Why isnt kindered base kit?

well soloQ is a pain in the ass and the main reason is lack off communicaiton... Why isnt kindered base kit? it wouldnt buff swfs really and it would help buff soloQ without buffing anything chase related etc. It happens way to often that you sit on a gen crossmap and a teammate thinks that you're going for the unhook and you think they are (i mean it doesnt happen often but more often than it should^^) and then that person goes into 2nd hook stage or just dies on second hook. A 3v1 is an almost guaranteed win towards the killer and losing a hook stage can be a tremendous advantage since you literally dont have to chase that survivor and its 1 less doing objective.
It should be base kit. BHVR has talked about buffing solo queue for a long time but it’s been only that - talk. They haven’t done anything to improve solo queue play.
But, I play both sides and I think it would be unfair to give survivors yet another basekit perk without doing the same for killers. Basekit BBQ seems a bit much, but I think it would help incentivize leaving the hook. Maybe basekit Corrupt Intervention?
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Well we have asked for exactly that for how long now?
And how good does Bhvrs listen to such demands? Or rather how fast have they been until now in answering that with actions? And how often did those actions end up being way of the expected mark?
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As a kindred user I think this perk is too good to be base kit, do not get me wrong it would free one slot in my loadout then but I think this is an overkill because it shows you the killer and your teammates, maybe a nerfed version would work
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if they did, the radius needs to be smaller. basekit kindred at the range its at is too much. leaving hook should be made worthwhile but camping should not be completely discarded as an actual strategy. as basekit kindred would also let all survivors know where the killer is going after leaving the hook which is way too strong of a info perk for it to be activated up to 12 times a game.
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Because its a Perk and it would be very strong for all Survivors to have such info for free all the time.
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Kindred without showing the killer's aura would be nice for soloQ as basekit. Even if it showed your teammates' auras for x seconds just to know if someone is closer to/helping the hooked person.
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So you’re basically describing SWF on comms 😉
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Because it isn't communication between players.
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I like the idea of a lesser Kindred that doesn't show the Killer. But if you're buffing all survivors like that then you'll need a commensurate buff to killers.
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It's not needed as base-kit. We just need Action Portraits that show what survivors are doing.
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I don't really get the concerns over killer aura reading on basekit Kindred. It doesn't make a difference if they can see your aura when you're camping at times when it makes sense to camp. There's never really a reason to do it unless you have a survivor hooked near gens you're defending or you can afford the trade off on gens for hook stages. And of course there's endgame. But everything else is just relying on pub-stomping tactics that good teams won't ever get beat by.
You should lose if you camp a hook away from your gens and survivors blast them. It wasn't a smart camp if that happens. If you're camping intelligently, the survivors still have to factor in gens and actually pull off the save even if they see your aura.
I feel like this is something that's only going to negatively affect less experienced killers. And that's a flimsy justification for not adding much needed QoL for solo queue players.
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So bring solo on par with SWF
Exactly what needs to happen
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wallhack on loops should be a perk. the kindred perk itself should be about wall-hacks near loops(Some people pair with this with open handed). Its still little strange that wiretap does not work with open-handed since in my opinion, aura-reading perks for teammate should not exist because they divide soloq & comm swf but the game has a lot of aura-teammate perks that would need be re-purposed. all old team old aura-reading perks such as Bond, Empathy, aftercare, blood pact, Better toghether could be converted into wall-hack perks.
For example new bond could be: Teammates in a chase within 36 meter will show killer aura for x seconds to you. Empathy: Injured teammate in chase show the killer aura in chase to you for x seconds. Aftercare: Survivors affected by aftercare have the killer aura revealed for x seconds. Blood pact: Survivors affected by blood pact have the killer aura revealed for x seconds and gain a 7% haste effect. The x second can be long time like 40 seconds or can be short time like 5 seconds. it depends how viable they want these perks to be.
I do hope they improve soloq though because some of your teammate in soloq feel like they have zero-game sense. I already notice it now because of how kindred is bugged at the moment. teammates making bad save plays as expected.
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Aura reading is way more precise than "like omg he standing right there fam,". Comms do not magically instantly show you the killers or your teammates position like auras do. That might actually be one of the reasons the devs are so slow/relucant to add some "changes survivors demand to close the comms-gap which are actually stronger than comms".
Lol i remember the times when survivors feigned ignorance or vehemently denied the advantage of comms instead of demaning that advantage to be made basekit.
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i just hope they fix it already so i can go back to running it. dead hard and kindred is must have in any build for me
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Ppl don't realize that most buffs for solos will always be free buffs for SWFs on top. Ofc basekit Kindred will be better for SWFs than just callouts or paired with callouts (esp. on indoor maps). Many SWFs don't even use comms. If anything they should use the current, bugged version of Kindred without seeing the killers aura when the hooked surv doesn't have Kindred (as a perk). Knowing and seeing what your mates are doing in the most important phases in the game, when someone is on a hook, is HUGE!
And btw, Kindred wouldn't be bugged atm if everyone would use it.
Personally i think they really need to stop with the basekit nonsense. Just equip the perk!
