Have Nurses and Blights just gone extinct? All my games are boring zoners/CCs like Knight/Clowns

I am a confident Nurse/Blight runner who spent hours in and out in custom lobbies doing nothing but 1v1 chases vs high tier killers among a few others like Wesker, Spirit and Pyramid head. Now I love to put my mechanical skills on a test in normal public lobbies, but the last couple of days however has been nothing but hard zoners and crowd controllers like The Knight, Cenobite, Clown.

I assumed people would kinda quit playing Knight and return back to Wesker and other high tiers, but suddenly all I am facing are these mid tier killers with very mediocre yet very dull ability kits.

Just some few weeks ago all I happily got was Weskers, Blights, Nurses and occasionally Spirits & Ghostface but it seem like they just disappeared out of nowhere?

And this is not the first time it happened either, I remember a time period where you faced nothing but Leatherfaces, Huntress, Legions and Doctors and then one day u barley saw any of these killers either expect for maybe The Legion.

Sadly I did get a Nurse game just before I posted this, but when my team8 heard her screech they decided to instantly give up on 5 gens and go next :(

So I am assuming Nurse and Blight players are no longer playing their killers cause of entitled brats DC:ing when they see them which leads to boring 1v3 matches with little to no BP gain on any of the sides :/
