an empty perk slot. I really, truly hope that your team will reconsider and not make this interesting perk (dying light) into a very average or underwhelming one.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    I got a question though if it can change targets what's to stop people saving it to end game just for a free escape and what about borrowed time how would that interact with this perk change what's to stop over alteristic teams running both by and ds knowing they can get 30 seconds free and even if they go down they can just get off your shoulder with ds or like adrenaline and deliverance these two perks counteract each other meaning if you have borrowed time active would desicive be inactive or would not being the obsession mean borrowed time won't activate?
  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Are there more survivor nerfs coming?

  • Kawaii_Hag
    Kawaii_Hag Member Posts: 9

    I actually think this is an okay change as like a mori it requires being hooked first. I also think the killer stun being only 3 seconds is fair. However is there any chance of the Dev team looking at the amount of time to use DS and possibly extending it? To something like 55/65/75 seconds maybe? Or even making it so that the timer doesn't go down while you are on the ground? I appreciate the change to counter dribbling but its odd that you can still completely lose the chance to use a perk if the killer decides to "slug" you. Which can happen even when you aren't marked as the obsession.

    I also agree with above concerns about what this would do to Dying Light.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    I actually think this is an okay change as like a mori it requires being hooked first. I also think the killer stun being only 3 seconds is fair. However is there any chance of the Dev team looking at the amount of time to use DS and possibly extending it? To something like 55/65/75 seconds maybe? Or even making it so that the timer doesn't go down while you are on the ground? I appreciate the change to counter dribbling but its odd that you can still completely lose the chance to use a perk if the killer decides to "slug" you. Which can happen even when you aren't marked as the obsession.

    I also agree with above concerns about what this would do to Dying Light.

    I don't see the issue with slugging?

    The game can be quite hard and the killer needs pressure. If they see that survivor cross their oath they have a right to slow them down to ease the gen pressure.

    This still stops the survivor from taking a second hook. Someone can come along and heal them up. They got slowed down so the killer is happy, the survivor didn't get hooked so the survivor is happy.

    I think the perk would be overpowered if the timer didn't reset.

    Also if you haven't used it by 60 seconds then you aren't being tunneled. Tunneling takes place by like 10-30 seconds usually.
  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765
    edited February 2019

    Dying Light

    • The active Obsession has the altruistic action speed bonus while they are alive.
    • If the active Obsession is killed, Dying Light's de-buff is applied to all remaining survivors.
    • If, at some point in the trial, another player becomes the Obsession, Dying Lights de-buff will be removed as the Obsession is considered alive again.
    So you hard nerfed Dying Light And basically every other obsession based killer perk in the game. Good to know.
    Post edited by Tarvesh on
  • ahnmiyo
    ahnmiyo Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2019

    I actually reflected a little bit further with someone's help/commentary and realised that killers do have tangible counters that can remove DS entirely from the match, thus allowing Dying Light to persist just as before -- "don't tunnel" being a primary one, and slugging being another. This is seeming more reasonable now.

    I think part of my brain was just not getting that because DS has previously been mostly uncounterable, so I keep getting flashbacks of Lauries and Kates having undeserved second chances that I could do nothing about lol

  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114

    @Lux1 We explained in the post why we went with these changes and what issues we were aiming to tackle with them. Live games goes through cycles and the meta is always shifting. DS was part of the main meta for a long time. These changes will hopefully initiate a shift in the meta. It isn't made to ''nerf survivors'' but to make the game healthier for all players.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    CornChip said:

    Are there more survivor nerfs coming?

    This has every possibility to end up a lot stronger for survivors, much stronger.

    Now they can't be tunneled. That will change low rank dramatically.

    As for high rank, if you get a strong Billy for example who is on a roll, flying around the map and hooking every 20 seconds, this is going to introduce some problems.

    But at the same time, it's going to do the opposite in some games. No more watching the obsession loop the killer for 5 gens in low rank.

    So it's a weird change which I feel will drastically change the way the game plays out and I feel it will be more popular than current DS.
  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @Lux1 said:
    Horrible change. You are losing your survivor fanbase. Once again you are making something complicated that doesn't need to be. Leave DS alone. It didn't need to be nerfed and your "solution" doesn't address any problems except pan to whining killers. It creates more problems than it solves. STOP. RUINING. YOUR. DAMN. GAME. 

    Looks like your precious perk can't save you now XD

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    not_Queen said:

    @PhantomMask20763 Not a non intended nerf. We knew going in what it was going to change for the other Obsession perks and we decided to go ahead with that change.