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Yea i mean they could have it so you only saw teammates. and not the killer aura and then have some other "buff" on kindered to make up for it (perhaps 20% unhook speed something minimal that doesnt really make a huge difference but still matters)
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??? wdym comms do not magically instasntly show you the killer... "killer is shack" there are clock systems... "main building" "diagonal from main building" "at a jungle gym" "TL" "pog log" "harvester" there are tons of callouts you can give that gives you an almost precise idea on where he actually is... Do you really think being able to see teammates is such an insane buff for SWFs?
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But once again i dont see how it makes SWF stronger... If they are in communication it doesnt matter they can just say "im going for the save" "im on a gen" or yea well add some sort of simple communication as you say...
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Yea but you can always remove that. Assuming the devs know how to write some code which well im not 100% sure they do...
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Personally I'd rather them buff Aftercare so it's permanent once the requirement is made so I get value even when they aren't on the hook
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Well we dont even really need a radial menu i mean honestly i'd find just seeing when a survivor is on a gen or healing in the HUD as a HUGE IMPROVEMENT. It would let you know if you should go for the unhook, if your teammates are healing or maybe doing nothing.
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Kindred (without killer aura) can be basekit when Shadowborn and Shattered Hope become basekit.
Deadly serious, I would be for any of those being basekit IF they all were.
SWF can already share information, correct. They don't need it for free, correct. So they're not gaining anything from this.
All this does is elevate solo survivors a bit closer to SWF levels. What this does is level the playing field between solo and SWF, so that there isn't a huge skill gap. This means you have a much narrower range of skills to account for, which means survivor can be properly balanced against killer, and killer can receive more buffs, because it's not constantly catering to solo potato survivors anymore.
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SWF that dont share information arent a problem are are effectively solo when it comes to skill and game balance.
We want to close the gap between SWF that coordinate, and all other survivors.
It's this gap that makes killer 'unplayable' with coordinating SWF. Smaller gap = more killer buffs and info.
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No to all 3.
SWF don't know exact locations. At best it's approximate location + killer's position is still a big part in it (because camping).
Shattered hope basekit means all boons (CoH included) are about as useful as flashlight while killer has lightborn. This change would 100% destroy all boons. It's like saying that eruption, OC and COB are fine so long as survivors get basekit blastmine that has 20s stun and needs just 10% gen progress to arm. Who would still play gen-kicking perks?
Shadowborn basekit just breaks game design. You take away survivor's things to be done (using FOV against killer) so survivors would need additional new weaponry - double the amount of pallets. The game will be much worser then it is, but it's you who wants to break base game design.
Seriously - this idea is about as wrong as it gets. I could counter it by saying basekit survivors need to be 110% speed to rival your idea.
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How on earth would that destroy boons?
Before we had boons, we had Inner Strength (Inner Healing). You consume one totem, and you get one fast heal out of it. This was considered a strong healing perk.
Then we got CoH, which gives unlimited heals per totem, and the totems aren't even consumed.
Inner healing: 1 totem = 1 heal
CoH: unlimited totems = unlimited heals
Right from the start Boons should have been one and done, totem consuming perks, so that you get limited (but still multiple!!!!) heals per totem. This would still make CoH better than Inner Healing!
Shadowborn basekit breaks the game? Now I know you're joking. Shadowborn isn't even worth running as a perk. It's just a decent QoL upgrade for killer at this point.
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Ok. But boons need to be blessed in 1s then. Otherwise it's so time inefficient. CoH needs to heal in 12s. Shadowstep needs to have 60s linger time, dark theory needs to give +10%move speed and 20% vault speed and exponential needs to be able to pick you up in 5s. Otherwise it's super high risk against mediocre reward.
Shadowstep is sometimes being used by people that don't have motion sickness problems. It's that important. If you played any dash killer or encountered survivors that can window tech you, FOV tech you or spin you or hide under some rock or something, you would understand. The game is balanced around lower visibility of killer. If you remove this, you are providing quite a substantial buff to all killers (but most to dash/blink killers like nurse, blight, spirit, wesker or oni)
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Inner Healing takes 14s to cleanse a totem.
So why should CoH, which provides multiple heals, take 1s to bless?
The rest of the boons certainly need buffs to compensaten but that's always been the case that CoH is far better than the others. CoH can be placed somewhere safe, while the others work while the killer is nearby.
The best buff to make first would be to remove the killers noise notification when a totem is blessed. The killer won't know a boon is active until survivors have had a chance to use it.
The game was balanced around limited FoV for killer, but the game isn't all about stealth now. Survivors spend 90% of their tine dancing around the killer now and its obnoxious when you can't see a survivor you know is literally standing on your toes.
A wider FoV also comes with a wider angle to be blinded by flashlight, plus it reduces visibility at a distance. So it already has pros and cons that balance it.
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FOV is also very important in chases. You saying it's obnoxious when you can't see a survivor is the same as if I said it's obnoxious killer can just hold W and get you should you find yourself in a deadzone. Sure it is. The game is designed around it. Dead zones (created or natural) are important part of the game. Same as limited FOV for killers. Removing any of these is a bad move.