Twins buff idea

While Victor is attached to a survivor that survivors aura is revealed to the killer and/or if Charlotte can recall Victor while he is attached to a survivor then Victor will down that survivor and leave killer instinct on the downed survivor for 5 seconds and reduce their recovery speed by 20%.


  • darkshadows8326
    darkshadows8326 Member Posts: 413

    Pretty much, don't hold Entity Victor hostage or he will hurt you.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    I play twins a lot and let me tell you that

    a, twins don't need buffs. They are very strong as is

    b, they actually need changes (that could result in a buff, but that should not be target), but those changes should be more about how quickly you can swap between them. How quickly you can get back to game and so on.

  • I also play twins quite a bit, and they need a MASSIVE rework. The current meta is beyond miserable for them.

    Duo looping essentially hard counters the killer. There is absolutely nothing you can do against people going in pairs. Even if you are able to get a down on one of them and lose Victor, a pick up is very likely. That is of course, assuming they haven't healed each other considering they travel in pairs.

    Next up, and this is an issue with COH in general, but it affects Twins the hardest; COH absolutely hard counters the killer. If any time a survivor gets injured, they run to the boon and heal, you are a killer without a power.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286
    edited December 2022

    All valid points. Yes CoH is strong. Yet I also play survivor and you will not believe how much time it takes to set it up and use (on average that is. Sometimes it's 21s to heal. Sometimes it's 2 minutes). Also if you are able to leave charlotte close-ish to survivors (and are able to hit them quickly), even pairs are not awesome - because it's much harder to actually loop in pairs (there's just 1 window, so who is going to get it if there are 2 survivors?). But sure enough, all valid points that make playing twins way harder (but not impossible).

  • You obviously split up when she's on Charlotte, then you duo when she's on Victor. I also play quite a bit of survivor, and COH is VERY, very strong. Twins is already very time inefficient in general, having to hunt down the COH and kick it is a huge timesink.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    Agreed. But twins are overall so time efficient, that they are able to win regardless. Sure. It's tough when survivors know what they are doing. The difference between clueless and informed survivors are staggering. But even against CoH (agreed very strong against twins) and DH and paired survivors and knowing to go corner with healthy teammate taking hit... The game is still very much playable (but agreed - very very hard)