    Do you know what the motivation was to create "dynamic obsessions"?
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    As someone that actually uses Dying Light (albeit when I'm just really pissed off at survivors), I'm a bit torn on how it works now.

    On the one hand, it could potentially make it worthless, since DL requires you to tunnel an obsession and by this point for most killers there are only 2 gens left to do. You can stall the game at this point OR survivors could actually do the gens if they play it right (or split the map either way). However now, if the status changes you lost all that and now have to tunnel this player again. If you have to do that more than once you lost the game.

    On the other hand, I could see the desire for a counter to Dying Light since it is a very devastating perk (plus it requires you to tunnel someone). If someone else decides to DS you then they become the obsession, which if you have a mori means that you don't have to find the obsession you just need to find someone with DS. They hit you with DS, become the obsession, they have already been hooked once, now you just down them and mori to proc DL. I guess you could avoid the next DS by just not tunneling anyone else off first hook, it just seems like something that could be abused to make the perk worthless.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Also question @not_Queen ...

    1) If a killer uses an obsession perk does it still pick someone as an obsession at the start of the trial?
    2) If a survivor uses OOO/SS will they by chosen as an obsession at the start of a trial?

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    as long as the 3 second stun stays and enduring works against it its fine. finally a counter to it now. just hope they dont increase the time to 4 seconds again.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited February 2019

    Hello, @not_Queen I have a concern as well as some solutions to these issues!

    Slugging to wait out the DS timer:
    This can be a problem since the core of the perk is to prevent the consequence of someone's actions. However, slugging removes this concept since you can easily wait out the timer in specific scenarios.

    Scenario: Let's assume I went after the unhooked survivor and he took me 30ish seconds to down. Now, all I have to do is wait another 30 seconds or more time to be safe to avoid DS.

    Solution: Have the timer pause or slow down while in dying state to prevent slugging and to force the killer to pick the survivor up. Yes, I understand that you do not know what survivor will have DS (since they won't be the obsession until after use) but assuming how survivors will farm someone directly in front of you (especially SWF) should lead to a conclusion that the unhooked survivor has DS.

    Merci! :)
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I wanted to ask an one more question.
    Is the new DS also triggers the obsession mechanic at the start of the trial or only if you hit the skill check?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Ihatelife said:

    I wanted to ask an one more question.
    Is the new DS also triggers the obsession mechanic at the start of the trial or only if you hit the skill check?

    I can answer,

    After you successfully stun the killer.
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @Nickenzie said:
    Ihatelife said:

    I wanted to ask an one more question.

    Is the new DS also triggers the obsession mechanic at the start of the trial or only if you hit the skill check?

    I can answer,

    After you successfully stun the killer.

    So this is actually a buff to DS. 'Cause killers will no longer get informed that you run this perk. Thanks!

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    The DS changes seem to be good.

    This is an improvement over what currently was going on.

    Just as long as killer obsession perks aren't messed with sure...

    So this is a slight nerf to all killer obsession perks as we have to keep track more of who is the new obsession if it changes.

    Overall, this change works. I like it.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Ihatelife said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    Ihatelife said:

    I wanted to ask an one more question.

    Is the new DS also triggers the obsession mechanic at the start of the trial or only if you hit the skill check?

    I can answer,

    After you successfully stun the killer.

    So this is actually a buff to DS. 'Cause killers will no longer get informed that you run this perk. Thanks!

    Well it depends on your play style as a killer. I usually go after the unhooked survivor to punish benevolence points on the unhooker, then I'll chase down the unhooker while I slug the unhooked survivor anyways.

    The unhooked survivor gets another chance while the unhooker gets punished benevolence with a hook. However, if I feel like this will lose me the game, I'll ignore this random rule I have and re-hook the unhooked survivor. I don't like doing this but sometimes you have no choice! :(
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited February 2019

    Seems like a good rework. I have some questions about it though.

    1. Will Doctor's Madness still affect the DS skill check and make it appear in a random place? If not, then why?
    2. What will a DS skill check affected by Unnerving Presence look like post-rework?
    3. Will DS activate when the Survivor is grabbed (like from the Hatch, unhooking, or vaulting)? I can easily see hook rushing with multiple Survivors on the hook becoming a problem for the Killer.
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited February 2019
    Nickenzie said:
    Ihatelife said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    Ihatelife said:

    I wanted to ask an one more question.

    Is the new DS also triggers the obsession mechanic at the start of the trial or only if you hit the skill check?

