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Super "boring" killers during the event?



  • Member Posts: 15,095

    You are not downed instantly. So i´d say OtR does, what its supposed to do.

    On a more serious note, we can´t have nice things, because people abuse them on the PTB. Or would you be fine with the fact that killers needed 5 hits to down a single survivor?

  • Member Posts: 746

    Yea but i mean if you run off the record and they hit you instantly you would have had basekit borrowed time anyways... and since off the record is being run more often than DS its pretty much risk free to tunnel that survivor out and risk the whatever 2% chance that he/she runs DS.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    I wouldn´t mind if the basekit BT would give a different "health state" than OtR. But SWF would probably abuse this ad nauseum. Just like they did on the PTB.

  • Member Posts: 746

    Yea well having 3 lives would be kinda busted. What i mean is off the record is pretty much useless if the killer really wants you out because hitting you instantly after an unhook removes off the record thats what i meant :)

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Thats why i said we can´t have nice things. ;)

    OtR is great when the killer isn´t tunneling. But SWF uses it to body block even when the killer isn´t tunneling. Some people like to weaponize perks and use them in unintended ways.

    The devs will probably turn the stun timer for DS back to 5 seconds. Just like they previously did.

    Now what i think, the devs really need to implement, is a secondary objective for survivors. Something more than just gens. Having all 5 gens completed in less than 4 minutes just forces killers to play "scummy" by turning the 4vs1 into a 3vs1, which is more manageable. But having more breathing room would allow for better paced matches. Killers still struggle with gen speed, which is reflected in the killer meta. Which still consists of 4 slowdown perks. Until that changes by adding a different objective for survivors, the killers will still play... like they do now.

  • Member Posts: 746
    edited December 2022

    Yea i'd rather run DS but since its 3 sec well... It doesnt really do much.

    The use it to block for others is true. Its hard to make stuff balanced since you cant compare SWF with soloQ as you said. Having friends lets you "abuse"(or well use) perks in ways they arent meant to be used. like taking hits with off the record for other injured teammates

  • Member Posts: 232

    I've removed two posts in this thread for becoming personal.

    Please stick to discussing the game, and let's not have the discourse shift into criticizing or insulting other players going forward, thanks!

  • Member Posts: 458

    Your exact wording was "strive for". The devs have stated MULTIPLE times over the years that camping and tunneling are valid strategies they dont want to take away from the game as there are cons to both of them regardless of how OP survs try to make them seem.

    Survs definitely exaggerate how often these things actually occur as well as attribute (tunneling primarily) often times when it doesnt apply if they DID actually occur every game or every other game like all these people most certainly lie about (as well as facing blight and nurse 50% of their games) then yea addressing it and trying to mitigate it makes absolute sense. facing camping and tunneling every game is annoying just like when the clicky clicks and locker squads were in a huge number of matches. those were addressed due to their frequency being at a level it couldnt be ignored as a infrequent annoyance.

    yes, BHVR is looking to addressing these 2 infrequent annoyances because this is all survs whine about on this forum(aside from gen slowdown).

    But that does not mean BHVR actually has a problem with those 2 behaviors, its that they want to address what people are complaining about even though its likely very reluctantly as has been many of the changes they eventually did.

    So no, obviously BHVR doesnt STRIVE for camping and tunneling in the game to answer your ridiculous question, but they most certainly condone it as a mechanic of the game but have been willing to make certain changes to make it less of a pain in certain circumstance(basekit BT for example being a healthy change)

  • Member Posts: 746
    edited December 2022

    thanks for answering the question. My english isnt on top since i speak several other languages better but (condone is "looking past something" right?). While they dont really care they do discourage camping since there are perks on both survivor AND killer discouraging that bevhaviour. Camping isnt a valid strat either becuase if you actually face somewhat decent survivors who has an iq above 10 they will do gens and you lose which is pretty sad because its not really the camping i care about its more that they get 4ks because the teammates doesnt know how to play and i mean i play bubba face camps on saturday i almost always 4k... Its a joke no one knows how to counter it when the counter is do the objective :)...

    "But that does not mean BHVR actually has a problem with those 2 behaviors, its that they want to address what people are complaining about even though its likely very reluctantly as has been many of the changes they eventually did." As you said i didnt say they do either. They dont really care they do stuff to discourage camping but thats about it. As i said everyone is allowed to play how they want!

  • Member Posts: 458
    edited December 2022

    per what mandy and peanut have both said over the past is that camping and tunneling are valid ways to play and they dont want to remove that as an option for people to utilise if they wish but that it does have its pros and cons. they added counters to it, not as a way to "discourage" it per se, that is to prevent it from being used at all but to allow for it to have risks and counterplay. In the same way that aura blocking perks arent meant to discourage the use of aura reading perks but to allow for there to be counterplay to it.

    They want to somewhat have other playstyles valid and not have one particular playstyle be the only one people use because of its efficacy.

    there were alot of people, particularly new players per the devs that started camping at the start because they didnt know the game yet and it became part of what they knew. basekit bt and bt before it was basekit allowed a way for there to be counterplay to someone who stayed at the hook. so that there will always be a risk to a killer who decides to leave the hook, and one who decides to stay at the hook. in both circumstances the killer has a risk and regard to be weighed. most skilled killers will be able to utilise skill to gain more reward from leaving the hook instead of staying and thus camping is usually going to be lower reward. however it does have genuine value and is a good idea to use sometimes, just like balanced landing has many situations in which it has zero value but it does still have value in its own right.

    all that actually matters is that camping and tunneling are not looked at as the only way to play or the number one startegy to use but for everyone to have the ability to use whatever playstyle or tactic is helpful at that time and not get pushed into a single tactic especially ones that become frustrating to those overexposed to it.

    Like DH is fine as a tactic, but its frustrating for every survivor and every chase to use it. thats why devs tried to change it to make other things worth choosing too even tho in this case, DH is still heavily used and still kinda annoying. Not because DH exists itself but because of the abundance of usage. same for eruption or every other perk/tactic that is perceived to be used in excess.

    also, i can see a basement bubba fun to try out a time or two but its way more fun to use bubba in a more traditional way and i think bubba players who only use camp tactics with him may be utilising a very powerful killer for it but that it remains high risk(all survs need to do is not keep charging a hook that has a bubba camping it and youve got a strong chance to win the game) and you can gain more consistent effectiveness by using him in chase

  • Member Posts: 746

    Yea with valid i meant as "good".

    I do play moonsaw flick bubba too dont worry ;)

    AS you said with discourage yea but the thing is most players run "anti tunnel" perks while arua countering perks have become way more common than they were its still not that common as its not worth to run aura perks (i think? i usually dont see it when i play survivor and i only use madgrit agi, shadow born and irongrasp on killer so i dont really notice auras :p)

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Basekit UB was going to be a thing because they were changing moris and didn’t want killers to down 4 people, mori one, then everybody dies like instantly. It had nothing to do with regular slugging.

  • Member Posts: 556

    But anyway, a lot of Killer players didn't like the idea, in your minds we have plenty of time to stay on the ground waiting for the game to end, we work, you know, but we want to play the game, I remember that when my time was tight i had to play no mither for the killer to hook me

    The killers complain about anything that the devs nerf, I even understand that there are SWF and some of them are strong, but the problem is that those who are bad at us who play alone and there are a lot of killers who abuse the camp, tunnel and slugging, and they don't even need perk and add on for that

  • Member Posts: 522

    Yeah, killers are acting like they already opened their Christmas stocking and found it full of coal. I've been camped and tunneled 4 games in a row so far tonight and I doubt it'll get any better as time goes on.

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