    I can answer,

    After you successfully stun the killer.

    So this is actually a buff to DS. 'Cause killers will no longer get informed that you run this perk. Thanks!

    Well it depends on your play style as a killer. I usually go after the unhooked survivor to punish benevolence points on the unhooker, then I'll chase down the unhooker while I slug the unhooked survivor anyways.

    The unhooked survivor gets another chance while the unhooker gets punished benevolence with a hook. However, if I feel like this will lose me the game, I'll ignore this random rule I have and re-hook the unhooked survivor. I don't like doing this but sometimes you have no choice! :(
    Hmm my play style is more focused on map pressure. So once survivor get hooked, I'm chasing another one, and the third survivor is gonna get rescue the first one. So basically one survivor is repairing gen. Of course it depends if my plans goes well.
    Post edited by Ihatelife on
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @not_Queen said:
    Rancor: The active Obsession will be revealed for 5/4/3 seconds when a generator is completed.

    You mean the obsession will see the killers aura for 5/4/3 seconds right?

    Also Rancor reveals the location of all survivors via notification not just non-obsessions.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    @ahnmiyo @The_crusader @thesuicidefox at first I also worried this would be a considerable nerf to Dying Light and Remember Me. But it's quite preventable, if you slug someone who has just been unhooked, or go after the rescuer the first place. We will see how the new DS works out, but unless they implement the change some people suggest (stopping the 60 sec timer while downed), it can be circumvented with relative ease.
    That's what I will do anyway whenever I'm running a DL or RM build.
    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    @not_Queen said:
    So we know that a lot of you had tons of questions about the upcoming DS changes.
    So here we go!

    Can a player use DS more than 1 time per match?


    Do you lose the chance to use DS if you aren't using it on the first carry?

    No you do not, the perk is disabled only when you miss or succeed the DS skillcheck.

    Does the timer continues when in dying state / being healed?

    Yes. The timer acts like the timer from Make your Choice or We'll Make it for example.

    When are these changes coming?

    These changes will be implemented in the next update. They will be available in the next Player Test Build as well.

    Why shorten the killer stun?

    We will be looking closely at feedback and interactions from the PTB to decide if we need to adjust the stun time.

    DS change happened, how about NOED changes?

    We aren't planning to change NOED at the moment. We consider that NOED has multiple gameplay counters and is currently in a good place. We do not think of NOED as an equivalent to DS.

    How does the DS changes affect the other Obsession perks?

    • Increases your chance to become the obsession.  
    • The Killer can only be Obsessed with one survivor at a time. 

    Survivor Perks

    Decisive Strike

    • Transfers the Obsession status to the Decisive Strike user when successfully triggered during a trial.

    Sole Survivor

    • No Change

    Object of Obsession

    • Only the active Obsession has the ability to see the killer at a maximum range of 56/64/72 meters.

    Killer Perks

    Save the Best for Last

    • No matter the active Obsession, if a killer with Save the Best for Last hits a survivor who is the obsession they will lose 4/3/2 tokens.
    • The player who is no longer the obsession will be treated as a non-obsession, adding a 5% decreased successful attack cool down per hit.
    • The killer doesn't lose his tokens when the Obsession status is transferred to another survivor unless he hits the active Obsession.

    Play With Your Food

    • No matter who has been the Obsession, if a killer with Play With Your Food chases and lets the active Obsession escape, they will gain a movement speed token until their next offensive action.
    • The player who is no longer the Obsession will be treated as a non-obsession, meaning that activating a chase with a non-obsession and losing the chase will not grant the killer a PWYF token.

    Dying Light

    • The active Obsession has the altruistic action speed bonus while they are alive.
    • If the active Obsession is killed, Dying Light's de-buff is applied to all remaining survivors.
    • If, at some point in the trial, another player becomes the Obsession, Dying Lights de-buff will be removed as the Obsession is considered alive again.

    Remember Me

    • No matter the active Obsession, hitting the Obsession will add +5 seconds of Exit Gate opening time up to a maximum of 20/25/30 additional seconds.
    • All additional seconds are kept when the Obsession is killed, and if the active Obsession changes.
    • The active Obsession always ignore the extra door opening times. They are not affected by Remember Me.


    • The active Obsession will be revealed for 5/4/3 seconds when a generator is completed.
    • The non-Obsessions, even one that was recently the Obsession, will have their locations revealed for 3 seconds after a generator is completed.
    • Once all generators have been completed, the active Obsession will be exposed and can be killed. This is true for any active Obsession which means that the Rancor mori can potentially be used up to 4 times.

    Killer Add-ons

    Judith's Journal
    Stalking the active Obsession grants more stalks points per second.

    Black Box
    Only active at the start of the match. Will not reactivate when the Obsession changes.

    the only remaining question unsolved is "in the next Player Test Build as well", so when?

    inb4 please avoid "Soon", not replying or not replying other than a date/times Thanks~~

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    The DS changes seem to be fine but I don't like how it nerfs some of the already weak Obsession perks for Killers.

    I guess that's the sacrifice we have to make for that much needed DS nerf.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    @PiiFree said:
    The DS changes seem to be fine but I don't like how it nerfs some of the already weak Obsession perks for Killers.

    I guess that's the sacrifice we have to make for that much needed DS nerf.

    The only one that really gets hit hard is dying light. Remember Me is somewhat nerfed in the sense that if you killed the obsession, and new one could be made and they could open gates fast. On the other hand, having obsessions change mid game could also lead to gaining more stacks. The other killer perks are neutral with Rancor being a buff. But let's be honest here, all the obsession perks are rarely played as they are inherently flawed.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited February 2019

    @Dreamnomad said:

    @PiiFree said:
    The DS changes seem to be fine but I don't like how it nerfs some of the already weak Obsession perks for Killers.

    I guess that's the sacrifice we have to make for that much needed DS nerf.

    The only one that really gets hit hard is dying light. Remember Me is somewhat nerfed in the sense that if you killed the obsession, and new one could be made and they could open gates fast. On the other hand, having obsessions change mid game could also lead to gaining more stacks. The other killer perks are neutral with Rancor being a buff. But let's be honest here, all the obsession perks are rarely played as they are inherently flawed.

    True, I just don't understand why it has to have impact on Obsession.

    What if DS was just a typical non-Obsession perk that gives you a 2nd chance once per match if you happen to get farmed or tunneled? That whole "active Obsession" thing is BS, it just makes things unnecessarily complicated imo.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    Nickenzie said:

    Hello, @not_Queen I have a concern as well as some solutions to these issues!

    Slugging to wait out the DS timer:
    This can be a problem since the core of the perk is to prevent the consequence of someone's actions. However, slugging removes this concept since you can easily wait out the timer in specific scenarios.

    Scenario: Let's assume I went after the unhooked survivor and he took me 30ish seconds to down. Now, all I have to do is wait another 30 seconds or more time to be safe to avoid DS.

    Solution: Have the timer pause or slow down while in dying state to prevent slugging and to force the killer to pick the survivor up. Yes, I understand that you do not know what survivor will have DS (since they won't be the obsession until after use) but assuming how survivors will farm someone directly in front of you (especially SWF) should lead to a conclusion that the unhooked survivor has DS.

    Merci! :)
    If you are concerned about slugging take unbreakable, no Mither ect.

    There are existing ingame ways around it, use the tools given by the devs.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    I love the new DS!

    First hook for preserving momentum: check
    Tunneling protection: check
    Rancor that DS: check check check check
    Interesting new obsession mechanic: check

    With this amazing changes not only are the killers allowed to stack up BBQ the survivors get a chance to unhook and the injured unhook gets a tunneling protection.

    If you are afraid of being slugged No Mither and Unbreakable are a thing!

    It encourages team play and a fairer focus from the killer.

    Thank you devs!
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    @PiiFree said:

    @Dreamnomad said:

    @PiiFree said:
    The DS changes seem to be fine but I don't like how it nerfs some of the already weak Obsession perks for Killers.

    I guess that's the sacrifice we have to make for that much needed DS nerf.

    The only one that really gets hit hard is dying light. Remember Me is somewhat nerfed in the sense that if you killed the obsession, and new one could be made and they could open gates fast. On the other hand, having obsessions change mid game could also lead to gaining more stacks. The other killer perks are neutral with Rancor being a buff. But let's be honest here, all the obsession perks are rarely played as they are inherently flawed.

    True, I just don't understand why it has to have impact on Obsession.

    What if DS was just a typical non-Obsession perk that gives you a 2nd chance once per match if you happen to get farmed or tunneled? That whole "active Obsession" thing is BS, it just makes things unnecessarily complicated imo.

    I don't disagree. The actual impact is pretty minor in the large scheme of things though. It could lead to some pretty interesting games though. I might actually run Rancor the first week of the change just for a chance at the multi mori Rancor.